CITY COUNCIL'S HOLLOW GESTURE lflfrr i~au A& :43 a t I t, FAIR, CLEARING High--36 Low-22 Partly cloudy, with little change in temperature. See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII No. 110 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT Deans Consider Teaching Center Ad-Hoc Faculty Committee Stresses Need for Improvement, By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Deans of University schools and colleges are considering a pro- posal for a center for University Teaching to be established on campus. An ad hoc faculty Committee on Programmed. Learning and Re- lated Activities headed by Prof. Edward L. Walker pf the psychology department issued a report in January stressing an urgent need for such a center to enable University faculty to improve the quality of its own instruction. Based on recommendations of the University Senate Advisory Committee's Subcommittee on A Center for University Teaching, the report emphasizes desirability of University action to be taken in .. ....... response to problems associated SGC Reviews OSA Recommendatio Turns Down Moch Motion On Council * * * * * * * * *' Rusk Says U.S. Prepare To To Forward Reports Styles Committee ROGER W. HEYNS . . teaching center ,SENATE : GOP nags On Taxation In search of some $50 million in additional revenue, state Sen- ate Republicans have hit a tem- porary snag in their search for taxes to foot the bill. The GOP legislators at present can only agree upon $18 million in telephone, telegraph and cig- arette taxes, $32 million short of their goal." Majority Caucus Chairman Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) said yes- terday that "we will have to reach some sort of agreement this week If we're going to get out of here by April 20." He added that, although the in- come tax "seems dead," he was not certain what measures would replace it. However, regardless of what the Senate passes, Speaker of the House Don R. Pears (R-Buchan- an) predicts "quite a, battle" in his chamber. The House'is currently split 54- 54. Two Republican seats are tem- porarily vacant, one by the death of Rep. Ralph Young (R-East Lansing) and the other by ailing Rep. Gail Handy (R-Eau Claire). It takes 56 votes to pass a bill in the House. with the technical developments variously referred to as "program- med instruction, automatic in- struction, programmed learning, self instruction or teaching ma- chines." Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs and Dean of the literary col- lege Roger W. Heyns has asked the deans of the various schools and colleges to read the commit- tee's report and submit their opin- ions on it to him by March 15. If there is a generallyifavorable reaction to the proposal, Heyns will submit a recommendation for its establishment to the Regents at their April; meeting. The report calls for charging the proposed center with "the broad aim of providing maximum assistance to the faculty of the University in the task of provid- ing effectiveinstruction of the highest quality." Among its services would be col- lection and dispensation of rele- vant informations ,onimproved teaching methods, informing the staff of available aid, stimulating interest in improvements In in- structional techniques and carry- ing out projects in collaboration with the interests of faculty mem- bers. The report also recommends that either the entire existing ex- aminations and Evaluations Divi- sion of the Bureau of Psychologi- cal Services or an equal budget to develop an equivalent technical staff should be assigned to the proposed Center. An estimate of $110,000 total cost is broken down into $45,000 for the professional staff, .$8,000. for the non-academic staff, $12,- 000 as an operating budget and $45,000 for the examinations and evaluations staff. Expansion of the activities of the center are anticipated along several dimensions in the report. "It would be hoped that with the aid of funds from sources outside the University the Center would quickly become a research unit on education at the university level," the report says. "Especially needed at this time is a research program designed to evaluate the relative contributions of the full range of technological aids utilized appropriately and simultaneously. Such a program of research could be financed only through substantial federal aid, but such aid is potentially avail- able. By MICHAEL OLINICK Brushing aside a motion to pre- vent itself from issuing a state- ment on the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee Report, Student Government Council early this morning continued its con- sideration of four subcommittee recommendations for changes in the OSA. By a 9-2 vote, the Council de- feated a motion by Thomas Moch, '62E, which would have restricted SGC recommendations to those of individual members. Meeting in a special committee of the whole session, the Council received reports on philosophy, structure, housing and rule-mak- ing and enforcement which were drafted by the member subcom- mittees. Council Weaves The Council threaded its way through the philosophy and struc- ture reports and postponed the remaning two reports until its meeting at 7 p.m. tonight. After all the reports - with amendments and deletions - are approved by the committee of the whole, a style committee will be appointed to draft SGC's final re- port on the OSA recommendations, which will be submitted back to the council next Wednesday. The report on philosophy began with, an historic evolution of the OSA study committee implying criticisms of the handling of the report. Four of. the more critical passages were eliminated on a motion by Moch. Nine Objections! The main body of the philosophy subcommittee's report listed and developed nine objections to the philosophy of student affairs and administration offered by the OSA group. Its second motion, dealing with the relation of the philosophy to the proposed structure, was con- sidered along with the structure subcommittee's suggestions. That report called for Vice- President for Student Services working under a powerful student- faculty Policy Commission. Faculty Subcommittee The Housing subcommittee - whose members included Inter- Quadrangle Council President Robert Geary, '63, and Assembly Dormitory Council President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62-called for a Direc- tor of Housing who would be ad- vised by IQC, ADC and a special faculty subcommittee. The Council's final suggestions will be forwarded to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis for his consideration and possible inclusion in his recommendations to the Regents later this spring. To .".ff~..*~V ...991. ..1'J.:" "":. . ..'. 'J5. " ""'11""X"X :V 1. ,1f.,"AX.J~t ,~ Y.. . ,,.".".... ..:.::........ 1,.. V. ... . ... .... t. ..... ..X.........,....Y ...1......1.... ....,.:,.IJ." . . .. Urges College S'upport -ofShelers By G. K. HODENFIELD Associated Press Education Writer CHICAGO-An Administration spokesman urged the nation's top college officials yesterday to throw their weight behind a national program of building public fallout shelters as essential insurance for the nation's survival. But a prominent physicist argued in rebuttal that such a program would be just another step in a deadly arms race which must be stopped. Adam Yarmolinsky, special assistant to the Secretary of Defense in charge of developing the national shelter program, put the administration's case before the 17th National Conference on Higher Education. yiews Opposed His views were opposed by David R. Inglis of the Argonne National Laboratory. As a general rule, college administrators are skeptical of the benefits of any vast civil defense program. Yarmolinsky said colleges and universities should utilize their facilities to provide fallout protection for their students and faculty, as well as the public. Future construction, he said, should be planned with shelters in mind. He also urged the educators to pursue these responsibilities Face beyond the campus and said, "We frankly seek not just your. passive compliance for the civil defense program, but your active support." Inglis told the delegates that a shelter program may increase the chance that war will come: "A false sense of security based on exaggerated claims for shelters can lead to a temporary hardening of the national will the other side will probably respond with its own shelter program to justify its own firmer stand, and two negotiating pos- tures of increased firmness will gain us nothing and may lead to an outbreak of nuclear war." Relaxation of Tensions Inglis also said a larger shelter program would mean that a substantial segment of industry and labor would have economic reasons for opposing relaxation of international tensions. The true role of. the college or university, Inglis said, is not to promote civil defense but to provide leadership in the discus- sion of world problems. Yarmolinsky denied that a shelter program would increase the danger of nuclear war. "Our experts believe, and I would agree," he said, "that the decision of whether or not to use thermonuclear weapons is so awesome in itself, that the existence or absence of shelters is an almost infinitesimal factor to those who might participate in such a decision." . . .. ... .......,.. ..' ."" ".1..l.:4" s"4 r .:v. ...... . ".:".1:.....;..,.+ ..VN.. .f "i. .V "..:".. .4 . ..' Red Threat lr FIVE BASIC TENETS: Widick Calls Socialism 'Viable Force' Research Fu.ds: 'U'Problem By ROBERT SELWA "Socialism is a viable force in America and the world today be- cause it has better answers to the problems of mankind than any other set of prevalent ideas," B. J. Widick told an organizational meeting of the Democratic Social- ists last night. The trade unionist, author and part-time Wayne State University instructor, said that these answers stem from socialism's five basic tenets: democracy with the guar- aritee of dissent; means that are Hannah Cites CRC Position For Criticism EAST LANSING (AP)-Michigan State University President John A. Hannah believes MSU is singled out for attack as a hotbed of lib- eralism and Communistic views because he served as chairman of the Federal Civil Rights Commis- sion. Recent statements by some legislators and other leaders have tainted all of higher education with a pinkish brush, but Hannah believes the criticism directed at MSU is due to his service investi- gating racial discrimination in the nation. "I feel bad about it," he said, "because this university is getting criticized through me." He be- lieves the attack to be personal, and he obviously is taking it as such. The criticism stems from the controversy surrounding Prof. John Moore, a faculty member, and a speech last fall by a former University of Illinois professor who is credited with saying the "mar- riage vows don't mean a thing." The Moore case involves MSU's reported stand on the loyalty oath and the affidavit of disclaimer that a recipient of National De- fense Education Act student loan never has been nor is now a mem- ber of the Communist Party Hannah explained the MSU trunstees did not take action against either one of these, but that some 200 colleges and univer- sities in the nation did ask that the affidavit of disclaimer be like to the ends, a sense of justice, human dignity with a belief in equality, a determination to im- prove the world. "A genuine expression of the opinion of the people is needed to achieve peace," Widick said. Peacefully Live "Most people throughout the world want to live together peace- fully, but the obstacle is non- democratic government. What is needed is consistently democratic' forms of government throughout the world. "For when power elites make the decisions of a country, they decide in their own self-interest. "This is the case with the Soviet Union. And in America there is a would-be power elite that de- spises the people. This 'elite' in- eludes the Birchers,'who in reality are up-side-down Communists." Would Be a War Widick said that "if things con- tinue as they are, there will be a war. "For both sides move not from confidence nor from hope, but from fear. This was evident in President Kennedy's announce- ment that the United States will test nuclear weapons in the atmos- phere. He was scared of the Rus- sians. "The Kennedy administration doesn't want war but may get into it because of national pressures. The military-industrial complexes of America and Russia are alike- they put too much pressure on for a war policy. Fighting Chance "Mankind has a fighting chance, though, if theppeace movement among the people becomes strong enough. A strong, viable union movement putting pressure on for peace would help. The Negro struggle for their rights -is our main hope now. "Let us also give our surplus food to the starving peoples of world, regardless of what the poli- tics of their governments is. "And let us stop supporting fascists like Franco and crude dictatorships like that of Chiang Kai-shek and that of South Viet- nam. "Let us recognize Communist China so as to have contacts with her people, and let us invite her to the disarmament conferences- for otherwise these are meaning- less." OSA Report Consideration To Continue Student Government Council will continue its discussion of the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee Report at its meeting tonight. In addition, under old business the Council will consider a motion. to establish a National Student Association standing committee to coordinate NSA programs at the University and to serve as a liaison between the Council and- NSA. A motion from the Student Con- cerns Committee asks that the Council send a statement to the constitutional convention and the legislature supporting the 18-year- old vote. ViewBiAs CHICAGO ,')--The 17th Na- tional Conference on Higher Edu-' cation urged the federal, govern- ment yesterday to' restrict its fI- nancial aid programs-to those col- leges and universities which do not practice racial.or religious dis- crimination. The sweeping proposal, if put into effect by the government; would affect the thousands of re- search grants involving the na- tion's space efforts, fellowship and scholarship programs, agricultural extension, ROTC training, the student loan programs, a wide range of scientific research, fed- eral payments to land grant col- leges and the like. A resolution asking such restric- tion was adopted in a conference business session, 82-64. There are about 1,700 college officials attending the conference, but most of them stayed away from yesterday's business session. David B. H., Martin, assistant to the provost of Yale University, who emphasized that he was .speaking only as an individual, led an unsuccessful floor fight against the resolution. Martin called the resolution a shotgun approach, unwise, unde- sirable, vague and uncertain, and with a goal impossible to attain. "This is an invitation to the federal government to monitor the admissions policies of every insti- tution of higher learning in the country," Martin said. In an interview, Martin said he strongly opposes any form of ra- cial or religious discrimination, but he called the resolution "complete- ly impractical." Pledges..Aid For Defense Of Thailand da To Continue Suppori Of Collective Action By SEATO Forces By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Secretary o State Dean Rusk yesterday unveil ed a new interpretation of Ameri can foreign policy when he pro claimed the United States will ac- alone if necessary to defend Thal4 land against Communist aggres. sion and indicated that this poli cy would not be restricted to thi Thai situation. He also said that United State continues to support collective ac tion within the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. His statement, issued jointl: with Thailand's Poreign Minite: Thanat Khoman, went a long wa: to meet Thailand's fears that I had no real assurances of def ens' under SEATO unless all eight na tions unanimously agreed. The United States consultee with its otherdAllies in the defen pact-Britain, France, the Philip pines, Pakistan, Australia and Ne Zealand-before making the ne pronouncement. ,- n Heretofore SEATO actions ha been governed by a rule of unan imity agreed upon at the firs SEATO Council of Ministers meet ing, eight years ago. In the case of indirect aggres sion against Thailand, Rusk sait that the United States regards It SEATO commitments and its sep arate economic and military ai agreements as "providing an im portant basis" for United Stat actions to help Thailand. Rusk citedsteps the Unite States is now taking to help Sut Viet Nam meet indirect aggressiox from North Viet Nam. In addition, the joint Unite States-Thai communique pledge a speedup in deliveries of Unite States arms to Thailand "to th greatest extent possible" United States aid to Thaian in the decade ending last June 3 totaled $632.6 million. Of this m tary aid amounted to $341.6 an economic assistance totaled $29 million. It has been running a the rate of about $65 million le yeaft. In addition to three meeting with Rusk, Shanat conferrd wit: Secretary of Defense Robert E McNamara and President John F Kennedy during a three-day re view of the situation in Southeai Asia. 'Thailand is the keystone c SEATO defenses in Southeast Asi and is headquarters for the SEA TO secretary general. Lately, the Thais, joined by th Philippines and Pakistan, hav claimed that SEATO is ruled by "minority of two"-Britain an France.$. By JUDITH BLEIER As the major source to which private industry and the federal government look for new scien- tists and new ideas, the University faces very definite problems as the home of basic research. One of the primary difficulties encountered is the problem of proper management and utiliza- tion of federal funds, Vice-Presi- dent for Research Ralph A. Saw- yer indicates. federal agencies tend to make their financial grants for individual projects of individual professors," he notes. Yet the schools would prefer to have the money come to them, or to a de- partment for distribution, rather than to have it earmarked for a particular purpose, he says. Maintains Control But Sawyer, who is also dean of the graduate school, feels the present situation is likely to con- tinie because Congress wants to maintain specific control over what is done with its research monies and can avoid, in this manner, the controversial issue of direct grants Quarterly summaries of the status of all current projects are sent to the vice-president, he re- ports. Biological Sciences The major part of federal sup- port has been given to the physi- cal and biological sciences, Sawyer says. "Consequently the statement is sometimes heard that the hu- manities and arts, and perhaps to some extent, the social sciences, are withering on the vine." Colleges must attempt to pre- vent this from happening, he be- lieves. "In general they can do this by diverting some of their own research funds released in the sciences to the support of research in the fine arts and humani- ties . . He notes that in spite of all the money that has been put into the physical and life sciences at the University, "doctorate production in the arts, languages and litera- ture, and other humanities fields has increased more than doctorate production in the science fields during the last ten years." Bigger Humanities This "bigger interest in humani- I I 'AVOID EMOTIONALISM': McKnight Stresses Press Responsibility RALPH A. SAWYER ... basic research dent for research before it is transmitted to Washington. "It is the policy of the Univer- sity, except in the case of urgent defense projects undertaken as a service to the Defense Department, to insist that research: projects must be related to the research in- By GAIL EVANS American newspapers are facing a challenge of irresponsible emo- tionalism, Felix R. McKnight, president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors said yester- day. "Remedies for irresponsibility must originate with the American press. We must blow the whistle on those who endanger our being," he "The shout from the far right now labels us as 'the leftist press that distorts the nation's image'," the editor of The Dallas Times- Herald said. But there is not a paper in the country that wouldn't fight for the welfare of the coun- try, he maintained. Loose and aimless talk has be- come far too prevalent in this c~ountry. Slogans and name-calling servatives." McKnight won "what has become of the American?" Astronaut John Glenn, a American, made the country s together with no thought of servative or Liberal. He prov the unity which the nation ni WcKnight maintained. Learn Patience He also said that the extre