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March 04, 1962 - Image 1

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Slowly increasing cloudiness,
warmer tomorrow.

See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXII, No. 108




Niehuss Links Funds
With Immediate Need
Describes Them as 'Powerful'
In Retaining Top Professors
Special To The Daily
KALAMAZOO -University Executive Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss sparred lightly with Sen. Carleton E. Morris (R-Kalamazoo)
yesterday on the matter of the University's pending appropriation.
"During these past five years of comparitive austerity, the most
powerful factor in keeping top professors at the University' is that
funds are available for them to use as they wish," Nieliuss asserted.
"These. funds, however, have come from private sources. We
depehd on the legislature to provide basic operating funds upon which




Tech Beats
In Playoffs






Allow Paper
To Resume
sity of Pennsylvania recently lift-
ed the ban on publication of the
Daily Pennsylvanian.
The student newspaper will
operate under university sanction
as a free agent, but it will not re-
ceive student government allotted
funds until the new editorial
board takes over Thursday.
The day the ban was lifted,
2,500 copies of the Chicago Maroon
were distributed on campus with
flyleaves announcing resumption
of Pennsylvanian publication "with
complete editorial freedom and
Tell Story
The Maroon carried a report of
the situation previous to the lift-
ing of the ban,. and an editorial
supporting the Pennsylvanian edi-
torial board.
Dean of Men Robert F. Longley
lifted the suspension upon recom-
mendation of Men's Student Gov-
ernment, but the government cate-
gorically refused to restore funds
until the new editorial board takes
The government had recom-
mended last week after a secret
unconstitutional meeting that the
paper be banned, and Longley took
immediate action.
Editor Punished'
The university's committee on
discipline then placed the editor-
in-chief, Melvin Goldstein, on
"conduct probation" for the rest;
of the semester.
Reasons the committee gave for
the probation were the publication
of a parody of the Pennsylvania
News, women's activities weekly,
and "irresponsible" statements to
the press that were "not in the
best interests" of the university.
Goldstein commented that the
interests of the university would
be served best by "restoring free-
dom of expression to the Pennsyl-
vania campus."
Since September, Longley had
come under consistent editorial
attack for what the Pennsylvanian
termed his high-handed tactics in
his attempts to interfere with stu-
dent activities.
The day before the publication
ban was lifted, Men's Government
defeated a proposal to restore
funds to the paper.

-Owe can build our framework. From
there we appeal for outside help."
Defends System
Morris defended the Michigan
system of higher education, how-
ever, challenging Niehuss to "name
another state where there exists a
better group of state supported
colleges and UniVersities."
"I would say there is none,"
Niehuss retorted. "There is no
question but that other states
spend more money per student, but
they don't get the results.,
"However, it is so much easier
and so much cheaper to preserve
' a fine system of education while
you still have it, than to try to
retrieve it once its gone.",
Cites Proposals
Morris cited his, own proposals
for $26,000,000 a year in capital
expansion funds for'higher educa-
Ltion financed by increased nui-
sance taxes, which is now pending
before the state senate, and said,
"high quality will never be lost; I
promise you that."
Speaking before a Saturday sym-
posium here, Niehuss and Vice-
President for Business and Finance,
Wilbur K. Pierpont did not blame
the legislature for any faculty
difficulties the University has.
Views Problems
"Unsolicited advertising of Mich-
igan's financial difficulties hasn't
helped matters," Niehuss ex-
plained. "It hasn't encouraged
either our own faculty or our out-
siders, because they know the aver-
age faculty salary at the University
is declining"
He added that the University's
losses in "senior positions" have
run three to four times what they
were in the period 1947-57.
"Over all, however, the faculty
recognizes it is a good place to be,"
he concluded. "But for our morale
we need an upward turn and this
will require an increase in operat-;
ing funds."
Defense Chief'
To Talky Here
United States Secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara will be"
the principal speaker at The Uni-
versity of Michigan's 118th Com-
mencement June 16.
McNamara, a native of Califor-
nia, has been U.S. defense secre-
tary since early 1961. Prior to his'
appointment he was president of'
Ford' Motor Company and a resi-
dent of Ann Arbor.
Before joining Ford in 1946, Mc-
Namara had served as a special
consultant to the War Department.'

Three Units
In Big Ten
Icers Lose Title Hop
As Tech Gets Victo
In WCHA Playoffs
Sports Editor

. . . WSU tuition

Cites Status
Of Proposal
From WSU
Leonard Woodcock, chairman of
the Wayne State University Board
of Governors, said yesterday that
the Legislature is "interested but
not committed" to WSU's tuition-
appropriation proposal.
According, to the plan, WSU
would raise its in-state tuition to
provide one dollar of revenue for
every four-dollar increase in its
appropriation from the Legisla-
ture. Only three per cent of
Wayne's students are from out-
side Michigan.
Woodcock said that the WSU
plan would not put Michigan's
other universities under any ob-
ligation to make similar offers.
He added that the move is being
made more out 'of desperation than
for its possible appeal to the
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-
Traverse City), chairman of the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, has also said that the other
universities should not have to
follow WSU's example, but chat
they should be consulted before
any action is taken.
Council To Meet
The relation between appropria-
tions and tuition will be discussed
at Thursday's meeting of the
Michigan Coordinating Council
for Higher Education, Woodcock
Representatives from the Legis-
lature will be present, he added.
The Council, formed this year, has
representatives from each of the
ten state colleges and universities.
If Wayne does not get the re-
quested raise in appropriations,
there will probably be a partial in-
crease in tuition, with a possible
cutback in enrollment for next
year in order to maintain quality,
Woodcock explained. He said that
an increase in faculty salaries is
among the most pressing needs at

Third-Period Scores
Undo Icers' Margin
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan Tech piled up a flock
of firsts last night and beat Mich-
igan in the process, 6-4, to take
the Western Collegiate Hockey
Association championship back to
Four goals in the final period
did it, after the Wolverines had
taken a 3-2 lead on Red Beren-
son's record tying 40th goal at
8:05 of the second.
The victory, Michigan Tech's
first over Michigan in Ann Arbor
since Jan. 19, 1959, gave the
Huskies their first WCHA title
and marked the first time that a
Tech team has ever brought the
James MacNaughton Trophy back
to the city of its origin.
Most Explosive
MacNaughton, an Upper Penin-
sula copper tycoon, donated the
solid silver prize worth better than
$5,000 with the idea of creating
the most expensive hockey trophy
in existence. He succeeded!
Last night the Huskies succeed-
ed to cap the greatest WCHA sea-
son in Michigan Tech history.
But even over the delerious din
in the Tech dressing room the
NCAA Tournament set for March
15, 16, 17 at Utica, N. Y. cast
its ominous shadow.
For in all probability the two
teams will tangle again in the
finals there.
If that game even comes close'
to matching the fierce play of
last night .gy
See.ICERS, Page 7
Thinclads Bow
To Wisconsin
In Track Meet
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING - Wisconsin
hit East Lansing like a cyclone
yesterday afternoon, walking off
with the honors in the one-mile
relay and its first Big Ten indoor
track title since 1949, compiling
61 points to the second place Wol-
verines' 46%.
Displaying remarkable strength
in the sprints and the hurdle
events, the Badgers placed 12 of
their 15 qualifiers. Two Badgers
also placed in the shot and one
in the mile in which there were
no preliminaries.
For Michigan, Captain Ergas
Leps repeated as a double winner
in the 880-yd. run and the mile,
while Charlie Aquino whipped
favorite Gary Fischer of Iowa in
the 1,000-yd. run.
Sad and Sweet
Rod Denhart experienced hap-
piness and disappointment in the
pole vault. After sewing up the
event at 14'4", he tried 14'8" which
would have given him the Big Ten
record. His first and third tries
weren't close, but on the second
leap, he nearly cleared the tot-
tering bar. "I wanted that so bad
I could taste it," Denhart lament-
Larry Howard, who whipped
Bennie McRae twice in their dual
Refugee Flow
To India Halts
DARJEELING, India ()-Ref-
ugees have stopped fleeing from!
Communist Tibet into India, the
head of the Himalayan principal-
ity of Sikkim said yesterday.
Maharajkumar Palden Thonup

Namgyal, heir apparent to the
Sikkimese throne, said that one

-Daily-Ed Langs
SCRAMBLE-Michigan's Larry Babcock (7) and Tom Pendlebury (16) dig for the puck in last,
night's 6-4 loss to Michigan Tech. Elov Seger (5) and Scott Watson (12) move up to help out their
unidentified teammate between Babcock and Pendlebury. The Wolverines scrambled all night, but
couldn't match Tech's depth as the Huskies took home their first WCHA title.
Stresses Area Relationship's

There are many areas of rela-
tionship between universities and
society that need improvement,
Leonard Woodcock, vice-president
of the United Auto Workers and
president of the Board of Gover-.
nors of Wayne State University,
explained at a Challenge program
Along with Representative Gil-
bert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor),
and Prof. Richard Cutler of the
psychology department Woodcock
viewed these areas.
He declared that the largest
question facing American society
is how to get cohesion.
- Cites Role
"The universities have the
unique role of developing an un-
derstanding of our society and
helping to 'integrate this under-
standing into society," he said.
Asserting that society today has
no idea of the impact of its new

technology both now and in the
future, he cited President John F.
Kennedy's claim that America will
need 25,000 new jobs every week
to keep up with job displacement.
"Secretary of Labor Arthur
Goldberg says the figure is 35,000,
and this shows there is no definite
knowledge of technology's efforts,"
Woodcock said.
"The universities, as creators
of the problem, have the ability to
stimulate the social progress nec-
essary to accept the oncoming
Long-Range Plans
Following Woodcock, Bursley
spoke on the necessity of long
range planning, commenting, "The
big question is whether in 1970
we will be able to provide higher
education for all qualified people
who want it."
He predicted that the present
decade will see an increase in the
number of community colleges and

will see the creation of 'one
two more four-year colleges.f


Criticizes Plan
He criticised the present capital
outlay program because of "a
tendency to conduct it on a year
by year basis. It is imperative
that we try to develop a long
range constructive capital outlay
program. We also need fiscal re-
form in order to provide a more
flexible tax base."
Prof. Cutler explained that he1
wanted to examine some general
considerations of society.
"It is trite to say that we live
in a society under stress. There are
many sources of this stress: the
bomb, Russia and China, Castro
and the emerging nations, the
conplexity of our mass technolog-
ical society, the incomprehensi-
bility of experience as character-
ized by questions like 'how big
is space', and competition and
Cites 'Paralysis'
Characterizing American re-
sponse to this as a position of
"urgent paralysis," he termed it
as "a clustering under a protective.
umbrella that is a combination of
fallout shelters, mother, heaven
and prosperity. And umbrella tip-
ping has become a dangerous
He said the university tradition
includes the pursuit of truth, com-.
passion forsindividuals and dif-
ferent points of view, and an ob-
jective rationality and maturity
of judgement. This tradition often
leads to proposals for change
which are viewed by society as a
threat to its security.

It was a day of almost but noi
quite enough yesterday for Michi-
gan teams as the Wolverines
copped four second-places anc
only one championship.
Coach Newt Loken's gymnasts
provided the Wolverine victory at
Columbus, their second straight,
with 163_,points to runnerup Mich-
igan State's 106'/. ;Team depth
paid off as sophomore Arno Las-
cari captured the only individua
Michigan crown on the paralle
Michigan lost two close ones it
track and wrestling. Wisconsir
upset the defending champion
Wolverines, 61-461/2, but Captain
Ergas Leps was a double winnex
in the mile and 880-yd run. Rod
Denhart in the pole vault and
Charles Aquino in the 1,000-yd
run provided other Michigan firsts
The wrestlers lost out to Iowi
by a 51-46 count. Captain Dot
Corriere at 167 .lbs and Fritz
Kellermann at 137 lbs won in-
dividual crowns. It was Corriere's
second championship and Keller-
mann's third.
At Bloomington, Indiana proved
to be a poor host, rolling up 2134
points en route to their second
Big Ten consecutive swimming
title. A determined Michigan team
won no individual crowns but
totalled 146 points to edge ou'
Ohio State for second place.
The hockey squad lost to Michi-
gan Tech at the Coliseum in the
Western Collegiate Hockey Asso-
ciation playoff finals, 6-4, to also
finish second.
In basketball, the Wolverines
easily downed Northwestern 82-
71 at Yost Field House.
Gymnasts Win
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS - The Michigan
gymnastics team coasted to it
second consecutive conference
crown yesterday, amassing a to-
tal of 163 points to outdistance
second place Michigan State by
56% points.
Illinois, which had won the
gymnastics championship 13 year
in a row prior to last year, wa
third with 100 points. No other
team came even close to the three
leaders; Iowa was fourth with only
35 points.
The meet's highlight was at
amazing 99 point award to
Michigan State sophomore Dale
See GYMNASTS, Page 6


Rry 1 ~ip apa, 8216


NCSAConference Discusses
Academic Freedom Issues
Special To The Daily
FLINT--A wide range of academic freedom problems, ranging
from "in loco parentis" to limitations on guest speakers, were discussed
yesterday and Friday night at an academic freedom conference at Flint
Community Junior College.
Sponsored by the United States National Student Association, the
conference held a series of workshops dealing with faculty freedom of
expression, the student press, and student groups.
Procedural safeguards are the best guarantees of student freedom,
Rolland O'Hare of the American Civil Liberties Union said at the
conference. "Students should par-
ticipate in forming regulations in HAT T rR AfPDDRI
more than an advisory capacity." i jit

,, r:
c' S
i i, , .

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a series of eight bio-
graphical profiles of University
presidents. Henry Philip Tappan,
an American living in Prussia,
was the first president, taking
office in 1852. Prior to that time
the University had operated in
Ann Arbor without a chief exec-
HE YEAR 1851 found the
University community rather
The constitutional conven-
tion of 1850 had provided for
the election of the Regents, and
the last appointed Board was'in
the final stages of its term.
However, the retiring Regents,
all -Democrats, at the prospect
of being replaced by the newly-
elected Republicans, decided to
go out in a blaze of glory.
So they promptly fired Pro-
fessors D. D. Whedon, who
taught logic, and John H.
Agnew, who taught Greek and
Latin, for writing and speaking
against slavery. And thus the
work load fell on the generally
acknowledged leader of the
University, Prof. Andrew Ten
B r k.

had enough. The Board quickly
agreed that the University
needed a full-time president-
an outstanding man who'd meet
the problems head on.
They settled on an eminent
historian, Prof. George Ban-
croft, but he declined, suggest-

theories. He was greeted, how-
ever, by the united opposition of
the medical faculty, who, al-
lopaths all, had heard that the
new president had once con-
sulted a homeopath.
President Tappan went all
out to be cordial, but suc-
ceeded only in being barely
approachable. His academic
manner just didn't blend with
the rustic manner of Michigan
A University biographer, Kent
Sagandorph, described Presi-
dent Tappan as "a great man in
an era liberally endowed with
brilliance. He looked like a
bronze statue somehow given
the breath of life. He was about
George Washington's size and
general build," six feet thrc 3 or
four, head held erect, a vocabu-
lary of the most terrifying com-
plexity, and a personality so
austere that he seemed like an
"Tappan emerged each morn-
ing on his back porch as erect
ind stiff as a Prussian general,
marched through a grove of
apple trees to the campus, and


He warned that these rights
must be protected against an arbi-
trary student government as well
as an arbitrary administration.
Participants at the conference
agreed that the procedures of reg-
istration of student organizations
should not be used to censor stu-
dent groups.
The problem of in loco parentis
applies to all colleges and univer-.
sities, Neal Johnston, head of
NSA's Academic Freedom project,
"Education must occur in a con-
text of freedom. Corners of en-
croachment cannot be ignored," he
Professors should not be limited
to one viewpoint, nor should they
be forced to present all viewpoints,
O'Hare noted.

Education Needed for Peace

Special To The Daily
KALAMAZOO - "More and
more education is necessary than
ever before to keep our nation in
the forefront for peace, if that is
possible, and for our protection, if
it isnnot," University President
Harlan Hatcher told a luncheon
audience here yesterday.
"The University must always be
reaching up to new and higher
levels, in order to move forward
through the sixties in the same
grand manner that has character-
ized our campus until now."
Addressing a gathering of Uni-
versity friends and alumni at a

it can build cathedrals to the
gates of heaven; or it can turn the
armed power of a whole nation to-
ward the brutal subjugation of the
entire world.
"On the other hand,- they can
turn their energy toward a peace-
ful civilization where men can live
with ever increasing progress."
Education Key
President Hatcher said that
America alone, since the time of
the Pilgrims, has had that, peace-
ful objective. "Education is the
keystone to that objective," he

"From a meeting of emin(
scientists right in our own F
gents Room, we progressed to t
heart warming achievement t
happened at Cape Canaveral j
twelve days ago.
"By this success we have de
onstrated to our young people 1
we are moving forward. It is"
one example of the challenge ti
lies before them.
"And if you will apply this to
the new and diverse facets of c
civilization, and then' apply tl
to the many young people wh

'0 :


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