fi T r irttliigt fat Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSrTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHOmUTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN AxRon, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "The Packaging Isn't Nearly As Confusing As The Labeling!" -ti co j J -W *i . 2& BAROQUE TRIO: Excellent Concert From Bach's Time , MARCH 14, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAML HARRAH Joint Judic Grants Due Process at Last ANGRY DAILY EDITORIALS backed up by the Office of Student Affairs probe have inally compelled Joint Judiciary Council to produce something substantial from its periodic self-evaluations: major policy changes guaran- eeing "due process" for students. If adopted, the new procedure will allow a student to offer witnesses on his behalf, em- >loy the assistance of a "student advisor" and have his case heard in public session. It would also avoid "double jeopardy" and stiffen the riteria for admissable evidence. THESE CHANGES are an important theo- retical revision of current policy, even if hey mean little practical change in the coun- il's actual sessions. Council members believe few students, for example, would want an >pen hearing as few have ever requested one n the past. But at least they have the oppor- tunity to be treated almost like a citizen in a civil court. Council members also fail to express any, eal belief that these changes are necessary >r even desirable. They point to a "vocal minor- ty" who clamot for such rights and feel their new policy will- satisfy this group while not seriously impairing judic's operations. And hey state that there are "certain educational values" attached to these new changes. Joint Judic should be congratulated for aking these steps-whatever motive lies be-. hind themefoi they will give the campus ommunity a better chance to receive that lusive and perhaps indefinable thing, justice. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE deserves high praise; what remains to be done requires ontinued work. The council should encourage idoption of "due process" by the dozen or so >ther types of judiciaries at the University. roint Judic should also consider the possibili- ies of setting maximum penalties for certain; 'ule violations rand preserving a consistency n application of fines. The relation of the epresentatives from the deans' offices to the ouncil must be seriously investigated. Although the actual "trials" may be fairer, [nequities may continue to occur in the closed deliberation sessions. It is here that Joint Judic decides whether or not a student is guilty of improper conduct and also, picks but certain crimes with which to charge him. Since the council's basic attitude toward the student defendant has not changed, one can not hope for major reforms in this area, at least for the present. Judic members still feel that "conduct unbecoming a student" is the phrase which is to govern campus behavior. This phrase, in all its vagueness and am- biguity, has been and can continue to be used by administrators at least to justify punishing student A for Deed Z and not punishing, stu- dent B for precisely the same activity. The rationale behind this is that under certain conditions (appropriations time at the Legis- lature for example), certain students (an es- sential athlete, for, example) can do more to compromise the University in the eyes of the public than other students of less renown in less crucial days. THE COUNCIL believes such phrases are necessary to protect the University from unpredictable actions of its students. The council has an exaggerated view of what effect student misbehavior has on legislative appro- priations, faculty loyalty to the institution and value of a University' diploma. It has the naive belief that stiff fines and explusions will curb illegal drinking and panty raids. If the council wants to have a role in chang- ing student mores, iI must discover what con- ditions in the residence halls and what policies of the OSA foster such illegal behavior. MANY of the problems of Joint Judiciary Council derive from the council's confused image of itself as sometime counselor and sometime judge and executioner. Strides have been made in improving joint judic as a court. More must be done. But, more important, the council has to reevaluate its role as a peer counselor to see it makes its greatest contribution to the students in this function. -MICHAEL OLINICKI N *4p- yy' ; fF t s r l" 40 T c 'ADDID RAL - 14 Oo GQ i4ooot h TIE BAROQUE TRIO, all four of them, delighted a ludicrously small audience last night with always good and occasionally excellent per- formances of works by contemporaries of J. S. Bach. Two questions are unavoidably suggested, one concerning the performers; the other, the composers. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE in quality between the Baroque Trio and an ensemble comprising some of the top rank professional soloists of the day? Well, yes there is. But the. difference is slight, especially when one considers that the Trio must make its preparations outside of full-time academic schedules. Further, there is a compensation in the fact that a group of pro- fessional soloists would probably not have so much experience play- ing with each other. It was in the ensemble pieces, involving both flute and oboe, that last evening's concert was at its best. The balance between the two wind instruments and between them and the two continuo players was unfailingly excellent: the phrasing, though at times a trifle sugare, was well thought out and superbly executed; the simultaneous trills were models of perfection. In the works for single wind and harpsichord the weaknesses of the performers were most evident. In the Marcello'concerto for oboe and harpsichord, Mr. Mueller exhibited a slight rigidity of phrasing which inhibited the curious romanticism of the work. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE in quality between the music of J. S. Bach and that of his contemporaries? Yes-Programs such as last night's are, apart from their musical enjoyability, valuable in two ways: they illustrate the fact that J. S. Bach was not writing in a vacuum, that his style was that of an era, that others could use his tricks in various combinations. In fact, thpy show that they are not really his tricks. But also such programs let us know that old J. S. was pretty much head of his class. A TRIO SONATA by Stoelzel opened the program. This was the most interesting piece of the evening contrapuntally. A great deal of stretto imitation was employed which was well designed and neatly written. But this seemed the only device at the composer's disposal. The Bach Sonata for Flute and Harpsichord was one of the more interesting works, yet one frequently had the feeling that his ornamen- tation interferred with the melodic line instead of reinforcing or accen- tuating it. I cannot close without mention of the fourth member of last night's trio, Mr. Clyde Thompson, double bass. His contribution for most of the evening was quiet and reserved and impeccable. During the Passacaille, where his part was a bit more important, he was superb. t -J Philip Benkard SIDELINE ON SGC-: Sigma Nu Focuses Discrimination, Problem GOOD, BAD EFFECTS: Alumni Power Must Be Watched Unequal Funds for Research? 3ERIODICALLY the complaint is voiced by terary college that while the biological and teraly college that while the biological and hysical sciences are being enriched by re- arch grants and scholarship funds, the social ciences and humanities are left to "wither ri the vine." On the surface this appears to be just con- emnation of University research policy. The terary college receives but 10 per cent of the niversity's total sponsored research budget. ut upon closer inspection the complaint elds a revealing paradox. Educators in both the social and natural ,iences agree that the largest share of re- arch money given to a particular depart- ent is used for graduate education. Graduate udents are expensive. It costs four times lore to educate a graduate student than it oes to train an' undergraduate, University atistics show. Therefore, since it is true that the major rtion of University research funds is being ven to the physical and biological sciences, nd since it is equally valid that most of the search money in all departments goes toward ie education of their graduate students, it ould follow that the natural sciences ought be turning out more graduates than the cial sciences and the humanities. ?)UT this is not the case.. On the other hand,d, Vice-President for esearch Ralph Sawyer'reports that there has een a larger percentage increase of graduate udents in the social sciences and humanities ian in the natural sciences during recent ears. If the social sciences and humanities are ot receiving their fair' share of research oney, how are they able to do this? There are two obvious alternatives: either ie graduate students in these fields are of comparatively poorer quality than those :oduced in the natural sciences, or else it lust cost less to educate them. Clearly those who are waging the complaint ill be among the first to agree that the >rmer possibility is incorrect. So they will have to admit that the dif- rence in the cost of education between the atural sciences and humanities, and the cial sciences is the only answer to the aradox. 'HE VALUE of research funds cannot be measured in terms of dollars and cents. It )sts virtually nothing to make available a priceless collection of books for the English or history scholar. But the tiniest mechanism on a piece of equipment used by the nuclear physicist may cost hundreds of dollars . It is the aim of the University to try as much as possible to direct the research funds which it has available to the places where they are most needed. But while it is true that more and more money is being put into the natural sciences, this does not mean that University research administrators have for- gotten the social scientist and student of the humanities. Equally desirable things are not necessarily equally expensive. This motto should be borne in mind by persons who think they are being cheated. -JUDITH BLEIER Te eWasteland SO YOU THINK the federal government wastes money? I did, but the whole business was a bit abstract to me until this morning when I opened The Daily's mail. The first letter was from the Navy Depart- ment's Fleet Home Town News center at Great Lakes, Ill. It contained a bland announcement that a University naval ROTC cadet had been introduced to naval aviation by an early February visit to the Pensacola Naval Air Training Station in Florida. The duplicated release contained a glossy . photograph, and a plastic "Fairchild" engraving of the picture for use in newspapers. S FAR so good. But I looked again and there were 29 more envelopes the same as the first. A random check indicated they were all the same- a release, glossy print and Fairchild engraving. The Daily does not usually print such news, and today would be no exception. So the Navy .Department had wasted a bit of money in sending them. BIT OF MONEY, you say? A bit more than that. According to The Daily's production schedule, one one-column Fairchild cut costs, conservatively, $1.50, the largest cost being the plastic base. Thirty times $1.50 comes out to $45, to which must be added the cost of the photographs, releases and mailing. The whole business probably cost more than $50. The Navy Department likely sent the re- leases to all of the cadets' home town papers too. And there are many hundred cadets. By NEIL COSSMAN Daily Staff Writer AT THE CORE of the Alumni Association-Development Coun- cil conflict is the question of how much control alumni should have over University policies. Alumni are valuable in providing the Uni- versity with money and a good public image; but they can be equally effective in stifling the University's freedom. - The recent recommendations of a University committee should do much to get cooperation in alumni fund-raising between the associa- tion and the council. But a con- stant evaluation of the good and bad effects of such cooperation will still be necessary. When a group of alumnae de- mands that the position of Dean of Women be kept, and when alumni pressure the University to keep women guests out of quad- rangle rooms, they are using in- fluence that could readily be ex- tended to other areas. This control is even more possible when alumni help the University raise money. * * * BUT STRONG, active alumni in- terest in the University is essen- tial, despite the danger of alumni control. Alumni support does more than provide funds from the alum- ni themselves. Industry and pri- LEHERS to the EDITOR Railroads * * To the Editor: I EXPRESS my thanks to Robert Selwa for his comments on rail- roads. His review of the Presiden- tial Commission on work rules was detailed yet clear. I think the article reveals the seeds of another realization: That the government has perhaps for- gotten what a truly efficient rail- road system could do for this nation. Oh, I know the politicians pride themselves in pointing out federally financed highways, fed- erally financed airports, or locks and dams for bargelines to use free of charge, but look what this has done to the railroads. Well, so what? The answer to this question lies in the fact that those things called railroads which are built and maintained by private enterprise (something I guess his nation believes in) can still haul a ton cheaper than their competitors if given the chance. , Railroads are fighting every day to lower freight rates on various commodities These rates are fre- quently denied by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Why? Granting that the public might benefit, the commission denies the rate because rail competitors might lose business. Shouldn't the government, in the face of competition from abroad plus a desire to be more efficient at home, develop a trans- portation policy which would al- low the efficiency of the flanged wheel on the steel rail to perform for America? -Mike Martin, Sr. vate foundations prefer to help a, university with strong alumni support. The Legislature listens to alumni: both individuals with influence and numbers of 'them with votes. And active local alumni groups can rally support from the public in dollars and opinion. Since 1958, when John E. Tir- rell became Alumni Association General Secretary, the association has campaigned to be part of the Development Council's alumni fund-raising program. Last year, the Alumni Association endorsed a report outlining a working re- lationship between the association and the Development Council. This report had been drafted by a joint subcommittee with two representatives from each group and former Director of University Relations Lyle Nelson as members. After the Alumni Association en- dorsed it, members of the Develop- ment Council objected to some of the recommendations and asked for the University's opinion. * * * TO PRESENT the University's opinion, a committee was formed last fall. Members are University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss, Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont, and Director of Univer- sity Relations Michael Radock. Last week, this committee finished its evaluation of the original re- port. The University committee ob- jects to several proposals in the original report. Most of the pro- posals it objects to, and one that it doesn't object to, give the Alumni Association more power. First, the committee opposes an original recommendation that no new annual alumni funds be or- ganized in behalf of University units without the approval of the Alumni Association. The Univer- sity report objects to this, as did the Development Council, because it would give the association veto power and deny the basic respon- sibility of the council for raising funds. IT SHOULD have been evident from the start that ultimate de- cisions affecting the welfare of the University should not rest with an organization legally indepen- dent of University control. The leadership of the Alumni Associa- tion would be the first to stress its independence. But although its help is welcome and valuable, its control is unwelcome and poten- tially harmful. The second area of difference between the University report and the original one concerns financ- ing the Alumni Association and the Development Council. There is general agreement that the Alumni Association should be par- tially financed by the University with unearmarked funds from alumni. The association now gets some money from the University. How much money and whether it's allotted as a per cent of proceeds from alumni or as a flat amount are the disputed questions. The University favors an absolute amount with provisions for special requests. * * r THE UNIVERSITY endorses an original recommendation to in- crease the Alumni Association's representation on the Develop- ment Council Board of Directors (urrently three seats on a 37- ings at least twice a year by the executive committees of the two groups. With these recommenda- tions, th'e University committee resolves the immediate conflict and offers a good foundation for unified alumni action. * * * BUT THE QUESTION of where the Alumni Association's ambi- tion is taking it remains unan- swered. Before Tirrell took over the association was quite willing to let the University take care of itself. Incorporated in 1897, the tradition-bound organization had been more of a social club. The members were more interested in the nostalgia of their own college days and the fortunes of the foot- ball team than in supporting the academic side of the University. This was not a desirable attitude, though it caused no problems. Tirrell has changed this. The association's magazine, The Mich-' igan Alumnus, is free with its criticism of University policies. The organization has an en- thusiastic concern with the oper- ations and future of the Univer- sity. The University needs alumni support and can benefit from alumni ideas. But it's the respon- sibility of the association and the University to maintain a fence between criticism and control. As the association becomes more in- volved with fund raising and pub- lic relations, the University must remember the association's legal independence and guard against overreliance on its support.' By CYNTHIA NEU Daily Staff Writer TIMEIS running out for Sigma The report from the Committee on Membership in Student Organ- izations released yesterday asks that if the local chapter does not' succeed in getting a valid waiver of its bias clause from the na- tional that the house's recogni- tion be withdrawn at the end of the semester. That is, it may be kicked off campus. The deadline was proposed for, a specific purpose. Sigma Nu has no hope of getting a waiver un- less there is a definite time by. which the group can be suspended from activities. Even if a waiver is granted, the Committee will have to rule on its validity and the Council could take action against the chapter. The question of whether Sigma Nu is in violation of the Univer- sity Regulation has been answered in part by the local, which inter- prets its membership requirements as being in violation, according DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to' Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 General Notices Applications for the Selective Service college qualification test are now being distributed at the Ann Arbor Selective Service Board, 103 East Liberty. Appli- cations must be in by March 27, 1962. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the academic year 1962-63 for Helen Newberry Resi- dence may do so through the Office of the Dean of women. Applications must be returned complete by March 31. Stu- dents already living in this residence hall and those wishing to live there next fall may apply'. Qualifications will be considered on the basis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and contribution to group living. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The freshman five-week progress reports (all grades) will be due, Fri., March 16, in the Faculty Counselors office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1213 Angell Hall. Events Thursday. Laboratory Playbill Series presents "The Women at the Tomb" by Michael Ghelerode. Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. Thurs., March 15 at 4:00 p.m. Admission is free. University Lecture in Botany: Dr. D. J. D. Nicholas, head Department of Plant Biochemistry and Chemical Mic- robiology, University of Bristol, Eng- land, will speak on "Metabolism of In- organic Nitrogen and its Compounds in Microorganisms" on Thurs., March 15 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A. .nn . iC f7i -".7.tY . _TtA .[. ' nPT e .Placement SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- B. Danson will interview for Camp Winnebagoe, Maple Lake, Perry Sound, Ontario, Canada. All positions for men & women counselors. Interviews held Thurs. & Fri., March 15 & 16. Miss A. Bishop; Camp Maqua, Bay City YWCA, camp for girls, will interview for positions as counselors & camp special- ists. Camp located at Hale, Mich. In- terviews from 9 a.m. to noon on Sat., March1. D. Salisbury or J. Roberts will inter- view for summer camp positions at Ne- Kana, rprivate boys camp. Interviews held from 9 am. to, noon on Sat., March 17. J. Parsons, Dir. of Camp Chick-A-Mi, will interview Sat, morning from 9 a.m. to noon for counselors & camp spe- cialists. All positions for girls except; Sailing Instructor (male only) & Water- front Dir. (male or female). This is girls' camp located at Levering, Mich. Beginning March 19 the following schools will interview for 1962-63 school year. MON., MARCH 19- Albion, Mich.-Elem.; Engl., SS, Fre/ Span., Math, Gen. Se., Comm., Ind. Arts, Cons. Elem. PE & Elem. Arts/ Crafts, Vist. Teach., Sp. Ther., Typ. Detroit, Mich. (Redford Union)- Elem., Vocal. PE (Man); Jr. HS libr.,: Engl./SS. Sci/Math, Sci., Math, Ind. Arts; HS Engl./German, Engl./Pre., Angl./Hist., Chem/Phys. or Math, Fre/ Span., Home Bec., Comm.. Ind. Arts, Swim/Coa., Football Coa.; Biol., Diag. La Due, Mo. (St. Louis)--Elem.; Jr. HS Math, Lang. Arts/SS, Sneech, Latin/ Engl./SS, Vocal, Libr.; HS Encl., SS, Math. Pbvs, Sci., Span., Art, Ind. Arts/ Dr. Ed.; Elem. Art. Pelham, N.Y.-Elem.,. Sch. Nurse: Jr. HS Engl., . C. Math,, Girl's PB, Set.; HS Math, Girl's PE; Spec. Ed. Brain- Damaged. 5 yrs. train. & 2 yrs. exper. TUES.. MARCH 20- Battle Creek. Mich.-Elem.; Jr. .HS Enzl/SS. Engl/Latin, Gen. Se., Gen. Math; HS Engl/Sneech, Math, ScI/Biol., Girl's PE; Sn. Corr. Detroit, Mich. (So. Redford) - Fields not yet announced. W1 ren Woods, Mch-Kdg., Elem.; Jr. HS. Bakersfield. Calif.-'HS Art. Bus. Ed., to the membership committee's report. * * * IN A STATE supported univer- sity, an organization which is in violation of the regulations of the university and the provisions of the student governing' body can- not hope to have this forgiven and forgotten. But the problems Sigma Nu faces in getting a waiver may be common to other groups which could come before Student Gov- ernment Council in the future. While the ideal solution would be to remove the clause, the im- mediate problem could be solved if the national simply granted a waiver. However, fraternities with a large number of southern chap- ters, which may be convinced that such a measure would hurt their rush, may find waivers very hard to get. And the national may be- lieve it is better to lose one northern chapter rather than harm the strength of their strong southern faction. THIS LEAVES a local like Sigs- ma Nu in the middle of the battle. Under northern norms, which at least give lip service to equality and generally support civil rights legislation, the local is forced to abide by a ruling which is ac- tively discriminatory and indel- ibly written down. The individual members of any given local may or may not be prejudiced themselves. Their per- sonal judgments and values cannot be .legislated. But SGC does not have the right to condone dis- criminatory practices, any more than it has the right to hinder freedom of thought-even dis- criminatory thought. Actively practiced discrimina- tion is illegal. The Council must recognize this. They can't support a group which violates the law. So if a waiver is not granted, the group must be suspended. There are other courses of ac- tion, but they must be taken by the local chapter. " The national can grant a waiver, the whole thing will rest in peace, and the group can con- tinue to select members on what- ever criterion they wish, includ- ing discriminatory practices which the public woudn't know about. Unwritten discrimination pis vir- tually impossible to substantiate, a point which indicates the futility of membership control. * The local chapter can dis- affiliate from the national and avoid the sanctions of the 'na- tional's bias clause, and also lose the benefits it now derives from being in the national organization. f The local can become purely a private club, without participat- ing in University activities, without gaing financial support or the benefits of University facilities, without taking part in rush, and without carrying the name of the University of Michigan. * * 9 '4 :Iir4friinai ttu t