Your Michigan Teams Near Conference By MIKE BURNS Sports Editor, Sparked by Red Berenson's hat trick in the first period, the Mich- igan hockey team smashed Denver 8-4 last night to move into the WCHA playoff finals against Michigan Tech. It was learned last night that Michigan and Michigan Tech will 'represent the WCHA in the NCAA finals March 15-17, although the official announcement is still forthcoming. The two teams clash at 8 p.m. today, while Denver and Michigan State meet in the consola- tions at 2 p.m. at the Coliseum. Michigan scoring came in bunches last'night, as the Wolverines scored four times in five minutes in the first period, twice within six minutes in the second, and twice more within six seconds in the third period. After center Maurice Oftebro gave Denver a 1-0 lead at 7:56 of the first. period, Berenson and Michigan took over and broke the Pioneers' backs with four goals in five minutes. Berenson tallied the first of his three goals less than a minute after Oftebro's score, when Wayne Kartusch passed to the redhead in front of the Denver net at 8:48. See ICERS, Page 6 Going into the final day of competition, Michigan athletes ap- peared to be faring well in the Big Ten championships with a chancesfor a possible three titles and a second in the fourth meet. The gymnasts appeared to be on their way to a second con- secutive crown at Columbus, plac- ing 20 men in the finals com- pared to 15 for Michigan State and 12 for Illinois, the pre-meet favorite. Illinois' Ray Hadley copped the all-round title, but Michigan placed Arno Lascari and Gil Larose second and third. At East Lansing, Wisconsin led the field by placing 15 men in the semi-finals, while Michigan had 10. But the meet could go to either school. MSU took first place with a first place by Sherm Lewis in the broad jump, the only event completed. Michigan wrestlers were also in a tight duel for the title with Iowa. Competing at Minneapolis, the Hawkeyes send four men into the championship finals today, one more than the Wolverines. Each team also has one man in the con- solation finals. Michigan and Iowa wrestlers both had 13 points at the end of yesterday's competition but the Hawkeyes have a possible maxi- mum of 57 points while Michi- gan's best could be 47. Captain Don Corriere, two-time champion Fritz Kellermann; nd Jack Barden gained champion- ship berths, while Carl Rhodes was in the consolations. At Bloomington, defending itles champion Indiana had things all sewn up but Michigan was fight- ing Ohio State and Michigan State for runner-up honors. The Hoos- iers had 120/, Michigan 76%z, OSU 682 and MSU 61%/. Last year, the Wolverines grab- bed laurels in indoor track and gymnastics, while placing second in swimming and wrestling. In Ann Arbor, the hockey team could give Michigan a further bonus by defeating Michigan Tech for the WCHA crown. Two defending team champions will be dethroned, MSU in wrest- ling and Denver in hockey. An- other titlist, Michigan, appears shaky in track while Indiana in swimming and Michigan in gym- nastics look like sure repeaters. -Daily-Ed Langs THEY STOPPED HIM THIS TIME, BUT-Michigan's Red Berenson didn't get this goal, but he scored his ninth hat trick of the season last night by three times in a span of four minutes, 51 seconds ,I OSA STUDY AND RESIDENCE HALLS See Page 4 Sirn A& alt FAIR Nigh--3 Low-10 Cool in the morning. Warmer temperatures tonight. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES U.S. P S TO RESU E T OSPHERIC TESTS NSC Report Shows Soviet Nuclear Gains Kennedy Urges Test Ban Meeting For Discussion with Khrushchev WASHINGTON WP)-Warning against "aggressive designs" by the Soviets should they win atomic superiority, President John F. Kennedy announced last night a resumption of United States nuclear tests in the atmosphere by late April unless Russia agrees by then to a foolproof test ban. Kennedy offered at the same time to meet Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev at Geneva to sign a test ban treaty if the Reds will go ahead with this "monumental step toward peace" in the first month of. the East-West Disarmament Conference starting there March 14. The British government voiced its "entire agreement" tin a communique saying renewed C Singer Cites By FRED RUSSELL KRAMER "The resumption of nuclear testing is a victory for the advo- cates of a first-strike doctrine," Prof. J. David Singer of the Men- tal Health'Research Institute said last night. Although recognizing the tech- nical gains that testing would make possible, he said these would be of no importance if the nation were to follow a policy of main- taining an invulnerable defense in conjunction with a pure sec- ond-strike (retaliatory) capabil- ity. Prof. Singer viewed President John F. Kennedy's decision as the inevitable result of external and internal pressures. Sign of Weakness "The fear that the Soviets would interpret a decision not to resume testing as a sign of weakness and the problem of setting a prece- dent of letting the Russians 'get away with it'," are examples of this external pressure, he said. He characterized the internal pressure as coming from a "nu- clear lobby" that is "hot for any- thing that will keep their little empire going." Referring to the President's of- fer not to test if the Russians will negotiate an enforceable arms ban, Prof. Singer said this is mere- ly an effort to win a propaganda round by utilizing the standard diplomatic ploy of giving a diffi- cult initiative to the opposition. In effect, "this hot potato has been tossed into Khrushchev's cal- loused hands." Offers Ultimatum The President's offer is an ul- timatum, he said, which violates the President's own statement that negotiation cannot be carried out under pressure and duress. "'The decision to resume testing is very disappointing," he added, "especially if our long range ob- ective is to get out of the arms race." Prof. Singer noted that "just as the Soviet decision to break the test moratorium strengthened the no-peace factions in our country, our decision to follow suit will strengthen the no-peace factions in Russia." testing, in the absence of a pact with the Russians, is "necessary to insure the preservation of free- dom in the world.". Warning with Promise Speaking earnestly from a pre- pared text, the President mixed a warning of Soviet designs with promises to hold dangerous radio- active fallout from the tests to a minimum. And he stressed his treaty offer, saying "it is our hope and prayer that these, grim, unwelcome tests will never have to be made." Kennedy said that results of exhaustive studies by United States agencies, reviewed at a final National Security Council, meeting last Tuesday, showed the; Soviet tests last fall could be a springboard for swinging the a-, tomic balance in the Communists' favor. 'In, All Candor' 1 "I must report to you in all candor," 'he said, "that furtherr Soviet series, in the absence of1 further western progress, could well provide the Soviet Union with a nuclear attack and defense cap- ability so powerful as to encourage1 aggressive designs." He said United States unwilling- ness to resume tests would be seen by the Reds. as a sign of weakness and fear, while testing could ac- tually strengthen peace prospects1 by sei'ving notice on the Com- munists that "the West will not longer stand still" while Russia tests. Kennedy pinned directly ons Khrushchev the responsibility for bringing about United States test resumption and the choice of halt- ing the nuclear arms race. Blames Russia "It is the leaders of the Soviet Union," he said, "who must bear the heavy responsibility of choos- ing, in the weeks that lie ahead, whether we proceed with these (disarmament) steps-or proceed with new tests." "Our foremost aim is the con- trol of force, not the pursuit of . force, in a world made safe for mankind." The President concluded that, without the safeguard to Ameci- can security of a nuclear test ban treaty with "detection and verifi- cation" controls to make it fuJy effective against any violations, the United States has no choice Plan Met By Varied Reactions By The Associated Press LONDON-The British govern- ment today gave full support to the United States decision to re- sume atmospheric nuclear tests. But Japan, long opposed to such tests, urged President John F. Kennedy to reconsider the fact Russia broke the atomic test mor- atorium 'last fall. Newspapers throughout Western Europe saw the decision as an in- evitable countermove in the Cold War. Moscow, as expected, denounc- ed the decision and charged the United States with attempting to deadlock the 18-nation disarma- ment conference opening in Gene- va March 14. Meanwhile, Congress put its full weight last night behind President Kennedy's reluctant decision to resume aerial nuclear tests. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said that in a White House meeting with the President prior to Kennedy's tele- vision-radio address, Republican leaders joined with Democrats in supporting the President's posi- tion. "The President has walked the last mile and a little beyond in an attempt to come to some solid agreement based on inspection and regulation of' nuclear testing and disarmament," Mansfield said. "In spite of the rebuffs from the Russians, he has shown great patience. The attitude of the So- viet Union leaves no choice but to do what he has done. If the Soviet Union is still interested, there is+ still time to come to a foolproof and lasting agreement." Red Chinese Pilot Defects to Taipei TAIPEI (P)-A Chinese Com- munist Air Force Lieutenant land- ed his MIG- 15 plane today at a Chinese Nationalist field near " Taipei. The government radio said the pilot, 2nd Lt. Liu Cheng Shin, an apparent defector, gave him- self 'up. * * * * * * * Ford Foundation Picks Hatcher To Head South.. Americarn 4 'SYMBOL OF PROGRESS': c U' President A naly zes Spae Flight Meaning, University President Harlan Hatcher speaking at the annual meeting of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army described the orbital flight of Col. John Glenn last week as being a "dramatic symbol of man's progress on earth." President Hatcher spoke to over 500 Army workers and guests attending the annual meeting in the Masonic Temple. "We've had a constant advance in the world of space, and knowledge of how tto deal with it," he said. But, he Navy Men End Confinement Inside Shelter WASHINGTON (R)-- One hun- dred Navy volunteers came up today after two weeks of isolation in an underground fallout shelter. The men were not told how long they would be in the shelter, but the Navy said most of them guessed it would be two weeks. They went underground Feb. 17. A half-hour before the men are due to emerge, Rear Adm. Peter Corradi is to enter the shelter to offer congratulations and, thank them for volunteering. Then, at 11 a.m. EST, the test will end. Cor- radi is chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, which built the shelter. After leaving the shelter, 75 of the men are to be debriefed at the Naval Medical Research In- stitute in Bethesda, Md. The other 25 will undergo special medical tests. In its final report on the situa- tion in the shelter, the Navy said Thursday that morale was at a "high peak." * * declared, the United States must not forget its obligations to the peoples on earth. President Hatcher said that the United States must remember its own foundations of freedom to avoid a danger that it will become known as a supporter of the op- pressors of freedom in the newly emerging countries. "Left to our own devices this nation would pour out its treasure to help the peoples of the world." He praised education for lead- ing the fight to promote peace, understanding and the advance- ment of knowledge. "It is nothing short of amazing to see the quiet revolution of your sons and daughters," President Hatcher added. Making special mention of the University's achievements in the United States space effort, he aoted that "dozens" of technical problems surrounding Glenn's flight were worked out here. Samuel J. Lang, chairman of the Advisory Board, was honored at the meeting as the Army "Board Member of the Year." Mayor John Cavanagh of Detroit and former Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker also addressed the meeting. Governor John Swainson sent his greetings via telegram. -Daily-Kenneth Winter, HATCHER TOUR-President Harlan -Hatcher will visit Venezuela and Peru to survey the possibility of extending the Ford program of assistance. BAN MARRIAGE:; Professor Gives Plan To Improve Education WASHINGTON (P)--A University professor told Congress yes- terday how it could improve the quality of education at no cost to the government or the taxpayer. "All this Congress need do is pass a law which prohibits attractive, intelligent females between the ages of 20 and 25 from marriage and pregnancy," Prof. Ned A. Flanders of the education school said. Flanders was one of several educators appearing before "a House Education Subcommittee in support of the administration's $747 million program to improve the quality of education. But he said it was too bad his marriage ar Oand baby ban couldn't be passed. "Among our most intelligent education students," he said, "four phasis from purely secondary com- out of five females, and one out mercial activities to basic economic of two males, will not be in improvements. classrooms three years after grad- "Heretofore, the American em- uation. We lose the women to phasis was upon trade and the ex- men, and the men to industry." traction of raw materials. We are Noting that the Administra- now seeking to contribute to the tion program calls for scholar- development of the African econo- ships for "excellent teachers," mies, instead of merely contribut- Prof. Flanders said"'this is a wise ing to the exploitation of raw c e materials." choice. Returning to "slavism" and He added that "it is the excel- colonialism, Prof. Bretton said that lent teacher who suffers most before Europeans came, there was from lack of time, not the average 'some tribal warfare in Africa, with or below average. Time is needed tribes making slaves of prisoners. just to think about how to im- Tour Month Trip Covers Perl Venezuela Ford Foundation Sponsors Journey, By MICHAEL HARRAH University President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher will travel to Venezuela and Peru on a month- long tour for the Ford ;Founda-' tion beginning March 10. As head of the Ford delegation, this will be President Hatcher's second such tour for the Ford Foundation. He visited Soviet Rus- sia in this capacity in the spring of 1959. Accompanying the Hatchers will be Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute President Ernest Weber, Brookings Institute Director Field Haviland of Washington and Ford Foun- dation associate Robert S. Wick- ham. Ford Assistance The delegation is charged with exploring opportunities for possi- ble Ford Foundation assistance in both Venezuela and Peru. They will survey universities, research institutes, government agencies and private organizations con- cerned with economic and social development. The Foundation made special note that, while the delegation will make its survey bearing in mind possible assistance to President John F. Kennedy's Alliance for Progress, the study' will be in no way connected with the United States government. Recommendations will be made in relation with the Foundation's Overseas DIevelopment Program of Latin America and the Caribbean, which is currently operating in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, the West Indies Federation and various Central American nations. Visits Russia President Hatcher visited the Soviet Union in 1959 on a primar- ily educational mission. At that time he set forth his hope to ac- complish two purposes: 1) To keep alive cooperation be- tween the two nations, and 2) To investigate educational possibilities in general. The objectives of the Latin American tour will be similar. President Hatcher's definite itinerary has not yet been dis- closed. MEA To Support State Income Tax AFRICAN VISIT: Bretton Refutes 'Dark Continen By ROBERT SELWA Has Africa been a dark conti- nent? "Not really," Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the political science department says. A specialist in studies of the continent for eight years, he returned last month from his third visit to Africa. "Africa has been a dark conti- nent only in the eyes of the West. There was fundamentally nothing unique in the development of African cultures until they were affected by outsiders," he empha- went on, Prof. Bretton commented. But they hold Americans responsi- ble for having contributed to the perpetuation of colonial systems in Africa after World War I, he said. Monetary Enterprises "Some of us were involved in monetary enterprises in the Congo, Liberia, Kenya, the Union of South Africa, and Rhodesia," he noted. But "we are moving away from this," he continued. "The Kennedy administration is making concerted efforts to alter our, position so as to eliminate colonialism and the remnants of r i 1' 11