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March 04, 1962 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-04

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64ยข; Tr
ILeps Takes
Two Races



Third Period
Goals Decide


Berenson Ties Mark;
Angotti Tallies Winner
(Continued from Page 1)
When it was all over Michigan
Tech had run their winning streak
to an all time school high of 18
and much to the dismay of the
partisan record crowd of 3,88 2-
Michigan had lost its first home
game of the season.
overall it was Michigan's fourth
.against 23 victories, while Michi-
gan Tech ran its record to 27-3.
All of the losses were ,to the Wol-
SCoach Al Renfrew's crew, in
quest of its first WCHA title since
the 1955-56 Michigan team won
in the old Western Intercollegiate
Hockey League, started fast but
ran out of gas in the third period.
Second in Two Nights
Playing their second game in
as many nights and third of the
week, the Wolverines opened up
a 2-0 lead on goals by Gerry Kolb
and Don Rodgers midway through
the first period.
Kolb flicked in Ron Coristine's
-goal mouth pass and Rodger's beat
Tech's .Gary Bauman with a blue
line blast. Both goals came on
power plays, but the lead didn't
Jorn Ivanitz deflected Henry
Akervall's shot Past Dave Butts'
at 19:37 for the first Tech score
and then with just one 'second
showing on the. clock Captain
Jerry Sullivan tied the score with
a partially screened shot from
On Power Play
Berenson's power play goal,
which tied Neil Celley's school
record for most goals in a season,
gave the Wolverines their second
lead at midway through the sec-
tond stanza. Then the roof fell in.
Elov Seger urfassistedly tied the
game for the second time at the
two minute mark and 17 seconds
later Scotty Watson gave the
Huskies their first lead. His screen
shot from a face-off sailed into
the upper right hand corner of
h the net.
Temporary Reprieve
kRon Coristine gave Michigan a
temporary reprieve at 11:23 with
a neat deflection of Wayne Kar-
tusch's long slap shot, but Louis
Angotti had Tech in front to stay
at 12:35.
Mike Draper iced the game from
Angotti at 14:19.
Ironically, following the game
Michigan's netminders Butts and
Bob Gray were jointly awarded the
Bill Borousky Trophy for the
WCHA with the best regular sea-
son record.
The six goals Butts allowed last
night were the most scored against
the Wolverines in one game all
Buble Bursted
Butts G Bauman
Morrison D Merlo
Rodgers D Akervall
Wilkie C Casey
Berenson W Johnson
Coristine W Angotti
First Period: M-Kolb (Coristine)
9:32; M-Rodgers (Kelly, Hinnegan)
11:39; Tech - Ivanitz (Akervall)
19:37; Tech-Sullivan (Rebellato)
Penalties: M - Berenson (high
sticking) 0:46; Tech-Casey (high
sticking) 0:46; M-Pendlebury (trip-
ping) 5:31; Tech-Seger (elbowing)
9:22; Tech-Akervali (tripping) 9:50;
X-Berenson (interference)' 13:17;
Tech-Angotti (slashing) 13:28; M
Kartusch (hooking) and (slashing)
13:28; M-Rodgers (holding) 18:31.
Second Period: M - Berenson
(Kolb, Coristine) 8:05.
Penalties: M - Morrison (high
sticking) 0:47; Tech-Angotti (high
sticking) 0:47; M-Kartusch (slash-
i g) 2:26; Tech-Seger (holding)
Third Period: Tech-Seger (unas-
sisted) 2:00; Tech-Watson (Begg)
2:17; M-Coristine (Berenson, Kar-
tusch) 11:23; Tech-Angotti (unas-
sisted) 12:35; Tech-Draper (Angot-
ti) 14:19.
Penalties: M - Berenson (high

sticking) 8:24; Tech--Begg. (high
sticking) 8:24; Tech Wimer
(holding) 15:01; M-White (rough-
ing) 17:26 Tech - Angotti (rough-
ing) 17:26.
Butts (M) 10 11 9-30
Baumsan (Tech) 7 13 9--29

COMES CLOSE-Michigan's Tomi Pendlebury (16) got in close on this drive at the Michigan Tech
goal and Huskie Henry Akervall (6) looks worried about it. Uendlebury, however, was stopped by
Goalie Gary Bauman. That turned out to be the case too often for Michigan as Michigan Tech skat-
ed off with a 64 win.
Indiana Simmers Triumph
Indiana T

In Meet
Special To The Daily
Leps won the mile run in the first
race of the afternoon yesterday, it
looked like it might signal a re-
peat of the gold old days (of last
year) for Michigan's defending'
Leps had an easy time again
this year winning the mile and
the 880, but Wisconsin's sopho-
more surprises took care of the
rest of the Wolverines' reveries.
Badger soph Larry Howard had
too much early speed for Michi-
gan's other double winner of last
year, Bennie McRae, to catch him
in either the 70-yd. high or low
"I'll get him outdoors," vowed
McRae, who picked up ground on
Howard in both races but fell short
both times. "Another five yards
and I'd have had him. He's tough,
but I'm still not as sharp as I'd
like to be. I can't drive."
Daily Double
The Badgers scored 17 points
in the two hurdle events. That
and the eight points they scored
in the shot put, won by Don Hend-
rickson, another Wisconsin sopho-'
more, put them too far out of,
reach for the Wolverines.
Michigan expected Indiana and
Michigan State to take points
away from Wisconsin, but Hoosier:
shot putter Tom Seifert could
manage only a fourth and Spar-
tan hurdler Herm n Johnson, who
stumbled in the .highs, finished
dead last in both finals.
And there went any chance of
outside help in the key events.
Steal Thunder

DOWN AND OUT-Michigan's Bennie McRae knocks down a hurdle in the 70-yd. highs and lost his
Big Ten title to Wisconsin's Larry Howard at East Lansing yesterday. Howard tied McRae's record of
:47.8 and also nosed him out in the 70-yd low hurdles,
isconsin Overcomes ',' 61-46.5

(Continued from Page 1)

Special To The Daily
BLOOMINGTON-Michigan got
what it came for last night in the
Big Teri swimming championships,
second place behind mighty Indi-
ana despite a tough challenge by
Ohio State and a game effort by
Michigan State.
Depth in almost every stroke was
the formula Coach Gus Stager's
men parleyed into a runner up
finish with 146 points to the third-
place Buckeyes' 130% and the;
Spartans' 96 .
As was expected Indiana's host
of Olympians and American record
holders proved too much for the
rest of the conference as the
Hoosiers led from thessecond event;
to the meet's finish and won with
a 213% overall total.
Butterfly Points
Michigan's Fred Wolf and Jeff
Longstreth left the laurels to In-l
diana's Olympic champion Mike
Troy, but notched third and fourth
place performances to bring in the
necessary points for Coach Stager's
Wolverines in the 100-yard butter-
The Hoosier twosome of Troy
and Larry Schullof tied the NCAA
record of :52.9 and set new Big Ten
and Royer Pool records in the pre-
liminaries, but Troy's identical
time in the finals edged out his
team 'rival for first place who
finished with a :53.0.
Enn Mannard and Carlos Can-
epa aided the Michigan cause with
eighth and ninth place finishes.
Steve Jackman of Minnesota
added the 100-yard to the 200-yard
freestyle title he won the day be-
fore by splashing to .a Big Ten
record of :47.4 in the finals. Al-
though the Gopher star's time bet-
tered the NCAA mark by :0.5 sec-
onds it could not be considered be-
cause Jackman did not use the
handtouch required by the NCAA
but not by the Big Ten. .
Kerr, Floden Place
The Wolverines added to their
second place margin as Jim Kerr
placed fourth in :49.1 while Dennis
Floden's :50.6 took the eleventh
place position.
A strong last lap and final lunge
by Michigan's Dick Nelson almost
nipped American record holder
Chet Jastremski in the 100-yard
breaststroke. After some hesitation
first place was awarded to the In-
diana 'standout with a time of
1:01.7 with Nelson .1 of a second
behind in the runnerup position.
In the preliinaries both men
bettered the former Big Ten and
NCAA mark of 1:01.8 set by Nel-
son in the Big Ten meet at Colum-
bus last year. Jastremski clocked
1:00.6 while Nelson touched out
in 1:01.3 to also break his own
Wolverine varsity record.
Two More
Geza Bodolay came through for
a fifth place finish while John
Baker's 1:04.0 was good enough
for seventh..
Another Big Ten record fell by
the wayside in the 100-yard back-
stroke. Ohio State's L. B. Schaef-

fer took an early lead and kept it
to post a winning time of :54.2.
Fred Wolf, who had to win a
swim-off from Ohio State's Chuck
Hunter to compete in the finals
finished sixth in :57.5 while M's
Mike Reissing was the eleventh
place point getter.
A unique four-man sweep of the
440-yard freestyle carried the
Hoosiers farther ahead. Mike Som-
ers won the race and set a new
American citizen's record in 4:20.8.
The American record is held by
Australian Murray Rose of USC,
who has done 4:17.9..
Three Hoosiers
Behind Somers co-captains Pete
Sintz and Mike Troy along with
sophomore Claude Thompson fin-
ished in succession.
Despite the Indiana sweep Mich-
igan also gained a host of points
by pulling a mild duplication of
the Hoosier feat, grabbing the
fifth through eighth positions with
fine efforts by Captain Bill Darn-

ton, Roy Burry, John Dumont
Warren Uhler.


meet in Madison last weekend,
equalled this performance yester-
day, winning the 70-yd. high hur-
dles in the fine time of :08.4, and
the lows in a record breaking :07.8.
Bill. Smith was also, a key to
the Badger attack,agrabbing the
third place points in the lows be-
hind McRae and Howard, and
claiming the 60-yd. dash honors
for himself.
Team Victory "
"We knew our boys could do
this well," Badger mentor "Rut"
Walter said, "but we didn't expect'
them to do it at once. Howard
and Smith were certainly the key,
The shot provided some surprise

points for Wisconsin though, as,
Badgers Don Hendrickson and El-
mars Ezerins took first and third,
whipping top-seeded Tom Seifert
of Indiana, who was forced to
settle for fourth.
Coach Walter also got some sur-
prises from men not considered
champion material, as Tar Reiten
in the 880-yd. run, Dick Miller in
the 1,000, and Don Loker in the
mile turned in the best races of
their careers. Loker lost the mile to
Leps, but only after giving last
year's champion a real run for the
Reiten placed third in the 880-
yd. run behind Leps and team-
mate Bob Gill, giving his best

Purdue's John Vogel got re-
venge over Ohio State's John Bo-
tella for his defeat on the 1-
meter board by edging the Buck-
eye champion in the 3-meter div-
ing finals 500.35 to 493.70.
The Wolverine duo of Ron Jaco
and Pete Cox were right up there
with the leaders finishing third.
and fifth. Jaco garnered 475.95
points while Cox had a 437.05
Smash Record
Smashing the existing American
record. of 3:37.1 the Indiana 400
yd medley relay team ran away
with the evening's final race and
gave the champion Hoosiers their
fourth victory of six swimming
Michigan's entry of Reissing,
Nelson, Longstreth and Frank
Berry edged Minnesota for third
place with a clocking of 3:43.9 to
the Gophers' 3:44.3.

Surprise - Indiana Fins

Michigan Coach Don Canham
agreed that the Badgers took it
instead of the Wolverines' losing
it. "They deserved to win. We ran
as well as we could have. (Mac)
Hunter fell in the 600, (Dave)
Hayes had a bad day, and (Ken)
Burnley pulled a muscle in the
60 preliminaries. The only ones
we thought we might qualify that
we didn't were (Ted) Kelly in the
600 and (Carter) Reese in the 300.
"Other than that we were pretty
good," he pointed out.
Canham couldn't help feeling
funny after the meet, though. "I've
been second before, but never to
Wisconsin," he remarked.
Canham will be in Chicago to-,
day for the NCAA's official orga-
nizational meetings for national
amateur federations in track and
field and gymnastics. "The AAU)
hasn't indicated that it will show
up yet, and if it doesn't, there's
nothing it can do except to hold
its meet the same as usual."

Badgers Bounce Blue
TEAM SCORING - 1. Wisconsin, TWO-MILE RUN-1. Al Carius
61; 2. MICHIGAN, 46/2; 3. Michigan (Wis); 2. McRAE (M); 3. Peterson
State, 28; 4. Iowa, 23; 5. Illinois, 18; (11); 4. Ward (MSU); 5. Young
6. Minnesota, 16 5/6; 7. Indiana, 15; (MSU). Time-9:69.9:
8. Ohio State, 8%; 9. Northwestern, 70-YD. LOW HURDLES--1. Larry
8; 10. Purdue, 6%. Howard (Wis); 2. McRAE (M); 3.
70-YD. HIGH HURDLES-i. Larry Smith (Wis),; 4. Van Wormer (Wis);
Hovard (Wis); 2. McRAE (M); 3. 5. Gardner (Ia). Time-:07.8. (Ties
Love (NW); 4. Dix (Wis); 5. Lamski Big Ten record set by Bill Porter,
(Min). Time-:08.4. (Ties Confer- Northwestern in 1948, Bob Mitchell,
ence record set by Lloyd Duff, OSU, Illinois, in 1958, and McRae in 1960.)
in 1948.) BROAD JUMP - 1. Sherm Lewis
1;000-YD. RUN - 1. CHARLES (MSU); 2. Warfield (OSU); 3. RAI-
AQUINO (M); 2. Fischer (Ia); 3. MEY (M); 4. Jackson (Ind); 5. Wil-
Creagan (Wis); 4. Miller (Wis); 5. hams (NW). Distance-2'6.
Castle (MSU). Time-r-2:14.9.
60-YD. DASH-i. Bill Smith (Wis); SHOT P'UT-1. Don Hendrickson
2. Lewis (MSU); 3. Watkins (MSU); (Wis); 2. Steffenhagen (Minn); 3.
4. Blankeim (Ill); 5. Adams (Pur). Ezerins (Wis); 4. Seifert (Ind); 5,
Time-:06.2. Weldy (OSU). Distance--53'9%1".
HIGH JUMP-1. Cornelius Miller 440-YD. RUN-1. Dave Mills (Pur)
(Ind); 2. AMMERMAN (M); 3. Tie- 2. Higginbottom (Wis); 3. Golemn
WILLIAMS (M) and Dickson (NW); 4. Kerr (Ia); 5. Hofer (NW).
(Minn); 5. Tie - White (OSU), Time-:47.8. (Betters Field House
Skadeland (Minn) and Enos (Pur). record of :48.2 by Kevan Gosper,
Distance-6'7". MSU, in 1955.)
600-YD. RUN-1. Bill Frazier (Ia); ONE-MILE RUN-I. ERGAS LEPS
2. Clinton (Ind); 3. Paige (OSU); 4. (M); 2. Loker.(Wis); 3. Humberger
Fischer (Minn); 5. HUNTER (M). (MSU); 4. Meyers (Minn); 5. HAYES
Time-1 :12.2. (M).. Time--4:15.0.
(MSU); 2. Blanheim (111); 3. Pitts (M); 2. Tie OVERTON.(M), Alcorn
(Wis); 4. BURNLEY (M); 4. Hol- (MSU), D. Morrow (Minn) and C.
lingsworth (Ia). Time-:31.2. Morrow (Minn). Height-14'4".
880-YD. RUN - 1. ERGAS LEPS ONE MILE RELAY-1. Wisconsin
(M); 2. Gill (Wis); 3. Reiten (Wis); (Roger Shick, Tom Creagon, Terry
4. NEAHUSAN (M); 5. Horning Pitts, Elzie Higgenbottom); 2. Iowa;
(MSU). Time-1:56.2. (Betters Big 3. Illinois; 4. Indiana; 5. tie-MICH-
Ten record of 1:52.7, by Stacey Sid- IGAN and Michigan State. Time-
ers, Illinois, in 1953.) 3:18.1.

ever and nearly taking secon
away from the favored Gill.
Surprise Race
The 1,000-yd. run proved to b
a surprise for both the Wolverine
and Badgers as Aquino put on i
burst of speed to catch defendin
champ Gary, Fischer of Iowa in the
last hundred feet and Badger Tor
Creagan beat Miller by only
step for third.
Little Elzie Higginbottom quick
ly became the center of attrac
tion in the meet, as the finals o
the 440 came finding him the on]
threat to American record holde
Dave Mills. Higginbottom gave tl
Purdue champion. a really goo
race, but failed to hold his slir
lead in the stretch.
Higginbottom did not go hor
without a first place honor, how
ever, or at least a share of one, a
he came back later to anchor tl
Badger mile-relay team to victor
in the good time of 3:18.1.
Wolverine Performers
The Wolverines had some goc
performances as well but ni
enough of them. Leps broke tU
Big Ten mark for the 880 by
tenth of a second and Al Ammex
man also turned in some good hig
jumping before bowing to winnc
Cornelius Miller of Indiana, aftE
all others had dropped the ba
three times.
Ammerman jumped 6'5", his be
since the intra-squad meet befox
Christmas. Favored Steve Willian
of Michigan settled for * thir
place tie with Minnesota's Judg
Dickson. Steve Overton tied fi
second in the pole vault.
Finishing behind the Badgei
and the Wolverines were Michiga
State with 28 points on tU
strength of Sherm Lewis' doub
win in the 300-yd. dash and th
broad jump, and his second i
the 60. Iowa Was fourth with 2

100-YD. BUTTERFLY-1, Troy
(Ind). 2, Schulhof (Ind). 3, Wolfe
(OSU). 4. Longstreth (M). 5, Shaar,
(MSU). 6, Bergman (Minn). 7. Cart-
wright (OSU). 8, Mannard (M). 9,
Canepa (M). 10, Brunell (Id). 11,
Strong (MSU). 12, Moore (M). Time
(Big Ten record and ties NCAA
record. Old marks, NCAA, Gilland-
ers, Michigan, 1961. Big Ten, Troy
and Schulhof in trials; previous
mark, :53.0, Gillanders.)
100-YD. FREESTYLE-1, Jackman
(Minn). 2, Mattson (MSU). 3, M.
Wood (MSU). 4, Kerr (M). 5. Streit-
zer (Ill). 6, Plain (OSU). 7, Verth
(Ind). 8, Mull (OSU). 9, White
(MSU). 10, Foster (OSU). 11, Floden
(M). 12, Birmingham (Wis). Time-
:47.4. (Big Ten record. Old mark
:48.3, Jackman, 1961).
Jastremski (Ind). 2, Nelson (M). 3.
Nakasone (Ind). 4, Kovacs (OSU). 5.
Bodolay (M). 6, Driver (MSU). 7, Ba-
ker (M). 8, Tremewan (Ind). 9, Lu-
ken (Minn). 10, Colvin (Minn). 11,
Vokolek (Ia). 12, Kolbe (MSU). Time
--1:01.7. (Jastremski set NCAA and
Big Ten record of 1:00.6 in trials.
Old marks, NCAA, 1:01.8, Nelson,
1961; Big Ten, same.)
1C0-YD. BACKSTROKE-1, Schae-
fer (OSU). 2, Stock (Ind). 3. Cutler
(Ia). 4, Peterson (Minn). 5, Stickles
(Ind). 6, Wolf (M). 7, Hunter (OSU).
8, Burke (Pur). 9, Ericksen (Minn)

and Stelton (I11). 11, Reissing (M).
12, Clothier (Wis). Time-:54.2 (Big
Ten record. Old mark :54.6, McKin-
ney, Indiana, 1961).
440-YD. FREESTYLE-1, Somers
(Id). 2, Sintz (Ind). 3 Troy (Ind).
4, Thompson (Ind). 5, Darnton
(OSU). 6, Bury (M). 7, Dumont (M).
8, Uhler (M). 9, Nordstrom (OSU).
10, Blazejewski (MSU). 11, Johnson
(Minn). 12, Westman (OSU). Time-
4:20.8 (American citizens and Big
Ten record. Old marks, American
citizen's 4:21.9 held by Troy, In-
diana, 1962; Big Ten, Somers, 4:22.5,
3-METER DIVING - 1, Vogel
(Pur). 2, Botella (OSU). 3, Jaco
(M). 4, Vitucci (OSU). 5, Cox (M).
6, Craddock (Ind). 7, Fisher (OSU).
8, Dinsley (Ind). 9, Van Lowe
(MSU). 10, Glueck (OSU). 11, Lov-
stedt (Ind). 12, Robbins (Ia). Win-
ning points: 500.35.
diana (Stock, Nakasone, Schulhof,
Sintz). 2, Ohio state. 3, Michigan. 4,
Minnesota. 5, Michigan, State. 6,
Iowa. 7, Illinois. 8, Purdue. 9, Wis-
consin. 10, Northwestern. Time -
3:36.9 (Big Ten record, former mark
3:41.0 by Michigan, 1961).
Team Scores-Indiana 213%, Mich-
igan 146, Ohio State 130Y/, Michi-
gan State 96%, Minnesota 81%, Pur-
due 28, Iowa 26, Illinois 23%, Wis-
consin 20%, Northwestern 7.

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