ers Fool Pre-Season Predictors
Phi Eps Victorious;
SPE Records Win
weren't as sharp as we have been,"
he said. "We took a lot of bad
shots without the boards covered."
"Actually, both teams played a
poor game. They had 18 errors
and we had 12 They got us to
play their scatter-gun offense and
beat us at it," he added.
Michigan also ran into foul
trouble with John Harris fouling
out of the game in the first
minute of the second half. Bob
Brown fouled out later and the
Gohpers had the boards to them-
But Strack turned to the fu-
ture instead of mulling over the
Gopher defeat and started plan-
ning for Purdue.
"What kind of defense do you
think we should use to stop
(Terry) Dischinger?" he asked.
No answer.
After playing for more than
eight minutes with only four play-
ers, Phi Epsilon Pi beat Alpha
Delta Pi 32-30 when Wally Zelman
sunk a 20-foot push shot in the
fifth minute of a sudden death
overtime period in a "B" third-
place playoff game in IM action
last night.
The Alpha Delts came on strong
with 17 points in the second half
to overcome a 19-13 lead posted'
by the Phi Eps and forced the
game into overtime. The losers
made the score 19-17 before the
Phi Eps finally managed to get a
tally. The Phi Eps kept this two-
* '
Ohio State Retains Position
But Cicit Gains in Pol
--- -
g improved the most, jumping from By The Associated Press
r 4-10 record to a 10-3 mark this Ohio State's stunning setback
__ year with one game to play. r1- at Wisconsin cost the Buckeyes
M linois has won' one more game their unanimous hold on first
and Michigan three. . place in the Associated Press col-
ate.,.: But getting back to recent mat- lege basketball poll but they still
ters, Strack did not have a very far outdistanced the opposition in
Michigan's John Harris (33), top reboUnder, fouled out at half. happy evening in Minnesota. "We the !voting. r
sen."." TY EWrr.TTEN hormtca T.:.Toay" b ue' eseca. 4 oit 2 tso.1 o.m m.tnpo
. f.
Them Daily Officisat Buling n oltiasence Graduangte RoungTa ponte'ARH 320-B- 6-11,Et Cmbudd Co Deto, MicgoIBS-S:
officia publiatioy f Theryster-s:e:TTh rs.,Mrh8, a 8:0 p210gim.e t inubl7XE, MEo, Me.-BS: ciene ME, EE d.&
i Eyof MchiAn, forwch The .Racklia Assmbl h a Prf Le ACn. ErET INRIEurea ofAm. June & u.grads. U anerac 7
MihianDalyasums o edtra trauss, Deatnt f.,,tial duontets eno. n grdaep., of ag. Mit. gradont r.&arag
Room 356 Amn~srtoncBidnesfehet oloigtemetnve appoimentswit theloi in"Det. plant. n.,Cnrl nr.
beoe2 pom. Ltwoays pecedin -_ege__nEn.___c. MON.,,MARH 12- Capbell Sowup o, hicaBo: EE.-E&:
publartio n. Seminar on tBStructureAan Sym- R Cnist De(it-Men. &ao Wcon-Allo CuX M.Jnn Aug. grads.DsApict nr.
WiitatoEDNESAYin MRiC 7 N.an365N.uHrGrk-ad~ chasig, Socal workdin,o StatitcPbi oNaplono 0S:yCECEeE, E.
ai Rsouces,, Nrsig, ad b H. BQunn on, "High Presur he l Adinc., RrationrPbicg ealthME. Junei gas od.,e TMrinotnane
Helh tdnt Trancivd ak vsfoations." rEducv.,prsea tc. .PaaetcaCr.,ara, DeptryStds Dept Pln MEngrg. & Qual-
GeI,2 o n prt' N tiesn _____nd_ .Jureu of the dget, Wnahn gtd o, grdty al
ther lst pemste orsumer.sesio daes or he 962196 scoolyea. A'U.-Tprr. ore n)-Men Woen with. Cutler-Hae c.lee tt, Cro Er.
ollaegde ieratre, cine rad DMN. ACH1- deree cnPl Sci., Auoc., o La Dae. Mlaukee, Wis.-BS SE.S Jue &
the rtsceand cho of usinres s d- Nrd Mic.em.enJr ESat;fceonms (inc. lbr iecon.)f, oratin-at Aug grads Ds.,piatin Engctrs.
mnstrtin Mdation1, Music, tur-nt Fc/ilsP rahGr' E orein, Treilsti Proe. Admin., r t- onch CotrlSenh fms. I.,Srctr
al sources, NuresIong andm Pblicn 10Eingr' Mon; March H"12, th o-tstacs. Gradute taninpr eferred DtAaisc Saes .OfTiceTruD-ou, te-
ath: Satetsl whoe reeied marks schlooCls .-Ell have) rep.ena E rthPhraceuticalACorp, Raheatani or countr E E &M.Fb &ttc- Jne
ofe I, Z or 'no rort' a1 the en shof. ype atthe reauInto uitevie cadi NJp-Meng witeree isnanyfeld fora gras.-1 ales.s.o eui.
nthe lasceeste or ummerg shession dtesfornh 1962-1B63tsool Cnyar. Dales Teroies in Geat BLkes, Aa HumbolteStat Colee Araa Caif
oforatdancer il reciv ao-grdng of M., MRH 12r.- Frnh nTenes & VEallesys AthorPit Ano- Ma. Kp. at~n 3200in TA-M CE -
"E ntecus rcourses unless attle reeka , ih BLay'ie PEhar.) vie, Teni-Me.Wn wi majo appro- w.teayching Tepr refenc Mhe Tillb
ths or i ad u. hefna dte-AEle. &s. Sec,:Bs.E. priae o foloin jo TraningOf- gieCo. aplcannts, .-Bo:e adv prIEpar-E
fdor cpanc 4of make-up gradenatis Milfr. ed, Lch., . Jri., IES Marth; fcern Mmtaitc. vcsSafuSait-ain & Ag spealty istructue..
semester gise Marc 1, 1962. Stnts20 Sdirl's E. orMah/ir'.P or cTUESpecalist inPopry3-t. e Tch:n Stength of D,,'ls& Strctural
wing Han extson2of imeeyn TnglGi's, S MenAt, . EadD.Ti. sea f Aaython Powde-S . ReserhSaf nlyisnSeli ,& Timbr. Des., Rian-
ths dae shudfleapttinwt Engl, Calif EleIn. Ar-t); Sre,. d.,Purca. AgWen Math.ematin in fored Conrtebl es.l, Statics, Engrg.
th apori at fician: Aplteirnshor aia. ol.. Lb., Ch homutgu Cter., Peronn Oficer, Drain& g.-B-lectu Era, IE, Equiv
adInso the oo ofeNusin thue abov Tsn, M., (Bltmre Bounty -hm Dat Pressin Anayst Beraiooit At-rpe wcee Er. FbJn u.gas
Augoumti18 'hin re tod nsonNursing Gen.; Jr.. H. Chor, Frnc, Span.,/ Atony BA En oists Ao Public Ad-r Men Kn. Les.,n Machine, Tole Cro..
cures fulcneioy. An______e LatinDRua, BAyrt, Goy's P, Gis . caiateor ps.tWomn wl eosd. Dayer o.; Theo - osdiWoMacie Tool
ment desribig corsesand FEr Ed . Psych,. ea, Sad Bus Ed,., Spw ereonly positions oabefr atheai o, Cielncind, 0.-ES:DESe s: S & MEt.
Phnilosfoh 414 akeup eamintos n Ter.,nead, ec Libr.Gi.d Arts, clad Sasician. Junto;PysclBS :eE & u.gad's. Mube malye. S:
will beagivn foFri., ar cur 9 an 20 TUES., MARCH 13- dc elhPrg i. xc itzE. e s. R. & D. Sae rd olned.-At u.-dD.Tri. Mueau ofthe de dge(enyed o. ReineEeti
.gla, omSc..E.m. Ars, Fre. Ge. YarW.C.Ag -e Won. fr . locatins. oe, AsltabuaEcid, Master,.R
BiolicalStation:G Applictins fort Latin, Spa., Journ., L, Mth, T ., thrhotg eU.egv.&, ,
a rtod . th1962sesionh (June 25-c M s., oc. MusNrse, Eiol., he., of raArs fo Rerations onyrk enr..,
Aug t 8) oualiaB m etsndtohin- G il PS, Phy.E rhul . o, npec A s o BisaltnsWo32 rk toh r MSWTh1 forMen d onlyg De.troi & S--eS, o d.E
sufre. fu condation. Ananounce-Rdio/Drma Bo'. s PEr'sF, n.Soia W workositions.7thrpges TMe.pion Worge MS:Inc.,
$ity, dfesribi.nfores and oppor-ce d4 Balle, Caf.,Hard ofmHer.,otwe inaCEM oitIN ERalEaB for Libeoa Cleelaned .A Degres-ME Met.
$u itig n f or aiya s pme 1-edio n L eanedrs,.Speeche& Hear. Ars radrssn g Forg. . Director Pysical S-M&rd. ofa a.'Min . dephntyacvraSg
21 es . , at.i . Bldg.iA. H.s s o ard D trine , ithofCi.,g nt e an-., Orho Oileo. F dmay 0 & ra. u n dnonl
Diecto inoTnPEeIdEfor Te.t-Therr .stMen with degreex in n.yAd forinAed . o npdthurdos.m. trl .2progn
Roo 354 Aminstrtio Buldi Midlaehn Ml-lwmngthe meetigpieMaetintSales tg.eProg.3lrofg n mpa.lm
bM Plaers Gra. ad TGresee Tout- CEO, rt., Mnt., FRe., GV it. Teac., A n in g reuinre d .
standing play.StThecLvingaRoom," willtGirlsDFE;oJr.MeSn&&ESomnn-AGeogChEProcterME. auble Overseasrads."
21-24, 8:0 Yp.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Grs., Lin, Ip5n.AS D., Hath EL.,ran. Arts. , w cia Ctoretun Ctothirs, ntiv The Er-mploy Mmentarc
be reentd ed.thoug St.,Mach ng/rnt. md Ats/EEng.,FrediznsofereasiofPeraionsonalyhM.Jnegas
Thoeatre.We$2.nd Thurs. eform& aces CEd. fobr., n. contIes t work, Men wkhol art-timejs ar e
$1.5, 1.2rnf Fri. and at. perfrmanesMAC -tmg DravailablDp, ept. A .,platn rt
and fo enry , , -Bassetth, Caih.-Elsm., yet. an-, ingC or Libmeral Arts for positions an buentmade iing the arttim Place
$1.75, 1.25.,uy Bof-office o:pe 10- rMon. nuntc., in Adv risig, F Edori rde . Pod., mentb ofi, 2200 te Ativities
b ,Aes., Mar19 & d. 20; 1M. 1.- Ran , s .-Ged., Ment. Han, , urhas alsn PrMtion & ra ffiwi . Bruingr-m, di ol ng rg
24rr. Tikt Salso available for " The s. Thersr.) Jr HSn/ Matr., irl' CMerith dere fr Bus Ad.sfor Acct-, ModythuFiaLEa.ti2no
MerrWies- of&Windsor,"eTh E Hd At., ys. Fe., Gemn La Fin, en., PradiSe. Sc., uransD 1:ilau 5pi.- S:BE.ue
throA or(dSceptl sn.),Bu il U2- Emd. ArtsMs,Lir.;ESming, rec stl.r.. r Trafihosions.,Agrkg. Erads.Desrosofhition suent
miy 1.:a00,pdm i Mendelssohn atrerHartins, Mre.-Art, He c., Bs. Hall( m.Cs an .)-,Mo- fo r r-Syte osfte tm
iTh hete5 aatb2.0l15 for Fnriy Sat., Edg., Li., SSah Cndidaesre winth., iesgn. Meng work, -suld, allBobHodges batNrOu.
$1.7, 125 or ll the pefonancs;BeD.,in MARCn1-,itMmaorineiherPantng& Daw 3151. xt 353
an fRe sHe,Ndrsng, Fart dPTwo" Mon. BirminHa, Mich.-Elem., ed. Art Inis or tedri Ari for rios DstitSdesiiOng ficehraeous de
teouehSt.,eMay7-1,r8:00vpdm Tre-sMth/, Sd C; Jr. & En Avesiog ora EdiorialDp.Wie jobldhebetn
bodIEudriezepBlat$.,1ofrc, Se., Gh, He. Sca., nyii faorr Ty aintg Daing or i0 al
foer Fri.&emSat.,r$150,s1ummfr allsoheraMuscforcthest962-Jr.3Escholbr.;ar.HSalCommerialortsfo repotionksinret-HubodMSaColegAatClf
Ma"ilnordecursayeorcoresdltosU ra.t Hl5 Eath; hs. (,/e. ad,, Adv.--ornCretveaesinaDpts-wt 1-Russian Voicer. Must be able to
thierksPayersdehefn The.,nlate,=lmom./Dity., S al.Ed. . ' alter Thosn o, nYOrki translate English into Russian. re-
with ace paya Dt. uprer tnn hi- Hstin nMlch.--AAtrrne.HSJr.E -peeS ly eeals di.-WB aio fer graduate student.
eretnd islaf-ares,1Studamed en- Tegrls., SPH, SS --Math/-iAls.,o nB, olin4 Eco, gtishe 1-Student, Bacteriological background.
rsteHa s sEon, Mch.-(ElemnleAedt TowJoPurnalismor eatedtforavarious ced time position, the hours are, flex-
Ehelp enoedte(Gradeo5);rh,4Sch)Eer.;nJr. S ic.mEngl.' H pef wrkPinlic ible.
In, theS7cAol fNursingt. eEdga., Voc M, Mhen . Sd., an. reGEEDatrosing A rlate ilEs- pBryw.FMLE
courses only. ElCoe.; ESrEnglCoGem/Genc h, SGn. aiRsin rBysPGr' fuacaddae.loenwllb1ni-Rusian V. Te osicM abe To
PoGventa r'S., CR Lir., a, c. Ed., MAnt. sa&S-atis aJ n, teaseEglisnto san.S
eilebeUiversonrityofMNorecDameilT0Se.s.,MaRh.1nUErS.,32 sABC Ext.4 fr fher 1-Stdeies.,olRogSale P barod..
spelGak ArTmnrNpNmRing and LedoM. (ClarEncevile Pubinformation. Riatie postio&-" ng urs .a flx-
Ene lmnt"o e.,Mrh', t4Sl.)Hoem., IJr. s,'Sci., GetYWCAI-Wme o. ain.;hoESAshibulEed.atrRee
pdm.sino21 ngt te192 Hall. Enge25- iu., Sd.CMms.; Muret.aBio., Chem. Eo iNerrsrRIN LcMetinTEor-1-Baby-stEnr.FeP u-time,.5gdays.e
tuntie fo ad ad prttim jo~s an LGirsPSpeeLhb& earV. Ms ArVstsVIEWSseni ors&grset slS w:'ee M .B: hsc.M
application__formscanbesecuredatTESc. sign intEderv ewcheo.Dle;& at c,128-H E Wuestairs. wRkro D. 0
YpsNt c. lg .H Stcad eriatich-Fields not yet an-iEn Oigl C1:00Fpim.lMonday-Friay, anddal
Director. N nounced. t MRC wh de dayn Sel fr ardy adr Suday
KI...~A N I ~J~fl MidParkdForest, Illems. N, 1)Elem. Sp. ___Marketing____Sales___Trng.___Prog.____3__h______o
U - M P l a y e r s : G r h a m G r e e n e ' s o t C o r r : f L ,. ., M o n t . R e t . , V i s it o 1Te ac . A c o n i g r q r e ,
Forty of the 45 members of AP's
nationwide panel put the Bucks
first on their ballots, while three
gave that honor to Mississippi
State and the two others went for'
Cincinnati. Ohio State had been
the unanimous selection for the
lead for 11 straight weeks.
Ohio State picked up four sec-
onds and one third for a point
total of 444, based on ten for first,
nine for second, etc. Cincinnati
gained heavily in the voting for
second and remained No. 2
The next four teams also 're-
tained the spots they held in last
week's poll, with Kansas State,
Kentucky, Mississippi State and
Bradley following the Bucks and
Utah, champion of the Skyline
Conference, made the biggest jump
--going from tenth to seventh.
Bowling Green dropped from
seventh to eighth, Duke from
eighth to ninth and Loyola of Chi-
cago took tenth. Colorado, No. 9
last week, fell out of the ratings.
Wisconsin belted Ohio State 86-
67 in the surprise of the season,
pinning the Big Ten champions
with their first loss since they
were toppled by Cincinnati in last
year's national title game. The
Bucks, now 22-1, finish up against
Indiana this Saturday before
heading into the NCAA tourney
next week.
point lead for several minutes as
both teams were shooting cold.
The Alpha Delts tied the score
at 26-all, and both teams lapsed
into a defensive battle while they
played for the one shot which
would give them the lead and per-
haps the game.'Tension mounted
when Mickey Fivenson fouled out,
leaving the Phi Eps with only five
players and about three minutes
left to play. A little over a Min-
ute later Mark Levy fouled out.
Now the Phi Eps only had four
players to field.
Couldn't Capitalize
The Alpha Delts were unable
to capitalize on this promising sit-
uation, however, and the game
went into the overtime period.
Both teams had excellent chances
for scoring the winning goal. Sur-
prisingly enough, the Phi Eps had
the best scoring chances and, fin-
ally, Zelman threw the game-
winning goal.
In other action last night, Sigma
Phi Epsilon defeated Phi Delta
Theta in a hotly contested game,
31-28, and gained a chance to go
on further in the first place play-
offs in the "B" division of the
social fraternities.
Defensive Test
The game was a test of defensive
strength and not a show of offen-
sive power by either team. John
Mans, by virtue of his size, easily
outrebounded his Sig Ep counter-
part, Russ Ott, and outscored him
five to four.
The victors were led by Tom
Cross, , who had 11 points, and
Dave Ong with nine points. Jim
Methven had four tallies and Eric
Delzer finished with three.
Sigma Phi Epsilon 'B' 31, Phi Delta
Theta 'B' 28
Theta Delta Chi B' 37, Phi Kappa
Tau 'B' 16
Alpha Tau Omega 'B' 39, Sigma Nu
'B' 24
Phi Epsilon PL 'B' 32, Alpha Delta-
PI 'B' 30
Phi Alpha Kappa 34, Psi Omega 26
Zeta Beta Tau 'B' 38, Chi Phi 19
Theta Chii 'A' 19, Delta Chi 'A' 18
MARCH 9th'
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