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March 18, 1962 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-18

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Regents Acknowledge Grants

Senior Board Cites Need
Of Class Responsibility

Gifts, grants and bequests to-
talling $216,000 were accepted by
the Regents at their regular meet-
ing yesterday.
From the Ford Foundation, they
accepted a total of $106,859, with
$100,000 to be used for forgiveable
loans to doctoral students in engi-
neering over a two-year period.
The foundation also has given $6,-
859 for use by The University
Press to stimulate scholarly pub-
lications in the humanities and so-
cial sciences.
The will of Ethel M. Keen of
Detroit has been offered for pro-
bate in Wayne County. It provides
a bequest of $50,000 to the Uni-
versity to establish, a scholarship
fund to be kncwn as the Roberta
J. Keen Memorial Fund. The be-
quest is given in the name of her
late husband, Albert S. Keen, and
herself in memory of their daugh-
The Regents accepted $34,020
from the Treasurer of the United
States representing the third in-
stallment on the National Science
Foundation's 1961-62 fellowships.
Walton Gift
From the estate of Frederick
E. Walton of Owosso, the Regents
accepted $14,000 to establish the
Frederick E. and Maud Walton
Research Fund for research in
diseases of the heart and cancer.
The fund is to be under the direc-
tion of Dean William H. Hubbard,
Jr. of the medical school.
The Drusilla Farwell Founda-
tion of Detroit has given $7,500
to establish a loan fund for the
benefit of doctors of medicine in
training at the University..
The Regents accepted $5,000
from the Forney W. Clement Me-
morial Foundation of Detroit for
use by the hospital school at Uni-
versity Hospital. The money comes
from Kiwanis Clubs in Michigan.j
Engineering Fellowship
Wolverine Tube DiVision of Cal-
umet & Hecla, Inc. of Allen Park
has given $5,000 for a fellowship
in the chemical and metallurgi-
cal engineering department.
Group To Select
Challenge Topic
Challenge will hold an open
meeting to select ahtopic for next
year at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in rm.
3510 SAB. The entire student body
is a member of Challenge. j

From the Upjohn Company of
Kalamazoo, the Regents accept-
ed $5,000 for research in bacter-
The Muchnic Foundation of At-
chison, Kansas, has given $4,000
for a renewal of a fellowship in
chemical and metallurgical engi-
neering for 1962-63.
Hospital Study
An industrial engineering hos-
pital study fund will be establish-
ed with $3,500 given by American
Hospital Supply Corp. of Evan-
ston, Ill.
The Regents accepted $3,000
from the Continental Oil Co. of
Ponca City, Okla., for a fellow-
ship in marketing research.
From the American Astronomi-
cal Society of Bloomington, Ind.,
the Regents accepted $2,900 to
establish a visiting professorship
for Prof. Z. Suemoto of the Tokyo
Astronomical Observatory, who is
here for the current semester.
Insurance Fellowships
The Regents accepted a total of
$2,750 from six . insurance com-
panies for use in fellowships in
the field of actuarial science. The
donors were John Hancock Mu-
tual Life 'Insurance Co. of Bos-
ton, $1,000; Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee,
,$1,000; Continental Assurance Co.
of Chicago, $250; Protective Life
Insurance Co. of Birmingham,
$200; Liberty National 'Life In-
surance of Birmingham, $200; and
Washington National Insurance
Co. of Evanston, $100.
Sinclair Research, Inc. of Har-
vey, Ill., has given $2,500 for a
fellowship in chemical engineer-
The Regents accepted $2,500
from William J. Branstrom of Fre-
mont, for the annual William J.
Branstrom Prize, an award given
to stop students in the freshmen
class after their first semester on,
Three Stipends
The American Foundation for
Pharmaceutical ; Education of
Washington, D.C., has given $2.100
to cover the balance of payments
for' three stipends granted to
AFPE fellows.
Two units of International ,Bus-
iness Machines have given $2,000,
with $1,000 from the General
Products Division at Endicott,
N.Y., given as an unrestricted
grant to the University because
P. E. Boudreau of IBM is doing
graduate work in mathematics,

and another $1,000 given by the
Advanced Systems Development
Division of Yorktown Heights,
N.Y., given as an undesignated
grant because J. D. Bagley is do-
ing work towards a doctor of
philosophy degree in communica-
tions science.
The Regents accepted $1,500
from the Link Foundation of New
York City for a fellowship in aero-
nautical engineering.
Michigan Lions Eye Bank of Ann
Arbor has given $1,200 for the
Michigan Eye Collection Center
at the Medical Center.
Travelling Fellowship
From the Cranbrook Foundation
of Bloomfield Hills, the Regents
accepted $1,200 for the George E.
Booth Traveling Fellowship in
Miscellaneous donors have giv-
en $1,036 for the William C. Gib-
son Memorial Fund. Prof. Gibson,
who died Aug. 17, was a member
of the public health school faculty
and served as acting dean for a
The Regents accepted $1,000
from the Honigman Foundation,
Inc. of Detroit with $500 for the
Jason L. Honignan Award and
$500 for the Abram W. Sempliner
Memorial Award.
Propose Plans
For Project

Senior Board of 1962, believ-
ing that their class owes some-
thing to the University for four
years of education, will act to
make students aware of this re-
sponsibility, Paul Lurie, vice-pres-
ident of the Senior Board, said
The Board has laid the foun-
dation for a future Board which
will function effectively to assist
the senior class in contributing to
the University, Lurie noted.
The Board, traditionally com-
posed of the four officers of the
eight undergraduate schools, has
restructured itself to be more
tightly organized and to facilitate
delegation of responsibility.
Eight Schools
Next year's Board will be com-
posed of 16 people, who will be
the presidents and vice-presidents
of the eight schools. The tradi-
tional 32 man Board proved inef-
ficient and unneeded, Lurie com-
The Board handles details of
graduation such as selecting a
commencement speaker and host-
ing at graduation.
It functions as the official class
representative to the Alumni As-
sociation. The most important
function of the Board is the col-
lection of senior class dues, which
have so far amounted to $2,000,
and the selection of the class gift,
William Blanton, '62BAd, presi-
dent of the Board, said.

have been statues, plaques and the
like, Lurie commented.
"By giving an academic gift to
the University, the Board feels it
can help draw the attention of
the students to the financial needs
of the University," Lurie said.
Working Organization
"This year we have organized
the Board and outlined its func-
tions. We hope the future officers
will take the responsibility of
making it a working organization.
Next year the Board should hold
a Senior Night, for fund-raising,
and should have a more efficient
collection of dues," Lurie said.
Present Senior Board officers
are Blanton president; Lurie, vice-
president; Harry Dickinson, BAd,
treasurer; Gloria Shaheen, Ed.,
corresponding secretary; J e a n
Merkle N., recording secretary.
Duerksen To Start
Discussion Series
The Rev. Harold Duerksen of
the Office of Religious Affairs
will discuss "Individual and Per-
sonal Integrity vs. Social Respon-
sibility" at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Guild House, 802 Monroe St

Art Students
Show Works
In Exhibition
An exhibit of original paintings,
sculpture and ceramics is now on
display in the North Lounge of
the Union.
All pieces in the exhibit are the
creations of students of the art
The art exhibit was a spontan-
eous project on the part of a group
of art students. Mimeographed
forms were -mailed to art students
and the pieces to be used in the
exhibit were then selected from
those submitted on the basis of
The exhibit will be at the Union
for about a week, during which
time some of the pieces now on
display will be replaced with other
original student art.

Chemistry and Physics
42nd Edition 1960

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Plans are being formulated for
a proposed Ann Arbor community
foundation which would benefit
health, welfare, cultural, civic and
other areas of interest.
The idea originated with a study
committee of the Ann Arbor
United Fund.
According to organizing com-
mittee head, Jack D. Hogan,
money could be willed or given to
the foundation to be used for
parks, recreation, the community
center, or in any way which would
serve the community.
Although the University would
not be directly involved in such a
project, it could benefit possibly.
from scholarshipeor research gifts.
Members of the organizing com-
mittee, still being formed, include
qualified experienced representa-
tives of Ann Arbor's financial in-
stitutions, attorneys, representa-
tives of some family foundations
and representatives from the com-
munity at large.
Many other cities, including De-
troit, Cleveland and Kalamazoo,
have established successful com-
munity foundations and trusts,"
Hogan said.

To Greet McNamara
Secretary of Defense Robert Mc-
Namara, this year's commence-
ment speaker, will be greeted by
the president and vice-president
of the Board, Blanton noted.
"The, potential of the senior
class contributions to the Uni-
versity is great," Lurie said. This
year's gift-a publishing fund for
the Institute of Science and Tech-
nology--is the first academic con-
tribution of a senior class in the
past five years. In the past gifts

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U' Students Receive Honors.
'rom Wilson Foundation

Until March 30

The Michigan nton
Extends a Welcomer to the

.Z ri th:e

No 3-0918

Community, Faculty,

and Student Body

University seniors won 20 Wood-"
ow Wilson Foundation scholar-
hips this year and an additional
5 students won honorable men-
A total of 39 Michigan college
budents won Wilson fellowships:
ight at Michigan State Universi-
y; three at Wayne State Univer-
ty; two at the University of De-
colt; two at Calvin College; one
t Central Michigan University;
ne at Western Michigan Univer-
ty; one at Hope College and one
t Kalamazoo College.
The fellowships cover tuition
nd fees for first-year steudy at
lie graduate school of the stu-
ent's choice, plus a $1,500 al-
To encourage support of stu-
ents beyond their first year in
raduate school, the foundation
ffers additional funds to each
chool where a fellow is enrolled.
Since the program, began in
945, a total of 114 University
budents have won awards, plac-
ng the University first among
11 state-supported universities.
This year's winners received
heir grants*for studies in the
ollowing departments:
Caroline W. Bynum, history; Judith
Cook, English; Stuart A. Curran,
Inglish; Donald F. Fine, English; Louise

M. Fiorell, English; Cecilie A. Goodrich
physiology; Richard G. Klein, anthro-
pology; Judith L. Leland, English; Anne
L. Middleton, English; Douglas E. Mil-
ler, German; Donald T. Moen, German.
Roger Moorhus, history; Kenneth
Morgan, anthropology; Norman E.
Nordhauser, history; Stephen D. O'Har-
row, Oriental language; Elinor L. Read-
ing, English; Albert W. Ruesink, bot-
any; Karma Smith, French and Eng-
lish; Faith L. Weinstein, English; Pa-
tricia Woods, anthropology.


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