10.1982 10. 19G~~ TE MICmi AT !'" 4TV 1 'LOUDNESS' PERCEPTION: McGill Considers Experiment DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By ELLEN SILVERMAN and ARNOLD WEINGARDEN "From my experiments I feel that there must be a relation be- tween time to react to a sound stimulus and the intensity of the tone," Prof. William McGill of Columbia University, said yester- day. Prof. McGill spoke at a psychol- ogy colliquium on the subject of "Loudness, Latest Model." "One factor which must be con- sidered in .such experiments is that a subject's. loudness function is repeatable," he said. Loudness Function The loudness function is com-. puted on the basis of verbal re- sponses to tones on a scale moving from the loudest tone heard to the weakest. A subject is ask to react by indicating which tones he thinks are the "loudest" in the series. In such experiments, results are shown to be repeatable with a single subject but vary between subjects. The reactions of some subjects can be plotted as linear expressions, while with others the graph is a curve. Since this data resulted from the experiments, Prof. McGill in- dicated he had thought that per- haps other than subjective means could be used to measure loudness. One method which he tried was to calculate the reaction time of J' 4 '. }::= ~4f :)' l +$^ J. ':i}$ 'h} r }1,"::i "'.'.. N:i+.?.}W.:ln /11. S /r_ PROF. WILLIAM McGILL ... research on sound subjects in response to tones heard. He found that in experiments the relation between loudness and time to react became a fairly stable function. However, it was then necessary to postulate what produced the reactionytime. Mervyn Stone, a psychologist, analyzed reaction times and lists three components of them, Prof. McGill said. He noted that these three divisions were the time for the neurological process to take -U place, the time required to decide on an appropriate response, and finally the time to execute it. The times for the first and last steps are fairly constant in the presence of any stimuli, that is of any sound regardless-of in- tensity measured in decibles. "Although the decision time could be thought to be a simple random variable, plotting it against sound intensity has shown that it varies in even steps," Prof. McGill added. Integration Process He concludes, therefore, that there must be some sort of in- tegration process which allows the subject to accumulate evidence in the presence of a stimuli in order to make a response. Consequently, it takes more time to accumulate- evidence in the presense of a weak stimulus and less time in the presence of a strong one. For, when a weak stimulus is presented to the subject, his sen- sory apparatus takes time to ac- cumulate evidence that it is pres- ent, while with a stronger stimu- lus the time needed for this pro- cess is not as great.- Prof. McGill noted that there is a definite relationship between the reaction time and the intensity of the stimulus. This is due to the integration mechanism. STo Offer NDEA Loans Applications are now available for National Defense Education Act student loans. Priority is given to those ap- plicants who are going into public elementary or secondary school teaching or those majoring in science, mathematics or a foreign language. Loans are given according to need with a $1,000 maximum. CATHOLIC and/or REFORMED "The Nature of the Church and the Nature of our Unity." One of a Sunday Evening Series The Reverend Jack Borckardt, Presbyterian Campus Pastor, preaching at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, discussion following. Sunday, March 11- 7:00 P.M. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, MARCH 10 Events Challenge Panel: "Student Social Ac- tion" with James A. Lewis, Tom Hay- den and Paul Carder, at 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 11 in the Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library. Seminar in Applied Mechanics: Mon., March 12, 311 W. Engineering Bldg. Dr. T. Brooke Benjamin, Cambridge Uni- versity, will speak on "The Hydrody- namics of Liquid Films." Coffee at 3:30 p.m. Inthe Faculty Lounge. 'Approval for the following student- sponsored activities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Mar. 19-Challenge, Organizational Meeting, 3510 SAB, 4:15 p.m.° Mar. 13-Challenge, Discussion, Mark Chesler, Steve Stockmeyer, Union 3-B, 7:30 p.m. Mar. 14, 15-Young Democrats, Signa- ture Collection for Education Drive, Fishbowl, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Placement SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- Hamilton Stores, Inc., Yellowstone National Park - Positions as General Salesclerks, Fountain Clerks, Grocery Checkers, Warehousemen," First cooks, Assistant Cooks, Waitresses, General Clerical Personnel, Accountants & many others. Complete information available in the Summer Placement. Mr. Peter- son will interview on Mon., March 12. Douglas Bobo will interview for Camp Easton for Boys, Ely, Minn. on Tues., March 13.' ositions open are, Nature Counselor, Waterfront Director, Canoe Guide Counselor, Athletic Counselor,. Archery Counselor, and Camperaft Counselor. Interviews will be held from 1:30 to 5 p.m. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. MARCH 13 (a.m.)- American Metal Products Co., Engi- neering Science Div., Ann Arbor, Mich. --AllDegrees: ChTE. BS-MS: EE, ME & Met., Gen'l., Analyt. & Inorg. Chem. MS: Instrumentation. MS-PhD: Nuclear. June grads. R. & D. MARCH 13-16- The Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash., Wich- ita, Kas. (Also limited openings in Mor- ton, Pa. & New Orleans, La.)-All De- grees: AE & Astro., Applied Mech., CE- (structures), EE, EM, Instru., ME, Nu- clear, Math & Physics. BS: E Math & E Physics. June & Aug. grads. Both Men & Women. Des., R. & D., Prod. MARCH 13- Continental Oil Co., R. & D & Manuf. -All Degrees: ChE, EE, Met. BS-MS: ME. Des., R. & D. Ethyl Corp., Baton Rouge, La.; & Houston, Texas-All Degrees: ChE. BS- MS: Mat'ls. BS: Sci. Engrg. June & Aug. grads. Des., R. & D., Prod., Econ. eval- uation; Tech. Service to Manuf. Fausteel Metallurgical Corp., All Div., North Chicago, 111.-All Degrees: EE & Met. BS: E Physics, ME & Sci. Engrg. June & Aug. grads. Des., R. & D., Sales & Prod. General Motors Corp., Cadillac Motor- Car Div., Detroit, Mich.-BS-MS: IE & ME. June & Aug. grads. Cost'Estimat- ing-Ast as liaison between Engrg., Mfg. & Purchasing Div. In the prepara- tion of Cost Studies for Mgmt., under direction Divisional Comptroller. MARCH 13-15- The Martin Co., Div. of Martin-Mar- ietta Corp., Baltimore, Orlando & Den- ver-All Degrees: E, Nuclear-(Balti- more), ME, Instru. MS-PhD: AE & Astro., EM, & Physics. PhD: CE & Met. BS: E Physics. June & Aug. grads. Both Men & Women. Des., R. & D., Test. MARCH 13- Standard Oil (N.J.), Jersey Production Research Co.-MS-PhD: ChE. Both Men & Women. R. & D. Tennessee Valley Authority, Des. Div., located in Knoxville, Tenn., & Constru. sites thru-out Tenn. Valley area-BS- MS: CE, EE & ME. June & Aug. grads. Des., Construction, & operation of hy- dro- & steam-electric generating plants. Wyandotte. Chemicals, Wyandotte, Mich. BS-MS:.Ch. MS: Instrumen- tation. June grads. Des., R. & D., Sales & Prod. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jbs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Building, during the following hours: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, shold call Bob Hodges at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. MALE -Several salesmen wanted. 1-Landscape Architect who is at least in his Junior year. / time position. FEMALE 1-Waitress to work from 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, and all dayySaturday and Sunay. 1-Baby sitter who will help through the dinner hour in exchange for room and board. -Several saleswomen wanted. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Congregational Disciples E & R Stu- dent Guild, Seminar: "The Unfolding Drama of the Bible,"-Rev. J. Edgar Ed- wards, Mar. 11, 9:30 a.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe. Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Mar. 11, 2:00 p.m., Rackham, Huron St. Entrance. India Student Association, Film Fes- tival (Documentary Indian Movies), Mar. 10, 7:30, Newman Club. No charge and refreshments will be served. * * * La Socedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Mar. 12, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. JOIN z. .%iTHE + MICHIGAN T DAILY STAFF USED CARS 1956 JAGUAR 2.4 compact sedan. Only 200 miles on completely rebuilt en- gine. Body and chrome good. HU 3- 1279. N14 1960 FIAT 600. New brakes, good con- dition, radio and heater. Reasonable. Call 665-5980. N15 '57 VOLKSWAGEN. $695. Phone NO 5-9509. N13 FOR SALE-'61 Corvette, excellent con- dition. 665-0230 after 6 p.m. N12 FOR SALE: Alfa Romeo Guilletta coupe. 1959. Excellent condition, recent over- haul, new battery and generator. Maintained for personal useg- never raced. Forced to sell at sacrifice. Reason-unexpected long leave from area. $1875 or nearest offer. Call NO 3-0857. N5 FOR SALE HOUSE TRAILER for sale: 1958 Detrot- er. 35x8. 2 bedroom. Reasonable. HU 3-4754. B16 PACO-STEREO TUNER and Amp-Pre- amp. 40 watts. Electrovoice speakers. Esquire model. Stromberg-Carlson ta- ble and arm; G.E. cart. Phone NO 3- 1031 5-8 P.M. B5 STRING BASS for sale. 663-3283 be- tween 5 and 7 p.m. B13 THE NEW YORK TIMES delivered daily. Student Newspaper Agency, PO Box 241, Ann Arbor, Michigan. M10 HELP WANTED CAMP COUNSELORS WANTED MEN to work in boys camp located In Cheybogan. county for 8 weeks this summer. Need general counselors and waterfront director and assistant. If interested, call NO 2-9454 evenings. H13 MEN & WOMEN 18 and over who would like part time work. Good salary plus commission - Telephone saleswork done from new Downtown office, Nat'l product. Must have pleasant voice. Experience essential but will train on job. For arrangements of hours and personal interview, dial 665-0188. H14 BUSINESS SERVICES GERMAN Grad Student offers language instruction at all levels. Call NO 2- 3219. J4 A FRIEND of mine had a score of 265 at the miniature bowling alley at the SCHWABEN INN, 215 S. Ashley. He also ate a great big Schwaben-Burg- er. Meet your friends here for fun. J20 HI-FI, PHONO T, and radio repair, Clip this ad for free pickup and de- livery. Campus Radio and TV, 325 E. Hoover. NO 5-6644.1 J24 BEFORE you buy a cla ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Bur-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. J11 GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginner and advanced. Individ- ual and small workshop groups. Classical, folk, popular. Call 663- 6942. J20 Finding .holes in your winter cloth- ing? Find that the wind whistles through and sends chills up and down your spine? Then send them to WEAVE-BAC SHOP 224 Arcade NO 2-4847 "We'll reweave them to look like new" - J12A A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 HI-Fl & TV CENTER Public Address Systems for rent Style Shows, Parties, Meetings. Operated by Professionals. Also commentation provided if necessary. Reasonable. NO 5-8607. J2. Figure 5 average words Call Classified between- 1:00 and to o line 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. Phone NO 2-4786 LINES 2L 3 4 * Delicious * Appetizing * Quick Service REAL ESTATE STUDiO, 800 sq. ft., Music, Dance, Re- ducing, Ceramic, large assembly room 33x15, 4 smaller rooms,, over Pretzel Bell, 2-5 year lease. Will sell entire building of 3 floors. Call Lansing, ED 7-9305. R6 PERSONAL SPRING means a new hair style and a new permanent. Bid for yours atn the WUS AUCTION on March 14. F13 BARBARA, Where's my Ty Klappa Pin? Aaron. PV1 TO FIG NEWTON: I can hold my liquor if I've got the right background mu- sic. Leslie. P12 SDT's are nice. They will serve breakfast to. the highest bidder' at the WUS AUCTION on Wednesday, March 14. 3:00, on the Diag. F14 HELPFUL HINTS: 1. Girls like to be called every week. 2. Girls like to go out every weekend. 3. There is a 1:30 per Sat., March 17. 4. Girls like to drink AT LEAST once a week. 5. Girls wonder if, when, and what you think about them-if you do. 6. Girls enjoy a moment (?) of pas- sion every now and then. Flo THURSDAY NIGHT. The Wolverine 'Ragtime Five. Dancing, stomping, and listening. 9-12 at The American Le- gion. F2 THE CONDOR will be here In 6 days. F21 LEAGUE PETITIONING NOW OPEN!I Hurry! Pick up your petition in the League Undergrad office. F5 RIDE WANTED for 4 FRIENDLY girls to Boston or New England area for spring vacation. Will share expenses and driving. Call 3-1561, Ext. i8 or 923. F4 DIAMONDS - WHOLESALE Fine Quality at Student Prices Robert Haack Diamond Importers First National Bldg., Suite 504 By appointment only, NO 3-0653 F31 FREDILY MAY GRINTHEL 665-6325 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ONE-DAY ,70 f.85 1. 00 SPECIAL SIX-DAY RATE .70 .83 BARGAIN CORNER ATTENTION ROTC OFFICERS' SHOES Army-Navy Oxfords - $7.95 Socks 39c Shorts 9 Military Supplies SAM'S STORE 122 E. WASHINGTON Ws BIKES and SCOOTERS BOYS, is the cold weather keeping you from the Hill? Ride a bike bought from BEAVER'S BIKE & HARDWARE 605 Church NO 5-6607 Z16 FOR RENT CAMPUS LOCATION Nice clean three-room furnished. Immediate occupancy. NO 2-1897 or NO 8-9577. CT ROOMS FOR RENT-Single or double 426 Hamilton. C WILL SHARE APARTMENT Why live in a room when you can share one half of a huge apartment? Cheap! Convenient! Call NO 5-8958. C5 CAMPUS - HOSPITALS Large, two bedroom apartment, nicely furnished, located near in- tersection of Washtenawa and For- est Avenues. Ideal for three or four. Immediate occupancy. Call for appointment to see: NO 2-7787 days and NO 3-2763 evenings. Campus Management 010 PARKING -SPACE for rent. Very close to Frieze Bldg. Call NO 2-7274. C LOT PARKING available. Call NO 2 1443. 03 WE HAVE available for the Easter holi days-and our annual college invasio of Fort Lauderdale-a hotel room with private entrance and bath. Tw double beds - will accommodate 4 $2.50 per person per night. 1 minut from the ocean-1 block of U.S. No. 1 Get your reservations in early. Mr and Mrs. Wm. J. Sweet, 3000 NE 21st Terrace, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. C3 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES FOREIGN CAR SERVICE We service all makes and models of Foreign and Sports Oars. 2 Coney Island Hot Dogs 19c ea. 38c 2 Hamburgers 1 French Fries . . . 5c ea.30ec 0 0 0 10, 78c AiI.For Only 69c .1 I N0c ROOT BEER .... ............Only 5t 1 Saturday and Sunday Only Open 'til Midnight Friday, Saturday and Sunday EAT- MOR Drive-In 3730 WASHTENAW Across from Arborland Shopping Centerr NwrAw- i Lubrication $1.50. A good sword nowadays is hard to find-and in olden times, too.'Many a feudal lord saw it pointless to joust with a faulty halberd, and for worthy steel alone the Visigoths sacked Rome. Today, centuries later, the search for stronger steels goes on. And among those making most dramatic strides in advancing the state of the metallurgical art are the research teams at Ford's Scientific Laboratory in Dearborn, Michigan. In exploring the "world of microstructure," these scientists, using methods of extremessophistication, have been able to look at iron and steel on a near- atomic scale. They have discovered secrets of nature leading to new processing techniques which yield steels of ultra-high strength unknown a decade ago. The promise of such'techniques seems limitless. As man develops the needs and means to travel more swiftly on earth and over interplanetary reaches-- wherever economy of weight and space is required-strength of physical materials will become paramount. This is another example of how Ford is gaining leadership through scientific research and engineering. MOTOR COMPANY. The American Road, Dearborn, Michigan PRODUCTS FOR THE AMERICAN ROADTHE FAR . INDUSTRY . AND THE AGE OF SPACE 0 0 0 '4d If I \ .r JUST RECEIVED new shipments of these famous loaf- ers for both Men and Women.4 We regret the long delay in receiving same, but never in Bass's history has there been such a demand for these shoes. There is a six to eight weeks delay in filling all orders for Bass Outdoor footwear. For Men For Women' Cordovan (Color) Black or Antique Brown Antique Brown $15.95 $11.95 \A/km , +n+t +ro ,, rclf +o +kp hP.4t9 \A/~ m net nc) SOUTH UNIVERSITY & NO 3-9168 PAID ADVERTISEMENT Mrs. E. Strachan, ATO Housemother, Escorts Tour Mrs. E. Strachan, housemoth on this campus announces she w escort. a group of girls from t University of Michigan on a week tour to Hawaii this summe All University co-eds are cordia invited to join her. The group will join with 5( girls from other campuses acrc the U.S. on the well-known Ho' ard Tour, the original Study-F program to the Pacific. Girls ha a choice between campus dormito residence at the University of H waii apartment living at Waik Beach. The price of $569 incluc travel by ship from California Honolulu, a full program of soc events including introduction pc ties, fashion shows, dinner-danc and cultural events, as well boating and beach sports events Waikiki Beach. Optional visits the romantic outside islands c also available and tour membe can top their summer off with stop-over at the Seattle Worlk Fair on the way home. In addition, students may enr at the University of Hawaii sumrr session, earning up to six units credit, either undergraduate Nye Motor Sak 514 E. Washington C-TED STANDARD SERVICE FRIENDLY SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Phone NO 3-4858 Stop in NOW for brake work engine tune-up, battery and tire check-t "You expect more from Standard and you get it." 1