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March 13, 1962 - Image 1

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Seventy=One Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LXXI, No. 115


N .....

increasing cloudiness.
ax De fea

Tell Student Influence

'he influence of today's stu-
dents upon each other is usually
at the expense of the intellec-
tual growth which colleges are
supposed to promote, Prof.
Theodore M. Newcomb of the
sociology and psychology de-
partments says. /
In a chapter in the recently
published book, "The American
College," Prof. / Newcomb ex-
amines "Student Peer - Group
,Influence," and concludes that
"increasingly, the social - psy-
chological motors of student life
are racing, disconnected from.
the wheels of intellectual de-
He says that this situation
has arisen, not because college
instructors have lost the ability
to arouse intellectual excite-
ment-he feels they haven't-
but because today's large uni-
versities lack the "community-
like atmosphere" of the small
c6llege. The students become
isolated from the faculty, and.
form separate peer-groups with

their own norms, Prof. New-'
comb explains.
"The result has been that
peer-group influences are" as
potent as ever, but increasingly
divorced from intellectual con-
cerns," he continues.
The solution to this problem,
Prof. Newcomb says, lies not in
merely increasing student-f ac-
ulty contact, but' in situations
where students and teachers
"jointly create norms, concern-
ing their common interests, by
which each of them is influ-
Suggests Solutions
Prof. Newcomb also suggests
measures to achieve this goal:
First, to establish "a formal
membership group that is both
moderate in size and that is,
characterized by relative ho-
mogeneity of interests that are
relevant to the desired out-
comes," he asks that larger
colleges be composed of smaller
units, preferably of 3-400 stu-
dents each.
Second, he advises, "In the
typical large university it is

hardly more than a chance oc-
currence if a set of students
whose personal relationships
are close find themselves simul-
taneously excited by the same
lecture, the same book, or the
same seminar, with resulting
reverberations in their peer-
group life, so that they re-en-
force and sustain one another's
Predicts Outcome
"Such outcomes are predict-
ably more likely if arrange-
ments concerning college (or
subcollege) membership, living-
group membership, and class-
room experience are so dove-
tailed that groups who are im-
portant to one another come to
share many interests, including
intellectual ones," Prof. New-
comb adds.
To substantiate-his sugges-
tions, Prof. Newcomb discusses
how student peer-groups are
formed. He says that close rela-
tionships are encouraged by
precollege acquaintance, pro-
pinquity, and similarity of atti-
tudes and interests among the
individuals involved.

By The Associated Pi
state income tax this yea
The betting in the Leg
heavily against it. Demo
Republican leaders a
those who support it, p
the most part that it wo
the statute books this ye
Many lawmakers hov
hedging their bets with
and buts. Rarely is ther
thing forecast of what t
ture will do on taxes.
New Taxes
It is virtually certain,
less, that new taxes will
before the Legislature
even the most econom
legislators conceded tha
revenue sources won'tk
government running ati
At this stage, the odd
package of "nuisance"
signed to produce betwee
$75 million a year in ne
Most of those tossed ou

a r
ress sideration are part of a package
igan get a passed as an emergency measure
)r?- in 1959 and allowed to expire on
;islature is schedule last June.
cratic and The Senate Taxation Committee,
aike even dominated by Republicans un-
redict for equivocally opposed to an income
n't go into levy, set the stage for the first
ear. open floor skirmish on taxes last
wever, are week. It released bills proposing
ivifs, ands $59 million in taxes on beer, cigar-
re a sure- ettes, corporation franchises, tele-
re agsure- phone and telegraph services and
extension of the sales tax to dry
cleaning, auto repairs and other
neverthe- Begins Feud
be passed The committee action fired up a
adjourns, feud between conservative Repub-
ny-minded licans and so-called moderates in
at existing the Senate that has been boiling
keep state all year. The moderates, repre-
its present senting a minority. if the 22 Re-
publican senators, agree with Gov.
ds favor a Swainson and a growing number
taxes de- of other GOP elements that an
en $50 and income tax is inevitable.
w revenue. A vote on the six-bill nuisance
it for con- tax package likely will be stalled

for some time while backers wait
for the best strategic moment to
tdy to push it through. Income tax
supporters are counting on the
House Taxation Committee to
start the ball rolling on the other
side of the Capitol. The committee
has custody of Gov. Swainson's 11-
bill income tax package, which
will be the vehicle for any income
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton),
committee chairman and long-
time promoter of an income tax,
says that more than 60 other
lesser bills have tied up the com-
mittee so far. If and when the time
is ripe, all or part of the governor's
bills will come to the floor in one
form or another.
Income Tax
Meanwhile, Republicans who re-
gard an income levy as the only
solution to Michigan's growing fis-
cal woes, are working to win more
GOP lawmakers to their side. They
are looking to influential Republi-
cans outside the Legislature to put'
on the pressure.

They are using the argument
that an income tax passed under
prodding by the Democratic gov-
ernor will bolster chances for Re-
publicans to elect George Romney
governor in November.
An income tax must be passed
next year or the year after, if not
this year, they say, and Romney
and the Republican Party would
unavoidably be tagged with the
responsibility of promoting an un-
popular tax if Swainson gets beat.
Romney already is an income tax
'Cash Crisis'
An income tax passed the House
in the 'cash crisis' Legislature of
1950 but died in the Senate. With
Republicans holding only a 54-54
edge in the house (a majority al-
most certain to go to 56-54 in a
special election March 19 to fill a
vacancy in Ingham county's Sec-
ond District), some Legislative
leaders think it would have a good
chance of going through again.
The Senate is the most formid-

able roadblock. If Senate Dem
crats go down the line for an in
come levy and Republican mode
ates can muster seven votes,
could squeeze through.
Looming in between, howeve
is the Senate Taxation Committe
which takes over tax bills th
clear the House. And tacked to th
door of its meeting room is a sig
the product of Chairman Clyde .
Geerlings (R-Holland), that d
No Tax
"No statewide income tax w
pass through this door this se
That vow, firm and apparent
uncompromising, has stirred ta
that the 1962 Legislative sessio
will go well beyond its schedule
April 20 adjournment.
There are even gloomy predi
tions that Michigan is in for a:
other marathon session of the 19
variety that dragged on for
months, failed to solve the state
money troubles and set a sta
record for longevity in the bargah


.................... - _.. ..

Peace Committee
interviews Meader
The political action committee of the peace movement in a
follow-up to the Washington Project, yesterday talked with Rep.
George Meader (R-Mich).
Richard Flacks, Grad, head of the committee, said Meader was
interviewed so committee members could find out his views on
disarmament, not so they could air their own views. Meader told
- ________ the committee that he is just as

... views disarmament

interested in peace as they,nbut
the questions how peace can be
achieved and whether the country
is "willing to buy peace at the
expense of liberty."
Questions Disarmament
He questioned whether there
could be any true disarmament
since n t only the military but the
economy and other factors have
war potential. For true disarma-
ment we would have to regulate all
factors and would probably end
up with some kind of a controlled
economy, he said.
Asked if he favored the civil
defense bill, Meader replied that
he did not lilke to prejudge issues
but preferred Ato hear the com-
mittee reports in Congress before
coming to a decision.
Asked about the arms race, the
Representative said he felt the
situation should not be exaggerat-
ed. "I don't think the American
public is aware of the knowledge
for peaceful purposes that can be
derived from nuclear testing," he
Against Increase
He explained that he would be
against increased appropriations to
the Disarmament Agency because
it should never have been removed
from the jurisdiction of the State
Department. He agreed that the
agency should be strengthened but
said hey felt strongly that it was
not sound government practice t
fragment the country's foreign
Following this remark Flacks
asked whether Meader would place
governmental efficiency o v e r
creating certain programs. Meader
answered that he did not feel
efficiency should be sacrificed to
get a job done.

Menon Says
India Views
Use of Arms
NEW DELHI UP)-India's De-
fense Minister, V. K.; Krishna
Menon, said yesterday India might
follow its Goa example to rid the
nation of, what it considers illegal
occupations by Pakistan and Com-
munist China.
If peaceful negotiations fail to
remove Pakistanis and Chinese,
then !India would ,not hesitate to
take armed action, Menon told a
political meeting.,
He referred to India's recent
seizure of Goa and the other West
Coast enclaves after the Portu-
guese refused to negotiate trans-
fer of them.
India has accused Pakistan of
illegally occupying part of Kash-
mir and the Chinese of wrongfully
holding 14,000 square miles of bor-
"If our patience is mistaken-for
timidity, our restraint for sub-
missiveness, then this country-
today, tomorrow or the day after
-shall rise as one man to restore
its sovereignty over its territories
presently occupied by foreign pow-
ers," Menon. said.
Hart .Requests
Hart (D-Mich) yesterday asked a
Senate subcommittee on appro-
priations to approve funds for con-
struction of a Bureau of Commer-
cial Fisheries biological laboratory
in Ann Arbor.
A request for money to build and
equip the laboratory was includ-
ed in the presidential budget re-
quest submitted Jan. 18.'
At that time, Leo E Von Wald,
an administrative officer of the
bureau, said the government was
negotiating with the University for
land on the North Campus as a
site for.the proposed building.
The bureau would move its re-
gional headquarters \from space,
leased on East Washington St. and
additional space in the Museums

New BillE
LANSING (A') - Gov. John B.
Swainson yesterday urged legisla-
tive action on his package of bills
aimed at extending the laws
against racial discrimination.
Swainson declared in a news
coiference that a citizens study
committee in Detroit did an ex-
cellent job in its recommendations
for equal educational opportunities
The Governor said he hoped the
Legislature would take note of
this study. He particularly urged
passage of a bill, introduced by
Sen. Basil W. Brown (D-Det),
which would convert the present
Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission to a civil rights commis-
sion and extend its powers to cover
discrimination in public education.
Action also is needed on other
bills covering discrimination in
housing and recreational facili-
ties, the Governor said.
Swainson said he still is hoping
for legislative enactment of a state
construction safety code.
Frank R. Townsley, Farmington
contractor, declared at the news
conference that one of his workers
recently was injured because of a
lack of such a code.
Anchor bolts intended to hole-
steel framework were improperly
installed at a job at Waterford,
Townsley said. The bolts pulled out
and the steel 'framing slipped,
crushing a workman's foot, the
contractor reported. State safety
inspection could have prevented
the accident, he said.,

last night. Jon Carlson (left) t
sume the role of administrativ
Name Fin
Robert Finke, '63, became the
new president of the Michigan
Union last night, succeeding Paul
Carder, '62.
The Selections Committee of the

Russians Offer Proposa
To Abolish Nuclear rmt

House Votes
Strauss House last night ap-
proved an amendment to its
constitution providing due-process
to students tried by the house
The motion, approved by a 60-12
vote in house referendum, guaran-
tees "jury trials, confrontation of
accuser with accused, and protec-
tion against vague charges and
double jeopardy."
Other provisions bar convictions
for "conduct unbecoming a stu-
dent" and prohibit retrial before
student judiciary for cases already
heard in a civil court.

'U' To Host COrps Trainin

e Explain Role
an atsOf SGC at Open'H ue
Three groups endorsed candidates for Student Government Coun-
cil yesterday after interviewying or open house sessions.
The Interfraternity Council announced its support of Fred Batlle,
'64A&D, Katherine Ford, '64, Richard G'sell, '63E, and Kenneth Mil-
ler, '64. Young Republicans endorsed Batlle, Miss Ford, and G'sell.
Voice Party endorsed Howard Abrams, '63, Stanley Lubin, '63, and
4Miller with qualifications.
The Young Democrats endorsed
these three candidates last Thurs-
day. Miller told the Voice open
house that he favored the estab-
e r shment of a NSA standing com-
.g C e ter iittee on Student Government
Council. This group would follow
through NSA projects and educate
the student body on NSA activi-
NSA is representative, because
it's composed of delegates elected
at large from the campus or se-
.,:, lected by a democratically elect-
:ed student government body,
Abrams declared.
Batlle said that NSA acts most
on what it knows least-national.
and international affairs - and
least on what it knows most-stu-
dent government. The latter
should be emphasized, he declared.
" " ~ Miss Ford said the. University
should stay within NSA, which she
sSdefined as a confederation of stu-
dent governments. The greatest
benefit of membership is the ex-

.k'T Giv Pla
} At, 17=Nat.,o
]}uS }{ l Y: t
tk 4y official Cals Move.
Attempt To Place,
West on Defensive
GENEVA (A)-The Soviet :no
yesterday proposed sweepin, ur
controlled abandonment f n
clear weapons over wide areas'.
the world.
Russian sources predicted,1
plan will be presented at the oper
ing of the 17-nation disarmamer
-Daly-Larry vanice conference tomorrow.
ert Finke (center) was appointed the new Michigan Union president The Western powers, althoug
given no advance warning of tb
takes over the executive vice-presidency, and Albert Acker will as- Russian move, immediatelyclcd
re vce-presidentshouldered the idea, considerin
it an attempt to put them on th
The Soviet proposals appearti
be along famiiar lines 'and lh
been made before," a United Stati
official said.
Union Board of Directors also wings of the organizations and The {form of the Russian mop
named Jon Carlson, '63, executive the financial steps necessary, was unusual. The ideas were co
vice-president and Albert Acker, In viewing his role as a member tained in letters Soviet Foreig
'63, administrative vice-president, of Student Government Council, Minister Andrei Gromyko sent I
Finke saw the most important Finke said ex-officios "must be U Thant.
;oncern for the organization dur- prepared to spend time in SGC Gromyko, however, did not mr
ing the coming year to be the work and must utilize the exper- tion this subject during a three
implementation of the Facilities ience in their, organizations as hour conference with Secretary o
Committee report,_ which was much as possible" State Dean Rusk
adopted two months ago by the Carlson, who will take over from Informants said' they talke
board Todd Fay, '62, said a potential mainly about the Berlin proble
raise Recommendations area of concern for the Union is failed to find -an agreed approa
Praising the report's'recommen-student apathy. "We haven't felt but parted with the understanc
dations, which called for exten- it yet, but unless new approaches ing they will continue theirsear
sie phichalesis in xte are taken, all student organiza- today for some common ground
sive physical revisions in the tosaegigt aepolm Gromyko in two letters to T a
Union plant and a more academi- tions are going to have problems Goyoi w etr oTa
with lack of personnel." proposed the convening of a spi
cally-oriented philosophy for oper He felt that the Union should cial international conference so
ation, Finke said, "It's up to us institute physical changes hould to draw up a convention prohibi
to see that the recommendations k ing the use of nuclear weapon
are fully heeded."'aiiist ak tauiu n and the destruction of all stoc
r "T heidd.tmaeno more attractive campus center, piles
"The Union must make known In assuming the former duties He also endorsed proposals pr
to the campus its philosophic aims of Michael Balgley, '62, Acker said vu ad b oher nons fi
and strive to meet the changing ta h eirofcr ilsrv viously made by other nations f
and triv tomeetthechaningthat the senior officers will strive atomic-free zones in Central E
academic needs. It must become to continue the Union board's rope, Africa and the Far East.
known as a meeting place for all trend toward farsighted leadership These proposals avoided ti
groups." and planning. great question which lies atti
Finke commented that the Union He remarked that there will be heart of all disarmament proj
will also "have to consider the consideration of changes in struc- lems-the question of controls di
possibility of an eventual merger ture of committees manded by the West.
with the Michigan League, al- i .+; E - rv' +. yvrmay,,,¢i r5 ,r~,.r y,+g lnt ....."a fa:.. "~Ys:aia f v~rt~~3ri6.~ +. +<.. '.}v5h W
though under no circumstances -V."{:
can it take place without con-
siderable discussion beforehand.
Studying such a proposed meA-n. lII vitatio1
ger will involve attempting to an-
ticipate implications of and find
solutions for problems stemming The Daily invites the student body-Student Gov-
from the two separate physical ernment Council's constituency-to attend a press con-
plants, the effects a merger would ference with SGC candidates tonight i, the Michigan
have on the student activities Union.
The question-and-answer session will begin at 7
p.m. in the Union main ballroom, with half the cand.
'A mery Speakdates appearing then and half at 9 p.m. CandidateswillJ
make brief statements to be followed by questions from
On Total War ^
Daily staff members and, later, the audience.
The Daily is opening its press conference again this
Julian Amery worried the House semester in order to make public part of the process by
of Commons last night by saying which it evaluates SGC candidates.
he believed the Soviet Union "quite It also hopes to stimulate interest and excitement in
soon" will be able to annihilate the the campaign and to further inform the electorate as to

The University will host another
Thailand training program for the
Peace Corps this summer, Robert
McClusky, Thailand Operations
Officer for the Peace Corps, said
McClusky spoke on Corps oppor-
tunities to a, seminar sponsored
by the Association for Commit-
ment to World Responsibility.
"The visiting foreign minister
of Thailand said that the Peace
Corps volunteers who recently ar-
rived there from their University
training program created quite a
sensation because of their excel-
lent knowledge of the language

for more aid, twenty other coun-
tries have petitioned Peace Corps
headquarters for volunteers, Mc-
Clusky noted.
The volunteers are free to choose
the area and country in which
they want to work. As to the ac-
ceptance or rejection of requests
from certain countries for volun-
teers, the Corps has no definite
"We take the pragmatic ap-
proach on this question. But we
do not send Peace Corps members
to countries which discriminate
according to race, color or creed,"
he explained.
In the next few months, there

"We expect a tremendous in-
crease of applicants in the spring
months when students begin grad-
uating." In February alone the
Corps received 3,000 new applica-
In reviewing the requirements
for acceptance to the Corps Mc-
Clusky said that the individual
must be a United States citizen;
eighteen years old or over; if mar-
ried, no dependents under eighteen
years old; must have a sufficient
background knowledge of the
United States?.
"The final decision of whether
a person becomes a member of
the Corps is made at the end of
the training, program," he added.




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