THE MICHIGAN DAILY I- rmy Imposes Measur es To End Guatemala Riots -AP Wirephoto WOUNDED-A 14-year-old boy falls to the ground after being shot by Guatemalan police during student demonstrations urging the ouster of President Miguel Ydigoras. The revolt, in its fifth day, is being met by martial law and the military arrrest of opposition leaders. Strikes continue dispite militarization of industry and threats. GENEVA TALKS: n ,ilT GENEVA (M-Indian and Brazil built up pressure last night on the American and. Russians to drop nuclear-test plans while the 17- nation disarmament talks are on., Ask Release Of Students WASHINGTON (P) -- Several hundred students, most of them Negroes, picketed the Justice De- partment and the White House yesterday demanding the release of two students, Robert Zellner and Charles McDew, arrested on criminal anarchy charges for in- tegrationist activities in Louisi- ana. Although there was counter picketing by the American Nazi Party, no incidents were reported. The Justice Department was closed and demonstration leaders made no effort to see anyone. The forthcoming American at- mospheric tests-and the prospect of a tit-for-tat Soviet response-- emerged the key issue of the con- ference as an East-West stalemate developed over how to end the arms race. Defense Minister U. K. Krishna Menon of India and Brazilian for- eign minister Francisco San Tiago Dantas took tea together, yester- day after formal and informal approaches to the big powers for some sort of pledge to quit test- blasting at once. They charted plans to rally support for their initiative among the group of eight middle-road nations taking part in the four-day-old confer- ence. But their initial moves appeared to have received little encourage- ment from United States- Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk or Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko. A qualified informant re- ported that Rusk told Menon in a private talk yesterday the Amer- U U Kessel's Presents: Timeless Travel Coat-- Spans the Globe, Plans a Round-The-Year Itinerary ican position remains as stated by President John F. Kennedy: The United States is quite will- ing to suspend announced plans for an April series of tests in the Pacific-but only if Russia first signs a test ban treaty containing sure internationally - supervised safeguards to bar cheating. The source said Gromyko's reply to Menon appeared equally dis- couraging: Russia would waive her threat to test again only if the American series next month is cancelled. The Russian also repeated Mos- cow's resolve to join a general test-ban agreement which pro- vides for national, not internation-, al, detection arrangements. OAS Defiant; Talks Drag On EVIAN (P--As Algerian peace talks dragged through their elev- enth straight day yesterday, the European Secret Army in Algeria set up an underground govern- ment, virtually declaring war on President Charles de Gaulle's gov- ernment. In Algiers, the Secret Army an- nounced yesterday that it has called upon fugitive ex-Gen. Ra- oul Salan, chief of the Secret Ar- my and believed to be hiding some- where in Algeria, "immediately to undertake the liberation of Alger- ian territory." In Oran, Secret Army. squads continued making identity checks without interference from police or government officials, and raid- ed three district police stations, seizing arms and medical supplies. As the peace talks continue to- day, the membership and powers of the provisional executive which is to govern between the cease-fire and a self-determination referen- dum, remains to be settled. HILLEL SUPPER CLUB Tonight at 6 Kosher Delicatessen Followed by Entertainment 1429 Hill St. Martial Law Hits --Capital, Ends Riots Troops Arrest Heads Of Opposition Parties GUATEMALA (P) - The army imposed stringent measures on this half-paralyzed capital yester- day as a student-led revolt against President Miguel Ydigoras gained wider support and sympathy. For the first time in five days no serious clashes developed. Heavily armed soldiers put the city under virtual martial law, on orders from President Ydigoras, after about 20 persons were killed and at least 500 wounded in street clashes and disorders. Troops patrolled the streets and police raided a house and arrest- ed several leftist political leaders of opposition political parties. The students launched violent protests against alleged frauds in list December's elections in which Ydigoras' conservative party scor- ed an easy victory. Ydigoras con- tends the complaints are baseless and says Communist and Castro elements embarked on disorder to cover their disappointment at the election results. In the police raid on the politi- cal meeting the leader of the Gua- temalan Christian Democracy par- ty, two former deputies of that party and two former deputies of the Leftist National Liberation movement were arrested. Mario Mendez Montenegro, for- mer residential candidate of the Leftist Revolutionary Party, was reported to have driven up to the house just as the raid took place but escaped. With the city under a military curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., the army ;drafted postal, telegraph, power company and bus line work- ers to keep essential services mov- ing, as more and more employes went on strike in sympathy with the students. The government announced a half-holiday for its workers as re- ports of absenteeism in govern- ment offices mounted. Govern- ment offices normally close at noon Saturday. Nine of the nation's 18 radio stations were off the air in protest against censorship. One station manager said police killed five per- sons in a crowd that gathered when police raided his station be- cause it made an uncensored broadcast. World News Roundup By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO - Striking West Coast Maritime Unions tem- porarily bowed to a court injunc- tion yesterday and withdrew pick- ets from San Francisco piers. But officials said sign-carrying would resume as soon as perish- able goods were .unloaded from Pacific Maritime Association ves- sels, and warned the strike would be a long one unless shipowners change their position. * * * LEOPOLDVILLE - President Moise Tshombe of Katanga and Premier Cyrille Adoula may meet today for peace talks after spend- ing yesterday apparently snubbing each other. - -s , BUENOS AIRES-Exiled Dic- tator Juan D. Peron makes an in- direct but strong bid .For a come back in elections for a dozen pro- vincial governors and half the Ar- gentine House of Deputies. The balloting will amount to a virtual showdown between Peron, deposed in 1955, and President Ar- turo Frondizi, though neither is a candidate. .ATLANTA-Martin Luther King Jr., Negro integration leader, said yesterday that President John F. Kennedy had agreed to study what King termed a second emancipa- tion proclamation. King said he is working on a proposed executive order declar- ing all racial segregation uncon- stitutional. Cite U.S., Defensive, A-PUer WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said yesterday United States nu- clear striking power is so im- mense the nation could absorb a surprise assault then destroy Rus- sia, and still have enough left over to counter a blackmail threat from any third power. This is a point which has long bothered many strategists, par- ticularly in view of the possibility that Red China will develop atom- ic weapons in the near future. McNamara in a wide-ranging interview also said: 1) By the end of 1962 the Unit- ed States will be able to meet non-nuclear war crises on two fronts simultaneously without re- sorting immediately to partial mo- bilization. That is something the country has not been able to do since World War II. 2) Southeast Asia is vital to the security of the Pacific and the Pacific is vital to the security of the United States, but the appli- cation of military force alone will not automatically defeat the Com- munists unles there is internal economic and social reform. Southeast Asia points like a dag- ger toward -the heart of the rich island chain which begins at Aus- tralia and stretches northward through Indonesia the Philippines and the Ryukus to Japan. Many have held that civil de- fense is an integral part of the na- tion's deterrent posture. McNamara disagrees. He be- lieves that the Russians would not be too concerned with how many Americans they could kill, but how many Russians the Americans could kill in a counter-strike. This counter-strike force, he believes is the true deterrent. Strategists have long argued over whether the possession of an intact nuclear arsenal by a third power would deny the two ma- jor nations the opportunity to concentrate resources and rebuild except on that third power's terms. Could the United States absorb a nuclear strike, deliver a counter- blow and still have enough strength left to counter third pow- er blackmail? "Yes," McNamara said. law any such shipments probably would be offered. The question probably would be asked whether this action was a preliminary step toward recogni- tion of Red China. The reaction of some United States allies par- ticularly Nationalist China and the Republic of Korea, obviously would be violent. The only hard facts which have been made public about the mat- ter are that the International Trading Corp. of Seattle has filed with the Department of Commerce applications for permission to ex- port about $400 million in grain to Red China-and North Korea over the next three years and that the department has the applica- tions under consideration. It is not known whether the Seattle company's applications are based on firm orders or prospects of orders, or whether the appli- cant merely hopes to enter nego- tiations if permits are granted. President John F. Kennedy's public comment consists of three sentences at last Wednesday's news conference. USSR CUTS China Credit LONDON (m}--The Soviet Union has cut off all credit for Red China and is pressing the Chinese for payment of military equipment supplied during the Korean war, the London Sunday Observer said last night. The paper said in a Hong Kong dispatch that the Russian move was part of the present "bitter ideological dispute between Rus- sia and China." GRAIN PROPOSAL: Congyressmen Stir' Over China Request WASHINGTON (M)-President John F. Kennedy has stirred con- gressional jitters by what some members see as an intimation he is considering approval of grain shipments to Red China and North Ko- rea. The subject apparently is so packed with potential political dyna- mite that a canvass of senators failed yesterday to produce even one member who would comment on the record about it. But from what they said privately, it is apparent that if an export license were granted for any such shipment it would be almost certain to come under attack in Congress '- s u w ratd ad t otl as unwarranted aid to hostile countries. Bills specifically to out- IU flll' f Threatening LANSING - Democratic dele- gates to the constitutional con- vention threatened to walk out of the proceedings yesterday due to a Republican decision to present a unified caucus-developed policy. They were disuaded from the action when they were refused permission to be excused. However, the convention has been adjourned until Monday to provide a "cooling off" period. During the day's session, Demo- cratic attendance dropped sharply with as few as 10 of the 45 Demo- crats being present. Con-con vice-president Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennville) said, "they'll be back. It's their duty to be back. It seems to me that dele- gates would realize their districts will be unrepresented in the con- vention if they're not here." Republicans decided their at- tempt at unity must be worthwhile or Democrats would have no cause to be so upset. urn I unbelievable lightl I F new 1 b C 3 1 I Tuesday, March 20 at,8 Meet the Faculty - at HILLEL in the annual PURIM DEBATE on the subject "Which Is Superior: the Latke or the Hamontash?" Open to all-Attending; Challenging the Speakers; Enjoying the Refreshments 1429 Hill Street long-leg panty girdle. by nemo I~ a 'I, I t u~ . Kennedy Tax Plan WASHINGTON (M) - Republi- cans contended yesterday that a major tax revision bill before the House points straight to a $2.5- billion deficit in next year's budg- et rather than the small surplus President John F. Kennedy fore- cast. Democrats conceded the bill in- volves a large net loss of revenue next year - estimates range up- ward from $660 million-but they said the Treasury believes the stimulation given the national economy by the tax changes would bring about a virtual balance in future years. The two views were given the House in reports by the Ways and Means Committee, which di- vided sharply along party lines. The revenue estimates, by the Treasury, and by Congress' own joint committee on internal reve- nue taxation tended to support re- ports that substantial changes will be made in the bill before Con- gress finishes work on it. Secretary of the Treasury Doug- las Dillon, appearing before the Ways and Means Committee last Thursday, said he hoped the com- plicated bill would be modified to reduce the loss of revenue. It started out as a major Ken- nedy proposal to encourage busi- ness spending on modernization by granting tax concessions, but the tax-writing committee, in drafting a bill for the House dealt more leniently with the taxpayers than Kennedy had recommended. Objecting to the Kennedy re- commendations, the Republican minority said the measure rep- resents "precisely the opposite" of sound tax policy. I j I qK .i. i~w sR L Michigan Union Presents, BIG LUB' Music by RON BELL'S BAND Featuring the FRIARS Saturday,. March'24 9-I2 Union Ballroom $1.50 Per Couple GOP Hi I ..0 < J r...the nevi }figure life, no r: you :: ?A min fibers wi j..7 it's airy lig washable, fas comfortable --.'.:. - "lovely is d ---- , long, happ c::" . "'{ :5: '- losing onj L:'t'. f"-". a ±: +}. molding Small-Medium L+ .*''" I W love of your matter what ur figure type. ocle blend of thout rubber, ght, machine- t-drying, and e. This Nemo destined for a y life without. y of its shape manners! Try ite weightless wonder today! arge inwhite I I 1 ,I I I ,..A Ni n A Ca ren oNpo 8 Nickels Arcade Phone NO 2-2914 i 1;'. I SKI ASPEN Spring Vacalon, with . ULLR SKI CLUB Last chance to sign up Wed., March 21 7:30 3rd floor Union I 11 1 ...... Listene talked If you' wh J~l)TEMC girls: We're going to divulge the secret of th i-about initials since JFK. MCTC? Simple: MORE CHIC THAN CASH 're a junior or a petite who wants to dress lik great and pamper a reluctant pocketbook at join now! The club meets regularly right ere MCTC is dispensed with TLC. open Mondays and Fridays 'til 8:30 p.1 M le most e a fashion the same time, here ... The incomparable Chesterfield, expertly interpreted in superb combed cotton twill, Zelan treated. Custom- detailed, with multi-stripe coordinated lining. __t fl w I.S.A. invites you to the INTERNATIONAL DISCUSSION on the EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, in the Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li- brary. I II i