Se'venty-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS re Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ruth Will Prevail" torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Doctor, Nonsense! All You Need Is A Few Chuckles" TODAY AND TOMORROW: Aiken-Hickenlooper Dangerous 13low to UN Y, MARCH 18, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLINE IOW The SGC Candidates... aIl HAS BEEN a disappointing Student 3overnment Council campaign. Vhile candidates have been generally forth- it in their statements, they have exhibited e knowledge of Council's past and little :n of its future. With six of nine candidates >e elected, selection is limited; it is certain t unqualified candidates will be elected., s advocates of increased student respon- lity, we find this embarrassing. It may be t, after another semester in which much 'e could have been accomplished, SGC is ;ing what it deserves. But, the declining nber and quality of Council candidates is 'emely disturbing. The Council will only is good as its members, and its broad powers atrophy if not used. fter a public press conference and personal rviews, it is our impression that the fol- ing six persons have the most potential for tributing to SGC. We have based our luation on the same criteria we used last ester, including: factual knowledge, exper- e in student affairs, handling of present es and formulation of new ones, a broad optimistic interpretation of the Council's ential, and clarity and vigor of expression. IE SIX are listed in alphabetical order: .OWARD ABRAMS-is a conscientious kesman for un-original ideas. But he seems have a sincere interest tn the future of C, and certainly has more in background . information on the Council than most of candidates., In his Daily interview, he naged to field difficult questions with some . ATY FORD-is an attractive girl and will btless be elected no matter what we say. is eager and alert, fairly articulate and s she will vote independently. But she has it background in student affairs and little ; knowledge of SGC in particular. She has r, very much to learn. TAN LUBIN-Back for, another try, Lubin cast himself as a voice in the wilderness ng to spur SGC into action. He appears to energetic, and he does have some know- e of the Council. He presents a broader pro-, m than he had last semester, but his proposals are sometimes vague and his sug- gestions for implementation shaky. HANK McALLEN-A law student, McAllen is the first true right-winger to run for SGC in a long time. Within his closed system, he is logical and articulate. But his whole way of thinking has serious drawbacks and could compromise what we feel is the Council's proper role. KEN MILLER-is a sincere and fairly well- informed candidate. However, in his comments he tends to mouth campus cliches without offering much substance. Some of his proposals were inconsistent within themselves. He is over-optimistic about what SGC has accom- plished in the past' and about the value of some of the programs he is suggesting. LARRY MONBERG-is an articulate speaker and usually has good reasons for making the statements he does, in spite of his lack of experience. He is vague on important student, issues but might be able to overcome this handicap.. THE FOLLOWING three candidates are the Sweakest: FRED BATLLE-was able to 'talk about all the standard issues in the campaign, but ex- hibited a limited view of SGC's power and his- tory. He was unclear in some statements and appeared to change his stand when asked for clarification. IMATTHEW COHEN-is the poorest informed of a group of candidates notable for their lack of information. He is interested in Council, and he has picked up some knowledge of its struc- ture and actions during the campaign. But his lack of experience and his ill-defined .ideas make his potential as a Council member ques- tionable. RICHARD G'SELL--the only incumbent in the election, is much more a politician than a thinker. Even after a semester on Council he apparently lacks any clear idea of what it should be doing and what he should be doing on it. He stresses a need for contact with con-' stituents and for bridging the gap between two "poles" of opinion on SGC, but he hasn't 'done much in his term in either direction. He has introduced no major legislation-indicating a lack of a clear conception of what SGC should be doing. -THE SENIOR EDITORS SEARCH FOR METHOD: Social Science Smorgasbord This column provoked Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt) to make a Senate speech accusing Lippmann of "making false statements and accusations," in an attempt to pressure Congress to approve the UN bond pur- chase. Lppmann says he will answer these charges in a column next week By WALTER LIPPMANN THERE IS serious difficulty in Congress over the plan to fi- nance the UN deficit by a bond issue. This plan was worked out by Americans, it is supported by the United States government and it has been approved by the Gen- eral Assembly of the United Na- tions. it-now appears that there is danger that it may be defeated by a coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats who want to substitute for it an altogether different plan. Instead of our buying $100 million worth of bonds, to run for 25 years at 2 per cent interest, Sens. Aiken and Hickenlooper want us to offer the UN a loan of $100 million, to run for three years at current rates of interest. The supporters of this proposal, and notably its sponsors, Sens. Aiken and Hickenlooper, have been and profess still to be friends of the United Nations. But it is no exaggeration to say that if they prevail, they will have struck a dangerous blow at the United Nations. TO UNDERSTAND why this is so, we must remember that the UN is in financial trouble solely because it is conducting two opera- tions-the one on the frontier be- tween. Egypt and Isreal, and the other in the Congo. Apart from them, the UN is solvent. The deficit arising from Pales- tine and the Congo is caused by the fact that two of the great powers, the Soviet Union and France, and a number of the smaller powers such as the Arab states, Portugal, South Africa and some others, are refusing to pay their special assessments for either or both of these operations. The basic issues before the UN and the country are whether all the members of the UN can be compelled to pay for these peace- keeping operations and, if that fails, whether the UN must liqui- date them and give up its actions, of which there have been eight, to enforce peace. * * * THE CRUCIAL difference be- tween the UN bond plan and the Aiken-Hickenlooper plan is that the bond plan would compel all members to pay their share of the costs of a peace-keeping operation authorized by the United Nations. The Aiken-Hickenlooper loan pro- ject cannot deal with this ques- tion of making every member pay. for these special operations. In the bond plan the interest and amortization charges would be covered in the regular budget, and a member who refused to pay its share for two years would be pun- ishable by losing its right to vote. That ought to work to make the payment of these costs general throughout the membership. Because the interest and amor- tization charges would be spread out over 25 years, the smaller, poorer members, though paying their share, would not have to pay large amounts. We cannot be sure that the big members, the Soviet Union, France, the Arab states, and Belgium, would pay their share. But it would be a brazen defiance of the UN if they did not do so, and very embar- rassing for them. * * * THE AIKEN-HICKENLOOPER loan plan would do none of these things. The fact is that the UN has no legal right to accept such a loan, and it is extremely im- probable that a special session of the General Assembly, which would have to be called in order to accept a loan, would in fact approve it. What is certain is that such a special session would re-open every crisis which was quieted down last autumn and the United States would find itself at the storm cen- ter of a new crisis. We would have to explain why the General As- sembly should revoke its own de- cision of a -few months ago, a decision we ourselves promoted, and why, in order to please the Republican minority in Congress, the General Assembly should vote to overrule the recommendations of the President of the United States. And if by some strange chance the UN accepted the loan, it would probably not be repaid. For the big non-paying countries would surely stick to their position that special assessments are not binding, and the little nations would be unable to repay their share of the loan within three years. * * * IT IS IN FACT almost impos- sible to make any sense at all out of the Aiken-Hickenlooper amend- ment to the very much improved bill voted by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It is evident, however, that there are three ele- ments at work in this confused raid on the bond plan. One, unhapply, seems to be personal disgruntlement about which the less said the better. Another is a crude partisanship which is acting' on the notion that to defeat what comes from Kennedy is somehow to win a victory. A third element, concealed but nonetheless at work, is old- fashioned isolationist hostility to the UN as such. The Republican party will not improve its famous image by play- ing politics with a plan which means so much to the stability of 'the world. (c) 19N2, New York Herald Tribune, Inc. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily official Bulletin is an offiial publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in 'TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Buildin before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SUNDAY, MARCH 18 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 20. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than April 10. Please submit TWENTY copies of each com- munication. Effective Mon., March 19: Students with properly registered automobiles may park or store their automobiles at the Hockey Rink on a 24 hour basis (no fee) from this date until Com- mencement. Office of the Dean of Men., Events Stanley Quartet: The Stanley Quartet, -Hilbert Ross ad ustave Rossees, violins, Robert Cburte, viola, and Jer- ome Jelinek, cello, will present a're- cital on Mon, March 19, 8:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall. They will per- form Schubert's Quartet in E-flat ma- jor, Op. .125, No. 1, Beethoven's Quar- tet in c minor, Op. 18, No. 4, and Ravel's Quartet in F. open to the public without charge. Engineering Mechanics, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering and In- stitute of Science and Technology Cl- loquium: Mon., March 19 at 4 p.m., in 311 West Engrg. Bldg. Dr. T, Brooke Benjamin,° Cambridge University, will speak on "The Effects of Surface Co- piance on a Turbulent Boundary Lay- (Continued on Page 5) )ERS CORE:,f Has Romney Sold Out? [ICHIGAN'S long-sought and eagerly await- ed constitutional convention is all over but e shouting. It ended not in the magnificent 11 set aside for the delegates, but in a series smoke-filled hotel suites, notably that of uld-be Governor George Romney. Instead of an open covenant openly arrived the. constitution greeting Michigan voters November will be the partisan creation of e state's conservative out-state Republicans, ived at in party caucuses and other secret etings carefully hidden from the press and )m the prying eyes of the voters of Michigan. rgnoring the crying needs of the state and e opinions ofsDemocratic colleaguesthe frmer delegates" of the GOP have written a cument accurately representing only their n selfish interests._ HE MOST DISHEARTENING aspect of the entire farce was the emergence of delegate Youth's Cause. MUST CONFESS that' I can never be very optimistic about the contribution to the ise of freedom of college-age youth. Clas- al liberalism is essentially an end-of- locence philosophy. It requires accepting the perfect nature of man and hence the im- fect nature of all human constructs. .t sadly, but firmly, insists that the New 'usalem is never to be realized. It denies At man can consciously and deliberately plan nself into the good life and the good world. places its restricted faith in the unpredict- e and unplanned consequences of the in- idual decisions of free men and women. ['his is a philosophy of the mature human ng. It has little real appeal to the confideit, per-critical mind .of the young. person. It is young who believe in the possibility of aven on earth brought ihto being by the iscious exercise of their mighty power of ,son-and who are prepared to sweep aside >se feeble minds or weak wills make them obstacle to the cause. IS LATER in life, 1i ever, that a man reconciles himself to living in an imperfect rld in which imperfect people make imper- t decisions-and is willing to let them do as long as they do not infringe on his edom and the freedom of others. :n sum, while I am encouraged by the in- asing interest of college stuednts in the ise of individual freedom, I must confess t I think much of this interest is about as l-grounded in philosophic commitment as ir interest in panty raids and school spirit. freedom survives in the decades ahead, it 1 be because age and not youth has had way. George Romney as a fellow-traveler of the farmers. The gubernatorial candidate, to pre- vent a "coalition" which would oppose his faction and thereby be "disruptive of further convention 'proceedings," has yielded to the Boothby-Brake clique on every major question remaining before the convention. l Romney's compromise, if carried through in the convention hall, will prevent a just and sen- sible apportionment of the House. It will pre- serve with only minor changes, the aged and restrictive "earmarking" provision of the 1908. constitution. It will return the 15-mill limit on property taxes that the convention wisely decided to kill earlier. And it will leave everyone unsatisfied by permitting the people to elect only two of the state's six administrative Board officers, while permitting the Governor to ap- point only two. R OMNEY HAS, in his flexible political career, opposed all 'of these measures. Despite his frequent absences from committee-of-the- whole meetings, the campaigning, car-making con-con vice-president emerged as leader of the "moderate" Republican faction which quickly earned the wrath of the GOP farm bloc delegates for being mildly progressive. But Thursday, the newly-emerged politi- cian compromised his earlier convictions, con- tentions and beliefs, and lent his imposing personality to the demands of the militantly anti-progressive alliance of his fellow Republi- cans. The result will be an anti-climamtic windup of the convention's deliberations, dur- ing which the 45 Democrats might as well -pack up and go home. Romney had planned to base his bid for the Michigan governorship on a "non-partisan" appeal to the electorate, urging them to rise above the evil, business-dominated Republican Party and the evil, labor-dominated Democratic Party and elect a man who is dominated by no one. One wonders how he will present himself to Michigan voters now, -JAMES NICHOLS Free Hand REGENT Eugene B. Power's statement yes- terday that the Regents will see a broad selection of recommendations on revisions in the Office of Student Affairs is both hearten- ing and significant. Seeing the documents will enable the Re- gents to examine, officially, a variety of posi- tions on the issue-those of Student Govern- ment Council and the faculty Student Relations Subcommittee, to name the most important. Since these don't fully agree with the OSA By HARRY PERLSTADT Daily Staff Writer THE LACK of basic principles and an ambiguity of subject matter leads to the smorgasboard of social science distribution courses. What phenomena are to be included in social sciences, or in the separate disciplines? Psychology has already split into a natural science and social science branch. History is considered a humanity as. well as a social science. Sociology is racked by hard dataists running around making surveys, and soft dataists who write essays and consider sociology, an art. Political Science is a conglom- eration of other social science dis- ciplines. THE SUBJECT MATTER in a distribution course should not at- tempt to cover the whole spectrum of social phenomena, but rather confine itself within the separate disciplines. This will force an em- phasis on basic principles. Poli- tical Science should not concern itself with sociological or economic factors when attempting to ex- plain the basic mechanics of gov- ernment. The natural sciences can offer basic courses in each field with little overlap. Elementary physics deals mainly with physical relg- tionships; chemistry, geology and astronomy are not brought in. The natural sciences do con- verge in the real world of astro- physics, nuclear chemistry of bio- physics. No physicist in an ele- mentary course would discuss the relationship between biology, phy- sics and chemistry. Yet this is. exactly what happens in the social sciences. * * * A DISTRIBUTION course in political science knows few bounds. It seldom concerns itself with the actual machinery of government and on its search for sources of political power, it leans heavily on sociology and psychology. Instead of attacking the funda- mental problems of government or raising the intellectual ques- tions of behaviorists versus posi- tivists, a high school-type civics course is offered. An array of sociology, history, psychology and philosophy purportedly explain several Supreme Court decisions and the defection of Albania. Political Science borrows from. sociology and psychology because it has or presents no fundamental principles of politics. It cannot say, "Political Science encompasses the following hypotheses and so- cial phenomena." It cannot give the basic necessities for the en- durance of any government in any socio-economic setting. And its LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Bad SGC Candidates May Be, 'Good Thing' students are not being shown, on the undergraduate leyel, the chal- lenge of the problems. * * * ECONOMICS, on the other hand, has made some progress and freed itself from the intra-social science conflict., As the oldest of the modern so- cial sciences, economics has de- veloped a set of basic hypotheses which are constantly applied to real world situations and which are still being perfected. But they have the principles which define Sthe limits of economic study. Later, armed with a firm back- ground in economic principles and a few empirical examples, the student can apply them to eco- nomic factors in the real world. THE PROBLEM which most of the social sciences must face is the establishment of disciplinary boundaries for elementary study. If each department could offer a distribution course dealing with the basic principles or the search for them, students would learn the essence of each discipline, and the disciplines themselves would be oriented towards formulation or refinement of their hypotheses. If each discipline worked out the basic principles in its field, then when the problems reached the higher intertwined levels, compar- able to biophysics in the natural sciences, they could be subject to closer and more exact analysis. * * * BUT UNTIL BASIC principles, can be found, the most promising way to present the different ap- proaches used by the social science disciplines lies in area studies. Here a particular society is ana- lized by each discipline and the student sees the separate experts brush shoulders. In area studies courses the po- litical scientist studies only the political situation while the so- ciologist investigates groups and population and the economist the ecoiomy. When the political scien- tist desires information about the social structure, he goes to a s- ciologist and does not attempt to do it himself. One of the distribution courses for social science credit is Asia 101 and 102. The course consists of a series of lectures by different professors in various disciplines of the social sciences and humanities who have specialized in the Near East and Asia. For example, Prof. Beardsley discusses anthropology, Prof. Feuerwerker, history, Prof. Ward, political science and Prof. Eck- stein, economics. Theoretically, each professor applies his disci- pline to the civilization of Asia. The students see the different approaches and the professors hopefully become more specific within their own speciality in ap- plying it to the area study. This should orient the social' sciences towards basic principle and con- finement of disciplinary subject matter. * * * AT PRESENT the social science distribution courses do not pre- THE PR SENT GROUP of Stu- dent Government Council can- didates is the worst in years. But before we start throwing arouid the usual phrases about campus apathy, and about the skeptical attitudes toward student govern- ments and politics in general, I suggest we take a more detailed look at the Council itself and note where the blame lies. There are certain characteristics of SGC that seem inevitable in any political body. Many members who sit on the Council have no- thing to offer the student body but the hunger of their egos. Many members sit on the Council be- cause their primary interest is elsewhere (the seven ex-officios). A few members of SGC are in- telligent, informed and articulate students andthese are the mem- bers whose talents are being wast- ed on Student Government Coun- cil. Their major proposals, if they are liberals, do not pass. If they are conservatives, their major con- tributions usually come from their competence in administrative mat- ters and the relevance of many of their debating points. But since their contributions and their in- terests rarely lie in making major changes in the whole approach to Student Government Council, the conservatives usually do more to think that ultimately it is a good thing. It is a good thing, for in- stance, if the Council realizes that it cannot both oppose giving it- self meaningful powers and ac- cept people interested in mean- ingful organizations and impor- tant projects to seek positions on the Council. It is an important thing that bad candidates run for a weak Council if it makes the Council realize that unless Coun- cil members work for. a strong organization, other organizations will dwarf SGC and be able to work completely around But of course the greatest good that can come from the present lot of candidates is the potential influence this mediocrity might have on the Council's thinking. It is of paramount importance, for instance, that the Council realize that in its present state many of the most qualified campus leaders will devote their energies and their minds to other organizations. It is of paramount importance that those conservative members of the Council who think their major contribution is the obstruc- tion of liberal legislation realize that unless the Council is able to produce important legislation, stu- dents will have little interest in it. It is of the greatest importance that the Council realizes that while it could doubtless perpetuate it- AT HILL AUD.: Summit Sounds High At Opening Meeting LAST EVENING, Ann Arbor was privileged to be the sight of what should be the first in many summit meetings. The topic of debate went something like: Resolved, That good music is grand fun, be it produced by thirteen, nine, .eight, five, or four. In translation, without hyperbole, the above is meant to chronicle the fact the IFC and Vulcans, at the insistence of The Arbors, spon- sored the first SOUNDS OF THE SUMMIT concert in Ann Arbor. The music fit into three catagories: old fashioned barber-shop, and near mutation thereof, brash college wit and gimmickry, and just plain brilliant precision singing. It seems only right to note here that comparisons between the six groups would be both unfair and mis- leading. ALL THE GROUPS indulged in the number one staple on en- semble singing: barbershop. It was the bulk of the repertoire of The D. Q.'s of Amhurst (a double octet with an inexplicable ninth member) and Cayuga's Waiters of Cornell University. College wit gave birth and the substance of material for yet another summit sound. The "Trinidads" of Trinity College (A mighty thirteen) and "The Friars" of the University of Michigan depended primarily on such gimmick' routines as the "Peanut Song" and "Alexis, the Prairie Fairy" (a bristling tale of sexual incorrigibility) for their part of the program. .