:. ._ . : ::. A Thai Student Relates Too Jraizei When T By SARITDJIDET SOMBATPANIT 171Q11and Perhaps the University Shoi Find a Better Academic Clin By MICHAEL HAR AB DEDICATION--On the occasion that members of the Peace Corps who trained on our campus left Ann Arbor for their duties in Thailand, I would like to contribute these Thai folk tales as a dedication to the daughters and sons of the United States ... who will be half the world away from home to share their knowledge and skills with my countrymen. 1 The Pasak River in northern Thailand ONCE UPON A TIME in the royal king- dom of Siam, when people were so afraid of their king that they called him the 'God Over My Head,' there lived a 'very clever and daring boy who had out- witted everyone in the whole land-except the king. The king, hearing of the boy's shrewd- ness, mounted his horse and off he rode to the boy's house. "Are you Sri Tanonchai?"commanded the king, still on the horse. "Yes, sir, I am," answered the boy not knowing that the man he was speaking to was the king. "I've outwitted everyone in the whole land, all except the king," he boasted. "What would you do, should you meet him?" asked the 'God Over My Head.' "I'll try to see if he is as clever as I am. Then I'll learn if I'm the cleverest boy in the world." "Maybe your head will go off your tiny shoulders before you come to know that. But you haven't met me either, so why don't you practice with me first? Then you'll be able to do better with the king. For neither the king nor I myself am cleverer than the other." Then the king gave him a challenge: "Now, Sri Tanonchai, try to persuade me to get into that water. That would be more than enough for your first trial." "Oh, no, I don't think I could make you get into that water at all. If I were going to make you get out of it; that would be another matter." Triumphantly, the king smiled and quick as a wink plunged himself into the water. "Now, my boy, prove what you've al- ready said. or your head will be cut off at once. I am none other than the king him- self." "Oh, your majesty, I don't think there is any need for me to prove that, since I've already proved that I could make you get into that water. Wasn't that your desire?" Blushing in shame and anger, the king climbed out of the water. But before he spoke a fine idea came into his head. He smiled a winning smile in his heart, and said to the boy: "Sri Tanonchai, my good boy, you've won me today. Why shouldn't I give a big dinner in your honor. Come to my palace just before dusk tomorrow and have dinner with me. won't you?" Then off the king rode into the woods. Being somewhat afraid of what he had done to the king that day, Sri Tanon- chai kept thinking what would happen to him at the king's dinner. "But I must go," he resolved. 'UST AFTER sunset the next day, Sri Tanonchai arrived at the king's palace. "How's the curry?" the king asked him, in the presence of the lords and ladies. "Not so bad, your majesty," answered the boy. "But what curry is it?" "Chicken curry. Is it good?" "Very, very delicious, your majesty." "Now, Sri," the king shouted, "I've won you,"$ "But we aren't playing any game, are we, your majesty?" "You're right. But you've proved you didn't know what you ate was vulture curry. I know it, so you're no better than I am-at least today." Then the king, the queen and all lords and ladies, burst into laughter until tears ran down their cheeks. Sri Tanonchai, still witty in spite of his shame, contrived a trick to put equal shame upon the king. He challenged: "Your majesty has beaten me. But I'm a fast writer. How would you like to beat me?" "I'm a fast writer, too," replied the kinz. "Let's try it tomorrow." The next day, long before it was time to start, Sri Tanonchai arrived early at the palace. He secretly replaced the king's pencil with another he brought along with him. Then the king arrived. "Are you ready, my boy? Let's start." "As you please, your majesty." After writing for a few minutes the king felt his pencil did not write well enough, and dipped it into his mouth to moisten At that moment, Sri Tanonchai shouted aloud, with a feeling of great triumph: "What's your majesty doing? Eating rooster dung?" The pencil which Sri sub- stituted for the king was made of rooster dung. Then the boy laughed a good laugh. "Sena," commanded the king angrily, turning to one of his ministers, "Banish this boy at once to a deserted island- forever!" "'Please," pleaded Sri Tanonchai, "Be- fore I die, may I ask for your mercy?" "Speak out at once, if you have any- thing to say." "Before I die let me have these two things: an iron cage, made so that it looks like a palace, and one of your suits, so that I may die in luxury." "Your wish will be fulfilled," said the king. vPIE ISLAND to which Sri was ban- ished was small, and the tide rose higher and higher. "I will surely be drowned-I shall surely die this time," he thought soberly. But soon he saw a Chinese junk sailing toward the island. Immediately he put on the king's garment and confined himself in-the iron palace. He shouted and waved for help from the junk, which was loaded with valuable goods from China. The captain of the junk asked Sri what his troubles were. "The Siamese people want me to be king," the boy answered. "They have dressed me in this fine royal robe. But I don't want to be king." "How stupid! Why not?" replied the captain and crew. "I just don't like to be king." "Then stay home. Why are you here on the island?" "They knew I didn't want to be king and were afraid of my escape, so they put me in this iron cage. They'll return to take me into the palace very soon." "How I should like to have such an opportunity!" remarked the captain. "Would you give me that junk and cargo of yours, if I should make you kine?" asked Sri._ "Of course I would. But do you mean it?" mortal creatures had lived in peace and great joy. Then one day, just before nightfall, the chief of all goddesses' challenged the chief of all gods: "You men are proud of your strength and wisdom. Look down upon us. What do you think of women?" "Well, they're pretty . . . ," came -the reply. "Is that what you men think? We want to prove that women are just as good as men are." "How can we prove it? What would you suggest?" "Well, let's each build a castle, of solid stone. We'll begin right after the sun sets and whoever. finished by sunrise willwn Th t il pr v - ic ae te - win. That will prove which are better- gods or goddesses." Thus soon after sunset they started to build two castles-all of solid stone. It was growing darker and darker, and the sky was beautiful with millions of brilliant stars. "Who are down there working?" the stars asked one another, curiously. "It's the gods and goddesses them- selves," one star said. "But what are they doing? I_ had no idea that a god had to work," remarked a neighboring star. "That's right. Stars and gods don't have to work," a drowsy star commented and went to sleep. OWN ON THE EARTH, the gods and goddesses were racing against time. It was almost midnight, yet not half of the work had been done. "How can we finish our castle before dawn?" a goddess asked. We have only six more hours to work." It was about midnight, but no sooner had the clock struck 12 than a bright light shown on the eastern horizon. It was the midnight sun! The occurrence was the idea of the clever chief goddess, who placed a lighted lamp on top of a huge tree. "It's dawn now. Let's stop," ordered the the chief god. All the gods stopped building their castle, according to the agreement. They all complained, however, that -the sun rose too early that morning. Downtown Ann Arbor HE SIMMERING SPECULATION ex- isting in sociology-oriented circles.- which theorizes that Ann Arbor is slowly being consumed by the Detroit metro- politan complex-should raise important questions for both the city of Ann Arbor and the University itself: Does Ann Arbor still provide the re- quired academic climate for the Univer- sity? If so, is: it likely that Ann Arbor will continue to provide this climate? If not, should the University move? True, this is not a question to be taken lightly-nor facetiously. Staggering as the prospect may be, it's a valid consideration. Just as Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department suggests that it would be, cheaper in the long run to simply move Berlin-lock, stock and bar- rel-to somewhere in West Germany. so it might be better in the long run to relocate the University somewhere else in Michigan. The University was never intended to exist in the environs of Detroit. It did, for a time, when it was first established. But as 'soon as possible it was moved, by the early patrons and founders, to Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor was then a small, quiet and pleasant village, growing to a degree, but nothing spectacular. It was removed from the hustle-bustle of Detroit, and yet the biq city was still accessible. The University could well have been located in Detroit, in the center of ac- tivity, in the middle of a growing me- tropolis. But it was placed in Ann Arbor, has thrived in an unhurried atmosphere, free from petty but necessary restrictions and regulations. In short, the University has never been regimented to the slight- est degree.- and future regimentation might be a nemisis. Regimentation has already come to Ann Arbor. "Walk" and . "Don't Walk" lights are of paramount . importance; civil defense has become crucial; petty parking regulations keep the auto owner moving his car every few hours; absent- minded jaywalking is strictly verboten; bicycles cannot be ridden here and can- not be parked there; all bikes must have licenses, lights and horns. The list could go on and on, to'include night parking regulations, one-way streets, no left turns and zoning regulations. This is not to imply that these little regulations aren't necessary; they are. But the reason they are is that Ann Arbor is growing into a metropolis- or a metropolis is growing into it. Then, too, in Ann Arbor the University faces the problem of confinement. There's a finite amount of snace on campus and it's fast being used un. This lads to the necessity of establishing some facilities on North Campus, a bit remote, or at Duvhorn. evpn more remote. The University's campus, in its tradi- tional sense, is a mockery. it's crowded in by stores, private dwellings and parking structures. There's nothing graceful or relaxed about it. Rather, it has become a pile of buildings that aren't very relaxed at all. That's not a description of a campus. but rather a crowded city-not the pic- ture originally conceived for the Univer- sifv. at any rate. There isn't much room left to grow in the vicinity -of the central camous. Parking structures are isin un from the. midst of a shady residential section. University departments are renovating old houses. In short, the -campus is be- coming a conglomeration of makeshift structures-both because there is little or no money available and no place to spend it. It would take more money than any-' one- will put up to overhaul the campus and plan it right again. The University has just grown too big for its space. munity, perhaps it would not be neces- sary. MOVING THE-UNIVERSITY to an- other location is definitely complicated by physical limitations. The idea of re- placing the physical plant alone is stag- gering, for, although the Ann Arbor plant could undoubtedly be used by some other group (such buildings would be in demand in a growing metropolis), constructing a similar plant would be a mammoth un- dertaking. I suggest, however, that it could be done. All further capital- expenditurei could be diverted to the new site, where- ever it might be. Eventually every facility on campus will have to be replaced, and the replacement might as easily occur on a new campus as this one. Undoubtedly this would require moving one school at a time, and perhaps even duplicating curricula on the two cam- puses for some years while the shift was in process. For a time this would sky- rocket expenses, but the long-run benefits must he considered. A shift to North Campus is not really the answer. It is simply a delaving tactic. Once the creeping metropolis has en- gulfed Ann Arbor, it hasn't far nor long to go before it swallows North Campus too. Instead, the University would have to move far, far away from Ann Arbor-to a frontier which is more remote now than Ann Arbor was originally, to an area where urbanization will be slow in coming. Another problem arises in persuading personnel to make the change. Perhaps this would be the most insurmountable of all. People are naturally reluctant to do much changing, much less lift firmly- planted roots and transplanting them in a strange community. Finally, it must be asked where the University would go. Depending on the circumstances, there are a number of places. If University planners would decide it should lie on the brink of a metropolitan area, easily accessible to the conveniences of a city yet removed from its hurly-burly, then a Michigan city such as Niles present itself. Here is a town, residential for the most part, right on the edge of the world, yet quiet and peaceful, unhurried and thoughtful. If the planners would decide on a spot where the nearest metropolis will be a long way off, the answer would be a city like Cadillac, a resort town far up in the peninsula. If they would seek a solid community which isn't very close- to any- city at all, perhaps they would settle on Traverse City. If they were interested in growing up with the community-as they did with Ann Arbor-they_ would likely turn to Alpena, a growing little- city on Lake Huron. But really new fr to St. Igna( The possi right one la versity plar above list There's C1 Isle, Hollan Axe, Escam to mention Anyone o University a a whole nev the commu something The arg course, are would be in of the shif foreseen pr At the sa: characterize versity. Cer points too BUT IT.S tant as jections for or not it i education ' education c Ann Arbor, change. One cam sity for its traditionall the way. Bu faced with incrediblet a worn-out Yet reloc out precede the move thought be formidable remains tha fully (thou benefit of t Now the again, and attempt to the Univer where else, the Univers As formid one must R Arbor of .tl the Univers The Uni asked then about Deti parently th Of prime the best pc in the face many hund will hopeft ties and obs The futi carefully 1: able future safely removed from the handicap of PERHAPS NOW, in 1962, it is hard to urbanization, where it could establish and think of Ann Arbor as even approxi- steep itself in an atmosphere all its own. mating Detroit, but in 1836 it was just Detroit implored the University to move as hard to think of Detroit creeping any- back. The people offered to donate land where near Ann Arbor.- and buildings at one time and another. And this brings us to the main question: But at each foray, University officials Should the University move to another- shook their heads and delivered the same community? There is no easy answer. reply: they wanted to be in a place where It must first be considered whether or their physical plant could expand and not Ann Arbor still suits the University. where their academic atmosphere would It cannot be denied that the city is now be unconditioned by surrounding pres- undergoing a change. It's urbanizing, sures of changing times, purely and simply. And from a purely So, then Ann Arbor was right for ,the civic point of view, this is good. University; perhaps it is still right even But is it also good for the University- now. But will it be right 20 years from an institution which has heretofore now? -thrived in an unhurried, unharried, un- fettered, almost sleepy atmosphere, in- THE UNIVERSITY has seemed to avoid dulging in the slow and thoughtful pro- entanglement in metropoli. Perhaps cess of gathering knowledge? this has not been a conscious effort, but Ann Arbor was once unhurried and un- that's the way things have worked out. encumbered by little regimentations, but, For example, witness the proposed al- as we have seen, it isn't any longer. The liance with Wayne State University which tide has turned and the waves of urban- fell through. ism are drawing near. And there is something about the at- '-Along with the advance of urbanism, mosphere on the campus which suggests creeping bureaucracy is slowly consum- that perhaps such urban entanglements ing the campus both from within and would not be beneficial. The University without. More and more University func- tions are reduced to IBM cards. mimeo- graph forms and punched tickets. Sim- MICHAEL HARRAH is a night ilarly, more and more Ann Arbor func- who s in tions are reduced to detachable stubs, chrediorontheneDsailicense decals and traffic signs. charge of the newspaper's cover- The former-University bureaucracy- age of Uniersity affairs. He is a is perhaps a necessary evil. At any rate, junior in the business administra- it would be hard to avoid. But the latter tion school. -city bureaucracy-is not an integral part of the University. In another com-