For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-.47 86i estiVal. from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday .9:30 'ti 11:30 AXM meet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- MU! ES EVIE FOR RENT iev at the "grand opening cele- GERMAN Grad Student offers language M"I'C" H I GA DA ILYCAUSOATN ation" in the Kremlin. ntutoatalevs.ClNO2 CLASSIFIEDAD ETSN RATES Nice clean three-room, furihd On contemporary music, Dailey 3219 J41 D E TSN Immediate occupancy. NO0 2-197 id, "I'm not a lover of it, but HI-Fl, PHONO TV, and radio repair.DAD YSA S sere are some worthwhile pieces, Clip this ad for free pickup and de- L I NES I DAY 3 D Y 6 DAYS Cmu Rdoan V 35E byBroHneiHolver O84. CampusRadio nd9TV,32545.ROOMS FOR RENT-Single or 1oub xavinsky and some early Schoen- Hoe.NO-64.J42701934526amln,0 rg-3 .85 2.40 4.20 WILLSHARE APARTMENT Mg Questioned 'about his future COME IN AND BROWSE AT THE Whlienaromwnyuca 4 1.00 4~.95J" share one hal of a huge partefit? .pend on how long he remained- IT REtA SU RELc5eaverage words toCalline.a 0 x Lthe competition. The contest Figure 5aeaewrst ie Insists of three rounds in each MA RU T Phone NO 24786 CAMPUS - HOSPITrALS Gtegory (violin, piano and cello) !'1- -S Large, two bedroom apartent, explained, and the losers of tersection of Wahtenaw and Fo- 529 Detroit St. NO 2-1363 .s vne.Ielfrtreo .e it run gt hipehm USED CARS FOR SALE four. Immediate occupancy. Call htaa.Featuring student ufrnishings of____________ for appointment to see: NO -7787k "i i is rz nte1956 JAGUAR 2.4 compact sedan. Only days and NO 3-273 evenling. olif Ic wingrstepize "Intheb all kinds, appliances, typewriters, 200 miles on completely rebuilt en- TWO TWIN beds-$35 each, and one Campus Management ' 1ymk moeslpefr-televisions, bicycles, etc. Open gie Body and chrome good. HU 3 Kelvinator electric stve-$65. Call t{ ices, rather than continuing. in Monday & Friday evenings til 9. --9.---etoi-T -4126aftrNISHmED1 312 1960 FIAT 600. New brakes, good con- HOUSE TRAILER for sale: 1958 Detroit- FR SE .e eahin pofssin. Headeddition, radio and heater. Reasonable. er. 35x8. 2 bedroom. Reasonable. HU fat the first three winners in BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at Call 665-5980. N5 3-4754. B1 A PARTM ENTSr the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat-________________ ch category are obliged to tour terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Un- '57 VOLKSWAGEN $695 Phone NO TOO! .Soviet Union and to make veiyN8-87 1 5-0.N3 PACOSTEREO TUNER and Amp-Pre- __e_______________NO___8-8887.____J11___5-9509._____N13_ ap.o0ewtts.Eletreorctspaier. Mrerf eeryringforeveyboy a :cords there before making any GIA NTUTO O AE'1Cretecletcn Esquire model. Stromberg-Carlson ta- Huron Towers . .. we can furnlish'f thi w onre.Beginner and advanced. Individ- dition. 65-0230 after 6 p.m. Nt ble and ar; G.E. cart. Phone NO 3 the apartment of your chloice at _________ual and small workshop groups. __________________ 1031 5-8 P.M1. B5 reasonable additioal mothy'trate! IClassical, folk, Popular. Call 63- FOR SALE: Alfa Romeo Gilletta coupe. (rnats tonrequsdt wn. Qbuwou 7o ; In " 6942. J20 1959. Excellent condition, recent over- STRING BASS for sae. 63-3283 b- ptienan : oumpdowtown,'ras.hoe- r LL_______________________ haul, new battery and generator. tween 5 and 7 p.m. B13 ptaaraioupive Tn- '0ie I iits A- New and Used Instruments Manandfrproaus ner__________________ porter" We have large private0 BAJO, UIARrADvONO raced. Forced to sell at sacrifice. THE NEW YORK TIMES delivered daily, and sun. decks ., .carriage rom, O Rental Purchase Plan Resnueeted long leave from Student Newspaper Agency, P Bx rLPU' MforRPARae.$17 rnaes"fe.CalN 4, n rogaraging" strllers We htn& t ,CC .lrVe ALSMSCLRPARae.$85oGnaetofr'al O 21 n ro.Michigan. M0loaar codtnyuraamet 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 3-0857. N5 adarcniinyu prmn Voice_____Pol____tical_____Party_____has_____________Shps off 'the lobby which include° W ViePltclPryhs i-HI-Fl8& TV CENTER BARGAI N CORNER Marilyn Mark's air Stylists, Trja ated a drive for funds in support Public Address Systems for rent PERSONA Laundry, O'Grady Barbers will eve F the Southern civil rights move- Style Shows, Parties, Meetings.Oprtdb Pofsinl:Ao RIDE WANTED for 4 FRIENDLY girls ATTENTI ON ROTC ostlf dleeds.eBt se illfo tent. cOpeat byProie f neessioa to Boston or New England area for OFFICERS' SHOES to 6 pm. daily. The party is currently selling ceaomnae.NOvidd-i8 nesa. spring vacation. Will share expenses ryav xods-$95NFNSHD98t$3.PU- Raoal.N 807J2and driving. Cal 3-1561. Ext. 918 or SoUsNFUhoR 6cNISHED ROM to$133. ,rtr 'redombuton." her rceits923. F4 Scs3c Sot 9 IHDFO 13 reo butn.ThireepsH ELP WANTED _______________ Military Supplies om the sale will go to the Stu- ____________ PAUL: Please call us back aboutth AAI ST R NINE- OR TWELVE -MOT nt Non-Violent Coordinating CAMP COUNSELORS WANTED ride-Ext. 918. S M SS O ELAE IH EMSIO )mmittee which is involved in MEN to work in boys camp located in 12E AHIGO B SUBET .e egr voer egstrtio drve Cheybogan county for 8 weeks this PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC. Ad- H R N T W R Negr voer rgisratin dive summer. Need general counselors and vice of physician, on birth control. /iJiA"MS UO.TWR the South. Voice, also plans to waterfront director and assistant. If Professional counsel on marriage MUICLrDE APARTMENTS, ve a booth in the Fishbowl interested, call NO 2-9454 evenings. problems. Clinic hours Tues., and RADIOS, REPAIRS 2200 Fuller Road ithi a ew weksandwillbe is-H13 Thurs. 7:30-9. 201 E. Liberty. Call tiafewekanwilbdi-__________________NO 2-9281. 20 "Normandy 3-0800 5-911 Z'A ibuting buttons and literature MEN & WOMEN 8 and over who would BE ALERT NOW 02 lrughout thespring, like part time work. Good salary plus THURSDAY NIGHT. The Wolverine) commission - Telephone saleswork Ragtime Five. Dancing, stomping, and FOR OUR ANNUAL PARKING SPACE for rent. Very close done from new Downtown offie, Nat'l listening. 9-12 at The American Le- MRHO RGES to riee Bldg. Call NO.2-274.10 product. Must have pleasant voice. gion. 2 M RHO RGES }aces To Di scuss Experience essential but will train on AN O-- S LE OTPAKI443.lbl: 031ro r lob. For arrangements of hours and TO SUEAN OI-14.t f~tIO ~ personal interview, dial 665-0188. E14 The Best Little Sisters We Know. tP u 1f1 Many Lbs. of Thanks to You from WE HAVE available for the taster ]fli- Your Big, BIG Sisters-Thanks to An Annual Event-Savings days-and our annual college invson z. toYou, 2 in all De-artments of Fort Lauderdale-a hotel room i Prof. Wayne E. Oates of, the Subscribe toYo.'l with private entrance and bath. To_, niversity of Louisville will speak AARON-Your Ty Klappa pin is right a double beds - will accommodte 4. il "Personal Conflict and the where you left it. Barbara 19a $2.50 pr person per night. 1 milnute arisianUndrstndig o th T'h To431: G~ ~~ ~LI from the ocean-i block of US. Nta o-1 DIsta Udesanin fIh Get your reservations in early. Mr.i 'ly Spirt" at 4:15 p.m. tuo-OnofteeyaswwiladM.WmJSet,311 F tomarLai ncelebrate your arrival adMr.Wi.3.See,300\ iw in Aud. A, under the auspices Micigani Do i 1y together. Happy Birthday. P18 NO/ 2-5667 21tTraeqt auedlFa 3 I the Office of Religious Affairs. FUZZY FOOT: What kind of fairies " did you say they were? Panasonic AM & FM C-TED ATTENTION Philip the Sloppy: Thanks? Clock Radios only $39.95 STANDARD SERVICE Hibernation Setting n-Door shrunk' Grinnell PhonographsFINL EVC --want Out-Bring Saw! FRIEDLAutomaticx The Fats Trio F16 4-Speed utoImORaBSIES THE CONDOR will be here in 5 days. VMCagrPoeO3-882 F1Grinnell Full Stereo, 2 stop in NOW forr' D rde r c fo ,LEAGUE PETITIONING NOW OPEN! Controls, Only $39.95 brake work , rd ta tfo ,Hurry! Pick up your petition in the GrnelSeeBasegn ue-UPtiece-u Unega ofc.~Stand, $3 stereo record, DIAMONDS- WHOLESALE reg. 85.90 now 69.95 "You expect more fromi Fine Quality at Student Prices Standard and you get it"RoetHakDmndIprrsN x oobe F r t aao a ondg. Iporte rsC orresponding Sa ings SOUTH UNIVERSITY & FO ;E: t s ca action. of 'By appointment only, NO 3-0653 in other Deatmns NO 3-9168, dents and the . For Your Southern Holiday or Northern Summer i L lit t ~" NGEOF41 CATION/ .EWIS Exclusive Multicolor Print "TWIST COAT" The Scrollwork Jacket in 100% Cotton Pique **i ulBde allt The shaped sheath in crisp spun, rayon linen . .. Heaped With ,Both with that very current look. Shimmering, Fringe at Junior sizes. $19.98 The Sleeves and Hema I A (~ flNSmall - Medium - Large