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March 17, 1962 - Image 1

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Fair today with westerly
winds 8-12 mph.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXII, No 119




- S


Regents To View
OSA Proposals
Board To Formulate Conclusions;
Lewis To Analyze Suggestions
City Editor
The Regents will consider a broad selection of recommendations
before they reach a final decision on revisions in the Office of
Student Affairs.
Regent Eugene B. Power said after yesterday's meeting that the
Regents have "lots of suggestions." The question now is how to
proceed, he said.'
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis has been
asked to analyze the recommendations of the Office of Student
Affairs Study Committee and other concerned groups and will make

. "lots of suggestions"

F a
Keep Status
Kappa Alpha Psi and Triangle
are still members of the Univer-,
sity's fraternity system.
After discussing the problems of
the two groups-both organiza-
tions' small membership, and
Kappa Alpha Psi's failure to pay
Interfraternity Council dues-the
IFC Executive Committee decided
Thursday night that they should
retain their status as fraternities.
The cases differ markedly, how-
ever, with Triangle showing strong
progress and Kappa Alpha Psi
displaying less encouraging signs,
IFC Executive Vice - President
Michael Landwirth, '62, said.
Beginning the fall semester with
only eight members and after go-
ing without a new pledge for two
years, Triangle obtained five new
men during open rush last fall and
three during the regular rush this
Triangle member Brian Gore,
Grad, said yesterday that with the
increased membership the group
will be looking for a larger house
to move into next fall.
In view of these considerations,
the executive committee tabled an-
other review of Triangle's status
until next fall, Landwirth report-
Kappa Alpha Psi will be invited
to appear at the executive com-
mittee's meeting next month to
discuss the house's membership
problems, failure to pay IFC dues
and its lack of attendance at Fra-
ternity Presidents' Assembly meet-

>a series of proposals. At the same
time, Power said, the Regents will
read on their own and formulate
Hear Other Views
In addition to the OSA study
committee report, Power said the
comments of Student Government
Council, passed this week and the
faculty Student Relations Sub-
Committee were the "two most
prominent" for Regental consid-
Lewis said that, although he had
not planned to send these docu-
ments to the Regents, the groups
concerned (SGC and the Univer-,
sity Senate Advisory Committee,
which is over the SRC) are free
to do so.
At the meeting, Regent Donald
M. D. Thurber commented on the'
high volume of mail coming to
the Regents concerning possible
OSA changes.
Comments Vary
Power said the comments have
ranged from support of the OSA
committee report to condemnation
of any change.
"It is a peculiar fact," he re-
marked, that most people con-
sider the ideal educational system
the one that existed when they
were young. People don't like
But he said that alumni, for
instance, have few immediate facts
at their disposal and should "have
confidence in the elected repre-
sentatives (the Regents) for vi-
able, wise decisions to promote
the interests of the University."
Dine with SGC
The Regents had dinner with
SGC Thursday night, and student
affairs in general were discussed.
Power called the meeting a "give
and take exchange" and said such
matters were discussed as whether
students should have a dominant
voice in rule-making and deter-
mination of the conditions under
which -they will live, what is
wrong with the University's rela-
tionship with its students, dif-
ficulties with student activities and
the need for greater student par-
SGC President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, called the meeting "ex-
cellent," said it was better than
a similar session last year. The
meeting went until 10 p.m. Thurs-
Romney Backers
Elect Officers
The Romney Volunteers of
Washtenaw County elected a slate'
of officers at a meeting last night
in the Ann Arbor Public Library.
The . officers are: Chairman,
John Hathaway; vice-chairmen,
Carl Hawkins and William D. Ba-
rense; secretary, Barbara Wood;
and treasurer, S. J. Elden.

Bar gain'
Constitutional convention dele-
gate George Romney (R-Bloom-
field Hils) found himself the cen-
ter of controversy yesterday as a
result of a compromise on sev-
eral important con-con issues.
The compromise, reached in a
series of heated Republican cau-
cuses, is designed to present a
GOP united front at the conven-
tion. It provides for consideration
of area as well as population in
apportioning the House of Repre-
sentatives; popular election of the
secretary of state and the attor-
ney general; a 15 mill' limit on
property taxes formerly rejected
by the convention; and continued
earmarking of state funds.
Romney, leader of the "mod-
erate" Republican delegates, ear-
lier opposed all of these measures.
Defends Compromise
A Republican candidate for gov-
ernor defended the compromise
last night in a telephone interview.
Romney said the Republican com-
promise was necessary to prevent
conservative out-state delegates
from forming a coalition with
Democrats. The coalition would
have been "disruptive of further
conventionhproceedings," he said.
With the coalition prevented,
the convention "can now continue+
to make improvements," he added.
Governor John B. Swainson fir-
ed a barrage of criticism at the
"sell-out" and at Romney, "It
shows to what extent he will mark
down the rights of Michigan's cit-
izens to negotiate a quick sale,"
Swainson said.
Predicts Defeat
Swainson also predicted that the
new constitution would be defeat-..
ed at the polls if the RepublicanI
compromise package holds up.'
"This is definitely not the case,"
Romney said. "We are writing one
of the finest-if not the finest--'
state constitutions in the United
States." The results of the con-1
vention, as indicated by its pre-
liminary work, "have already jus-
tified the effort of the delegates
many times over."
"The convention is totally dif-
ferent from every other delibera-
tive body," Romney said. The
State Legislature can take up un-
finished business next year, but
the convention is "a one-shot
deal." Agreements have to be
made, and for this, compromise is
necessary, he concluded.
Student Loses
Court Attempt
For 'UJ' Degree
James H. Johnston, a former
student in the medical school, has
lost his Supreme Court bid to com-
pel the University to grant him a
The court unanimously rejected
a writ to order the Regents, the
dean of the medical school, and
the state Board of Registry to con-
fer him a degree. Johnston argued
that the University had unlawfully
delegated its right to the National
Board of Medical Examiners.
Johnston failed portions of ex-
aminations sponsored by the na-
tional board in 1958. As a result,
he had to take oral examinations
on the failed subjects.




Appoint 20
To Faculty
At Meeting
Niehuss Presides
In Hatcher's Absence
The Regents yesterday made 20
faculty appointments and promo-
tions at their regular meeting
chaired by University Executive
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
who filled in for University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher, now touringI
Venezuela and Peru for the Ford
Prof. Harold J. Magnuson of the
United States Public Health Ser-
vice was appointed director of the
industrial health institute, pro-
fessor of industrial health and
chairman of the department of in-
dustrial health in the public
health school beginning April 1.
Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie of
the psychology department was
appointed chairman of that de-
partment for a four-year term be-#
ginning July .1.
Hall Appointed
Prof. Robert B. Hall of the
geography department was named
acting chairman of that depart-
ment during the leave of Prof.

Lewis Sets

-Daily Michael Myers
PAN-AFRICANISM-Five panelists last night discussed the social and political movements of Africa.
They were (l. to r.) Salah Eldareer and Mansour Hassan, of the United Arab Republic; moderator
Herbert Sigman of the political science department; Isaac Adalemo of Nigeria; and Theodore
Ntoampe of the Union of South Africa.
IPanel Reviewu's Pan- rcns




i T'o Receive

See Related Story, Page 2

Charles M. Davis in the fall semes-
ter of the coming year, and Prof.
Elman R. Service of the anthro-
pology department was named act-
ing chairman of that department
during the leave of Prof. James
N. Spuhler next year.
The. Regents also appointed
Prof. Otis D. Duncan of the Uni-
versity of Chicago as professor of
In recommending the appoint-
ment, Vice-President for Academic
Affairs and Dean of the literary
college Roger W. Heyns noted that
Prof. Duncan is "generally regard-
ed as one of the two leading stu-
dents of human ecology and demo-
graphy in the United States."
Gay Receives Post
Prof. Helen Gay of the Carnegie
Institute has been appointed pro-
fessor of zoology, one-quarter
time, beginning with the coming
Dean Heyns noted that Prof.
Gay, who holds degrees from
Mount Holyoke College and Mills
College at Oakland, will retain
her Carnegie post, but is coming to
the University to do research with
Prof. Berwind Kaufmann of the
zoology department.
Prof. Arthur P. Mendel of New
York University was appointed as-
sociate professor of history, be-
ginning with the coming year, but
he will assume his duties early in
order to aid in the revision and re-
organization of 'the Russian pro-
gram here.

What do Africa's burning feel-
ings against colonialism and to-
ward non-alignment and pan-Af-
ricanism portend?
Five panelists taking part in the
third of nine Friday evening inter-
national forums sponsored by the
Ecumenical Campus Center gave
varied answers last night.
Mansour Hassan, Grad, of the
United Arab Republic, noted four
factors in pan-Africanism.
Notes Strong Binds
These are a strong bind from.
having "drunk of the same cup-
Set hange
In SGC Plan
The Regents yesterday approved
addition of an initiative and ref-
erendum provision to the Student
Government Council plan.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis, who carried
the proposal to the Regents, called
initiative and referendum an "ex-
cellent addition to the plan," but
said he has "no notion at all
whether the student body will use
The plan, passed last month by
SGC, allows students with a pe-
titionof 1,000 signatures to ini-
tiate legislation changing the
Council plan or eligibility, stu-
dent project, student opinion, and
student liaison functions of the
SGC plan.
The Council by a two-thirds
vote may also remand legislation
to the electorate under these sec-
tions of the plan. With a petition
of 1,000 signatures, students may
demand that any Council action
within these areas be put to the
electorate for approval.
To be valid, at least 75 per cent
voting in the SGC election must
cast ballots on the initiative or
referendum. A majority vote ap-
proves the action on the function
sections of the plan, but any
change in the plan itself requires
Va two-thirds vote.
Voter actions are binding on the

bitter imperialism"; a desire to
correct the misunderstanding that
Africa is backward; an economic
struggle for a better standard of
living; and, "unrealistic and un-
just" national boundaries.
He said obstacles to pan-Afri-
canism include a variety of lan-
guages, the size of the continent
and local pride based upon tribal
Isaac Adalemo, '64, of Nigeria,
said there is a feeling of unity,
and neigrborliness in Africa fos-
tered by cultural exchanges.
Common Objectives
"Africans know they have com-
mon objectives, as the freeing of
our brothers in South Africa and
the removing of colonialism from
the continent," he commented.
"Africans of different paths are
coming together."
Theodore Ntoampe, Spec, a
journalist from the Union of
South Africa, stressed that Afri-
can non-alignment is only tem-
Non-Alignment Question
"When the economic problem is
solved, the question of non-align-
ment will disappear," he empha-
He explained that African na-
tions maintain neutrality so they
will be listened to and so they
can make independent judgment.

He said that it is "very diffi-
cult" for a nation to align with
anyone until it is economically
Views Colonialism
He added that until colonialism
is completely done away with in
Africa, it will be "extremely diffi-
cult" for Africans to have "a
warm attitude" toward the West.
Salah Eldareer, Grad, also of
the UAR, pointed out that Africa
lies, like a vacuum, "wide open."
"And it is the richest prize on
the globe today," he said.
Eldareer said the democratic life
is definitely cherished by the ed-
ucated African and that democra-
cy can be instituted in Africa -
"but only by the African, in his
own way."
Protest Against Racism
Speaking last, moderator Her-
bert Sigman of the political sci-
ence department, said Pan-Afri-
canism was initially a protest
against racism.
Later it was a tool of national
independence movements, he said,
noting that recently it seems de-
signed to promote broader unity
among African states.
There have been a remarkable
number of experiments leading to-
ward greater unification, Sigman
said, such as the effort to estab-
lish an all-African trade union.

New Policy
On Housing
Organizations' Study
Leads to Proposal;
Ask Patents' Consent
Senior women will be permitted
to live in off-campus housing next
An announcement of the ap-
proval of the recommendation
granting senior women automatic
apartment permission was made
yesterday by Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
"After careful study of this-
recommendation with the Office
of the Dean of Women and other
University officials, the recom-
mendations ... are being approved
effective in the fall semester,"
Lewis said in a report to the Re-
Includes All Women
The apartment permission in-
cludes all women at the Univer-
sity having attained senior status
and in good academic standing.
Written approval of parents of
women intending to live in off-
campus housing is required, and
it is understood that residence
hall contracts for the senior must
be honored.
The recommendation is the re-
sult of a semester-long study by
Assembly Association, Women's
Senate, the Women's League
Council, Women's Judiciary Coun-
cil and Panhellenic Association.
The final draft of the recom-
mendation was drawn up by Lewis
and the dean of women's office
and was based primarily on the
proposal from the women's or-
'ganizations, Lewis said.
Assembly Survey
A survey made by Assembly As-
sociation disclosed that approxi-
mately 53 per cent of junior wo-
men would live in apartments next
year. This represents an increase
of about 200 women in apart-
Women's Judic is currently in-
vestigating some of the problems
which will arise from senior wo-
men who remain in the residence
halls. One of the chief problems
will be that of women's hours, and
at present a survey is being taken
in residence halls on the opinion
of independents on the possible
elimination of hours for senior
Commenting on the passage of
the apartment permission, League
President Bea Nemlaha, '62, said
she "was glad it was approved, and
I'm proud it was a policy estab-
lished by the women's organiza-
tions. However, I hope it'll be
only a temporary policy-tempor-
ary until the OSA Committee Re-
port is acted upon and all women,
including freshmen, will not be
forced to live in University ap-
proved housing."
Lagler Lauds
For New Lab
Prof. Karl F. Lagler, chairman
of the fisheries department, call
ed yesterday's approval of $1,-
198,000 for the construction of a
new Bureau of Commercial Fish-
eries laboratory in Ann Arbor a
"step in the right direction."
Having passed the House Ap-
propriations Committee, the budg-

et item which is part of a bill to
give more funds to the Depart-
ment of the Interior, will under-
go House debate next week.
"The action of the committee
testifies to the long-felt need of
such a facility at the University,"
Prof. Lagler said last night.
"The University has been host
to the Great Lakes Fisheies in-
vestigations of the federal govern-

Nims Recites Own Poetry,
Inauuraes Arts Festival
"I don't really know what a poetry reading is for, and I can't
imagine going to one myself," Prof. John Frederick Nims of the
University of Illinois said yesterday at a poetry reading hour which
inaugurated the Creative Arts Festival.
"However, a poetry reading does have its advantages for the
writer. It gives him'a chance to get his poems out in public where
he can see their faults. And the poems don't always sound as good
as he thought they would."
Reading from his collected poems in The Iron Pastoral (f947),
A Fountain in Kentucky (1950), and Knowledge of the Evening:
Poems 1950-1960, Prof. Nims explained the processes involved in the
composition of a poem.
On Poetry Writing

Cayuga Waiters Begin Cornell Tradition

The Cayuga Waiters are rapidly
becoming a tradition at Cornell
University, as they have been sing-
ing at fraternity parties, concerts
and neighboring schools since
"We sing more in a more infor-
mal manner : than most Ivy
League' groups, such as the one
at Yale where they sing The
Whiffenpoof Song in tails," the
Waiters said yesterday.
"We usually sing in close har-
mony after the fashion of the
Four Freshmen, and we sing for
fun; there's no individual profit."
"We broke from the Glee Club
in 1956 so that we could have more
freedom of repertoire and selec-
tion. We do all our own arranging
and managing, and we are espe-

electorate until after the next "There's a lot of work to writing poetry. Some people think that
regularly scheduled SGC election, you just sit there by an ocean or something and the Muse comes.
However, the results of student "Lines of a poem may come almost spontaneously, but the
opinion referendums are not bind- experienced poet learns to be suspicious of these. He may, as Robert
ing on Council. Lowell did, spend 100 hours work-
ing out a troublesome eight-line
stanza. .
"The poet must know how long
not to be satisfied with such lines.>
He must work and rework them
but in the end, they should sound.
as though no work had been done kr
At their monthly meeting yes- on them at all.
terday, the Regents replied to a Warns Young Poets:
special group commissioned by "Young poets and students
President John F. Kennedy, which can't write simply. It took Yeats:
is investigating employment stat- half a lifetime to learn how."
us at various institutions. Reading a poem which he de-
This group has asked the Uni- scribed as particularly tight inF
versity to submit a break-down style, Prof. Nims commented, "To-

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