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March 15, 1962 - Image 1

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

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Little change in temperature,
a few brief snow flurries.


VOL. LXXII, No. 117




New Difficulties


Hit Peace


Cease-Fire Delay Seems Likely
As Short Session Ends in Discord
EVIAN ()--The French-Algerian peace talks ran into serious
difficulties yesterday, informants said, and possibilities of an early
cease-fire were set back.
Yesterday's round of talks, the eighth since the start of nego-
tiations, lasted only a little more than four hours. Then the nine-man
Algerian delegation returned to its headquarters near Rolle, Switzer-
land. Informants close to the rebel delegation said yesterday's talks
_were "a step backward," adding

1~ k
Wreak Havoef
In Algeria
ALGIERS (P)-Secret army ter-
rorists attacked a French police
barracks with rockets and machine
gun fire yesterday and knocked
the official TV station off the air
in Oran with a blastic bomb.
Out in the countryside, Algerian
nationalist rebels burned French
farms and slaughtered livestock.
French families were reported flee-
ing in panic to cities.
Stepped-up attacks by the secret
army appear timed for the
Evian, peace talks, which aim at
k ending 71/2 years of war. In its
campaign to block Algerian inde-
pendence, European secret army
terrorism has killed 1,616 persons
and, wounded 3,742 others since
the beginning of the year.
Casualties Unknown
There was no report on casual-
' ties in the 15-minute attack at
dawn on the barracks of the
French riot police. Police quar-
tered inside the building returned
the fire of the terrorists.
The bomb blast at the port city
of Oran disabled the transmitter
of the TV station there, Last
night, however, the secret ' army
made a pirate broadcast on the
wave length of the TV sound chan-
nel, warning Europeans not to
move out of Oran. The broadcaster
siad property of those who flee
would be put in jeopardy.
Paul Davis, an American Broad-
casting Network correspondent,
was scheduled to use the station's
facilities for a broadcast to New
York ,around the time of the
bombing. But he heeded an anony-
mous telephone caller who told
him to go to the station an hour
No InJuries d
No one was reported injured in
the blast.
in another part of Oran, a
police official who never hid his
feelings against the secret army
was shot dead.
Twelve warships of the French
Mediterranean fleet maneuvered
off Algeria. Army sources said the
ships were ready to intervene in
the turbulent North African terri-
tory whenever it was deemed
In Algiers, authorities closed off
two main squares in the heart of
the old part of the city after con-
tinuing daily terrorists attacks
against Europeans in the two
At the Evian peace talks, in-
formants said a renewal of dis-
cussions on points once thought
settled blocked the hoped-for pro-
gress toward a cease-fire in Al-
geria between French forces and
rebel troops.
The points that were brought
up were not disclosed by either
side in the negotiations.
The day's talks-the eighth day
of negotiations-lasted only a little
more than four hours.
Resume Talks
About Contract
PITTSBURGH tPo)-Under prod-
ding by President John F. Ken-.
nedy. the United Steelworkers and
the basic steel industry resumed
negotiations yesterday for a new
labor contract.
Union President David J. Mc-
Donald and chief industry negoti-
ator R. Conrad Cooper of the
United States Steel Corp. met

about three hours. Afterward Mc-
Donald said "we have resumed our
discussions at the request of the
President of the United States,
and we will resume at 10 a.m. to-
morrow morning. This is all I have

that if the same climate continu-
ed, several more days of hard
bargaining remained before a suc-
cessful conclusion could be reach-
Less Pessimistic
Sources in Evian, where the
French delegation is headquarte-
ing, were less pessimistic. But at
the same time it was admitted that
the conference had marked time
on certain points.
One informant, said some un-
specified questions once believed
settled had again been brought
up for discussion. The sources de-
clined to predict when a' cease-
fire might be reached.
It had been widely reported
earlier in the week that an accord
was imminent.
New Session
A new session was set for tomor-
Some informants reported dif-
ficulties had sharpened today on
three main points of the talks.
These were said to be the fate
of the Algerian guerrilla force,
known as the "Army of National
Liberation;" amnesty for the
thousands of Algerian Moslems
held by the French for Nationalist
activities; and powers of a pro-
visionalsexecutive body to rule
Algeria until it becomes inde-
Official sources would not com-
ment on the points at issue.
Red Influence
In Cam eroons
WASHINGTON (WP)-Cameroon's
President Ahmadbu Ahidjo- said
yesterday Red China and other
Communist nations are supporting
elements in his country, who are
trying to overthrow the govern-
He told a news conference the
elements are a minority who be-
fore the Cameroons gained inde-
pendence claimed to be fighting
colonialism. Now he said it is evi-
dent that "all they want is power."
Ahidjo, winding up a two-day
visit in Washington, said the possi-
bility of President John F. Ken-
nedy visiting Africa was men-
tioned "in general and vague
terms" in his two talks with the
chief executive. He indicated no
decision was reached.

POLL TAX DEBATE-Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont) (left) and Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) (right) stand
on opposite sides of the present Senate poll tax controversy with
Russell claiming that the poll tax is not a means of voter dis-
Senate Battle Co-mmences
Over Anti-Poll Tax Measure,
WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate plunged into a fight over an
anti-poll tax measure yesterday.
The battle opened when Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont), the ma-
jority leader, moved to take up a resolution that would make the
former home of Alexander Hamilton in New York City a national
Mansfield said if this motion were adopted, Sen. Spessard L. Hol-
land (D-Fla.), would propose to substitute for the resolution a consti-
O"tutional amendment to outlaw the

Hits Rebels
GUATEMALA (A)-Government
troops clashed with an insurgent
group north of Guatemala City
Tuesday, killing eight of the reb-
els, officials said yesterday.
The authorities said one soldier
was wounded in the fight 40 miles
from the capital. They added that
many insurgents were captured.
The army meanwhile took over
operation of the nation's railways
after railway workers voted to join
a protest movement by 5,000 stu-
dents who have denounced last
December's national election as
Earlier high school teachers
called for the resignation of Miguel
Angel Gonzalez, under-secretary
of education and acting minister
of the interior.
Sukarno Sets
JAKARTA (W) - President Su-
karno confirmed yesterday he has
accepted United States proposals
aimed at solving the West New
Guinea dispute with the Nether-
He also expressed the hope that
secret talks with the Netherlands
would quickly lead to formal ne-
gotiations on the transfer of the
administration of the disputed
territory to Indonesia.

payment of a poll tax as a require-
ment for voting in federal elec-
The maneuver was designed to
bypass the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee, where the anti-poll tax
amendment urged by President
John F. Kennedy has been stalled
with no sign of action.
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga),
immediately challenged the pro-
cedure and denounced the pro-
posed amendment as an attempt
to force the five states that still
levy a poll tax to conform with the
states that don't.
The five states are Alabama,
Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas and
"I hold no brief for the poll tax,"
Russell said, adding that he re-
gards it as "an outmoded method
of raising revenue."
But he told the Senate that
doesn't mean that "I'm going to
rush in and tell these five states
you can't have it."
Derisively referring to what he
called "the polecat amendment,"
Russell said the poll tax has been
'one of the oldest whipping boys"
in the civil rights field.
He said it is not a civil rights
issue at all, that the poll tax is
actually a head tax levied on citi-
zens without regard to race or
creed and is one of the oldest
known taxes.
Mansfield had been expected to
call up some minor House-passed
bill as the vehicle for launching
the anti-poll tax fight but appar-
ently made a last-minute switch.
Russell said he had understood
that a motion would be made to
call up a private claim bill and
that he had intended to make a
point of order that a Constitu-
tional amendment could not be
substituted for a general bill.
However, he contended his point
would apply also to a joint resolu-
tion since this also is a measure
that must be approved by the
President before it becomes law.
A constitutional amendment,
also in the form of a resolution,
does not have to be signed by the
Russell, citing the constitution's
provision for amendment, said it
seemed to him that it would be
"completely out of order" to sub-
stitute the anti-poll tax amend-
ment for the Alexander Hamilton
monument resolution.

Reds Ease
A ir Tactic
BERLIN (")-The Soviet com-
mand last night called off a sched-
uled new harassment tactic in the
sensitive air corridors to isolated
West Berlin.
In Washington two hours later
President John F. Kennedy warn-
ed that continuing Russian har-
assment in the Berlin airlanes can
lead to counteractions that could
only intensify dangers.
The Soviets had stepped up
their campaign of annoyance by
scheduling night flights in the
corridors forthe first time. It was
part of an obvious move to keep
the Berlin pot boiling despite
Western protests at the Geneva
disarmament conference against
trouble-making in the three 20-
mile wide corridors.
Other Tactics3
Other tactics are the sprinkling
of metal chaff in the corridors to
confuse radar screens and sched-1
uling flights to coincide with times
of Western airline runs through
the air paths.
The Russians cancelled their
night flight scheme just before
the planes were due to take off.
Western officials said that just
after 2 p.m. EST a Soviet officer
in the Berlin Air Safety Center
called off four scheduled flights.
They had been announced for 8 to
9 p.m. in the 125-mile corridor
between Berlin and Hamburg.
There was no immediate ex-
planation for the cancellation.
Avoid Incidents
President Kennedy told his
Washington news conference that
if the Soviets really desire a
peaceful settlement of issues be-
tween East and West, it would
seem to him they would make
every effort to avoid incidents.
He said that dropping metal
chaff is "a particularly, dangerous
kind of action." New chaff sam-
ples showed up during the day.
Western officials in Berlin had
expected no incidents to result
from the night flights.The Soviet
flights that had been scheduled
earlier in the week at about the
same times and altitudes as West-
ern passenger planes never ap-
Informed sources said on Mon-
day the Soviets kept 10 minutes
away from the Western planes, an
ample margin of safety.
Gains Support
Of Democrats
LANSING () - Gov. John B.
Swainson and House Democrats
agreed yesterday to go along with
a Republican bill which would
raise school aid costs $31 million
a year.
They decided in caucus that the
difference between the measure
and the Democratic version was
so small that there was no sense
putting up a fight.
Scores of other bills died at mid-
night last night under a deadline
for all but tax and spending
measures to clear committees in
the House of their origin.
Among those that fell by the
wayside were those to allow Sun-
day liquor sales in Detroit and
extend the closing hour for bars
and taverns to 4 a.m.
Other dead measures would have
increased fishing license fees, give
the state public service jurisdic-

tion over the retail gasoline in-

SGC To Hold Hearings
To Determine Factors

In Sigma Nu


Student Government Council last night gave final approval to
its comments on the report of the Office of Student Affairs Study
The 18-page report, revised by the Council, will be sent to Vice-
President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, who will consider
the Council's recommendations, along with the OSA Study Com-
mittee report itself and comments
by other groups. From these he
will frame his final recommenda-
tions to the Regents for changes
in the OSA.
The heart of the Council's re-
port, six major proposals for pol-
icy,, structure and rule changes,
will be made available for wide
distribution among housing units
and other interested parties.
Strong Declaration
These six items call for:
1) A strong declaration by the
University of the educational pur-
pose of its student affairs policies,
and that 'it will act in place of
students' parents only when such:
action is effective in achieving
these purposes."
2) Elimination of all dean posi--
tions in the OSA, and of the policy>
of selection of administrative of-
ficers on the basis of their sex.
3) A faculty-student council to JOHN F. KENNEDY
set rules over student conduct, ... boosts program
subject to the veto of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, andP
to advise the vice-president in
personnel selection.
4) A single housing director re-
sponsible to the vice-president, r
with business staff "subordinated "~
to educational staff at all levels of WASHINGTON (') - President
housing administration." SOC also John F. Kennedy, putting in an-
recommended apartment permis- other vigorous plug for his $4:8
sion for all students over 21, and billion foreign aid program, de-
to non-freshmen under 21, with clared yesterday "it would be the
parental consent. most unwise act possible" to cut it,
5) Abolition of the judiciary If anybody will look at a map,
charge, "conduct unbecoming a Kennedy said-ticking off coun-
student," by revising Regents' by- try after country, he will see that
law 8.03 to prohibit "all infringe- the nations to be helped are those
ment on the rights of others and "which are in the line of fire."
all conduct damaging to Univer- They are "dependent upon us foi
sity facilities and services." assistance" to retain their inde-
6)' That the power to penalize pendence from Communist take-
for violation of extra-classroom over, he said.
regulations be vested solely in The President, who, sent his for-
judiciaries. The judic system mal foreign aid request to Con-
would be unified, granting due gress Tuesday, made his comments
process at the option of those at a news conference when a ques-
being tried, and would not penalize tioner said some "economy ex-
students for offenses already pun- perts" in Congress have said the3
ished by civil authorities. will take an ax to the request.
SGC Opinion Open Season

Fraternity May Face
Withdrawal of Status
At End of Semester
Student Government Council will
hold public hearings on the Sigma
Nu case beginning April 4 to be
conducted under procedures ap-
proved unanimously by the Coun-
cil at its meeting yesterday.
At these hearings, the Council
will determine the facts of the
case, decide if Sigma Nu is in vio-
lation of the University member-
ship selection regulation and, if
so, what disciplinary action is to
be taken.
The Committee on Membership
in Student Organizations has rec-
ommended in its report to the
Council that the chapter be found
in violation of the regulation and
that the Council withdraw recog-
nition from the group at the end
of the semester, unless the chapter
"has demonstrated to the Coun-
cil's satisfaction that it no longer
follows a policy of discriminatory
membership selection."
Not General
Council President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, explained that he and
Prof. Robert Harris of the law
school, legal counsel to the com-
mittee, drew up the procedures,
which were intended to be just for
the Sigma Nu case and not for
membership selection cases in gen-
The procedures provide for open
hearings, but all deliberations will
be held in closed session.
Following deliberations, "The
Council's ultimate decision shall
be announced publicly and sup-
ported by a written opinion of the
Council," the motion stated. SGC
members dissenting from the ma-
jority position may file dissenting
Dissenting Opinions
An amendment proposed by Ad-
ministrative Vice-President Robert
Ross, '63, and approved by the
Council, provides that any opinion,
majority, dissenting or concur-
ring, shall be signed by those
Council members supporting it.
The Council will invite the local
Sigma Nu chapter, the national,
the vice-president for student af-.
fairs, the office of the dean of
men, and Interfraternity Council
to attend the hearings and to
submit their views on the case in
writing to the SGC president by
March 29.
These persons and groups will
also have the opportunity to pre-
sent their views to SGC at the
hearing and to be represented by
9-1MA1if +117eh ircr

Gives Final Approval!
To 054 Suggestions

To Discuss
Future Plan


Vigil for Peace Marks
Start ofGen.evafTalks
Groups of between seven and twelve people stood silently near
the flagpole facing the Diag in yesterday's near freezing, bitter cold
in order to participate in observance of this year's second vigil for
peace coinciding with the opening of the Geneva disarmament talks.
The vigil, which lasted from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. drew varying
reactions from passers-by. Most of them said they "didn't know"

The SGC opinion charges that
the procedure and investigations
of the Study Committee ignored
many important student-affairs
The Council found the OSA
Study Committee's expressed phi-
losophy "ambiguous in places,"
and objected to "several of the
agreements and premises upon
which it is based." However, SGC
added that this philosophy was an
improvement over the present im-
plicit philosophy, and praised its
rejection of the "in loco parentis"
The Council noted that the Study.
Committee's proposed structure
and student affairs policies "only
begin to implement its philos-

Kennedy replied he is aware
that there is always open season
on foreign aid requests.
"Those it seems at some oc-
casions want to put the ax to for-
eign aid hardest are the ones that
make the most vigorous speeches


about its purpose; many didn't
"care one way or the other." The
latter seemed to be the dominant
"I am very shocked at the
apathy towards the world situa-
tion on campus," one student
"I don't care if someone is right
or left as long as they take a
stand. Everyone seems totally non-
committal, I don't think they are
at all involved.",
Dean Engel, '65, viewed the vigil
situation as ineffective: "I think
it is typical of most left-wing
college groups," he said.
"I don't think they mean any,
harm but I don't think they'll
have any large scale effect on the
"Being a Goldwater man I can't
go along with them. I think there

Students Bid for Goods and Services

against Communism, and call for counse aiiey so uesi.
a policy of victory.
"In my opinion these battles are Ch a } sF c
being fought in towns and cities1a p'Fac
and states all around the world, . .
and I believe this program is just Similar Action
as important as our national de-
fense. Over half of it is directly The Student Government Coun-
tied to arms assistance, which cil Committee on Membership in
means that it represents an addi- Student Organizations recommen-
tional appropriation, in a sense, dation for punitive action against
for the Pentagon." Sigma Nu is the latest in a series
Countries Important of incidents involving fraternities
The President went on to say at other campuses.
that if anyone feels these coun- At Cornell University last De-
tries are not important or that it cember, the Sigma Nu chapter was
makes no difference if they are placed on disciplinary probation
taken over by the Communists- by the Interfraternity Council.
"and if they are not interested in The probation will last until
this fight"-they should cut the September, and if the local does
aid program. not obtain a waiver, or the na-
Aiming his words at Congress, tional lift its bias clause by Sep-
Kennedy said foreign aid has been tember of next year, the chapter
supported on a bipartisan basis will be banned indefinitely.
in the past "and I am hopeful that In December of 1960, the chap-
the Congress will recognize how ter at Wesleyan college withdrew
vital this program is to our secur- protest of the clause in the na-
ity." tional constitution prohibiting
Administration spokesmen be- men "of Negro blood" from join-
gan the battle on Capitol Hill for ing
the program with testimony keyed The Committee on Membership
to Kennedy's plea Tuesday for has no other information regard-
more time and money to help oth- ing universities' action against
er nations help themselves. Sigma Nu, both in the matter of
time limits set for getting rid of
the clause and on the number of
To Honor Ruthven waivers applied for by other chap-
On 80th Birthday However, it is known that since

Approximately 200 students set the price of campus luxuries
yesterday at the World University Service auction.
A wise-cracking Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department
was the auctioneer as the Diag auction netted cash for charity.
For cleaning, feeding and other assorted services, the Chi Omegas
were the most expensive. Fletcher Hall bought their housekeeping
services for $41. Dinner at the Alpha Omega Pi sorority cost $33, and
breakfast served by Sigma Delta Tau's sold for $21. Apartment clean-
ing by Palmer House, of Alice Lloyd, went for $16 and Jordan Hall's
dog cleaning cost $2.50.
'U' Hierarchy
The University hierarchy was reflected in the auctioned-off din-
ners. A meal with Assistant Dean of Men and Mrs. John Bingley sold
for $4.20, while a similar arrangement with Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis cost $9. Dinner with President and Mrs. Harlan
Hatcher was auctioned off for $17.



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