Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. s ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" OSA IN TRANSITION: Unknottiing the Rule-Making Tangle Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TOO, ' MARCH 20. 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CYNTHIA NEU By KENNETH WINTER Daily Staff Writer TCHOSE who expected exciting things from the Office of Stu- dent Afairs Study Committee have been sadly disappointed by its watered-down, compromised re- report. Its suggestions for a rue-making structure typify the mild innocu- ous proposals which the report claims will carry out the glowing words of its philosophy. Given the present tangle of authority in the OSA, Prof' Reed's committee has chopped out a few threads, left much of the snarl intact, and left things open for some future tangles. * * * IN ITS SOLE clarification of the rule-making process, the re- port asks that the responsibility for all regulations be deposited squarely on the shoulders of the Vice-President for Student Af- fairs. This, at first, seems a pretty sweeping and definitive state- ment. Not only does it pin down the ultimate credit or blame for student regulations, but it im- plicitly asks an official burial for the corpse of the Committee on Student Conduct and its sickly Waldron's Education Bill: Alternative to Certification 'HE STATE LEGISLATURE will vote on a bill today which may revolutionize state hools and teacher education. Introduced by Rep. Robert Waldron (R- rosse Pointe Farms), the bill would allow hools to hire non-certified teachers who have master's degree in their subject, and tem- rary certification from the local superin- ndent. Non-certified teachers, however, would have tenure and no more than a one-year ntract. This means that they would lose me of the benefits offered to teachers today. The revolutionary aspect of the bill is that ospective teachers would be allowed to avoid ucation courses and colleges if they were lling to accept less pay and less Job security. would break the stagnant "closed shop" of ate education. 'HE BILL, if passed and pnplemented, would' be a first step toward cleaning up education urses, obtaining more qualified teachers, and rhaps even revolutionizing the concept of acher education. Many persons qualified and interested in aching have shied away from the position cause of the bad reputation of educational hools and courses. This applies to students college as well as older women. returning work. t This "way around" traditional certification quirements would lure some of this talent to teaching. There have been many complaints that a gree froi an educational institution does t automatically make a good teacher. The cdition of a large number of teachers who can Judged on their ability rather than their. gree may improve evaluation procedures and ay also provide schools with a larger selec- n of qualified personnel. Therefore the gen- al quality of teachers in the state will rise. LSO, with an alternative to education ,schools, prospective teachers can demand tter courses from them. Student pressure can atch the already present pressure from within e schools to modernize curricula. In this way the education schools will be required to consider the needs and preferences of students. This will be in contrast to the present system where the needs of the faculty are paramount and education students, a captive audience, are forced to put up with "mickey mouse" courses and bad instruction. New standards will be imposed on education schools and they have the threat of empty classrooms if those standards are not met. In other words, this bill could produce good education schools or else be the first step' towards their abolishment. A year ago a leading state educator warned his colleagues that they would have to improve drastically or they would lose control of ed - cation. This bill, even if it gets no further than the House minutes, is a warning to the men of education that the threatened turning point is not far away. BUT THE TIME when educators must make a choice can be put off: This bill will probably be stalled.. First, it may not be passed. It could be de- feated on the grounds that the Legislature has no right to legislate in the Jurisdiction of the State Board of Education. This is a valid point but it will not hold water forever if the quality and number of teachers is not improved. Second, once passed, it could be emasculated by the Powers of traditional education. Local supervisors, sensitive to the power of state teacher agencies and. organizations, could be pressured not to certify or hire any teachers who have not taken education courses. In other words, educators could ignore that such a law existed. If such a practice turned away qualified teachers for less fit ones, then educators, in an attempt to preserve their public entrusted powers, would be defeating their own purpose and charge. Stalling in any manner would further discredit educators in the eyes of the public. Rep. Waldron has challenged the Legislature to look beyond the bureaucratic fears and systems of educators and boost the quality of Michigan education. The roll call vote on this bill will show where many stand. -CAROLINE DOW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: SGC Senior Editorial Mediocre, Irresponsible NDERSCORE: Emotion Basic to Politics To the Editor: WHILE I CANNOT disagree with the introductory editorial com- ments maderabout the field of candidates running in the SGC spring election, I would also like to point out that this editorial has been one of the worst ever published by the senior editors. I was appaled by the lack of pertinence of many of the com- ments made about the candidates and by the general mediocrity which impregnates this editorial. It is unfortunate that The Daily considers itself an advocate of increased student responsibility and that a lack of responsibility is found within itself. I would like to take this op- portunity to challenge a substan- tiation of ,the charges concerning my candidacy; specifically, the one concerning a change of stand upon a clarification of my views. It seems that any change in my stand would come from a mis- understanding of my original posi- tion rather than a change of po- sition. If I had changed my stand on any issue, it is surprising that none of the candidates have no- ticed it yet and used it against me. It is very unfortunate indeed that in these days when there is so .much talk about freedom of the press wehave to suffer from the excesses of an irresponsible press, a press whose editorial policy reflects all the weird con- fusion of a 20 mule team harness- ed in the dark by a one-armed idiot. -Fred Batlle,'63 Favors Censure To the Editor: YOUR SUNDAY EDITORIAL on the SGC candidates is indica- tive to me of a far larger prob- lem facing your organization at this time. I speak now of an apparent and blatently demonstrated lack of re- gard for the facts. This type of journalistic policy would seem to apply not only to the edit page, but to a good part of the rest of the paper as well. As usual, all of the SGC can- didates this semester speak of a lack of communications existing between the Council and the rest of the campus. I hope perform- ances like this (and others) will awaken people to the fact that the greatest stumbling block to an objective flow of information from the Council can be found in The Daily itself. It seems somewhat pathetic to me that on a campus as great as ours, this organization, or at least certain segments of this organiza- tion, should continuously perpe- tuate their lack of quality. I would concur with the Board in Control's recent censure of the Senior Editors. , -Richard Gsell, '63E Athletes Needed... To the Editor: THERE EXISTS a recurrent mis- conception regarding the stu- dent position on the Board of Control of Intercollegiate athletics. Around election time someone al- I ways makes the claim that the nominations for this post are bias- ed and unfair. To serve on this board, there is a great deal of previous know- ledge necessary regarding NCAA, Big Ten and University viewpoints and rulings. The student mem- bers of the board are at a dis- advantage in this respect. The quantity of information requisite to intelligent action is so great that even an athlete, who has been exposed to the workings of the department daily for two years can only be of minor assistance to the board. A non-athlete does not even have this advantage. THE FUNCTION of the board is to maintain the physical educa- tion needs of the student in Phys. Ed. classes, I-M and varsity sports. Who, then is more qualified to see these goals and provide workable ideas for their realization than the athlete?' The actions of the board affect the athlete far more directly and more often than they affect the student at large. In choosing a representative, it seems only rea- sonable that this representative be chosen from the group and by the group that will be affected by his actions. An attack has been made on the equity of the nomination of the candidates. There are two groups qualified to choose these can- didates, the coaches and the man- agers. Of these two, most would favor the managers as they main- tain the student viewpoint. * * * TO RUN for this position on the board, a non-athlete is required to submit a petition with 300 male signatures. This represents a tedious chore, but it probably aids the candidate in his quest for election. It would take a fancy bit of campaigning for a non- athlete to convince the student body that he was more qualified than an athlete for an athletic post. Mr. DiLorenzi's recent attack in Saturday's Daily was unfounded. He mentions the recent appoint- ment of Joseph R. O'Donnell to the board. In his cries about lack of student representation in that decikion, he neglected to mention the presence of the senior student representative at that meeting. -Thomas N. Osterland Senior Student Representative Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics Athletes Ridiculous . . To the Editor: I MUCH ENJOYED seeing Mr. DiLorenzi's editorial in Satur- day's Daily. His comments con- firm opinions I have held about the University's athletic philos- ophy since enrolling here in 1959. So far as I can tell (that is, so far as a vitally interested but non- participating athlete can deter- mine), the inter-collegiate athletic situation here, particularly in the so-called minor sports, is utterly ridiculous. Were I an undergrad- uate, I would not participate-I simply could not abide "going pro." -David M. Peelle, Grad offspring, the Subcommittee on Student Conduct. The committee, supposedly the University's Student afairs rule- making power, has not met for years; instead it established the subcommittee, but failed to tell it how far it could go in interpret- ing, changing and establishing standards of conduct for students. In addition, the report would eliminate the jurisdictional ques- tion of the Residence Halls Board of Governors by eliminating the Board of Governors; and reasserts the heretofore hazy fact that the Vice-President for Student Af- fairs is responsible for regulatory proclamations of deans of men, women, students and so forth. The report also took an oblique swipe at the pet peeve of the judiciary defendant: the charge, "conduct unbecoming a student." But since it did not come right out an ask for the abolition of the "conduct unbecoming' charge, chances are no one will be coerced into doing away with it. THE REED REPORT, however, failed either to acknowledge or to do away with the anachronistic powers of each school or college over its students' extracurricular activities-powers seldom exercised but still technically legitimate. Without debating whether stu- dents in all schools are created equal, the University should rec- ognize that this individual control is in fact largely a thing of the past, and officially get this clause off the books. THERE ARE some more impor- tant problems in the OSA Com- mittee's recommendations which are not immediately apparent. One will arise when Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis begins to delegate rule- setting powers, as he can, be ex- pected to do, in view of his "non- directional" administrative philos- ophy and the size of his job. Evidently this would be okay with the study Committee; nowhere does their report prohibit this passing-on of authority. Here, without too much trouble, things could again evolve into chaos. After delegating his powers, Lewis, to keep things happy, would have to rely upon the "in- formal cooperation between the parties concerned" by which rules are presently set. * * * THIS SOUNDS like a warm, friendly, human way to come to decisions. But when a disagree- ment occurs, it is a dangerous way. Since a group discussion is dom- inated by the strongest conversa- tionalist, ina group rule-making free-for-all, the final say would likely gravitate toward the strong- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michican for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 pm., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, MARCH 20 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 20. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands pot later than April 10. Please submit TWENTY copies of each com- munication. Effective Mon., March 19: Students with properly registered automobiles may park or store their automobiles at the Hockey Rink on a 24 hour basis (no fee) from this date until Com- mencement. Office of the Dean of Men. Faculty, College of Architecture and Design: The freshman five-week prog- ress reports (all grades) are to be sent to Room 207, architecture Bldg. (Dean's Office) before 5:00 p.m., wed., March 21. The University of Michigan Blood Bank Association, in cooperation with the American,Red Cross. will have its regular Blood Bank Clinic on March. 28, 1962. The Clinic hours are 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m and from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Any full-time or part-time reg- ularly emplryed staff member of the (Continued on Page 5) est administrators-as it once did towards Dean Deborah Bacon. And, once the informal coopera- tion had blurred the real origin of a regulation, administrators again would find it easy to pass the buck when students sought changes or explanations of regu- lations. Instead of delegating rule- making powers in the direction of administrators (who are supposed to be carrying out, not making, these regulations), Vice-President Lewis should pass these powers to a body specifically set up for this purpose. * * * AND SO, by a new route, we arrive at an old proposal: a joint student - faculty - administration Council for Student Affairs, an- swerable only to the Regents (or, second best, subject to Lewis' veto, as Student Government Council suggested). The arguments for this body have been thrown around with great frequency and ferocity, but the debate does not weaken; such a rule-making council would be valuable for many reasons: 0 It would eliminate regulation without representation from stu- dent affairs administration: Stu- dents, even though they might be unhappy with the legislation en- acted by this council, would know that these regulations were im- posed by their own representatives, and therefore would be somewhat more willing to follow them. ! By giving students some real legislative power at last, this move might revive campus interest in student government and in the University in general. Today's prevalent apathy towards SGC is based on a feeling that SGC is impotent when faced with an im- portant issue. Not only would this revived en- thusiasm benefit the University, but it would have a more profound effect on the individual student. Many students now are discourag- ed from getting involved in cam- pus activities and issues by the feeling that "there's nothing I can do to change things, anyway." It's easier to forget the whole thing and turn to the sports page than beat your head against a stone, Administration Bldg. wall. And the student is the father to the alumnus. A student who feels a sense of futility at the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee report becomes a ci- tizen who can't see what differ- ence his one vote makes in 'the presidential election, and whose only contribution to democracy is made on Form 1040A. 0 The faculty representation on the committee would ensure that the rules made were founded pri- marily on educational bases, ra- ther than on administrative or financial expediency. M The administrators on the council would advise on the practi- cality of the proposed measures- a consideration which, though vastly overemphasized in the pres- ent OSA, is pertinent. r It would leave the advisory and interpretive functions of the administration intact, but could make legislation specific enough that its intent could not be dis- torted through far-fetched inter- pretation. This would protect against- the "personality cult" of a strong administrator. 0 Since this council's sole re- sponsibility would be to set and revise regulations, it would not be forced to delegate its powers else- where. There would be no buck- passing. Everyone would know where the rules originated, and why. i The council would serve as a student affairs complaint depart- ment, to which members of the University community could bring their gripes and suggestions re- gard rules. * * . * THE AVERAGE STUDENT, who doesn't happen to be a Daily senior editor or a, member of the Student Human Relations Board, would have a chance to voice his opinion without conquering miles of runarounds- and red tape. By holding frequent, public meetings, the rule-making council could continually re-evaluate the status of the OSA and the University. The Reed Report, however, did not suggest such a board-or any- thing substantially new for the rules process. In essence, its sug- gestions ask little more than a strong reaffirmation of the rule- making status quo. AT RACKHAM AUD: Stanley'Quartet Shows Charms in Miniature ....... FE WASHINGTON PROJECT picketers at the White House last month carried among heir signs some depicting part of Picasso's nasterpiece, "Guernica," as a protest against udlear war. Later, at a press conference, cer- ain reporters denounced the purely "irrational nd emotional" plea expressed by "pictures of urnt babies." (The reporters gave no evidence I knowing that those "burnt babies" were part f an internationally famous work of art.) An-. wering their charge, one of the student proj- et leaders said simply, "We feel that, emotion as a rightful place in human concern over be possibility of nuclear war." You might wonder if those same re'porters ould surpress all emotion if nuclear war did tome, and those "burnt babies" were their own hlldren. If they could, then reason, supposedly he all-hallowed opposite of emotion, is a oathsome thing indeed. A favorite criticism appearing in every other Ater to the Daily is that such-and-such an ditorial statement is "emotional." But no one as yet proved that there is anything wrong- rith controlled emotion. In simple fact, emo- on, as 'an existing force in all human beings, oust be taken into consideration in any mean- igful approach to human affairs. FMOTION is man's first resource. Man is the only creature who knows that he will die. [e is the only creature who needs the emotion- Al MAter 4 SENSE of responsibility to the University seems to be returning to the campus. >ecifically it is manifested in the candidacies f Mark Perlow, Jeffrey Rubenstein, Sharon [cCue and James Lipton, who are running as slate for senior officers of the literary allege.: Their objective if elected would be to instill a eeling of loyalty to the University in the ;udent body; to make them remember where hey got that diploma after they leave Ann rbor; to make them remember that . the 'niversity which prepared them for their hosen career needs support too. Jokingly this bond is called "the old school .e," but unfortunately, all too many of the niversity graduates do not have it. Many housands of persons owe no small part of heir success to the training they received at .nn Arbor, but only a small handful feed any bligation to repay that debt. -7HEN FINANCIAL and political for educa- was abundant, there was no need for con- ern. But now, when the public dollar is carce, the University needs all the support it 'n get. This slate fo senior officers at least talks al device of a faith in the meaning of life to convince him that his life is worth prolonging. This is the major premise of all human endeav- or, and it is only an emotion.; In the area of politics, both liberals and conservatives will find that the ultimate foun- dation of their carefully reasoned beliefs is nothing less than plain, unvarnished human emotion. On the issue of nuclear war, for ex- ample, a conservative will say that freedom must be defended at all costs because only freedom allows the full development of the human spirit. But why should the human spirit be allowed to develop? If the conservative is shallow, he will answer sharply, "That is axiomatic." If he is deep, and honest, he will realize that he only feels, emotionally, that human ability should develop unfettered. The same is true of lib- erals. A liberal may say, on the same issue, that the slaughter of human life is wrong, and that human life itself has a meaning which must be preserved over and above political considera- tions. Why is human life meaningful even without freedom? The only answer, necessarily emotional, can be that it is. Whatever the logical premises are, the ultimate question is "Why does it matter?" And the only answer is an emotion. WHY DO the so-called intellectuals of both schools go to such lengths to deny emotion in the field of world affairs? Few are ashamed of the emotions they feel every day. We love, we hate, we are happy or sad, and we say so- about everything except politics. In politics everything is supposed to be cooly logical-and that is why so much of politics has so little basis in the human reality. It is the nature of man to feel. Man laughs and weeps and writes poetry. The artistic forces in every culture strive fo remotional effect. Even the scientist knows emotional joy when he makes a discovery. No one lives by reason alone; indeed, human beings are occupied for the greater part of their lives with emotion. WHY IS THIS supposed to be wrong? Man's unique contribution to the universe is not primarily reason. All the phenomena which are the subject of scientific inquiry exist in the nature of things whether or not man happens to be around. The planets continue in their orbits whether or not man knows the equations. But only man can create tragedy, beauty, and love. Only man can make an emotional sym- bol, and say that spring is more than a season. These emotions exist nowhere in extra-human nature. Nature apart from man is only a functioning set of facts; man alone adds an- other level of meaning. This, then, is man's real greatness: not that he can solve the secrets of the universe. build cathedrals, and better his way of life, but IT IS ENCOURAGING to see that over the past few years there has been a notable increase in the' audience given to chamber music -of people who seek the charms of a snowflake under magnifica- tion as well as the awesome im- pact of a forest blanketed by snow. One adjusts himself to the size and natural restrictions of a me- dium and then sees what the crea- tive artist does within that frame- work. A pleasing romantic result is found in the first work on last night's program, the Quartet in E- flat major by Franz Schubert. It was excellently performed, \being perhaps the best performance of the evening. Schubert does not move from place to place as ele- gantly as Beethoven, but his mu- sic still possesses romantic beau- ty. Furthermore, Schubert's songs gain much more attention than those of Beethoven. Schubert prob- ably does pour more content or soul into his songs than is found in his E-flat major quartet. One of Beethoven's six early quartets, the C minor, Op. '18, No. 4, was the next work on the pro- gram. This quartet predates any of his symphonies. It is a very tuneful work, with song-like first- movement themes, two dance movements, and a rollicking finale. The second movement is a fugal scherzo. This quartet is much more technically difficult than the eas- ier Schubert quartet, and intona- tion problems were experienced in the first movement. In some of the more frantic moments of the finale, some of the notes sounded scrambled over. There is also much more involved in the balancing of parts in this quartet. IT IS GOOD to hear the Stan- ley Quartet playing with a little more body to the sound than in the past, although their treatments are still generally on the light side. In an effort to achieve light- ness, the sound of the first violin is sometimes lost. However, at other times this gossamer quality is appropriate wand superb. The final work was Ravel's Quartet in F. Both Ravel and De- bussy wrote just one string quar- tet, and both are masterpieces. In fact, there was a certain amount of competition between them when they were written. Ravel's quartet was attractively played. Like his other works, it has a ,pleasant nostalgic quality, which is another example of the lovely possibilities of the string quartet medium. --Donald Matthews THE DAUGHTERS of the Ameri- can Revolution have turned, down Mrs. John F. Kennedy's re- quest for a portrait of President Andrew Jackson and a chair for the White House. * * * Ask not what your D.A.R. can do for you, but what you can do for your D.A.R. i { -R. Selwa FEIFFER IF tf C WILL", W06 PAPER j&IA4If PAP K 0 '.U A.. CIA .V4. 15 1'HAf [JD HAD ? M 5ucW% II10 IF qou 5UMMAR- f Xcvs ' r F c 5 .3 . ~'\.. _-,,. UP A 800r 19 RA&IDN6 CIA- Tof12'o PROMPT", RWf OF US MAAWA66 To 6GAr OUR BOOK R V1Ct"y DONEJ ON OUR OWNI JCMF1 ice' Ag."1q PAGE? Y { ViE IMPROVEMENT OF fJT5tA-f1etNCE 0PERATIOC? PTW~JO RGlVS AN EMUsw, o0R- IT ICRCA lM6LCu R;COW&Z ANE - OU '12NMYrlt IN VP A CLA6lFFw MEMO AQL7 VW'P4 1rT-r7QrV5 Pt,65 I NOW) AFE LLWCH 110A0Y gooJ I F M