Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
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See Page 4
GOP Regulars Move To
Take Legislative Control
Litowich Could Bolt,
M oderate Senators
Davis Joins Republicans in House;
Democrat Aid Sought To Pass Bills
Special To The Daily
LANSING-After weeks of uncertainty, the Republican regulars
are moving back into the driver's seat in the state Legislature.
In the House, a new representative, Charles J. Davis (R-Onon-
daga), has been seated, giving the GOP 55 votes-one less than needed
for passage. It is likely they will find the support of some Democrat
for the 56th tally.
In the Senate, where eight 'moderate' Republicans hold just
enough swing-votes to decide the fate of any bill, Sen. Harry Lito-
To Red Bills
. tspecial To The Daily
LANSING-Because the Univer-
sity is a constitutional body, it
would not be affected by anti-
Communist legislation awaiting a
vote in the House of Representa-
tives today, according to Rep
Frederick J. Marshall (R-Allen).'
(Under the state constitution
the Regents are charged with ful
authority to oversee the Univer-
sity, including finances. Preseni
interpretation holds that the state
legislature may not compel the
Regents to adopt any- particular
policy or to spend appropriations
in any particular fashion. This ap-
plies also to ,Michigan State and
Wayne State Universities.)
Marshall is chief sponsor of two
bills which would require teaching
of courses in civics, political sci-
ence and comparatiTe government
in all state high schools and state-
supported colleges.
-~ Prohibit Diploma
One bill would prohibit the
granting of diplomas and degrees
to students not successfully com-
pleting these courses which would
emphasize "both the constitutional
system of limited government and
absolute individual rights in the
United States in contrast with the
doctrines, objectives and tech-
niques of state socialism."
Commencing in the fall semes-
ter of 1963, the courses would be
required in/sections of not less
than five recitation periods per
According to provisions of a
second bill, the superintendent of
public 'instruction would list a
selection of textbooks and instruc-
tional materials to be used in the
teaching of the course. These
would include the official reports
of the House 'Committee on Un-
American Activities and the Sen-
ate Internal Security Subcommit-
tee of Congress.
Marshall Certain
Marshall, who is certain the bills
will pass with little difficulty, said
that to complete the course suc-
cessfully, students would have to
demonstrate that they understood
the material presented.
"Of course we cannot control
what they believe," he said, "but
the object of the course would be
to inspire belief in the value of
traditional American ideals."
A bill requiring all employees
paid wholly or partially out of
state funds to take a loyalty oath
to the United States and Michigan
constitutions is still being con-
sidered by the Senate Committee
on State Affairs.
wich (R-Benton Harbor) reported-
ly is quitting the moderate bloc.
Remaining Moderates
Eighteen votes are required to
pass a bill, so his departure would
strand the remaining moderates
and the Democrats with a maxi-
mum of only 17 votes. However, it
would take four of the'eight mod-
erates, joined with the 14 GOP
- regulars, to pass a bill.
t How many senators would de-
- part the bloc along with Litowich
a remains to be seen.
The Benton Harbor Republican
.has called a meeting of the 'mod-
erates,' where it is virtually certain,
he will read the riot act to them
I about the impasse they have cre-
- ated over the statewide income
t tax proposal.
Refuse To Choose
The moderates have been "sit-
ting on their hands," rather than
cast a vote either to pass Sen.
Clyde H. Geerlings' (R-Holland)
nuisance tax package or bypass
the taxation committee where the
income tax bill is currently bot-
tled up.
t Litowich has openly disagreed
with many moderates on the tax
issue. He has opposed an income
tax in any form, while other mod-
erates have supported it on oc-
With the Senate lineup 22 Re-
publicans, 10 Democrats, and two
vacancies, 18 votes are needed to
l pass a bill. This means the de-
parture of any one of the moder-
ates would eclipse the effective-
ness of that group.
House Change
In the House, newly-elected
Rep. Davis was officially sworn in
yesterday to replace the late Rep.
Ralph H. Young (D-East Lansing).
This brings the House lineup to
55 Republicans and 53 Democrats.
(Representatives Gail Handy, R-
Eau Claire, and Joseph O'Connor,
D-Detroit, are hospitalized indef-
At least 56 votes are needed to
pass a bill, and the added support,
seems to be corming from Rep. Ei-
nar E. Erlandson (D-Escanaba),
an Upper Peninsula Democrat. On
record roll calls yesterday and
Monday, he lent support to the
GOP on several issues.
Pears Stands Firm
This is probably the Democrat
that Speaker of the House Don R.
Pears (R-Buchanan) has been
"counting on," to offset the loss
of Handy.
Erlandson's (or some other Dem-
ocrat's) support will'be crucial, ac-
cording to Pears, when the House
considers the state appropriations
in coming weeks, because Gov.
John B. Swainson has instructed
all Democrat regulars to oppose
Republican legislation in favor of
his own program which is pres-
ently buried in committee.
To Allow
By Cities
Special To The Daily
LANSING - In a step toward
"fiscal relief," the House of Repre-
sentatives yesterday passed the
proposal to allow cities to levy a
personal income tax.
Inspired by House Speaker Don
R. Pears (R-Buchanan) and spon-
sored by Rep. John T. Bowman
(D-Roseville), the bill provides
that cities may levy the tax only
on their own residents, and not
all persons working in that city.
It met the vigorous opposition
of Democrats from Detroit, where
Mayor Jerome P. Cavanaugh is
attempting to levy a city-county
income tax to recoup the $41 mil-
lion deficit.
Outstate Coalition
Outstate coalition ganged up on
the Detroiters, however, brushing
aside all amendments, and sending
the proposal to the Senate by a
63-40 margin.
Advocating the bill, Bowman
claimed that "no city should be
allowed to tax any but their own
residents. If Detroit can't figure
out how to make a profit, that's
Detroit's problem."
"If you think that Detroit is
good enough to work in, then you
should help support it," Rep. E. D.
O'Brien (D-Detroit) countered.
"It's taxation without representa-
tion," Rep. William Hayward (R-
Royal Oak) retorted.
"To allow such taxation of non-
residents would be a foot in the
door to allow Detroit to make the
laws for the whole state," Rep.
Frank Hogan (R-Flint) added.
"Let Detroit take care of its prob-
lems and we'll take care of ours."
But Rep. Michael J. O'Brien (D-
Detroit) complained that "both
Michigan and Detroit have a defi-
cit. Please don't make a ghost
town out of Detroit."
In other action, the House scut-
tled an attempt by Rep. George
Edwards (D-Detroit) to bypass the
House Committee on State Affairs
and bring a package of civil rights
measures to the floor. The Senate
did the same a couple weeks ago.
Edwards denounced the block-
ade as "oposition by a selfish
minority. The eyes of the nation
are on the House, and these few
people do not do us credit."
'People Matter'
"Civil rights is a matter between
people," Rep. Harry Phillips (R-
Port Huron) retorted. "It is not
a matter of law. I want to keep the
right to choose my associates."
Meawhile in the Senate, the Re-
publicans beat down a Democratic
attempt to table two bills which
would erase real estate's contro-
versial Rule Nine. (This ruling, by
the State Board of Realtors, makes
it a violation of license privileges
to refuse a sale on the basis of
The bills, to be debated on the
floor today, are likely to be passed
on to the House.
Consumer To Start Buying
Consumers on the whole are
confident that good times are
ahead for business, and will be
both "able and willing to purchase
goods at a high rate during the
months to come," the 1962 Survey
of Consumer Finances reports.
The study, issued today, revealed
that the American people refer to
international conflicts ' and un-
employment less frequently in re-
gard to economic trends than they
did three months ago. In addition,
a larger proportion of people re-
port income gains and expected
income gains than in the last
The survey, compiled by Profes-
sors George Katona, Eva Mueller
and Charles Lininger of the Sur-
vey Research Center, Institute for
Social Research noted that ex-
pressed intentions to buy new cars
"showed a pronounced increase in
frequency from early 1961 to early
1962," although boom proportions
will not be reached.-
More Cars
People intend to buy more used
cars and expect to pay more for
new cars (based on a median ex-
pected price), the first such in-
crease since the introduction of
compact cars. Intentions to buy
a house were reported less fre-
quently than in any of the last:
three years but the intention to
improve homes rose.
The majority of consumers all
reported that they expect good
times in the future. Long range
expectation of good times are,
however, less favorable than they
were in the peak period of 1955-56.
Income Groups
Many of the people who three
months ago did not expect good
contrast to previous references to
international tensions as the pos-
sible cause of bad times.
There is a small increase in the
number of people expecting price
increases. "This is a finding with
unfavorable connotations because
today, as during the past few
years, price increases are consider-
ed.overwhelmingly in an unfavor-
able light and price stability in a
favorable light," the economists
Expectation General
These expectations are general
and their frequency has risen in
all income groups. This, the deport
notes, is in opposition to !he
opinion of experts who feel that,
inflation no longer threatens.
"The proportionof family units
reporting that they are making
more money now than a year ago
shows a sizable increase over No-
vember or June 1961 in each in-
come group," the survey reports.
Those who say that they are
financially better off than a year
ago is "less pronounced," however.
And some people think that they
are not better off, even with in-
creased earnings due to "tem-
porary good times."
The survey notes that the Index
of Consumer Attitudes has steadily
increased in small steps in' the
last few years. The present index
is now at the top level achieved
between 1958-1961, although it is.
below that of 1955-56.
Mull ,Cohen Fate
Monberg Remains in Council Race
As Balloting Enters Final Stages
The Student Government Council election will be held
The official candidates said early this morning they will
remain in the race. They declined to take joint action re-
garding the disqualification of Stanley Lubin, '63, and
Katherine Ford, '64.
The course of the Student Government Council election
was in doubt this morning amid charges of election rule viola-
tions and a possible candidates' protest against the disquali-
fication of Stanley Lubin, '63, and Katherine Ford, '64.
The SGC Rules and Credentials Committee found Law-
rence Monberg, '63, in violation of an election rule but exon-
erated him because he took steps prescribed by the elections
The committee was still considering an alleged rule viola-
tion by Matthew Cohen, '64. After considering Cohen's case,
Disqualify Ford;
...studies consumer
times but do now come from the
middle and lower income groups.
Those people* who do not forsee
good times even now referred to
unemployment as the explanation.
The report notes that this is in
the committee closeted with
six of the seven remaining
candidates. The purpose of the
meeting was not announced.
No verdict was given on Coh-
Shells End Algiers' Day of Terror
ALGIERS (J)-Five mortar shells
smashed into Moslem crowds at
the foot of the ancient Casbah of
Algiers yesterday killing four per-
sons and wounding 67.
It climaxed a day of terror that
saw Moslems in cities, towns and
villages clash with Europeans and
French soldiers.
The mortar attack, one of the
bloodiest in Algiers' bloodstained
history, was blamed on the secret
g to wreck the precarious French
army of right-wing Europeans
trying to wreck the precarious
French - Moslem cease - fire pro-
claimed Monday after more than
seven years of Algerian Nationalist
200 Casualties
More than 200 persons have
been killed or wounded since the
House To View
B-70 Program
WASHINGTON W) - Chairman
Carl Vinson (D-Ga) and his
Armed Services Committee carry
to the floor of the House today
their fight to force the adminis-
tration to speed and expand the
controversial B-70 bomber pro-
cease-fire. Among scores of dem-
onstrations and shootings in
smaller places,the most serious
was at St. Denis Du Sig where 54
persons were killed in two days
of sporadic clashes between Mos-
lem auxiliary soldiers in French
service and Moslem crowds.
Alarming reports from many
parts of the countryside told of
Moslem crowds marching on Euro-
pean villages with green and white
nationalist flags and shouting
"freedom for Algeria." In many
instances tense troops fired on the
rioting Moslems.
In all, 30 persons were killed
throughout Algeria Tuesday, the
first full day of the cease-fire. The
wounded totaled 125.
Tuesday's Toll
In the city of Algiers alone,
Tuesday's toll was 15 killed and
84 wounded.
The demonstrations and blood-
shed came as President Charles de
Gaulle informed a special session
of parliament in Paris that he will
submit the Algerian agreement to
a national referendum on April 8.
The referendum among the French
will be separate from that in Al-
geria by which the Algerians prob-
ably will choose independence.
At a news conference in the
government building guarded by
half-tracks and armored cars, a
French spokesman claimed "calm
reigns in western Algeria."
Belated News
But a few hours earlier belated
news had come from high sources
of the outburst of fighting in St.
Denis Du Sig in western Algeria.
And there was little peace else-
In Oran firing broke out in 10
separated points of the city.
Troops fired on Moslems in Rou-
iba east of Algiers, wounding 24.
In the wine growing town of St.
Aoueli, west of the city, 40 Mos-
lems were wounded by gunfire.
Students Call Off
Guatemala Riots
GUATEMALA (W) - Students
leading a revolt against the gov-
ernment of President Miguel Ydi-
goras said yesterday street fight-
ing tactics had been called off to
avoid bloody police repression.
The announcement was issued
by the University Students Asso-
ciation and for the first time in
the weeklong crisis that left 22
dead and 550 wounded in seven
days of clashes no major incidents
were reported in the city. But the
association has vowed to fight un-
til the government is toppled.
To Consider
The candidates had been meet-
ing among themselves to consider
possible withdrawal from the race
-which they rejected-or a re-
quest Jfor a new election. They
revealed no conclusions, however.
The seven official candidates
meeting with the committee were :
Howard Abrams, '63, FredBatlle,
'64A&D, Kenneth Miller, '64, Coh-
en, Hank McAllen, '64, Monberg
and Richard G'sell, '63d.
Both Lubin and Miss Ford were
charged With violating the elec-
tion regulation which specifies
each candidate must personally
collect the required signatures on
his nominating petitions. The SGC
Rules and Credentials Committee
acted on Lubin's case Monday, and
last night heard Miss Ford who
brought herself before the board
after hearing what had happened
to Lubin.
Earlier Lubin and Miss Ford an-
nounced they would run as write-
in candidates, joining Steven Tay-
lor, '63 and Lawrence Meyer, '63.
Void Votes
The votes received by Miss Ford
for yesterday will not be counted,
but will move down to the next
The committee disqualified Miss
Ford for violation of the election
rule which states that a candidate
must circulate his petition per-
sonally, SGC President Richard
Nohl, '62BAd, said.
The committee adopted a mo-
tion stating it "censures its agent
John Martin, '62, for his role
in the violation of petitioning and
election rules in 'the case of Miss
A proposal was rejected which
would have considered as invalid
the total current election.
The committee adopted a mo-
tion which strongly recommends
that present election rules and
procedure be re-examined by SGC.
Nohl has reassumed his chair-
manship of the committee, which
had been temporarily chaired by
Not Called
A statement by Miss Ford read,
"I was not called before the com-
mittee, but came entirely on my
own initiative. At no time was it
my intent to secure the election
by the use of any illegal means.
I was aware of the regulation that
candidates must accompany their
own petitions in the gathering
Unions Near
Nearly all management would
prefer no unions for white collar
workers but unions must increase
their white collar efforts to main-
tain their own.
This is the thorny situation
which Clark Caskey of the Bureau
of Industrial Relations has inves-
tigated. He found that most man-
agers did not think that the em-
ployees in their offices were likely
to organize.
"White collar unions may never
enjoy a portion of the organizing
success the blue collar unions have
attained. Their job is certainly
enormous, their obstacles many,
buit it seems apparent that they
will have some success in some
companies in the years ahead.
If managements depend upon
"happiness pills" and the great
philosophical arguments why white
collar employees will not join
unions, they may be (in individual
companies) in for a hard fall," the
survey states.
The survey found that compan-
ies which had been organized had
given poor supervision, inadequate
salary administration and ad-
vancement, problems with pen-
sions and fringe benefits and
arbitrary handling of layoffs as
the reason for the unionization.
Managers who believed that
white collar workers would organ-
ize reasoned that they have a
deeper sense of individualism, and
organizers have yet to discover the
formula to entice clerical, techni-
cal and professional employees.
Unionization optimists cited the
unions' need to organize this area,
the management failure to meet
white collar needs, automation re-
ducing individual challenge and
the white collar desire for collec-
tive bargaining.
The tremendous increase and
I pnntra~f'tiru nn o eol +ltr.nhvni
The following is an excerpt
from the Petition and Election
Rules of Student Goveriment
Candidates must circulate
their petitions personally.
Candidates shall not circulate
their petitions in classes, 11-
braries, the Michigan Union or
meal lines in University resi-
dence halls unless specific per-
mission is granted, this permis-
sion to be negotiated by the
Elections Director.
Haas Endorses 'A merican' Subsidy
Frondizi Military Chiefs
To Form Coalition Cabinet
BUENOS AIRES (A)-Embattled President Arturo Frondizi and
Argentina's military chiefs agreed early this morning to form a coali-
tion cabinet-half civilian and half military-to combat the threat of
Karl Haas, WJR director of fine
arts, prefers the American way of
indirect subsidization of the arts
to the European method of direct
governmental subsidization.
Haas, who delivered the keynote
address at the Michigan Union
Creative Arts Festival - sponsored
symposium "American Culture in
Orbit," divided the American way,
of subsidization into three differ-
ent types.
These are the private way, with
tion. It can present new ideas and
concepts because that audience is
still being molded, it offers the
opportunity for either opportunity.
or exploitation," Haas said.
Prof. William Steinhoff of the
English department, another
member of the panel, said that the
United States is experiencing as
big a burst of creativity in litera-
ture as ever before in our history.
Comparable Anywhere
The novelists, short story writ-
ers, playwrights, critics and schol-
am~r at'P nmvna.ra1~,1 in niflity to7 -i
lonely in a peculiar way. The good
ones, like Melville, Twain, and
Hemingway all have written find-
ing fault with the country of their
birth. Now in the Cold War it is
harder to find fault publicly with
the American way," Prof. Stein-
hoff said.
Last Beat
Prof. Robert C. Schnitzer, direc-
tor of the University Professional
Theatre Program, noted that
among the arts the theatre is the
last to have become respectable in
academic and religious fields.