PINTERNSHIP': Plan Loan i Changes To Assist OSA Committee Work sing Field Graduates May Produce Doctorate BY LOUISE LIND or Nursing and the State Nurses The University has received am building framework t Lssociation. $100,000 as part of a five-year $8 The Office of Student Affairs as a basis for work in student a Dean Russell, who has served as million program of loans to more Study Committee may help Mel fairs at other institutions," Ii hairman for the joint committee than 40 colleges and universities, Nickerson earn a doctorate in added. if the two organizations which Carl W. Borgmann, director of the higher education. Nickerson expressed his approv Lave been studying the report on Foundation's Science and Engi- Nickerson, a graduate student at al of the work;undertaken by th ospital and medical economics in neering program, said last week, the Center for Higher Education, stud comi dichigan said that she believes " The loan program hopes to en- is employed as a research assist- study committee. "The Universit he time has come to implement courage engineering students to ant and secretary for the study has undergone so many change ecommendatons rather than complete their doctorate and enter committee. In this capacity, he since the Office of Student Al raking further studies. the engineering-teaching profes- handles many of the committee's fairs was originally organized tha Con!pile Report sion. "The new pro ram has a research and administrative needs. a close review of student affai The report on hospital and med- , objective, to incasee He described his present duties with these chauges in mind is vy cal economics was compiled by . as a type of internship for col- tal.' Valer . M~ereynatona riadteachers in order to accommodate alter J. McNerney; national head lege administration, from which Lauds Oualiy if Blue Cross and former Univer- growingeenrollmentsgand to he plans to enter the field of stu- Nickerson said he is greatly i ity professor. It was presented teingo," en- dent affairs after receiving his pressed with the quality of tl o the commission following Uni- tering the profession," Borgmann doctorate. faculty and student members ( ersity studies headed by Mvlc said. aut n tuetmmeso Qualified students who commit Explains Purpose the study committee and wit Verney when he was director of themselves to teacling careers will "I hope by doing this research their enthusiasm for examinin he Bureau of Hospital Adminis- be eligible for loans of up to a in student affairs to become fa- the role of extra-curricular activi ation Ru l An Arbor. mtotal of $10,000 each over a three milian with the field of adminis- ties as so large a university a he establishment of more pra- year period. After students com- tration so that I can conduct an this one. ,he nusinbgsent morter-plete their doctorates, the loans investigation for a doctoral thes- He received his bachelor an ical nursing echos adche ex- will be "written-off" at a fixed is," Nickerson commented. master's degrees at the Universit o rate-$1,000 or 20 per cent of the "By becoming familiar with the of the Pacific in Stockton, Calif Any new professional school total owed at the terminations of organization of the student af- where he was director of alum y ollegesrauiohedollegef- graduate study, whichbhverris fairs program at the University, I relations for four years. ilitles so that graduates can meet greater-for every year of ervie equirement for advanced educa- ginenAmericanculty.Canadianen- ion," she said. .Theriversityw. She proposed that the existing The University was one of 10 liploma schools of nursing be institutions to receive the maxi- trengthened and enlarged rather mum grant of $100,000. In an - han increasing the number of earlier set of Ford Foundation chools. engineering grants, the University ., Asks New Schools was one of the first 15 schools to I youre participate. Associate Dean of the "New practical nursing schools Engineering College, James C. hould be established and main- Mouzon, said that the $225,000 o ained to meet community and grant received in 1959 has proved egional needs for bedside nurses," most effective. So far 27 students )ean Russell added. have received aid and it is esti- June Bride, In addition. to recommending mated the remaining funds will hat an effort be made to recrtsit permit assistance to ten more, he nore men into the nursing pro- said.gnowZ the tme ession, the two groups also sup- "Without this aid, these stu- '' 4t >ort salary increases for nurses dents very likely would never have o attract more persons into the had the opportunity or incentive rofesson, the dean told the com- to acquire their doctorates and to order nission. enter the teaching profession," "Nursing salaries have to pro- Mouzon said. ress at a higher level. I can't see _______d____ ow more men could be attracted nto theefield with its present U G o salary level"IV S .iFi1 invitations Endorse Representation To Plan Rules She also said that the groups ndorse nursing representation on EAST LANSING-Students of at tny commission or board dealing Michigan State University who vith hospital licensure and favor live off-campus met last month to he present accrediting process for draft a constitution for a govern- ursing schools. ing body for off-campus students. The groups "endorse the main- A bill to establish such a gov- 119 E. Liberty NO 8-7900 enance of a permanent state- erning body is now under com- vide health manpower commis- mittee study in the Student Con- ion" Dean Russell said. gress. 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