THE MICHIGAN DAILY 91 -.---.-~~.-~ ~15157&R.A J "43 ron Cites Basic AAUW Philosophy RA JOHNSON quarters in Washington prepares sent a statement showing the col- stuedy, then uact" and publishes study guides. lected data and conclusions drawn. the edAm ch in Action Begins The AAUW and also the League ther A mercan Ass- Once the study is completed and of Women Voters are the two iversity Women that the membership is familiar with women's organizations which have h almost an under- the problem, action begins. On the most successfully influenced legis- Mhy ofthe organize- local level, if the unit has been ex- lation, the international president Meribeth Cameron, amining education, for instance, said. n of Mount Holyoke the action may take the form of In other nations action may take recently ' efforts to bring about improve- different form. The Pakistani It of the Internation- ments on the local school system. branch of the IFUW some years t of University Wo-. "On the national level the AAUW ago established a women's col- ,meron leads and as- becomes, bluntly speaking, a pres- lege to fill a gap in the nation's n 51 lands, including sure group," Prof. Cameron said. educational system. bates, who are seek- If the organization has studied A program of aid for Univer- is slogan into prac- some issue which relates to Con- sity women who were forced by po- i in Ann Arbor last gressional legislation and feels the litical upheavals to become refu- 1k to a Mount Holy- results of its study may aid in gees was initiated after World roup. formulating programs, a represen- War II. Presently the organization oal of the IFUW is to tative appears as witness before a is attempting to help refugees in xr university women Congressional committee to pre- Fong Kong. race, religion, and, on, to work toward .e opportunities forA ceive higher educa- s' h ist S tr sG e R .ake use of their edu- / hey have acquired it. Indi ie Cultivation z xEua s otan e se a woman has re- free, there is no rea- By ELLEN SILVERMAN to stop using her Bohheeprmnaadci- vidtual can be treated as such. For taeron pointed out Both the experimental and in example, the term parenoid is too ted Strates, for ex- ical psychologists must examine general and clarification for each tedace Statesilit forheex-e 14,000 women mem- instances of variability in their re- patient is needed. d from universities search and not 'try to "average Central Classification y together in each themout" in statistics, Murray V's 15,000 branches Sidman of the Massachusetts Gen- The clinician, and consequently selected study topic. eral Hospital said yesterday at a the experimenter who also works hi 1+if, +in .. psychology colloqnium .nonne. in the laboratory, requires a cen- HIGHER EDUCATION: WUS Assists Students In Worldwide Program By MARJORIE BRAHMS In many parts of the world the struggle to get a college education is hampered by inadequate food and housing, lack of books, poor health conditions, the interference of government with education, and the poverty of governments, uni- versities and individuals. To combat these conditions, an international organization called World University Service has "en- gaged in a world-wide mutual aid program directed at helping stu- dents to help themselves, giving a hand to the leaders of tomorrow." WUS was founded in 1919 to help build up the European univer- sities destroyed during World War II. "Today the major goal of WUS is to build up higher education facilities throughout the world, primarily in the underdeveloped area of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In this way the people will be better able to educate them- selves and will not be forever de- pendent on the United States and Russia," Irving Stolberg, WUS Central Area Regional Executive said. set up a cooperative print shop for printing textbooks. In carrying out these projects WUS is a non-partisan, non-poli- tical organization. "We require for our work that the education sys- tem of a country be uncontrolled by the political system," Stolberg commented. "A WUS project must be sup- ported by both students and ad- ministration. In Latin America, a deep heritage of conflict between the two has blocked our work," Stolberg said. "Self-help and cooperative en- terprise" is an underlying aim of WUS. Through aiding the estab- lishment of student centers, hos- tels, cafeterias, loan funds and stores, WUS hopes to alleviate the expense of an education. Through joint student-faculty projects such as building dormitories, WUS im- plements its aim of self-help. Bucket Drives On this campus in the past WUS has held bucket drives and an auc- tion to raise funds for its pro- jects. This year the auction and bucket drive will be March 12-15. The goal of the drive is $2,500. Fifty per cent of the funds was earmarked by WUS and Student GovernmentCouncil for the Al- gerian refugee students. WUS is nationally and locally sponsored by United States Na- tional Student Association, the National Student Councils of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations, the Na- tional Student Christian Federa- tion, B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- tions and the National Newman Club Federation. Voice Drops Party Slate For Election By RONALD WILTON The members of Voice Political Party at their Thursday meeting decided to endorse individual can- didates rather than run a party slate of candidates in the coming Student Government Council elec- tion. Robert Ross, '63, a member of the party's executive committee, explained that this endorsement would not differ in form from that practiced, for example, by the Young Democrats or East Quad- rangle. "It would involve the party's making a public statement an- nouncing the candidates it en- dorses, running the candidates' names in the 'Voice Newsletter' and giving the candidates the op- tion of putting 'endorsed by Voice Political Party' on their posters." Explains Decision In explaining the decision, Ken- neth McEldowney, Grad, noted that 'since the fall of 1960 Voice has run candidates for SOC. However, in insuring that Voice candidates gain council seats, a more important function has been neglected. Voice as an educational group has ceased to exist," he not- S.G*C. TONIGHT and SUNDAY at 7 and 9 Fritz Lang'sM Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann Short: A Time for Bach (Bach Aria Group) ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents - MURRAY SIDMAN . clinical experiments tral classification which will in- clude the various forms of control. Psychological disturbances are caused by a faultily-controlled set of variables in behavior. "It is necessary to specify what the con- trol problem is in each case in order to be meaningful when speaking of a patient," Sidman said. He also noted that not only are the clinician and experimentalist related in subject matter but that they must ask the same type of questions. "It is wrong for them to ask difficult questions since they are both dealing with behavior," he explained. Performing Experiments The experimentalist supplies the techniques which the clinician uses. A large number of people are not needed in experiments because if the controls are noted, a general trend may be observed, Sidman added. The experimentalist should ob- tain data from individuals and ap- ply it to them, he said. The clini- cian and experimentalist should use techniques with species gener- ality, but each case must be given consideration and not be discard- ed or lost in statistics. Sidman noted that in two ex- perimental situations, one dealing with children and the other with hospital patients, each person was observed and their behavior and responses were tabulated. JGP Changes Play Tradition The presentation of the Junior Girls' Play this spring semester will mark the end of the produc- tion of a traditional musical come- dy by junior women. Hope Marder, '63, general chair- man- of the 1962 JGP announced last week that in future the writ- ing, acting, direction and produc- tion of the play will be extended to include junior men. The activ- ity will be called "Junior Class Project." or 7 Aal, /" Y. no-Mr- - Playmates >&