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March 06, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-06

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Lite Arna
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy,
clearing later today.



Consider Capital Outlays

Special To The Daily
LANSING-The State Legisla-
ture is currently considering some
$24 million in capital outlay pro-
posals for higher education.
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann


Arbor) and Sen. Stanley G. Thayer
(R-Ann Arbor) have proposed the
expenditure of $1.5 million for a
new heating plant at the Univer-
sity and $4.5 million for the con-
struction of a new music school.
Also Sen. Garland Lane (D-

-Daily-Larry Vanice
PICKETERS-Members of the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Associa-
tion marched before city hall last night for over four hours during
a Council meeting. The group later presented its demands to the
Council and called for the body to support its aims publicly.
Pittsfield Picketers Ask
City Council Statement, Aid
in an attempt to "get a public statement of policy from the City
Council," ten picketers asking integrated housing in Pittsfield Village
marched around City Hall last night.
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Association, the group
marched four miles from Pittsfield to the city hall where they picketed
for over three hours.
At the conclusion of the Council meeting, Harold Mial, a spokes-
man for the Association, spoke to the Council urging it "publicly sup-
port the principle of open occupancy."_
Plan Meeting
Mayor Cecil O. Creal announced that a meeting had been ar-
ranged for next Friday in his office between representatives of the
9picketers, the Human Relations

Flint) and Sen. Philip Rahoi (D-
Iron Mountain) have proposed
$350,000 to continue general reno-
vations of the Medical Center, $2.8
million to complete the Physics-
Astronomy and Institute of
Science and Technology building
and $10,000 to lay plans for the
Medical Science Bldg-Unit Two.
MSU Proposals
For Michigan State University,
Sen. Paul H. Younger (R-East
Lansing) has proposed $6 million
for a chemistry unit. Lane and
Rahoi ask $840,000 to complete
the mechanical engineering unit,
$5000 to study a phytotron build-
ing construction and $20,000 for
classroom planning.
For Wayne State University,
Rep. John M. Sobieski (D-Detroit),
Sen. Charles S. Blondy (D-
Detroit) and others are 'asking
$2 million for a medical research
They have requested $15,000 for
classroom planning at Grand Val-
ley College at Grand Rapids.
Ferris Requests
Rep. Frederick O. Olsen (R-
Sheridan) has asked $1.7 million
for a physical education building
at Ferris Institute of Big Rapids
and also $2.7 million for a trade-
technical building.
Rep. Russell Hellman (D-Dollar
Bay) and others have asked $2.6
million for construction of a math-
ematics-physics building at Michi-
gan College of Mining and Tech-
nology at Houghton.
They also asked other planning
funds as follows:
Central Michigan University at
Mt. Pleasant, $5000, classroom
unit; Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity at Ypsilanti, $2500, library
addition; and Western Michigan
University at Kalamazoo, $5000,
industrial and engineering tech-
nology unit.
Natural Science
They have asked $578,570 to
complete a natural science unit
at WMU, $150,000 for extension
of utilities and $75,000 to remodel
the existing natural science build-
For Northern Michigan College
at Marquette, Rep. Dominic Ja-
cobetti (D-Negaunee), Rahol and
others are requesting $2.5 million
to build a fine arts building.
V ie w Courts
At con-Con
LANSING (JP)-The Constitu-
tional Convention waded back in-
to the question of the judicial
branch of state government yes-
Delegates entered their eighth
day of debate on the subject with
some of their knottiest problems
yet unsolved-and possibly due to
get knottier.
They tabled the question of
methods of selecting state supreme
court justices last- week to move
on to other judicial problems.
When they clear probate courts
and the justice of the peace sys-
tem, they are scheduled to return
to the supreme court question.
A six-man committee in the Re-
publican caucus was to work out
a compromises But Republican
delegates appa'rently are divided
between the original district plan
for selecting justices and a com-
promise plan worked out by the
caucus committee.

Of Dis
Reds Agree ALGE
To Western A
Suggestions ALGIERS
day set fire
Foreign Ministers prison in 0
up a Moroc
To Lead First Talks new bloods
WASHINGTON ()-Soviet Pre- Two pers
mier Nikita Khrushchev has agreed wounded, o
to a United States-British pro- tack by Eur
posal to start the Geneva dis- rorists on t
armament conference at the for- 1,850 Mosle
eign ministers level. for activiti
He has agreed also, United gerian inde'
States officials said yesterday, to The terro
have a big three foreign minis- sion and fir
ters meeting in advance of the gates in an
main session. prisoners tr
Khrushchev's changeabout, aft- ers dumped
er having called for opening the bottles oft
Geneva parley at the summit lev- prison comp
el, apparently cleared away one fire which f
final uncertainty over the launch- ble putting
ing of what was to have been an Fi
18-nation disarmament conference Iin Algier
on March 14. of explosive
Size Reduced royal Mor
The conference was reduced to plane short]
17 nations yesterday when France uled to take
announced it would not send a to Casabla
representative, for the Alg
Secretary of State Dean Rusk high. Police
was reported planning to leave on the Euro
Washington March 10 or 11 to ganization.
meet with Soviet Foreign Min- Officials
ister Andrei Gromyko and British fuse about
Foreign Minister Lord Home in gone out b
Geneva March 12. the explosiv
The main topic of their meeting der a seat.
is to be a treaty to ban nuclear The stew
tests constellatio
Khrushchev made known his aboard to i
views in a lengthy letter to Ken- passengers
needy and British Prime Minister fouda thei
Harold Macmillan, which arrived found the
from Moscow Sunday. Att
No Answer Also in A
The White House said Kenne- man was s
dy's response to the Khrushchev a razor in a
message had not been set as of pean youth
late yesterday and it appeared un- serious.
likely a reply would be dispatched The day c
before today, a record b
Kennedy and Macmillan have plastic bom
contended right along that the minute per
best way to make progress on blasts injur
disarmament is to have lower lev- but damag
el officials set the stage. stores and e
They have left the door open $400,000.
for a summit meeting later, per-
haps before June 1, provided the
Geneva negotiators have madeB
some progress or provided that Bad
summit attendance would be help-
ful in solving a deadlock.
Soviet Disagrees O f
Khrushchev had contended that
the government heads themselves RICHMO
should show up first at Geneva. Supreme C
He said this would emphasize the that Princ
importance of disarmament and under no c
boost chaices of agreement. to support
It was still not known whether The cen
Khrushchev might decide on his abandoned
own to appear at some stage dur- tem three
ing the Geneva proceedings. court-order
United States authorities greet- tion. Since
ed with caution Khrushchev's have been g
agreement on foreign , ministers' while 1,700
attendance at Geneva. had no sch


ttack Moslem Prison

Doubts Valui

(P)-Terrorists yester-
to a crowded Moslem
ran and tried to blow
can airliner in a day of
hed across embattled
ons were killed and 30
fficials said, in the at-
opean secret army ter-
he Oran prison where
ms were held, mostly
es in support of Al-
rists set off an explo-
re and then locked the
a attempt to keep the
apped inside. The raid-
cans of gasoline and
butane gas inside the
ound, causing a violent
iremen had great trou-
nd Explosives
s, a 12-pound charge
was found aboard a
occan air transport
ly before it was sched-
off on a return flight
rnca, where sympathy
erian nationalists runs
blamed the bomb plot
pean Secret Army Or-
said a slow burning
two yards long had
efore the fire reached
e in a sack hid1den un-
!ardess on the super
n plane had gone
nspect the cabin before
were loaded. She no-
nge odor and the pilot
sack hidden under a
ack Newsman
lgiers; a foreign news-
ashed in the face with
an attack by two Euro-
s. The wound was not
opened in Algiers with
reaking wave of 135
.b explosions in a 90-
Iod before dawn. The
ed only a dozen people,
e, mostly to Moslem
cafes, was estimated at
ND (R) - Virginia's
Court held yesterday
e Edward County is
onstitutional obligation
public schools.'/
tral Virginia county
its public school sys-
years ago to avoid
ed classroom integra-
then white children
oing to private schools
Negro children have


-AP wirephoto
ALGIERS STREET SCENE-In a pre-dawn demonstration of its
strength, the Secret Army Organization exploded 135 plastic bombs
within 90 minutes. A Moslem woman and child walk in a rubble-
strewn street.
Hatcher To Study Unrest
In South American Schools
Later this week, University President Harlan Hatcher will begin,
his month-long tour of Venezuela and Peru for the Ford Foundation,
but he'll also be anxious to study the student situation on his own.
"The unrest among students there is not easily explained," the
president said yesterday. "But because of it, both the national
university at Caracus, and San Marcos University in Lima have been


TO Consider
OSA Report
Student Government Council
Will consider recommendations
suggested by four committees for
major changes in the Office of
Student Affairs Study Committee
report at a special meeting at 7
p.m. today.
Any adopted recommendations
will be sent to Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis as
the;SGC comment on the Reed
The structure committee will
recommend that the proposed
Executive Council 'for Student Af-
fairs be made a policy setting
group reporting directly to the
Regents, that it advise them,on
OSA administrative appointments
and that the proposed dean and
associate dean of student posts be
The rule making committee will
ask that the proposed executive
council be composed of represen-
tatives of SGC and the Faculty
Senate's Student- Relations Com-
It will also suggest that the Ju-
dicial Advisory Council be abol-
ished and its functions be taken
over by the executive council.
Brian Glick, '62, will submit a
minority report urging mandatory
due process in judiciaries and a
rule-making role for the proposed
executive council.
The philosophy committee will
comment adversely against the
inferior role of students in rule-
making in its report to the Coun-
Nine To Run
In SGC Race
Nine candidates will run for six
Student Government Council seats
in the SGC election March 20 and
Running re T-Toward Abrams.

Commission and Leonard P. Rea-
ume, an owner of the Pittsfield
The Council then passed a reso-
lution presented by a councilman,
Prof. Lynn W. Eley, of the politi-
cal science department, which not-
ed that "discrimination in hous-
ing is contrary to public policy" of
the city of Ann Arbor.
Several months ago, Eley had
proposed a fair housing ordinance
which was referred to the Human
Relations Commission for study.
Need Ordinance
"I do not believe that we can
cope effectively with problems of
discrimination in housing unless
we have an ordinance with penal-
ties," he said.
A sheet handed out by the pick-
eters to passers-by complained of
the breakdown in negotiations
with Reaume and claimed wide-
spread support in Pittsfield Vil-
lage itself. The sheet also noted
the backing of the Ann Arbor
Democratic Party and Ann Arbor
Congress of Racial Equality.

De Gaulle Stresses
Propaganda, Disptes
Surrounding Parley
PARIS ()-The French govern-
ment last night said it would boy-
cott the disarmament conferenc
opening in Geneva March 14 be.
cause it did not believe the meet
ing could achieve positive results
The move reduced the numbe:
of conference nations from 18 ti
A statement issued by th
French foreign ministry said tha
it was hoped that later "it migh
appear possible to organize, in a
atmosphere clear of any spirit o
polemics ' or propaganda, discus
sions on the problem of disarma.
ment, as well as on the other bli
problems of the world, between th
powers which can effectively con
tribute to their solution."
Former Stand
The statement was a reiteratio
of the position taken by Presiden
Charles de-Gaulle when he replie
to the proposal by Soviet Premie
Nikita Khrushchev for an 18-na
tion summit meeting on disarma
De Gaulle said he felt that a
four-power conference would b
more advisable. He indicated h
felt nothing could be gained, b;
bringing in non-atomic powers t
the talks.
De Gaulle also wanted the talk
to be based on French suggestion
for destroying all atomic stock
piles and setting up tight control
on' atomic delivery systems.
List Implications
The boycott could be an ex
pression of de Gaulle's hostilit
toward the United Nations. Th
conference brings together mem
bers of a special_ UN commtte
on disarmament.
De Gaulle long has considere
the UN an ineffective organizatio
and given little support to its ac
With the French out of th
talks, the Western lineup at th
March 14 conference will be th
United States, Britain, Canada an
The Communist bloc will corni
prise Russia, Bulgaria, Czechoslo
vakia, Poland and Romania.
Neutral Nations
In addition, there will be thes
neutralists: Brazil, Burma, Ethic
pia, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Swe
den and the United Arab Repub
France's long-standing positio'
on disarmament has been that a'
atomic stockpiles be destroyed an
strict control be instituted ove
delivery systems.
Bursley Sees
'Tough Battle'
On Enrollineni
Defenders of the University
high out-of-state enrollment fac
a "tough battle" in the legislatu
this session with state legislatol
who want to severely cut the pref
ent rate, says Rep. Gilbert E
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor).
"Their opposition will be a m
jor problem this session. It will t
difficult to maintain the stat
quo," he commented Friday.
Rep. Bursley warned that a ei
in out-of-state enrollment may 1
unconstitutional and "would I
damaging on the morale and t1±
cosmopolitan strength of the Un
Bursley commented that Ia
spring, when the sponsors of
bill to limit out-of-state enrol
ment to 15 per cent announc6
their intentions, he asked them 1
"wait until next year."
Rep. Bursley said that the cau
of the movement to cut out-o.

state enrollment appears to be
fear among constituents of th

Describes 19th-Century India

closed." He recalled dissatisfaction
that institution moved its physical
plant from the center of Mexico
City to the outskirts, but he said
the unrest was explained by the
various problems that the shift
brought about.
Protest Move
"Students barricaded the' Uni-
versity and the army had to be
called in. Fortunately there was
no armed conflict," he said.
"However, the Latin American
situation goes deeper than that,.
I think. Perhaps two factors are
"First, when one registers as a
member of a Latin American Uni-
versity, he has a permanent mem-
bership, whether he attends
classes or not. Therefore, some
persons register and .then devote
their efforts organizing small cells.
Their mission is purely political,
and so is the unrest they create.
Mobile Faculty
"Second, these universities have
no permanent faculty. There
teachers are, by and large, pro-
fessional people who come out
from town to teach a course for
a semester or two."
The president added that this
fact tended to decrease the aura
of stability at the university. He
said that this survey was not a
part of the Ford mission but an
interest of his own.
"I don't know how far into the
matter I'll get," he said. "But I'll
make all the inquires I can."
Contract Talks
May Resume
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy administration
may issue a call today to steel
negotiators to get back into ses-
sion on labor contract talks, pos-
sibly sometime next week. -

at the University of Mexico when
Units Clash
In Katanga
ing flared between United Nations
troops and President Moise Tshom-
be's armed forces in Northwest
Katanga yesterday, menacing the
truce in effect since the battle of
Elisabethville last December.
Both sides agreed hostilities
erupted at Kaminaville, 12 miles
south of the Belgian-built, UN-
garrisoned military and air base
at Kamina. Each side blamed the
Tshombe charged 1,200 UN
troops attacked Kaminaville,'
launching the assault with a heavy
mortar and artillery barrage short-
ly before noon.
Attack Troops
A UN spokesman in Leopoldville,
Dik Lehmkuhl, denied this. He de-
clared Katanga gendarmes at-
tacked UN troops in the area and
that the latter returned the fire
"to extricate themselves."
Indian and Swedish troops
normally man the sprawling col-
lection of military installations
and hangare at Kamina. It is a
base for Swedish, Ethiopian and
Indian jet fighters and bombers,
but Tshombe said he received no
reports that aircraft were sent
aaginst Kaminaville.
Many Wounded
He said the town held out in
bitter fighting and that there was
an undetermined number of killed
and wounded on both sides.
Tshombe told a news conference
"this (Kaminaville) attack is a
deliberate attempt by the UN to,
sabotage my talks with Premier
Cyrille Adoula." But he added, "It
will not succeed."

"A confusing bedlam of chaotic
infomation which is difficult to
plow through" makes the study of
the 19th Century economic history
of India difficult according to Prof.
Morris D. Morris of the University
of Washington economics depart-
Prof. Morris spoke on "Some As-
pects of Indian Economic Growth
and Stagnation During the Nine-
teenth Century" at 8:00 last night
at Rackham.
Prof. Morris cited "political in-
stability" as an important factor
determining India's economic ac-
tivity. Because of India's great
size, its insufficient water trans-
portation, the monsoons which
seasonally interrupted communi-
cations, and the absence in India

Though few records are avail-
able for the 100 years before 1880,
he felt that the growth rate was
"relatively slow" in the early 19th
Prof. Morris questioned the
"great myth" of a huge Indian
textile industry supposedly de-
stroyed by competition with mass-
produced English cloth. Most of
the textile industry grew in India
in response to European demand,
he said.
Only.an "infinitesimally small
percentage of the population" was
engaged in making fine textiles, he
explained. Most of the Indian
weavers were producing coarse
cloth with which the British could
not compete effectively because of
transportation costs.
Import Yarn
mh- cr . sr inh 7 Ain i rfn

market for Indian hand - loom
cloth," he said.
Prof. Morris cited a "frontier
movement of significant impor-
tance" during the 19th Century in
India. Once political stability had
been established by the British,
capital became available for culti-
vating additional lands.
Begin Specializing
"A tendency toward regional
specialization developeddwhich saw
a larger proportion of the land
devoted to the crop best suited for
it," he said.
Because these advantages were
not offset by an increased popula-
tion growth rate, they resulted in
a high per capita income for the
Indians, he said.
Prof. Morris attributed the de-
mia- in nr,.ni+. irmemaftr.


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