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March 13, 1962 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-13

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Administration Begins
Drive for Acceptance
Of Major Trade Plan

French Predict End
Of Algerian Dispute
News Agency Says Negotiators
To Announce Cease-Fire Today
By The Associated Press
EVIAN-In an atmosphere of hopeful expectancy French and Al-
gerian negotiators last night wound up their sixth day of talks to
arrange a cease-fire for strife-torn Algerian.
The French News Agency (AFP) declared the end of the more
than seven-year war in the North African territory will be announced
Representatives of President Charles de Gaulle's government and
members of the Algerian rebel regime pushed their secret deliberations

Ask Jobless Plan Extension

Report 75 Algerians Die
In Tunisia Border Clash,
ALGIERS (M)-French headquarters said yesterday 75 Algerian
rebels were estimated killed and 150 wounded in recent fighting along
the Tunisian frontier.
A communique which followed an inspection of the frontier in-
stallations by the supreme commander in Algeria, Gen. Charles Ail-
leret, said 6 French soldiers were killed and 18 wounded in the frontier
Fighting Coincides
The flareup of fighting coincided with the start of Algerian-
French peace negotiations in Evian-Les-Bains, now in their sixth day.
aThe figures announced by the

of Defense Robert S. McNamara
feels the Army must achieve a
breakthrough answer to enemy
missile barrages to justify produc-
tion of its Nike-Zeus missile killer,
informed sources said yesterday.
McNamara was pictured as be-
lieving such a breakthrough is not
yet in sight-and that the im-
pending single-missile intercept
tests in the Pacific will not an-
swer what to him is a key ques-
tion-can the Nike-Zeus cope with
a mass missile attack?

. 1

headquarters covered the period
from March 6-11.
The army said the rebels mass-
ed "very important elements" in
the northern part of the frontier
{while their mortars and cannons
pounded French positions. Despite
the size of the rebel effort, the
French said only several hundred
yards of defensive installations
were destroyed. French defenses
stretch 300 miles along the fron-
tier to keep rebels from infiltrat-
ing into Algeria from their Tunis-
ian bases.
Kills 10 Algerians
The rebel fire killed 10 Algerian
civilians and wounded 35, the ar-
my said. Most of the victims were
near the mining settlement of
Meanwhile, French troops fired
on Moslems in the west Algerian
port of Arzew, killing 11 and
wounding 16. A 3 p.m. curfew was
imposed on the town, where
French infantrymen surrounded'
the Moslem quarter. Army sources'
said the firing started after a
Moslem shot and wounded a sol-
dier. When an army patrol inter-
vened, Moslems began firing from
rooftops and windows.
In Paris, a strike was called as
a gesture of indignation for the
terrorist secret army, blamed for
the explosion of a bomb-laden-
truck before a hall which had
scheduled a meeting of a leftist
organization critical of secret ar-
my tactics to block Algerian inde-
U.S. Reveals
Latint Aid Plan
of $1 Billion
WASHINGTON (M)-The United'
States has announced it has com-
mitted more than $1 billion to the
Alliance for Progress aid plan in
Latin America in one year.
Of this, 87 per cent is in loans,
13 in outright grants. About 25
to 30 per cent of. the $1 billion
actually has been spent on proj-
ects as varied as schools, roads,
housing projects, water systems
for villages and big cities, and
farm resettlement and irrigation.
A statement by Teodoro Mosco-
so, coordinator of the alliance pro-
gram for the United States gov-
ernment, said the United States
commitments, totalling $1,029,-
576,000 "fulfill the promise made
to the other member nations of
the alliance at the beginning of
the Charter of Punta Del Este last
At the same meeting the Latin
American countries agreed to mus-
ter about $80 billion in self-help

Hodges als
For World
Proposal Requests
Five-Year Expansion
nedy administration opened a new
phase of its drive for passage of
a major.new trade program yes-
terday with a pitch by Secretary
of 'Commerce Luther H. Hodges.
"We are going to have to face
a Communist economic offensive
and I think it is essential to have
free world unity," Hodges said.
Hodges urged the House Ways
and Means Committee to look with
favor on President John F. Ken-
nedy's p'oposed five-year trade
expansion proposal which could
wipe out 'tariffs completely on
some major products and perhaps
avoid a trade war among Western
Main Proposals
The trade bill, one of Kennedy's
main legislative proposals, would
give the President special and
wide-ranging authority to bargain
with the European Common Mar-
ket. This group of half a dozen
west European countries is elim-
inating internal tariffs while
maintaining a wall against goods
from outside.
Hodges, a former textile indus-
try executive who said he spoke
as a business man, told the com-
mittee the Common Market is a
fact of life and so is the United
States' $7-billion stake in west
European trade.
8.5 Per Cent of Sales
He said exports account for 8.5
per cent of United States sales
and "as a businessmen, I would
say that the loss of a customer
accounting for one-twelfth of sales
would be for many companies the
difference between operating at a
profit and operating at a loss."
While United States wage scales
are the world's highest, Hodges
said, "our advantage in cost of
materials-oil, coal, iron, wood,
agricultural goods for instance--is
so great as to offset our competi-
tors' advantage in labor costs."
He argued that United States
businessmen are experienced in
the type of large-scale merchan-
dizing which the Common Market
is now making possible in Europe
and therefore have an opportunity
to "score commercial successes."

into a night session, seeking to
work out final details of a peace.
It was the first time since the talks
began last Wednesday at this Lake
Geneva resort that the delegates
had remained in session so late.
Dampens Optimism
As rumors mounted that the
cease-fire was imminent, a source
close to the French delegation
moved to dampen the optimism.
The informant said "very con-
siderable progress had been made"
in the latest session, but he de-
clined comment on the French
News Agency report and cautioned
"there remain many points to be
Informants said that among the
remaining problems is the makeup
of a provisional government to
rule Algeria until a self-determi-
nation vote can be held.
Lacks Precision
The French agency, which has
Well-placed informants in govern-
ment circles, distributed a dispatch
saying it is not yet possible to
furnish "with the slightest preci-
sion" an authorized report of the
settlement terms.
The dispatch added, however,
that "the Algerian war will be fin-
ished" today.

Netherlands Sets Talk on Guinea


Soviets Stall
Air Corridor
BERLIN (W) -- The Russians
came up yesterday with another
way of making trouble for the
Western Allies in the air corridors
to Berlin, even as Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko
talked tbout the problei in Gene-
Informed sources said the Rus-
sians scheduled four flights by mil-
itary planes which roughly coin-
cided with flight plans of United
States commercial airliners be-
tween Frankfurt and Berlin yes-
terday morning.
No incidents were reported, and
informed sources said no Soviet
planes were even sighted.
The three corridors to Berlin
are each 20 miles wide, and traf-
fic is not heavy.
The danger, one expert said, is
that Soviet and Western planes in
the corridors are not subject to
the same air traffic control.

By The Associated Press
THE HAGUE-The Netherlands
and Indonesia have agreed to un-
dertake secret preliminary talks
in an effort to decide the future
of disputed New Guinea, Dutch
Premier Jan de Quay said last
De Quay said both countries are
accepting a United States proposal
for such a meeting, with a neutral
observer sitting in.
* * *
House announced yesterday that
President John F. Kennedy will
inspect missile sites at Vanden-
burg Air Force Base in California
on March 23.
- * * *
GANDER, Newfoundland-Im-
migration officials said yesterday
the co-pilot of a Cubana Airlines
plane bound for Prague, Czecho-
slovakia, from Havana defected
Sunday night and asked for poli-
tical asylum.
* * *

F. Kennedy yesterday scheduled a
news conference for 3:30 p.m. EST
* * *
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy disclosed yesterday
that he will speak on his program
of medical care for the aged at a
rally in New York's Madison
Square Garden May 20.
* * *
ORLANDO, Fla.--A hearing on
James R. Hoffa's attempt to have
a criminal indictment against him
dismissed began slowly in Federal
Court yesterday. Attorneys for the
Teamsters Union president attack-
ed the legality of the Grand Jury
which returned it.
* * ,
PARIS-Paris was hit yesterday
by a half-hour general strike pro-
testing a bomb blast Saturday.
The strike, backed by all big Paris
unions, halted subways and "sub-
urban trains and interrupted mail
* * *




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