THE MICHIGAN DAILY Statements Consider NSA, within the organization, and b) inform the students at Michigan of NSA stands. . . . and some of the areas in which the Council should work: 1) An investigation must be made into the rules and regulations concerning student affairs. 2) We must study further the present calendaring process. 3) We must do research and make suggestions on the deeper ramifications of year-round operation of the Uni- versity as it pertains to student activities. 4) As always, the Coun- cil, and the campus, suffers from a lack of communication between the two groups. Permanent lines must be established in this area if the Council is to purport to repre- sent students. Some concepts on the Council in general: 1) The existence of a Political Party on the Council has initiated a polarization' which results in a subversion of individual thought and debate to the dictates of the Party.r I will continue my efforts to in- troduce new ideas and points of view in debate rather than simply provide voting opposition. 2) Most forms of iotical label are libel. for all the students, including graduate students, in public pol- icy pronouncements, but also be- cause many internal University policy actions taken by Council directly or indirectly affect grad- uate students. I also believe that all students should take part of the responsibility of determining University policy, and that all stu- dents should work toward integra- tion and unity of the University as a whole. I believe that the following items are among those which SGC should act upon or investigate: 1) Council should more fully realize its function as an educa- tional adjunct of the University, perhaps at the expense of being somewhat less concerned with its role of arbiter of student organi- zations - as exemplified by the recent farce in regard to the pro- posed constitutional changes of the Panhellenic Association. A study should be made to determine in what manner SOC can best act to further the educational aims of- the University. 3) Legislation must be the cul- mination, not the beginning of an idea. Only after a Council member has consulted with faculty, ad- ministration, and st u d e n ts, - after he has informally discussed his proposal with other Council members and conducted research with authorities, should legislation appear before the body. If the above procedure were followed, ul- timate legislation would be far more effective. 4) Currently on SGC there exists a dichotomy between theory and practical workability with leg- islation. Consequently, too many times, legislation dies after leav- ing the -table. This is as a result of administrative roadblocks which were not considered during the discussion. 5) Positive benefit can only come when student, faculty, and administration work together, within the Council, toward change (OSA Study Committee). When SGC is childishly used as a pres- sure group, nothing will move, and the "voice of the students" will be discounted. Thank you for your considera- tion of my candidacy for re-elec- tion to SGC. 2) Council should approach all proposed pronouncements on mat- ters outside regular University af- fairs with extreme caution. All statements issued should be truly representative of student opinion, and the possible ramifications of these statements in regard to ad- verse reaction by the public to- ward the University or its students should be thoroughly analyzed. I suggest a poll of a random sample of students on each public issue contemplated as an aid to Council in making final decisions. 3) Michigan's membership in. the National Students Association should be investigated - especial- ly in regard to campus selection of representatives, the question of whether or not NSA is a truly rep- resentative body itself, and the value of the organization to the students of this University. 4) The proposed Office of Stu- dent Affairs appears to be an idea of much possible merit; but it should be thoroughly studied be- fore the final far-reaching deci- sion is made. S tan 'L ubin Student Government Council Committee on the University; SGC Judic Study Committee; Voice Political Party, East Quad- rangle Social Chairman; East Quadrangle Council; Young Democrats; Hinsdale IDouse So- cial Chairman, Hinsdale House Council; House Michigras Chair- man, House Homecoming Chair- man, Michigan Union Social Committee; Michigan Union Hospital Show; Exam Week Movies Chairman; Student Bookstore Chairman. Right now there are so many problems facing SGC that it is impossible to list them all in the space allotted. Following are just a few of the major problems fac- ing the Council and what I pro- pose should be done about them. 1. SGC has not taken any fol- low-up action on legislation after it passes. As a result, some im- Larry Mon berg. Delta Upsilon Fraternity - P u bli c Relations Committee Chairman, Co-Rushing Chair- man, Executive Council Mem- ber-at-Large, Miehigras Com- mittee; Michigan Union - Public Relations Committee. These days, the first thing the student electorate wants to know about a candidate is his degree of. leftness or rightness. This is un- fortunate., Factionalism of this sort is a mounting impediment to smooth SGC functioning. It was the original idea that ,SGC elec- tions and politics be non-partisan, at least with respect to the nation- al parties. I am conservative in partisan matters. I avoid and regret the in- creasingly partisan flavor of cam- portant SGC legislation has been sitting around gathering dust. In October, the Council passed a resolution asking for drastic changes in the Women's Non-Aca- demic Evaluation Forms. Once it passed, the resolution was com- pletely forgotten about. I think that SGC should have gone furth- er and sent a Council member to Other the Board of Governor's meeting to speak for the resolution. At least, then the Board would have had to give this resolution some thought, instead of ignoring it. Also, SGC set up many import- ant committees to look into vari- ous areas of campus life. Many of these committees haven't even met as yet, and the Council hasn't cared to do anything about this. I think that SGC should take a look into past legislation and take some follow-up action wherever necessary, such as the two areas above . 2. The Judiciary system on cam- put is in need of revision. The OSA report suggests this, but does not go far enough. The various Judics are still under the thumb of the administration and students are still being subjected to arbi- trary punitive decisions at the hands of the Administration. 3. SGC should proceed with "all due speed" to make sure that all of the Fraternity and Sorority membership statements are ade- quate. The Council and any houses which are in violation of the regu- lations should also get to work on eliminating all Bias Clauses which exist. sent 1,300,000 students, manifests an extremist philosophy which ob- viously does not reflect the wishes of the "represented". Probably only a minority of the "represent- ed" has heard of NSA in even fragmentary detail. The source of the ideas promulgated by NSA as those of US students is, in fact, the opinions of a small and shrinking (but shrieking) radical left. The idea of a national forum for student ideas is sound. But if the forum remains this far di- vorced from the realities of the- wishes of the student public, it must be blitzed. I propose that the Council do whatever possible to renovate NSA within its original concept. If it proves impossible to rehabilitate NSA, let's scrap it. Campus bias must be eliminat- ed. The wrong way to end it is by inflaming and alienating those who condone it. The method of proven results: patient education aimed at an eventual buildup of tolerance and a tradition of fair play. I am sorry that this is so; I Issues Also, arbitrary discrimination i: private housing should be elimi nated as quickly as possible. 4. I would like to see a few mor student services on campus, suc as an expanded book exchang and a student airflight or trai trip over the holidays to provid group transportation home fc students at economical rates. 5. The U. of M. is not a blot o empty space. We must commun: cate with various student Gov't around the country, and the mos effective way to do this is throug the National Student Assoc. I pro pose that SGC establish a stand ing committee to handle NSA a fairs and coordinate their activ: ties with SGC. These issues are more importar ones facing SGC today. Also ob vious is the OSA report, which currently being debated. SG should give careful consideratic to this report and make sure thi its recommendations are brougl to the right people. I also call for the replacement o the Hare system of tabulation I a fairer and more efficient method In short, I will take steps to se that SGC takes more initiative b all areas affecting students on tI U. of M. campus. Hank McA lien Buckeye Boys State - Pres- ident of Bar; Princeton Univer- sity -- Young Republican Club, America Whig Cliosophic So- ciety Party Whip; Ohio Univer- sity - Parliamentarian of Mock' Democratic Convention, Young Republican Club; Editor high school newspaper; P r e c i n c t Committeeman in hometown for, Republican Party; Member of University Young Republican Club; Delegate to College Feder- ation of Young Republican Clubs State Convention, Mem- ber of Platform Committee. detest bigotry. But the bigc won't be pressured nor their a titudes legislated. Bigots must beguiled. Paternalism? There's mt more about than necessary for V more mature, trustworthy stude public today. Council will havev support in its efforts to cut p ternalism to a bedrock minimv Joint Judiciary is too wid misunderstood. A review of jurisdictional powers and restr tions is needed to expose possi "double jeopardy", unfair pros cutions, and the like. If Judic really fair both in theory and results, the students should ha the facts necessary to appreci: this; if not, changes are mpand tory. SGC should get hopping on fi uring out what the effects of yea round operation of the Univers will be. Year-round operati seems inevitable. It will affect v tually every area of SGC conce Too little has been done to an lyze and p r e p a r e for the changes. pus politics, but if pressed, I'll ad- mit to tending mildly toward the right. The National Student Associa- tion is a potential danger. This organization, purporting to repre- U \..Gi t/ YYLiVi14iC. 1tI ii W Gi.L G- (12VV Via, Navw uv vua~as +aywu .. t Six Seats, Nine candidates: ount iht D ci des Y STATEMENTS, OSA: SGC Considers Major Issues Adequacy of membership selec- tion, statements, the Office of Student Affairs and the United States National Student Associa- tion were the main'areas of con- cern for Student Government Council since the last election. In December, Council passed legislation setting a January 17 deadline for all fraternities and sororities to submit their mem- bership selection clauses and their interpretations to the Office of Student Affairs. This action was designed as part of the Committee on Membership Selection in Stu- dent Organization's process of en- forcing Regent's by-law 2.14 against bias in student organiza- tions. The means for determining ade- nucvo nf theses tatements. anu-e a complete statement. Otherwise, it will be subject to disciplinary action by SGC. The Council also sent letters to fraternities and sororities explain- ing the adequacy of statement procedures to them. SGC passed last Wednesday its comments on the Office of Stu- dent Affairs Study Committee report after previously considering reports submitted by four commit- tees established to study the re- port. The Council urged a more definitive educational philosophy for the OSA, a policy commission, subject to the vice-president for student affairs, that would with students in its membership estab- lish rules and regulations for stu- dent extra-classroom conduct, the granting of apartment permission which neither the administrati nor SGC could abridge. The Council scheduled a ref endam on University participati in NSA and a week later rescind the action. It adopted a new poli toward the organization, design to emphasize SGC's desire for to become a "confederation of st dent governments". Only Coun members may attend NSA natio al and regional congresses and t association was asked to cone with SOC when it appointed U versity students to staff positio or hold projects on this campus The Council also added init tive and referendum procedures its plan. With 1000 signatures s dents may place questions on t ballot except in areas dealing w Council's administrative functic Tn ha nnnrnvet .3000r 75' r COUNT DOWN--Two weeks of campaigning is climaxed by the election- and Count Night. Ballot boxes are collected from the