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March 17, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-17

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Seventy-Second Year
re Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
ruth Will Prevail"
fitorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Social 'Science' Myth

Alumnus' Editorial Shows
Misunderstanding of OSA

)NE WORD typifies the "Michigan Alumnus"
reaction to the office of student affairs
idy report: misunderstanding. An editorial,
fned by Alumni Association Secretary John
Tirrell, makes some valid observations but
nfuses philosophy with structure and shows
lack of understanding of the Reed Report,
e OSA and the relationship of both these
the University.
Tirrell's major misunderstanding of the
idy committee is that it views the total
oblem as structural. It lauds the report in-
far as it pinpoints "responsibility" and
learly delineates the line of responsibility and
thority under the Vice-President." It even
cks the recommendation for a dean of stu-
nts as "one possible structure for implemen-
Certainly, clearing up the long-standing ad-
nistrative mess in the OSA is a desirable
,d. Placing responsibility clearly on the
oulders of Vice-President Lewis would be a
on for both Lewis and the University.
[OWEVER, this view overlooks one of the
major functions of the study committee; to
'mulate a philosophy that will define a
ationship between OSA and the academic
le of the institution. The editorial looks at
e University and the office of student affairs
the same light as a labor-management re-
ionship. The problem, as the editorial sees
is how to delineate the proper lines of
thority to bring the orders down to the
ucational assembly line.
Certainly, the Alumnus postulates an author-
rian philosophy. Speaking of the judicial
Dcedures recommended by the Reed Report,
e editorial notes that "The real weakness
this section is indicated by the three to
'e levels of judicial appeal listed for students
more than murderers have in our society."
continues, "and of course the idea that legal
insel is necessary for infractions of appeals
students disregards the basic tenet of Mich-
in alumni for generations:

It is a privilege to attend Michigan. The
Regents administration and faculty are re-
sponsible for establishing all the requirements,
academic and nonacademic."
ESSENTIALLY, the editorial fails to see
either the Reed Report of the OSA in the
context of a university. The University is not
a corporation. Nor does a legalistic explana-
tion that the Regents and administration have
the power to make rules settle the philosophy
of OSA. The OSA should exist because of the
theory that learning does not take place in
the classroom alone. If it is viewed solely as
an administrative function it has no reason
for existence.
The fact that the Regents have the power
does not justify their complete exercise of it.
Rather, it is necessary to ask if the use of any
power is justified in light of the philosophic
basis of the University. The University itself
has said, in its publicity film "The Idea of
Michigan" that the basis of a great university
is freedom.
WHATEVER the philosophic place of the
OSA it certainly should not contradict this
most central value. If society has not created
a University structure in which this idea can
be fulfilled, it is at least the duty of the
University to allow the maximum possible
liberty to the individual. It is inconsistent
with this value if students are to be con-
sidered as passively submitting to an all-
powerful administration. The Supreme Court
of the United States has affirmed that a
student' may not be removed from a state
institution without due process; surely this
indicates that attendance is more than a "pri-
The concept of freedom is essential to the
University. No great academic institution has
long-flourished without it and the concept is
far older than any Michigan alumnus. Future
scholars will not be developed in a corporate
University where the individual is simply a cog
in a huge centralized machine, and where.
order is put above creativity and individuality.
WORST OF ALL, the Tirrell view is probably
the only one that most of the alumni will
encounter. They will not have a valid impres-
sionof the report, but a stilted and limited one.
The work of six months of committee meetings
may well be destroyed by the misguided pres-
sure of unknowingly misinformed persons.

Daily staff writer
social sciences.
Distribution courses fail to pro-
vide a genuine intellectual exper-
ience, to emphasize the content of
social science and the limitations
on methodology. But this failure
merely reflects an overall state
of affairs in the social sciences.
Good distribution courses are only
possible when the basic principles
of a discipline are known. But in
the social sciences, these prin-
ciples either have not been found
or are not presented to the stu-
Basic principles are hypotheses
which have been verified by em-
pirical observations. Hypotheses
are the fruits of intuition, brought
about by directed observation. So-
cial scientists, however, are not
oriented in the direction of basic
principles and hypothesis.
** *
Committee of the Curriculum
Committee of the literary college
states that "social phenomena can
be adequately understood only in
relation to the unique environ-
ment or context in which they
took place."
Of course a phenomena cannot
be fully understood unless all of
the unique characteristics are ac-
counted for. But hypotheses will
not be formed by studying dif-
For example, a scientist com-
pares a stone falling in air with
one falling in water. If each could
be only understood in terms of
its unique environment (air or
water) then there would be little
to explain one in terms of the
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Faculty, College of Architecture and
Design: The freshman five-week prog-
ress reports (all grades) are to be sent
to Room 207, Architecture Bldg. (Dean's
Office) before 5:00 p.m., Wed., March 21.
Engineering Mechanics Department,
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engi-
neering Department and Institute of
Science and Technology Colloquium:
Mon., March 19, 4:00 p.m., 311 West
Engineering Bldg. Dr. T. Brooke Ben-
jamin, Cambridge University, will speak
on "The Effects of Surface compliance
on a Turbulent Boundary Layer."
Coffee at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty
Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. B. H.
Neumann of New York University will
speak:On a Theorem of Auslander and
Lyndon" on Tues., March 20 at 4 p.m.
in Rm. 3209 Angell Hall.
Refreshments will be served at 3:30
p.m. in Rm. 3212 Angell Hal.
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities becomes effective
24 hours after the publication of this
notice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effective.
Mar. 22-International students As-
sociation, Discussion, Prof I is Claude
and Prof. Robert Stern, Multipurpose
Rm. UGLI 7:30 p.m.
Mar. 20-Challenge, Seminar, Dean.
Robertson and Prof. Arnold Kaufman,
Honors Lounge, UGLI, 7:30 p~m.
Apr. 21-Indian Students Association,
Spring Banquet, Union Ballroom, 6
Mar. 24-Michigan Union, Big Club,
Union 'Ballroom, 9-12 p.m.
Mar. 20-Union General Meeting, Air-
flight to Nassau, Union 3-G, 7:30 p.m.
(Continued on Page 5)

But physical scientists tried to
explain one in terms of the other,
and were able to postulate a gen-
eral law of gravity. Once this law
was hypothesized, it was em-
pirically tested, and the environ-
ments and their effects upon the
stone could be fully explained.
a . *
NOW CONSIDER the problems
of two governments, one in China
and one in France. The operations
of the governments are different
and their immediate goals are
surely different. Yet there ought
to be several basic principles upon
which each government works, re-
gardless of its culture, stage of
technology, and social structure.
The culture, economy and social
structure are the environments,
just as air and water were in the
stone' example. The basic prin-
ciples exist independent of the
Perhaps one of these principles
is an executive. Any government,
one might postulate, needs an exe-
cutive. However, opinions differ
over the effectiveness and neces-
sity of an executive in France.
Perhaps a principle is legitimacy,
the mechanism which conveys the
right to rule. In China it was the
mandate of heaven, in France, an
. * * *
China and France are contrasted
rather than compared, unifying
principles of government will never
be found. A complete understand-
ing of China or France cannot
be obtained unless the culture,
economy and social structure are
But if basic principles of poli-
tical science were known, the ef-
fect of these other phenomena
upon government would be better
understood. Ideally, the political
scientists should not investigate
the culture, economy or social
structure before he has found his
basic principles,
BUT EVEN if social scientists
go far enough and have the guts
to postulate, they claim they are
limited again by presently unfor-
seeable discoveries, events or per-
sonalities. These affect the pre-
dictive value of a social scientist's
generalizations, which then be-
come statements of probability.
But this, crticism also applies to
physical scientists.
Newtonian physics does not
adequately explain or predict the
motion of high speed nuclear par-
ticles. When Isaac Newton formu-
lated his principles he could not
know that the creation of the
cyclotron would eventually limit
the predictive value of his gen-
eralization. Yet these discoveries
were made possible mainly because
Newtonian principles were applied
and used as the foundation for
further inquiry. When the basic
principle failed to explain high
speed particles, they were modified,
with special cases, or more cor-
rectly, they were made more gen-
eral. The original theory has now
become a special case of the new
WHEN a social science hypo-
thesis runs up against an unfor-
seeable event, discovery or per-
sonality, social scientists should
then be, able to study how this
differs from the hypothesis and
then make adaptations in it.
Social scientists, however, be-
lieve they are physically limited
in making observations which
could lead to hypotheses or in
collecting empirical data to ver-
ify a hypothesis. For example, the
social scientist cannot place a
subject in a laboratory for ob-

servation because this is a totally
artifical situation. He cannot take
President John F. Kennedy and
place him at the head of the
French government to see how he
will solve the Algerian crisis.
But an astronomer is similarily
limited. He cannot take Jupiter
and place it in a laboratory for
close inspection, nor stop it in its
orbit and move it close to the
sun. Yet astronomy has formulat-
ed a series of hypotheses which
can be tested against uncontrolled
observations, while 'social scien-
tists have not.
The social scientists should be
able to hypothesize and test their
hypotheses in uncontrollable situ-
ations. Then, like the astrpnomer,
they should be able to reach basic
A SECOND limitation is the
subjectivity of social research and
the necessary value orientation of
the social scientists. If, in medical
science, a new drug has been test-
ed on rats and found to be 90
per cent effective, it may possibly
be marketed. But how many un-
cured or dead rats are extraneous
to the results and influence the
decision whether or not to market.
This is a value judgment.
An economist may, on the basis
of monetary trends, decide that
the national debt should be lower-
ed to stabilize the economy. How-
ever, the crisis point of a trend
is also a value judgment. Yet the
medical scientist's decision will
gain support faster than the econ-
omist's. But suffering from a lack
of public confidence, the social
scientist begins to doubt his results
and is discouraged from further
* * *
PERHAPS the greatest limita-
tion is the personal interaction be-
tween the social scientist and his
materials. Even if an interviewer
approaches his subject properly,
the response of the subject may be
different precisely because he
knows he is being interviewed for
a study.
For the most part, the physical
sciences have learned to, correct
for interaction between the object
of study and the instruments used
in the study. Inserting a cold
thermometer into a calorimeter
cup may offset the results unless
corrective measures are taken.
Presently certain social science
questionnaires have bias controls
for people who have a tendency to
give the socially acceptable an-
swer. These correction factors have
not been perfected, but a correc-
tion means is available.
By making observations, form-
ing hypotheses and empirical test-
ing, the physical sciences have,
over time, been able to solve many
problems. Social scientists face the
same problems which the physical
scientists faced three centuries
ago. Perhaps they have not had
enough time to permit acquisition
of enough data.
BUT THIS is no reason to avoid
scientific orientation in observa-
tions, hypotheses and verifications
which may lead to general solu-
tions. Because the social sciences
themselves are not really oriented
towards anything, the distribution
courses result in a kind of smor-
And as long as the distribution
courses do not attempt to orient
future researchersand continue
to avoid methodology and hypo-
theses, social scientists will study
either ideal or utopian cases, in-
dependent of the real world, or
the highly complex social world,
missing the simplicity of scientific
basic principles.

'U' Organization
Enthusiastic, Onginal
AFL TOO OFTEN in a dance concert, everyone is so intent on
being profoundly symbolic that the overall effect is weighty and
dull. But last night the University Dance Organizations presented a
program full of enthusiasm, originality and sponteneity. It was by
far the best program this group has done in years. Their dancers were
not afraid to be comic, and the result was refreshing and charming.
The opening number set this tone of gaietly, and all through the
program the audience felt the dancers were really enjoying them-
selves. Entitled "Hi," the opening was a sprightly exaggeration of
flapper gestures, especially the "Hi."
Other purely comic numbers were "Change the Channel, Pass the
Salt," a successful dance interpretation of everyday conversational
phrases, and Bacchanal of the Ruff-Tuff-Cream-Puffs, a marvellous
bit of wit and satire.
* *' * *
ESPECIALLY GOOD in the latter number was Morton Achter's
original music, a cubist pastiche of rock-and-roll elements.
However, there were dances with a "message," and this message
was sometimes powerfully and clearly expressed, as in "We Are All
Defeated Thus" and "Refuse Blues." The message in "Where Did
We Come From" was somehow lost. But the dance was visually pleas-
ing, and, after all, that's what really counts in dance.
The most beautiful dances on the program were performed to a
group of late sixteenth century madrigals. Here was movement for
the sake of movement. The smooth flow and pleasing patterns were
always fitted to the music. The mood was truly evocative of the
. . * *
POINTE (TOE) WORK was done in "Moods." The dancers were
all technically good. Although the choreographer made some interesting
applications of classical ballet movement to the very contemporary
music of Leslie Bassett, there were too many large gaps in the
movement. And why in Greek costume?
"Pierrot and the Marionettes" was another piece of pure move-
ment which the dancers carried off well. However, the color black was
an unfortunate choice for Pierrot's costume, as he was often lost on
the black backdrop.
Although "Pilgrimage" managed to generate a medieval atmos-
phere through the effective use of stained glass poses, one was often
distracted by the ragged edges.
"Song of the Nig was a bit of fluff using too many dance
cliches. It was totally i ective.
Taken as a whole, fhe dance concert was charming, refreshing and
original. The dancers were good, the ideas fresh and the wit some-
times funny, sometimes pointed. It is a fine concert, one well worth
-Bettie Seeman



r YESTERDAY'S Regents meeting, Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Roger W.
'ns presented the recommendations for lit-
'y college faculty appointments submitted
Dean Roger W. Heyns.
'alk about "institutional schizophrenia ."
-P. D. S.

Who Controls Athletic Election?

ON MARCH 20 and 21, the part of the male
student body which bothers to vote in cam-
pus elections will trudge to the polls and, in
ypical form, approve one of two athletes who
have been nominated as student representative
Dn the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
This year's athlete-nominees, Forrest Eva-
Ihevski, Jr. and Harvey Chapman, Jr., con-
orm even better than past candidates to the
mage of the Board nominee stereotype. They
re both athletes, well known 'ground campus,
end sons of famous Michigan athletes of the
?ast. Neither of them had to circulate a pe-
ition in order to receive the nomination.
This discriminatory aspect of the nomination
process is chiefly responsible for whateyer
ioubt there is on campus concerning the fair-
ness of Board elections. This undercurrent of
toubt has failed to transform itself into any-
hing more, mainly because a large part of
he male student body is uninformed and
inconcerned, and the smaller part which is
oncerned refuses to act.
THIS SAD combination of lack of interest
and inaction has managed to keep control
f the two student positions on the Board out
f the hands of the male student body, for
vhose benefit they were originally intended,
nd within the grasp of the Student Managers'
Board (the Athletic Department).
This situation of virtual athlete control of
he student seats is almost directly attributable
o Regents' Bylaw (29.08. [41) which, in effect,
tates that among the members of the Board
here shall be two sophomore male students,
ne elected each spring, by the male students.
the rule gives two methods of nomination; one
or athletes, and the othler for non-athletes.
the athletes are to be nominated by a board
onsisting of some 40 I-M and varsity athletic,
nanagers, not all of whom participate in the
nominating session. The managers nominate
wo candidates per election. But non-athletes
nust circulate and file a petition which is to
ontain 300 male signatures.
THERE ARE TWO clear inequities in this
rule. One is that athletes needn't circulate
etitions like non-athletes. The other is that

non-athletes who do circulate petitions must
get a prohibitively large number of signatures.
The first inequity contradicts the philosophy
behind petitioning. There are two primary
reasons for having candidates petition for
offices-it shows, to a reasonable extent if
there is some student support or sympathy
for their candidacy. Admittedly, a few hundred
names signed on a petition carrying no voting
obligation do not prove conclusively or even
partially that a prospective candidate is sup-
ported by the student body. But, if he cannot
get even these, it is quite safe to assume either
that he is not wanted as a candidate or that
he has not cared enough about getting elected
to expend the time or effort required to get
his petition signed.
The right, the insight, the power of correct
judgment by which the managers' board is
supposed to be able to judge for the entire
student body by a process over and above
standard petition-nomination is extremely un-
clear; in fact, it is highly dubious. Managers
may have some clear insight into the characters
and personalities of athletes, but is there any
reason why only athletes should be considered
for the Board in this way? The inequitable
nature of this part of the nomination procedure
should definitely be brought out into the open,
especially since nomination by the managers
has come to mean virtual election.
THIS POINTS UP the second inequity in the
nomination rule. Students petitioning for
SGC must get 250 students, male and/or
female, to sign their petitions. Candidates for
the Union Board of Directors must get 100
male signatures. The same is true for Board
in control of Student Publications positions.
Yet non-athletes petitioning for the athletic
Board must get 300 male signatures.
Such a clearly weighted requirement would
strongly indicate that the Athletic Department
has so organized things as to deter or dis-
courage non-athletes from running for the
Board. And it has been successful. Before this
year, the last person to even take out a petition
for the office did so in 1957. This discourage-
ment of competition is combined with the fact
that a relatively unknown non-athlete has
little chance of defeating a "name" athlete.
Add to this the fact that when the Board
was forced to name a replacement for Bill
Freehan, who had signed a professional con-
tract, it responded by choosing Joe O'Donnell,

Who Done It?
I'm Not Going To Tell
IF YOU WANT to see a British mystery in its classical form,
transformed to the screen, I heartily recommend Agatha Christie's
"Murder, She Said." The film is adapted from her novel "4:15 from
Paddington" (as it was titled in England) or "What Mrs. McGillicudy
Saw" (as it was titled here). In the case of this movie, however, it is
Miss Jane Marple (Margaret Rutherford), an old but clever spinster
who saw it as her train was running parallel to another. What did
she see? A woman being strangled, very dramatically, in a compart-
ment in the other train.
The picture runs its merry melodramatic way, as Miss Marple
tries to convince the railroad conductor and then the police that
someone actually has been murdered. No one, it seems, has found the
body, no one saw such a girl get on the train, the trackside has been
scoured by Scotland Yard, etc.
But does Miss Marple give up and ascribe it all to the lurid-
looking paperback she had been reading on the train-whose cover,
showing a scene that would be more proper for an illustration in
"The Children's Mickey Spilliane," is plastered on the posters outside
the Campus Theatre.
OF COURSE she doesn't! Agatha Christie's famous septaugenarian
sleuth goes to it with a vim and vigor that is a positive delight to
watch. We follow her as, with her friend, she goes to the police
where she calculates the body must have fallen off the train, and
when she finds a scrap of the fur coat that the victim was wearing,
on the property of an adjoining estate, she sets her mark.
Insinuating her way into the household of the estate as a maid,
she looks all around for the body. The rustling of the curtain, the
sudden clap of thunder and bolt of lightening, are all there, and
when the body is found by Miss Marple in an Egyptian mummy case
-intact, which is usually not the case with British murders-the
pace quickens, as we have Sudden Revelations and the-person-you-
never-thought-would-do-it doing it.
But what a job he does. It is like reading an Agatha Christie story
and closing your eyes and imagining her characters come to life. The
players are all excellent, especially James Robertson Justice as gruff
old father with-you guessed it-a big, big will, and who is also an
invalid. Which one of the gathered relatives done it, or rather them,
since by the time the murderer is cornered, two more have been
I'm not going to tell.
-Steven Hendel
Sloppy 'Satan:
A Devil, of a Flick
LEO McCAREY'S Satin Never Sleeps is the kind of movie that people
say is just never made any more. If this is true-thank goodness!
It is awkwardly written, poorly directed, commercially sentimental,
and wasteful of the talents of three adequate movie actors.
The first hour of the movie meanders through tedious exposition
without any indication of the script's direction. While France Nuyen
tries to maneuver priest William Holden into a wedding ring and the
Communists take over priest Clifton Webb's mission, the two clergy-
men spend the hour discussing the joys of good food and liquor.
Eventually, a mildly interesting plot asserts its influence and gives
the advertising men something for the ballyhoo campaign-one off-
screen rape and 10 seconds of gentle torture.
The lake-side parting (as differentiated from the chapel-side
parting) of William Holden and France Nuyen is an effective tear-
jerking moment because the dialogue is better than the usual dull
lines of Claude Binyon and Leo McCarey. The scene may have been
taken directly from Pearl Buck's novel.
are a throw-back to the days when movies were manufactured on the
Hollywood assembly line without time to polish the product. The most
exciting things happen on the screen while the camera remains rooted
to one spot, never following the flow of action or accenting the action
by dramatic cutting. Therefore it is very difficult to be interested in

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