Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"° Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, MARCH 6, 1962, NIGHT EDITOR: CYNTHIA NEU Uiversi Soft Sell' Should Become Crash Program 'HE UNIVERSITY has embarked on a rather unexplored new course: it is currently "sell- " the people of Michigan on the idea of ality education-a formidable task.t ['hings have come to a sorry state when e of the greatest universities in the world tst get up its own medicine show in a ck-handed appeal for mass support, but this iversity currently finds itself competing for public dollar with the professional sales- n for welfare and mental health cases. And although the most important cause long these three should be obvious, there :ms to be some doubt in Lansing. We cannot blame the legislators, however. ey are extremely sensitive to the whims of e electorate (who also pay the taxes). If they nse the tide favors support, or say, profes- nal welfare cases, it is there the money .1 flow. NIVERSITY OFFICIALS are currently tour- ing the state, putting on their program ierever people will listen. Through a slide >gram and the film "The Idea of Michigan," >duced by the Television Center, the current uation of the University is demonstrated to imni andfriends of the University. It is not 'unlike the travelling shows' of the ys of yore except that the appeal is indirect. is aimed at generating support among the ctorate to pressure the legislators to. ap- >priate more money for higher education. e tactics are similar to those of the welfare osters, only slightly more refined. Director for University Relations Michael dock calls his program the "soft sell": ap- aling for support without asking for funds. t this won't be enough. 'HE SITUATION is similar to that which existed earlier in the decade, when the tional Foundation for Infantile Paralysis s faced with the task of raising the stag- ring millions it would take to finance the aal research toward an anti-polio vaccine. The March of Dimes put on a crash pro-. am the like of which the nation had never experienced before. Dimes chairmen aimed every possible appeal at the hearts of all Am'ericans. They pleaded for every cent that could possibly be spared to "combat the most wicked and merciless killer." They portrayed countless children crippled for life because research hadn't found a preventative for polio- myleitus. And their tactics were severely cri- ticized. THE UNIVERSITY faces much the same problem. Only the advsaries are different. The ,University must combat the professional supporters of welfare, highways and mental health, who say that education has enough money. To do this the University must put on a "crash program," for the cause of education is just, and the people will not realize it unless they are told. True, the University is "telling" them now. But what good is a statistic on teacher's sal- aries against a moving plea for, say, mental health. Perhaps, one tasks their brain power, but the other grips their hearts. It would be better for the University to portray children outside the gates of knowledge wishing they could get it. It would be better to portray the youngster whose world is shattered because he can't get into college, or, worse still, be- cause it costs too much money. This is dramatic, and the people love drama. The March of Dimes' campaign fairly dripped with pathos but the money poured in. The result was successful; no one will deny that. The tactics were criticized but the cause was just. WHEN YOU STOP to think about it, however, education is more important than all the vaccines in the world. But how many people stop to think about it? How many workers on the River Rouge assembly line realize it? How, many farmers way out in Reed City even care? Their number is small. But just as with the polio vaccine, they can be made to care. Just as the nation opened its purse to conquer polio, .so will it open its purse to further education-if it is presented to them right. ,The University needs a crash program. Some- thing that will jolt the people of Michigan from their complacency. The word must be carried right down to the last pipefitter and tool-and-die maker. The soft sell will not reach this group. They will not feel right coming to a luncheon with industrialists land politicians to hear President Hatcher extoll the virtues of the University. Yet here are the taxpayers-the forgotten little people. Appeal to them; show them the real crisis that exists; and let them decide. If the cause of education is just, they will re- spond. -MICHAEL HARRAH "Haven't We Got Enough Problems To Be Solved; Right Here On Earth?" -. 44 *-r Stu* SUNDAY AFTERNOON'S .Thoral Union Series- presented a new virtuoso conductor and a well- disciplined orchestra to Ann .Arbor in the persons of Stanislaw Skro- waczewski and the Minr ieapolis Symphony Orchestra. The per- formance was of excellent quality, and there was also good balance in selection of compositins. THE OPENING Mozart Sym- phony No. 35 in D majoir (Haff-, ner), contained excellei nt string sound, controlled within a precise rhythmic framework, theft neither exaggerated nor underpla:;ed Mo- zart's easy-flowing thornes and passage work. Previous Minneapolis conductors. have not derived such clean-cut lines from the strings (.a must for Mozart). However, S'Arowaczew- ski's clean classic lines of inter- pretation suffered slig htly from overplay in dynamic, contrasts, noticable in the Andeknte 'move- ment. His range of d ynamics in- cluded forte and pla-no, but rela- tively little in betwv.en. The con-, ductor's precise rhythmic move- ments evoked an especially en- joyable Menuetto and concluding Presto. * * * THE SECOND COMPOSITION, the Concerto for .Orchestra, by modern Polish composer Witold, Lutoslawski, a full display of Skrowaczewski;s conducting technique which highlighted the Concerto's strong rhythmic drive and colorful orchestration. At first hearing, the Concerto seemed as if the composer was groping for a form suitable to his musical ideas. The profusion of melodic ma- terial was shakily held together by pedal-points, return of motives, and tonal aiming points in an unconvincing formal logic. Struc- tural weaknesses were counter- balanced by the brilliant orches- tral effects that Lutoslawski un- doubtedly learned from one of his teachers, the great orchestral col- orist Rimsky-Korsakov. , , * SCHUMANN's Symphony No. 2 in C major (Opus 61), performed after intermission, furnished a nineteenth century work to round out the program. The symphony unfolded with a maturity that was not present in the two pre- vious compositions, a difficult achievement for a conductor of 38 with a symphony so suscept- ible to over-sentimentality. Skro- waczewski handled the formal and rhythmic elecents in a straight- forward, energetic manner. * * * AN ENCORE from the Firebird Suite by Stravinsky again illus- trated the brilliant training and ability of the conductor. It is to the credit of the Minneapolis Sym- phony Orchestra and it new con- ductor that they continually per- form unusual modern works and welcome interpretations of older works such as the rarely performed second symphony by Schumann. Mark up another successful con- cert in a season of outstanding programs. --Delmer Rogers AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Mineap30is Superb, Program alanced A 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Nuclear Test Resumption Just, Wise Fallout )HN BOYDEN, a London industrialist, sug- gests that British women go on a "love ike" to force their husbands to join a ban- e-bomb movement. But Dr. Keith Cameron, ndon psychologist, says that if wives go ead with this "dangerous idea," they could more harm than a nuclear bomb. Dr. Cameron is right. Better wed than red. -R. SELWA To the Editor:' THE MORE EDITORIALS I read in The Daily, the more dis- gusted I become with some of my fellow liberals. Sunday's issue turned my disgust to nausea. Edi- torialists Martha MacNeal and Pat Golden seem so convinced of the utter correctness of their own positions that reality is obviously immaterial to them. While I re- spect their views and uphold their right to express them, I feel that. it is unfortunate that their elo- quence is not matched by their wisdom. President Kennedy's decision to resume nuclear testing in the at- mosphere is both justified and wise. Those who are crying over this decision should dry their eyes just long enough to be able to see things in the proper perspec- tive. Miss MacNeal's statement that "If we want to, win the peoples of the world to demo- cracy, we must first insure that those people will exist in a co- hesive society" could best have ended with a period after "exist." Let the small nations and the neutral nations of the world of whose opinions Miss MacNeal is so worried, remember that they are free, and can afford to be neutral only because the United States is strong, and only so long as the United States maintains its strength and freedom. Let them remember that they have a forum for their "world opinion" only be- cause of the United Nations, and that the United Nations can exist only so long as the United States grants it support. THE POSSIBILITY of war exists and the horror of war today is unbelievably frightening. So long as this possibility exists the United States must be prepared to deter the commencement of that war, or failing this, to prosecute a speedy victory. If the arsenal of democracy contains only weap- ons whose horror would prevent their use they are in effect use- less, and we can use them neither to deter nor to win a war. We could never build enough fallout shelters to protect us from radiation, but we can build bombs which result in little or no fall- out. For this, testing is essential. The bombs which the United States plans to test at this time are designed to produce as little fallout as possible. Let those who will criticize the United States remember that when the United States had a complete monopoly on nuclear weapons we proposed to turn this power over to an international agency under, international control. Where was "world opinion'; them? How many "peace marchers" did that deci- sion arouse? The United States has always stood ready to ban nuclear weapons and tests under a system of legitimate controls. I hope that the time is not too distant when those who say "The United States has just muffed another of its many chances to take a real initiative towards ueace and human welfare in the eyes of the whole world" will come to realize thata strong America is more effective in protecting peace 'than a febble "world opinion" which failed in Korea, Hungary, Berlin and Goa. -Howard R. Lurie, '63L Crooked ick.. . To the Editor: MISS MacNEAL'S provocative, and, for the most part, clearly reasoned argument in Sunday's lead editorial emphasized a valid point a bit out of perspective. The proverb that to straighten a crooked stick one must bend it the other way is well taken in any opposition to "the insanity of the arms race." But a stick will break or merely vary its perverted form if bent the other way ruthlessly and without'prudence. I amnot sure that the tone of such unreserved statements as, ... John Kennedy.. . has given his approval," to ". . . the greatest act of tyranny the world has ever known," although admittedly ef- fecting needed shock, provides the wisest way of furthering the cause of disarmament. -Ron Newman, '63 Testing and Reason .. To the Editor: THE COMPLEX problems raised by nuclear testing and the arms race certainly merit careful and serious discussion in the daily press, but contributions such as that of Miss; MacNeal (in Sun- day's Daily) add little but con- fusion to the issue. The decision which the President made was to resume atmospheric testing of nu- clear weapons; the decision was not to annihilate the people of the world in nuclear warfare. The' growing tendency to conclude that the former will necessarily lead to the latter must be based on emotion rather than reason. Our decision to renew testing in the atmosphere was largely based on the need to test out many of the developments in 'nuclear weaponry that we have made in the last three years, particularly in light of the considerable tech- nical progress made by the Soviet Union during this period. Now two arguments might be readily made against resumption of atmos- pheric testing by the United States at this time. First that more test- ing will add to the amount of harmful radioactive fallout in the atmosphere. According to the President, the increase in total, fallout in the atmosphere due; to these tests will be slight. A SECOND OBJECTION (one raised by Miss MacNeal) centers around the idea that an announce- ment that the United States would not renew testing, as did the Soviet Union in Sept. of 1961, "would have given us the propa- ganda advantage which we have not had in along,-long time." In the first place,i United States foreign policy will always be wishy- washy and ineffective if it is con- tinually dictated -by what we think other countries will think of our actions. In the second place, the Soviet' Union rather than the United States has been the villain" in most of the major incidents of the Cold War. If one nation were to be severely castigated in the eyes of the world for resumption of nuclear testing, then it should have been the Soviets for break- ing the moratorium last fall. In- deed, if the uncommitted nations of the world were won over neces- sarily by the power that made the most gestures toward peace and the least toward war, then demo- cracy rather than Communism should have spread over large areas of the globe during the past decade. In the third place, most realistic nations of the free world will sup- port our resumption of testing, knowing that they are consider- ably dependent on the military strength of this #country for their, long-range survi'val. The latter part of Miss Mac- Neal's editorial reeks with the foggy and illogic al notion that the arms race woulid somehow be ef- fectively contrc lled or ended if only we hadn't started setting off those bombs aigain. What Presi- dent Kennedy should have said that "would .have changed tne course of history on this planet" we aren't told. But if the United States were to stop testing, start disarming, arid/ "ban 'the Bomb" unilaterally at this time, it would truly end the arms race-for, like in any race ilt one side stops while the other kE0eps running, victory is assured to the latter. --John D. Stark, '62E Defeat ... To the Editor: MISS MRTHA MacNEAL does not hs,ve- to waste many more words trying to. convince most Americans that you're "Better Red than dea." The majority have succumbed. I suppose she hasn'tf listened .to bull sessions where boys try bo rack their brains think- ing of w'ays to avoid the draft. I suppose she hasn't noticed the softening of character of those who would rather take refuge in the reactionary hole - in - the - ground views of extretists than accepting realistically the problems of world cooperation. I suppose she hasn't noticed the growing lack of independence and individ- uality among the youth who are afraid they might miss what to them is security in the form of three; meals a day and clean laundry. No, Miss MacNeal, you don't have to worry. As long as Ameri- cang boys are learning to content thernselves with proving their strength 'and manliness only through sex; as long as the mo thers who once cried to see their sons go off to war are firially winning and keeping them home, spiritually, at least; as long as we become content with doing just what everyone tells us to do, you won't have to worry. We're getting rusty, Miss Mac- Neal. We're getting apathetic, and -what's worse, nobody gives 'a .damn. -Miriam Dann, '64 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- .sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2'p.m., two days preceding pubication. TUESDAY, MARCH 6 General Notices German Make-up Examinations will be held Thurs., March 8, 7:30-9 p.m. In Rooms 1088, 1092, and 1096 Frieze ,Bldg. Please register in German De- partment Office by Tues. noon, March 6., The University of Michigan Blood Bank Association, in cooperation with the American Red Cross, will have its regular Blood Bank Clinic on March 28, 1962. The Clinic hours are 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Any full-time or part-timre reg- ularly employed staff member of the University interested in becoming a member or renewing his membership should contact the Personnel Office, 1028 Administration Bldg., Extension 2834. French and German Screening Exajni- nations: The screening examirations in French and German for doctoral can- didates will be administered on Tues., March 20, from 3 to 5 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall. Doctoral candidates must pass this screening examination before taking the written test in French or German. Foreign Visitors Following are the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program arrangements are being made by the International Center: Mrs. Clif- ford R. Miller. Santiago Friedman, Director, Comput- ing Center of the Faculty of Physics, Sciences & Mathematics, Unic. of Chile, Santiago, Chile, Mar. 10-15. Plutorco Herdolza, Quito, Ecuador, Mar. 11-14. Ahmad Makki, Prof. of Arab Litera- ture, Lemanese Univ., Beirut, Lebanon, Mar. 11-17. Events Tuesday Seminar on the United Nations Uni- versity: Eighth session. "Location." Dis- cussants: Dr. Richard D. Ahern, archi- tect and urban design consultant; Peter Newman, Prof. of Economics. 7:30 p.m., 3532 SAB, Tues., March 6. Graph Theory seminar: Tues., March 6, at 3 p.m. in 2050 Mason Hall. Prof. Frank Harary will report 'on "Aspects de la notion de dualite en theorie des graphes" by de Ghellinck. (Continued on Page 8) A Local Theatre's Shot in the Arm THE UNIVERSITe'S Professional Theatre Program has taken another giant :step oward making Ann Arbor the Cultural as well as Research Center of the Midwest.' With the signing of a resident company or next season, the University has gone past ny other university's professional program. It ills an expanding gap in Ann Arbor theatre. The Association of Producing Artists is an vant-garde, experimenttal repertoire group' vhich contains its own actors, directors and echnicians. It is the fifth part of the program's plans: 1) - The Great Star series, scheduled to eature such theatre notables as Dame Judith Anderson, Helen Hayes, Maurice Evans and Charles Laughton all in the same season. Not even on Broadway have all four been set for he same season. 2) A lecture series is being planned in which eading Broadway designers, critics, directors, producers and playwrights will talk to students, aculty andrcommunity residents on contem- porary theatre problems. 3) The American premiere of "The Ides of March" by Jerome Kilty, based on the novel by Thorton Wilder, has been arranged for performance here by the Program, headed by Prof. Robert C. Schnitzer. 4) The Program is reading scripts by young American dramatists, looking for one to pro- iuce with the playwright in residence. 5) The signing of the APA. THE UNIVERSITY has a long tradition of theatre with such projects as Drama Season, Platform Attractions and even University Players and Playbill. However, in recent seasons the quality of Draina Season has steadily :eclined into the unspectacular production of Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor PHILIP SHERMAN FAITH WEINSTEIN City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN FARRELL ................Personnel Director PETER STUART .................Magazine Editor AR11 aG _ fT7M Q uits Gifma.. purely commercial plays. The APA gives Ann Arbor the chance to re-establish itself as a center of good experimental theatre. The local drama scene will also benefit from a new group of graduate fellowships which will allow select students to appear with the professional company in minor roles as part of the training for advanced degrees. THE STATE OF MICHIGAN will be enhanc, ed, and not Just by the spreading of the "image" of Ann Arbor. The professional com- pany will tour the state twice a year and carry what will hopefully be good drama ano good theatre. The APA offers a chance for the establish- ment of good experimental theatre outside New York. The Ann Arbor audiences are intelligent and alert, and don't want to be fed the traditional Broadway commercial pro- ductions. It is possible to present new ideas as well as new methods. This is a great chance for a unique cult'ural phenomena to be brought to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the American theatre. --MALINDA BERRY Progress? ABOUT A YEAR AGO-give or take a week or so-President John F. Kennedy-newly- installed-took full charge of the United States. This is how things stood elsewhere in the globe: The Communist Pathet Lao was then behind the line beyond which Kennedy had pledged they would not advance. Germans moved freely between East and West Berlin as'per the armistice agreement. Communist Outer Mongolia was not a mem- ber of the United Nations, and thus unable to complement the Soviet' bloc's stalling tactics. The federal budget showed a $1 billion surplus. American army reserves were not wasting time on active duty, due to an imminent crisis that never materialized. America had not bungled what should have been an easy invasion of Communist Cuba. FEIFFER H1AP OROKM OVP mq 0'08 WiJM V(JOPM& A P~oSL 1~. I FAIWF,6 pG ApJAgI*l AiX A V~q WK)t~ AK WHY. Of A~r e WiARK iTNoWa Hgis I CAMS' UP WLIT WAS 196 ARMS FCAR OF MR,~ 7915 WAS fI 6A rCA(.Lq Mi lift ~t. 1JER WAG TVrA'(I WOAG A RO~T oN SN PARrOF Mgt 85CAUS OF M4 WJ PART -rRL), Tel T Tuf HAT V1IS Too WAy, 1A6 AOIR A[.06e. 'rg G 'V 1 "b MLI SACKGR O13, HMK Mq4 OWk) EVA~ro&IJ.,AS PSV£ I'Mv A - '-'-p tO0e( Li} .S ''