TONIGH T at 8 at HILLE DRe STEPH EN J. TONSOR, Ass't. Prof. of History presents the third lecture in the Series An inquiry into The Jew in Western Civilization on the subject THEMICHIGANDAILY _____________________________________ DAILY OFFICiAL BULLETiN ~CLIU*fl*I '4: ________________________ (Continued from Page 4) See Thurs. & Sun. DOB for announcements. further Conformity" Biol., Chem., Gen. Sd., Bus. Ed., Latin, Fre,, Span., Girl's FE, Art, Music., Psychologist. WED., MARCH 21- East Detroit, Mlch.-2E. Elem. (No Late Elem.), FE, Music, Art, Jr. 115 EngL., 55; H18 Math, EngI., Hust.; Aud/Vis., Chem./Phys., Bus. Ed. Flint, Mich--Fields not yet announc- ed. Pontiac, Mich--Elem., Jr. HS EnglI. Math, Sci., Speech, Read., Home Ec., Voc. Mus., Guid&, Draft, HS Engi/Chem., Math, Lat/EngI., Home Ec., Girl's FE, Guid., Libr., Bus. Ed., Sp. Ed., MH,. Elem. & Jr HS Inst. Mus., Elem. Voc., Elem. Libr., 115 Vocal. Roseville, MIch.-K-6, #1lem. Vocal, Sp. Ed. (Ment. Retard.), Visit. Teach. POSITION OPENINGS: Executive Manpower Corp., New York, N.Y.-1) Special Assistant to President. 2) Manager of Marketing. 3) Product Manager-Manufacturing. 4) Product Manager-Communications. All these positions reuqire highly qualified per- sonnel. University of Maryland, Natural Re- sources Institute, Solomons, Md.-Aqua- tic Biologist for studies concerning Eurasian watermilfoil in tidewater areas of Md. ES or BA in Wildlife or Fish- eries Biology or closeW allied fields. Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, Chi- cago, 11.-Current openings: Chemists, Biochemists, Med. Techs., Med. Tech. Training, & Registered Nurses. New York City Civil Service - Ass't. Open o All 1429 Hill St.* I . -7 -, 1 . . Archit. & Civil Engrg. Draftsman~-Cls- Ing Date: April 3. Dental Hygienist & Occupat. Therapist-Cosing Date: Aug. 31. Also jobs for '62 grads: Ase't. Ac- countant, Ass't. Actuary, Ass~t. Stat. & Jr. Bacteriologist--Closing date: March 30. SDept. of Health, Educ., & Welfare, So- cial Security Admin., Chicago, Ill--June grads & alumni to fill' Claims Examiner Trainee positions. Master's degree. Must take Fed. Service Entrance Exam. It will be given on April 14 & May 12. Engrg. Res. & Dev. Organization, Romulus, Mlch.-Secretary; college grad & sec'l. training or business school. Some Sec'l. exper. required. Scd. or Engrg. bkgd. desirable but not essen- tial. Farm Bureau Insurance Co., Lansing, Mich.-Investment Analyst Trainee; De- gree in Bus. Ad., Finance or Econ., OR some exper. in banking, mortgage-fi- nancing, or investment firm exper. Please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for further information. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Building, during the following hours: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, should call1 Bob Hodges at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE -Several salesmen wanted. 1-Landscape Architect who is at least in his Junior year. % time position. 1-To put on a magic show for chil- dren on March 21 from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Pay rate to be arranged. FEMALE I-Baby sitter who will help through the dinner hour in exchange for room and board. 1-To put~ on a magic show for chil- dren on March 21 from 5:30 p~m. to p.m. Pay rate to be arranged. ORGAN IZATION NOTICES Am. Soc. for Publhe Adnin., Social 0. Marcn, Carnegie Inst. of Tech., "Some Models of Organizational Deci- sion Making." Refreshments. Everyone welcome. Cercle Francais, French conversation, Bingo played in French, Refreshments, Mar. 14, 8 p.m., 3050 FE Venez tousi La Socledad Hispanica, Tertulia, Mar. 15, 8 p.m., 3050 FE. Speaker: Prof.. L. Kiddie, "Las Universidades Hispanicas De Ayer De Hoy. Rifle Club, Meeting & League Match, Mar.-14, 7;30 p~m., ROTC Range. ULLR Ski Club, Meeting for Aspen Trip, Mar. 14 7:30 p.m., Union. ;....- 4 .y :'& .; .x*$~,'.: You Are Inited. to two very SAKS FIFTH AVENUE FASHION SHOWS Sponsored by Tni Delta Alumnae Association Michigan Union Ballroom .. Luncheon 12:45 p.m. . March 15, 1962 K Presentations 2 OO and 8:00 p.m. . .. $1.75 For reservations phone NO 5 -6531, SAKS FIFT H AVENUE N ' IlIfEK Minds are different, too. You can't' ink them and roll them and press them on hard-finished white. paper. But you can test them, mold them, nurture 1ham ehanta tham etratrh thpm. pyritp thAm. It's a big responsibility. And it requires The finest young scientific and engineering minds this country has to offer. Many, many minds that work as one. Minds such a yours. nerhans. Won't vnu come in and talk to us? If