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March 22, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-22

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Sirt tg~

:43 a t t4p

Slightly warmer,
turning partly cloudy tonight.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



... first ... second

... third ... fourth

... fifth ..,sixth


Rules Committee Sets
Metigon Violationls
Regular Ford Votes Redistributed;
Complaint Deadlines Announced
The Student Government Council Credential and Rules Com-
mittee decided to hear election violations complaints in a meeting at
3 p.m. today, and it was also decided not to, count the ballots cast
Tuesday for Katherine Ford, '64.
This announcement was made by SGC President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, chairman of the committee, last night.
The Committee also set 1 p.m. today as the deadline for filing
contplaints of election violations with Nohl.
Hare Provisions
Miss Ford's votes, collected Tuesday, will be distributed to the
second choice candidate under the provisions of the Hare System.
TBrian Glick, '62, had explained



Fighting Resumes in Algeria

WCBN Seeks
New Contest,
Associate Editorial Director
A broadcast editorial on WCBN
last night urged that the present
Student Government Council elec-
tion be thrown out because "too
many things have happened to call
it a fair election."
This was the opinion of news-
men Marry Doer, '64, and Robert
Price, '64, who regularly comment
on news events. The station did
not take a position, however.
In a 15-minute discussion, the
duo also charged the SGC cre-
dentials committee used a "double
standard" in exonerating candi-
date Larry Monberg, '63, for break-
ing election rules but disqualifying
Stanley Lubin, '63, and Katherine
Ford, '64.
"I wonder why this double stan-
dard was used," one of the broad-
casters said.
One Reason
One reason for the action, they
hypothesized, was that SGC was
hesitant to disqualify other can-
didates because this would have
meant the election would have to
be invalidated. Doer and Price
judged that the Council is afraid
of losing face if the election is
"The blame has been laid di-
rectly at committee chairman
John Martin for the Ford fiasco,"
the program continued, "but only
the- Council committee is to blame
forthe Monberg decision last
Besides this "sloppy handling"
of the election, the broadcasters
bemoaned the "low quality of can-
didates running in the election."
Campus Opinion
Claiming that campus opinion
seemed to favor a new election, the
commentators said SGC President
Richard Nohl, '62BAd, had refused
to say if the credentials committee
could invalidate the election and
reported rumors that Council will
refuse to seat new members if the
election continues.
Discussing campaign violations
which have not been aired yet, tie
commentators said they had seen
Rule No. 10, about campaigning
near a polling place, violated on
behalf of a number of candidates
vetera, v

this to a Daily reporter earlier, but
it had not been an official deci-
"Any other action by the com-
mittee would have the effect of
negating the disqualification. In
this case, the timing of the dis-
qualification rests with Miss Ford,"
the statement said.
A spot ' check of ; petitions by
Sharon Jeffrey, '63, Thomas Moch,
'62E, and Glick, ordered by the
committee, continues.
The -action followed a series of
decisions by the credentials com-
Lubin Out
Monday afternoon the commit-
tee had disqualified Stanley Lu-
bin, '63, for violating rules that
candidates must circulate their
petitions personally and cannot
do so in residence halls, unless
permission is negotiated by the
elections director.
Lubin's name was struck from
the ballot before the elections
Tuesday afternoon the commit-
tee met .again to consider the eli-
gibility of Miss Ford, who brought
herself before the group because
she believed herself "in circum-
stances similar to Lubin's."
Name Struck
That evening the committee dis-
qualified Miss Ford for violating
the personal circulation provision,
and her name was struck from
Wednesday's ballots.
At that time, the committee
considered, but rejected, a pro-
posal to invalidate the current
election. The Committee did rec-
ommend that the present election
rules be re-examined by SGC.
At a meeting with some of The
Daily's Senior Editors, Howard
Abrams, '63, and FredBatlle, '63
A&D, asked that a front page edi-
torial supporting Miss Ford and
Stanley Lubin, '63, be published. It
was turned down.
"I am disappointed that The
Daily did not see fit to run this
request as a news story as it would
have affected both Miss Ford's
and Lubin's campaign," Abrams
"This endorsement would not
have been from a political point of
view, but because they were dis-
qualified," Batlle said.
The committee also adopted a
motion stating it "censures its
agent, John Martin, '62, for his
role in the violation of petition-
ing and election rules in the case
of Miss Ford."
Acting Chairman

ORAN, Algeria P)-For the first
time since Monday's French-Mos-
lem cease-fire, riot police clashed
yesterday with European secret
army terrorists in a bloody run-
ning gun battle in this rightist
Europeans were surprised that
the riot forces had fired on them
for Secret Army commandos had
roamed unchallenged through the
The Secret Army has boasted
that the army and police would
join or at least stand neutral in
the last ditch terrorist fight to
sabotage the cease-fire and keep
Algeria under the French flag.
The clash left six Europeans
and five gendarmes wounded.
There were no reports of deaths.
French Announce
The clash came as the French
House Junks
Teacher Bill,
A bill to allow non-certificated
teachers with master's degrees to
teach in public schools met nar-
row defeat (46-57) in the House
yesterday in Lansing.
Opponents warned that it would
severely damage the state's cer-
tification by allowing school super-
intendents to judge whether a
person without the proper educa-
tion courses were qualified to
Supporters of the bill said it
would tap a large pool of qualified
talent to relieve teacher shortages
and raise teaching standards. Rep.
Lucille H. McCullough (D-Dear-
born) opposed the bill because it
would "allow the hiring of un-
skilled teachers. It is as important
to know how to teach as what to
teach," she said.
Educators opposed the bill be-
cause they believed that the Legis-
lature should not interfere in the
jurisdiction of the State Board of
Supporters of the bill say they
may tack it on to a Senate bill
and force the House to pass it as
a "rider."

announced that Algerian rebel
guerrilla commanders had met
with French army officers as the
first step toward making a reality
of the peace accord negotiated in
French staff officers who met
with the rebels said the contacts
"were correct, dignified and even
cordial." It was the first formal
contact since the cease-fire was
announced, but where the meet-
ing took place was not disclosed.
Violence also broke out in Al-
giers' European quarter of Bab-
El-Oued when European terror-
ists fired bazooka rockets and
machine guns at an Algerian
apartment building. Authorities
said 7 persons were killed and 5
Terrorist Toll
The overall terrorist toll in Al-
giers included 12 or more persons
killed and 15 wounded.
In Mostaganem, 45 miles north-
east of Oran, 9 Algerian terrorists
were reported killed in a clash
with Europeans and security
French authorities countered by
ordering a complete curfew for
Bab-El-Oued until further notice.
Vehicles and pedestrians were
banned from the streets, and the
population was told to stay at
Meanwhile, in Paris, there was
a noisy meeting of the National
Assembly where cries of "trea-
son, treason" broke out from some
delegates opposed to the settle-
ment of the 7-/2-year Algerian Na-
tionalist rebellion. A calmer note
was sounded in the Senate where
Romney Coalition
Passes First Test
LANSING (P) - A compromise
agreement between the conserva-
tive Republican bloc and the forces
behind George Romney (R-Bloom-
field Hills), passed its first test in
the constitutional convention yes-
terday. The convention tentatively
approved, 82-48; the first part of
the compromise package to be con-
sidered-the method of selection
of the state administrative board.

ex-premier Edgar Faure warned:
Can Only Destroy
"Those who oppose the agree-
ment can only destroy the good
part of the accord - the French
In another sidelight of the Al-
gerian situation, Algerian rebels
Vice Premier Mohammed Ben Bel-
la arrived to a tumultous wel-
come in Rabat, Morocco.
He was flown from Switzerland
where he had been freed after the
cease-fire was signed. Ben Bella
and four other rebel leaders had
been held by the French since
The Oran street battle started
when riot police were fired on
while making a routine search of
an apartment building, authorities
The riot police-specially re-
cruited from Metropolitan France
-fired back and soon an entire
block was a battlefield.
"They're firing on us-the dirty
swine," shouted a woman watching
the battle from a doorway.
Reveal Plans
To Coordinate
WASHINGTON 0P) - Regular
quarterly meetings in Washington
were announced yesterday to co-
ordinate the activities of conserva-
tive, anti - communist groups
around the country.
The Rev. Billy James Hargis of
Tulsa, Okla., founder of the Chris-
tian Crusade, told a news confer-
ence that this was one of the
agreements reached at a closed
meeting here last night of repre-
sentatives of about 75 such groups.
"We need contact between Wash-
ington and these leaders of these
grassroots movements," he said.
"It is amazing how few (of the
leaders) meet each other, let alone
conservatives in Congress."
Hargis said he suggested to the
meeting that "two thousand
groups far too often go two thou-
sand ways; I think there is
strength in unity."

Note Dissent
On, Housing
Presidents of three houses that
may be involved in a switch to co-
educational units this fall report-
ed last night some opposition by
residents of these houses to such
a move.
James Walter, Grad, president
of Tyler-Prescott House in East
Quadrangle, said that most of the
graduate students composing that
house do not wish to move from
East Quad, a circumstance he said
would result from converting any
houses there into women's.
Seniority Rights
And Jo Lofstrom, '64SM, who
heads Hinsdale House in Alice
Lloyd dormitory, added that wom-
en there do not wish to give up
their seniority rights exercised in
choosing location and type of
room in the house.
However, Sandra Wilson, '64,
president of Kleinstueck House,
said that opinion there was fairly
evenly divided, with most of the
women willing to wait for more
information concerning the revi-
sions before taking a final stand.
(Hinsdale, Kleinstueck and Ty-
ler-Prescott will be converted this
fall to coeducational units if the
Residence Halls Board of Gover-
nors, which has approved such a
revision as generally valid, will al-
so adjudge it administrably feasi-
Another East Quad
Walter commented that the ad-
ministration probably wouldn't
convert another East Quad house
to a graduate unit to handle the
men moved. He therefore predicted
that coed housing wouldn't be in-
stituted at all until 1963.
Miss Lofstrom said that a peti-
tion protesting the switch for this
fall is being circulated in Hins-
dale, with about 50 signatures so
The presidents emphasized that
the residents in general were not
opposed to the concept itself of
coed housing, but that it should
wait unuil it would be less dis-

Abrams Scores
On Seventh Tally
At 2-:15 a.m. Fred Batlle, '64A&D, and Lawrence Monberg, '63,
were elected to the remaining seats on Student Government
Count Night continued into the wee hours of the morning
as Kenneth Miller, '64, Richard G'sell, '63E, Katherine Ford,
'64, who was running as a write-in candidate after being dis-
qualified earlier, and Howard Abrams, '63, were the only
candidates declared elected to Student Government Council
by 1:45 a.m.
The eighth round of balloting was being counted with
one more full-year and the single half-year seat still un-
Miller was declared elected on the first ballot with 550
Of the candidates still remaining, Lawrence Monberg,
'63, was leading with 394 votes with the other candidates fol-
lowing: Fred Batlle, '64A&D,'
374; Matthew Cohen, '64, 339, By Elections
and Steven Taylor, '63, a Y
write-in candidate with 323.
On the seventh ballot Miss Ford5 Positions
and Abrams were declared elected
with 541 and 519, respectively. The
quota was 503. B a d
The total number of valid ballotsFjor
in the election was 3,713 with 124
void ballots, setting the original By MARJORIE BRAHMS
quota at 531.A E
Under the Hare System the Election results for Michigan
quota is determined after each Union Board of Directors, Senior
ballot by dividing the number of class officers of the schools of
valid ballots by the number of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
seats available plus one. The di- Engineering, Education and Busi-
visor for the election was seven. ness Administration, one student
If no one is elected on a ballot, member of the Board in Control
the lowest candidate is dropped of Intercollegiate Athletics and
and his votes, along with the sur- three student members of the
plus votes of already elected can- Board in Control of Student Pubil-
didates are redistributed. cations were announced last night .
Miller's surplus votes and the at count night in the League Ball-
23 miscellaneous write-in votes room.
were redistributed after the first Graduate Students elected to
balloting to second place choices. the Union Board are James Cope-
No one was elected on the next land, '64L, and Richard Rossman,
two ballots and Gerald Gretzinger, '65L. Undergraduates elected are
'64, and Stanley Dubin, '63, both Edward Berger, '64; Michael O-
write-in candidates, :were drop- nick, '63, Stanley Saeks, '63; and
ped with low totals of 44 and 169 James Seff, '63.
respectively. Literary College
Henry McAllen, '64L, was drop-RlteraColege
ped when no candidate was elected Robert Walter was elected senior
on the fourth ballot and his 213 class preside of the literary col-
votes were redistributed. lege, and Mark Moskowtz was
G'sell was elected on the fifth elected vice-president. Sharon M-
ballot with 553 votes, and writein Cue was elected secretary, and
candidate Lawrence Meyer, '63, James Lipton was elected treas-
was dropped with a low total of ur. Approximately 50 per cent
236 on the next round of the literary college seniors voted
236roe ets rnd in the election.
Protests Filed In the engineering college, John
While the election was being Scott was elected senior class pres-
conducted protests requesting the ident, Daniel Brown was elected
cancellation of the election were vice-president and Thomas Wile,
filed with Joint Judiciary Council who ran unopposed, secretary-
by Sylvia Berliner, '63, and Mi- treasurer.
chael Harrah, '63BAd. In the education school, those
Lawrence Simpson, '63E, the elected were John Lengemann,
Joint Judic representative at president, and Jean Samuelson,
Count Night said he will present vice-president, both of whom ran
the complaints at the group's reg- unopposed, and Beth Ferguson,
ular session today, but said he did treasurer, and Kay Clark, secre-
not know whether it will consider tary, both write-in candidates.
them. Business School
Miss Berliner charged that a Business administration senior
double standard was used in the class officers are Michael Bank,
punishments of Lubin and Miss presdenterswar eMic eB
Ford and that of Monberg. She president, Edward Zyniewicz, vice-
also called the disqualification of president, Stuart Goldberg, treas-
Miss Ford's Tuesday votes a "clear urer, and Thomas Sumner, secre-
violation of democracy." tary. Zyniewicz and Goldberg ran
violaton ofunopposed and Sumner was a
Good Faith Violated write-in candidate.
This disqualification forms the Forest Evashevski, '64, was
basis of Harrah's complaint. He elected to the Board in Control of
charged the "good faith" of voters Intercollegiate Athletics.
was violated. "Anyone who voted Eleted to the Board in Control
after the disqualification had of Student Publications were Ar-
knowledge that was not available thur Frederick, '64L, PaulKry-
before," he said. nicki, '62, and John McReynolds,
SGC Treasurer Steven Stock- '64.
meyer, '63, speculated that Joint
Judic does not have the power to
cancel SGC elections. "Joint JudicSenate

a body, but as an agency used for
its fairness."
He also cited the lack of ma-
chinery for Joint Judic power overv
SGC compared to the Council's 1 V (
powers of constitutional review
and appointment over Joint Judic LANSING (P)-The Senate vot-
as indicative of JJC's lack of au- ed 16-15 yesterday to kill two bills
thority. that would have, in effect, nulli-
fied the law forbidding discrimi-
nation because of race, creed or
Yun Resigns color in real estate transactions.
Six Republican moderates team-
ed with the 10 Democrats in the
Senate to send the bills to death

Kennedy Finds Messages in Poems,

"I keep finding messages in my poems more and more-it must
be the neo-classical coming out," X. J. Kennedy of the English Depart-
ment said last night at the opening of the second annual Faculty
Reading Hour.
Co-sponsored by the Michigan Union and the English department,
Kennedy and his contemporaries, Professors James R. Squires and
Donald Hall of the English department and guest poet Robert Bly read
original poems before the Union Ballroom audience.
Kennedy, poetry editor of "The Paris Review," began the reading
with unpublished poems of a humorous nature and then turned to his
printed poems, among these "On a Child Who Lived One Minute" and
"In a Prominent Bar in Sacaucus."
The latter, the story of an old showgirl who is down and out in a.
bar which, like she, has seen better days, Kennedy sang to the tune of
"Sweet Betsy of Pike" and dedicated to Prof. Hall who "always gets
me to sing it at parties."
Prof. Squires, author of the collected poems "Where the Compass

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