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March 23, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-23

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Bangers Overcome Bruins, 4-3;
Warriors Wi n NBA Playoffs

Theta Xi Takes Crown;
Defeat Zeta Beta Tau

St. John's, Dayton in NIT Finals

By The Associated Press
BOSTON - Battered goalie
Gump Worsley and player-coach
Doug Harvey led New York to a
precarious 4-3 National Hockey
League victory over Boston last
night, moving the Rangers closer
to the final Stanley Cup playoff,
the Rangers, hitting at a 44
per cent shooting average, broke
away to a 4-0 first period which
had all the earmarks of a run-
But the battling last 'place
Bruins came back to score three
times in the middle session.
Worsley, hit in the left eye by a
puck in the pre-game warmup and
carried off by his teammates for
first aid, made 30 saves in a re-
markable display of an athlete
responding with the big play when
it was most needed.
Harvey led a rough scrappy de-
fensive corps which supported
Worsley in staving off Bostin in
the final period, when the Rangers
were shorthanded three times.
Even if Detroit wins its two
remaining games, New York needs
only a tie with Chicago in its re-
maining contest. The teams would
then have identical records and

the Rangers would win the playoff
berth on thebasis of having scor-
ed more goals over the season.
The deciding tally came short-
ly before the end of the first per-
iod on which Dean Prentice got
credit for his 22nd goal. Boston
goalie Bruce Gamble appeared to
have the stop laying on the ice
but when teammate Charley Burns
hurdled over him trying to give
support, he knocked the puck
loose for a goal.
Earlier in the period, Johnny
Wilson and Camille Henry had
scored on short deflections and
Harry Howell on a screened 40-,
Rookie Tommy Williams, Burns
and Johnny Bucyk were the Bos-
ton scorers.
Referee Dalton MacArthur was
struck by a fan as he left the ice
after the second period and a po-
lice escort was summoned when
fans tried to break into the offi-
cials' room moments later.
berlain scored 56 points, a play-
off scor'ng record, as he led the
Philade hhia Warriors into the
final round of the National Bask-
etball Association Eastern Divi-
sion playoffs last night with a
121-104 victory over the Syracuse
Philadelphia took the best-of.,
five Eastern semifinal series 3-2.
The Warriors now will meet the
Boston Celtics tomorrow in a na-
tionally televised game at Boston
in a best-of-seven series for the
Eastern Division championship.

Chamberlain abandoned his role
of feeder and connected on 22 of
48 shots from the field. Wilt also
grabbed 35 rebounds and made 12
of 22 foul tosses. Teammate Paul
Arizin had 24 points. Rookie Lee
Shaffer cooled off after a 23-point
first half but topped the Nats with
a total of 30.
Philadelphia didn't assert real
authority until the final moments
of the third period when successive
baskets by Guy Rodgers, Chamber-
lain lain and Tom Meschiery boost-
ed them from a four-point lead
to an 84-74 bulge. Rodgers added
five more points in the, final two
minutes of the period as the War-
riors increased the margin to 90-
77 at the end of the quarter.
s a :
MONTREAL - The Montreal
Canadiens whipped the Toronto
Maple Leafs 4-1 in a penalty-
studded National Hickey League
game last night and just about
wrapped up the Venzina Trophy
for masked goalie Jacques Plante.
The Venzina goes to the goalie
who plays the most games for the
team that allows the fewest goals
and Plante now has a solid 12-
goal bulge over Toronto's Johnny
Bower. The Leafs and the Cana-
diens each have two more games
to play before the regular season
ends Sunday night.
The outcome of the game meant
nothing to either team as far as
final positions, in the League
standings, the 'Canadiens already
have clinched a fifth straight title
and the Maple Leafs second place.

An out-rebounded, but not out-
hustled Zeta Beta Tau five finally
fell to taller Theta Xi in the so-
cial fraternity "B" championship
game in the only IM cage action
last night, 35-24.
The strong rebounding of 6'4"
Don Person,. who took high point
honors with 16, and 6'5" Jay Pease
gave the new champions an ad-
vantage that ZBT could not over-
come, as the. two big boys played
volleyball over the rim.
Minus Two Starters
Minus two starters and with a
front line of 6'3" Brad Schwartz,
6' Jeff Hass, and 5'1" Bob Flax-
man, the game ZBT's threw up a
sticky zone defense, but couldn't
find the range themselves,
Finding themselves down at half
time, 11-7, ZBT struck quick at
the opening tip-off of the second
period. Schwartz controlled the tip
to Steve Linker who spotted his
running mate at guard Tom Hal-
pern cutting towards the basket,
and the speedy little backcourt
man drove by a Theta Xi player
for the lay-up. Halperin and Link-
er combined to lead ZBT scorers
with six points each.
But Theta Xi hit four jumpers
in a row and gradually began to
pull away behind the shooting of
Person. ZBT started to press with
only a few minutes remaining but
it was too late, as the Theta Xi's
romped home.
* * *t
In IM swim competition, two

champions were crowned in close-
ly fought meets. Delta Sigma Del-
ta scored 48 points to become Pro-
fessional Fraternity champs edg-
ing past Psi Omega with 42 and
Nu Sigma Nu who had 40. Trust
took the Independent title by out-
scoring Nakamura 341-31.
The winter sports program is
rapidly drawing, to a close.- The
remaining indoor events are the
social fraternity foul shooting con-
test March 26 and indoor track
meet March 29, while the Inde-
pendents are through for the win-
ter March 26 with their foul shoot-
ing contest. 4

NEW YORK MJP-St. John's of
New York overcame Duquesne 75-
65 and Dayton swamped Loyola
of Chicago 98-82 in a pair of daz-
zling second half comebacks last
night, setting up a championship
final between the Redmen and the
Flyers in the 25th National Invi-
tational Basketball Tournament.
St. John's and Dayton will meet
in the championship final tomor-
row afternoon, following a conso-
lation game for third place be-
tween last night's losers.
Favored St. John's cleanly out-
played by the hustling Dukes in
the opening half, cut loose behind
soft shooting Leroy Ellis and grad-
ually drew even with Duquesne
midway in the second half at 51-
For the next six minutes the

U.S. Basketball Coaches
To Form Federation

two teams played even, then a
pair of clutch blocks by Ellis and
Donnie Burks turned the tide for
the Redmen.
Shortly after that, a fight be-
tween Burks and Mike Rice broke
out under the Duquesne basket
and quickly involved players from
both teams plus several spectators.
The lively brawl lasted for about
a minute before it was broken up
by Madison Square Garden and
New York City police. There were
no injuries and no fouls assessed.
Three-Point Play
Kevin Loughery scored a three-
.point play, making it 66-61 'for
St. John's with,3:11 to play, and
the Dukes never caught up. St.
John's protected its lead through
the closing moments with a delib-
erate, carefully-controlled delay-
ing game before a howling crowd
of 17,326.
Dayton, a five-time runner up
but never an NIT champion, trail-
ed 44-41 at intermission but quick-
ly took charge at the outset of the
second half behind the quarter-
backing and scoring of sophomore
Gordy Hatton and his brother,
Tom, a senior.
Netted 33
Gordy netted 33 points for the
night, 18 in the second half, Bill
Chmielewski, the Flyers' hefty 6-
10 pivot, totaled for 27 points after
being held to one basket in 11 tries
in the first half.
Tom Hatton ,who teamed with
his younger brother to give Day-
ton a fiery backcourt combination,
had 12 points and Garry Roggen-
burk added 20.
The Flyers went with their start-
ing five until five seconds before
the end, when Chmielewski drew"

1_ t

his fifth foul. The burly sophomore
proved to have too much height
and bulk under the boards for the
smaller, lighter Ramblers of Loy-
ola and hauled down 19 rebounds.
Loyola, paced by the driving
John Egan and the smooth shoot-
ing Jerry Harkness, took a 32-24
lead with a streak of 10 straight
points in the opening half and
appeared to have Dayton on the
Three Teams
T ie for Lead
in Wrestling
STILLWATER (MP- Surprising
Wyoming put three men into the
quarterfinals of the NCAA wres-
tling championships last night and
tied defending champion Okla-
homa State and Lehigh for the
lead with preliminary action com-
The leaders each had 11 points.
Although Wyoming had fewer
men advance than Oklahoma State
and Lehigh, two pins along the
way pushed its score up. Oklahoma
State advanced seven men to the
quarterfinals, all by decisions, and
Lehigh advanced five, one by a pin.
Oklahoma and Iowa also sent
five men into the quarterfinal
round which is scheduled torpor-
row afternoon.
Oklahoma State is seeking, its
23rd title in the meet which winds
up tomorrow night.

Exhibition Baseball
St. Louis 3, Chicago (A) 1
Baltimore 6, Milwaukee 0
New York (N) 4, New York (A) 3
Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 2
Pittsburgh 6, Minnesota 3
Los Angeles (N) 6, Detroit 4
St. Louis 3, Chicago (A) 1
Los Angeles (N) 6, Detroit 4.
Kansas City 6, Washington 3
San Francisco 6, Cleveland 5

LOUISVILLE (J)-Like the situ-
ation in track and field, the na-
tion's college basketball coaches
wil form a federation for the
sport with or without participa-
tion by the Amateur Athletic
Union, Bud Foster said yesterday.
Foster, chairman of the National
Basketball Rules Committee, re-
ported at the opening session of
the coaches annual meeting on
progress made by the National
Collegiate Athletic Association.
"We're at a stalemate with the
AAU," the former Wisconsin coach
said, "but I'm confident we'll form

a solid group this spring to bid
for international recognition."
Foster said the new group, to
be called the Federation of Ama-
teur Basketball for the U. S., will
include representatives from .high
schools, colleges, armed services
and YMCA, along with a group to
cover open competition.
* * *
Harold Anderson of Bowling
Green State University of Ohio
was elected president of the Na-
tional Association of Basketball
Coaches yesterday.

NCAA Semi-Finals To Begin



You may win



LOUISVILLE, Ky. (W) - Ohio
State and Cincinnati, the Thun-
derous Two of college basketball
the last two seasons, are heavy
favorites to sweep past semifinal
opponents tonight" and set up an
unprecedented second straight
showdown for the National Col-
legiate Championship.
A sell-out crowd of 17,805 will
pack Freedom Hall to watch play-
er of the year Jerry Lucas lead
top-ranked Ohio State against
bulky Wake Forest and defend-
ing NCAA champ Cincinnati play
UCLA. There's hardly a basketball
We are now
NO 2-5414

buff around this derbytown who
doesn't expect the Buckeyes of the
Big Ten conference and the Bear-
cats from the powerful Missouri
,Valley to advance to tomorrow
night's final and a rematch of last
year's beautifully played cham-
piofiship, , in which Cincinnati
snapped Ohio State's 32-game
winning streak, 70-65 in overtime.
Since that night in Kansas City
a year ago, Ohio State has lost
only once-a meaningless 86-67
decision at Wisconsin after the
school's third straight Big Ten
title had been clinched. Cincin-
nati, which like Ohio State, re-
turned three starters from last
year, has lost twice-by one point
at Wichita and by two points In,
overtime at Bradley. Rival coach-
es insist both teams are stronger
than they were in 1960-61.
The Buckeyes, No. 1 in the AP
ratings for two years, wound up
with a 25-1 record. The Bearcats,
No. 2 again, are 27-2 and have,
won their last 16 games.

Both had little difficulty in the
Regional Eliminations in the
NCAA Tournament last weekend.
Ohio State won the mideast title
at Iowa City, beating Western
Kentucky 93-73 and Kentucky 74-
64. Cincinnati smothered two
touted foes in the Midwest Re-
gional at Manhattan, Kan., drub-
bing Creighton 66-46 and Colorado
If Coaches Fred Taylor of Ohio
State and Ed Jucker of Cincinnati
have a problem it would seem to
be to keep their kids from look-
ing beyond the semifinals to to-
morrow's showdown that everyone
is talking about.
In Wake Forest in the 7:30 p.m.,
EST, opener, the Buckeyes will
meet a team that floundered for
half a season, then took off on a
winning streak that reached 12
after a six-game sweep through
the Atlantic Coast Conference
Tournament and the Eastern
NCAA Regionals at Philadelphia
and College Park, Md.

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