Housing recommendations in the Office of Student Affairs Study
Committee report will, If adopted, render a clear delineation of admin-
istrative authority and greater student-faculty participation in resi-
dence halls policy formulation.
This is the consensus of six people with an extensive knowledge
of University housing: Prof. Frank X. Braun of the German depart-
ment; Acting Dean of Women Elizabeth Davenport; John Hale, assist-
ant dean of men in charge of residence halls; former Inter-Quadrangle
Council President Thomas Moch, '62E; Prof. John Reed of the Law
School, who chaired the OSA committee, and Assembly Association
President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62.
Remarks about the over-all housing philosophy range from Moch's
"fine as far as it goes" to Prof. Braun's "the principles are in complete
agre'ement with my own views." Prof. Braun is a member both of the
OSA study group and the Residence Halls Board of Governors. Hale
adds that "perhaps things which have been recommended now for
several years may on the strength of the report and campus opinion
become realized in policy."
The Reed report details six suggestions for housing policy:
1) An Office of Housing, to be administered by a Director of
Housing, who would be directly responsible to the Vice-President for'
Student Affairs. "Administration of policies and general supervision of
life in the residence halls," excluding purely physical and fiscal services,
would be in the housing director's hands.
2) A Residence Halls Advisory Board, with greater student and
faculty membership as compared to the present Board of Governors,
would take over the latter group's role in seeing that "general educa-
tional purposes are being served in the halls."
Michigan House Plan
3) Educational purposes as set forth in the Michigan House Plan
must be reflected in policies and practices.
4) Residence halls staff, particularly the Director of Housing,
must exhibit intellectual maturity and academic insight.
5) A greater variety of housing arrangements must be instituted.
Possibilities include co-educational, freshman, upperclass and four-
year housing.
6) With one dissent, committee members agree no more than the
freshman year be made compulsory for both men and women to live in
residence halls.
Hale expresses the general viewpoint concerning what is probably
the most far-reaching of the proposals, to set up the Director of Hous-
ing. "It is much better to vest responsibility for administration in a
single head. This establishes a clear line of authority and will offer a
more dynamic leadership than a board could provide."
Beyond this, however, the six individuals differ as to the relation-
ships between the director and the advisory board. Prof. Reed says
that, "although the director would wield large and undiluted authority,
he would be obligated to abide by the majority decision.
"With the four faculty members responsible to the Senate Advisory
Committee, the four students responsible to IQC and Assembly and
the four administrators (Dean and Associate Dean of Students, Busi-
ness Manager and Director of Housing) responsible to the Vice-Presi-
dent, a real tri-partite balance of interests would develop."
Students, Faculty
Because two-thirds of the board would be students and faculty,
and because the director would be selected for his academic qualifica-1
tions, there is little chance the proposed director would flout the
board's wishes, Prof. Reed says.
Although the Advisory Board would be strictly advisory, in contrast
to the actual policy-determining role of the present Board of Gover-
nors, in practice there would be no drastic change in orientation of the
boards, since what they do anyway is based on the composition of their
SA Report
membership, Hale adds. "If the Director of Housing would not use the
committee, it would certainly be a step backward in student responsi-
Moch, however, views with dismay the relegation of the board to
an advisory capacity. "Maybe the Board of Governors doesn't do much,
but it is better than having one administrator make all the decisions."
Would he or the board ever approve anything the students suggested?"
Non-Business Policy
He advocates instead a system in which residence halls student
government would decide non-business policy, with a veto power laid
in the housing directorship. There would be some sort of appeal chan-
nel in case the students felt the veto unjust.
Miss Sawyer, however, thinks students would play a more definite
role under the new scheme. She points out that student initiative could
come on three levels: the residence government, the Advisory Board
and the Executive Council, on which four students would sit as part
of an advisory body to the Vice-President for Student Affairs.
If the OSA plan is approved, the Assembly president believes the
role of her organization and IQC would be to "carry out specific details
in policy. The Advisory Board would set the broad outlines, with the
See ANALYZE, Page 2
- - - - - - - - - -
See Page 4
YI e
Sir ujau
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Ia it
Moderating temperatures,
cloudy and warmer tonight
heatre Project Signs Resident Professi
Program Schedules
Broadway Players,
Hatcher Praises New 'Milestone'
In History of Cultural Productions
The University's Professional Theatre Program yesterday. signed
a three-year contract with a resident professional company that
was hailed as a "milestone in the history of cultural presentations by
the tjniversity by President Harlan Hatcher.
The signing of the Association of Producing Artists is another
step taken by the Professional Theatre l eaded by Prof. Robert
Schnitzer in a broad range program which already includes the
scheduled visit of Broadway star Dame Judith Anderson, and the
presentation of the American premiere Kof "Tie Ides of March," by
r Jerome Kilty. "This brilliant
District Plan,
special To The Daily
LANSING - Yesterday House
Republicans managed, after ela-
borate stalling, to round up sup-
port to delay consideration of
Congressional reapportionment
until next Thursday. The Senate
Tuesday passed Sen. Fr a n k
Beadle's (R-St. Clair) plan over
the opposition of the Democrats
and Sen. Carleton E. Morris (R-
Kalamazoo) who has his own plan.
The move came after House
Democrats caucused with Gov.
John B. Swainson and agreed to
oppose both the Beadle plan and
it's House counterpart, offered by
Rep. James Folks (R-Horton).
Democrats had' hoped to capi-
talize on the unexpected heart
attack of Rep. Gail Handy (R-:
Eau Claire) on the floor yesterday
morning and scuttle the Folks plan.
However the move to delay passed,
Swainson and many Detroit
Democrats are reportedly still
backing the Morris plan, which
the Senate dumped Tuesday.
Sen. Harry Litowich (R-Benton
Harbor), Who led the attack on
the Morris bill Tuesday, said he
hoped the House would drop the
Folks plan and accept the Beadle
proposal as a substitute.
This would prevent any recon-
sideration in the Senate and the
possibility of blockage by a Morris-
Democrat coalition, he said.
only bring exciting, provocative
theatre to our campus and com-
munity, but will also. serve the
state by making yearly tours,"
Hatcher said.
According to the scheduled
plans the APA will be in residence
in Ann Arbor for 20 weeks, be-
ginning next year, presenting a
total of eight productions an-
nually. These will be chosen from
the APA's repetoire of contem-
porary and classic dramas.
The Fall, Drama Festival will
take place in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre during October and early
The Winter Drama Festival will
be presented in Trueblood and will
consist of Shakespearean produc-
tions. Spakespeare was chosen for
the winter season in order to
make use of the newly constructed
Shakespearean stage in Trueblood.
Again a tour will follow as a ser-
vice by the University to the
The APA was formed two years
ago by its artistic director Ellis
Rabb. With Broadway and Lon-
don star Rosemary Harrisa - lead-
ing lady APA draws upu £Ltearly
one hundred outstanding actors,
playwrights, directors designers,
composers and technicians with
Broadway and American Shake-
speare Festival backgrounds.
A specially selected group of
graduate fellowship students will
appear with the professional com-
pany in minor roles as part of
their training for advanced de-
grees. These fellowships .will be
given to carefully selected, young
graduates of universities through-
out the nation.'
State Senate
To Consider
Loyalty Bill
Both Parties Back
Oath; Passage 'Sure'
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The State Senate
moved closer to passage of a man-
datory loyalty oath for all state
employees as Democrats and Re-
publicans alike expressed approval
of the measure.
Governor John B. Swainson has
taken no position on the bill,
passed by the House last Tuesday,
and is currently, according to his
office "studying the ramifications"
of it.
Sen. Perry W. Greene (R-Grand
Rapids), chairman of the State
Affairs Committee to which the
oath has been referred, predicted
that it would be reported out of
committee sometime next week.
Expressing his personal approval,
he said that it would eliminate
both Communists and Socialists
from receiving state money since
"after Socialism comes Commun-
Sen. Charles 0. McManiman
(D-Houghton) concurred with
Greene, noting, "I think that every
red-blooded American would be
proud and eager to sign this oath
as many times a day as he could
without being asked."
Sen. Charles S. Blondy (D-
Wayne) compared the oath to the
pledge, of allegiance in signifi-
cance. "I am definitely in favor of
a loyalty oath. Every elected of-
ficial must take the same one
that this bill requires.
Bill Would Increase
Last Year's Outla
Niehuss Calls Figure Inadequate,
Says 'U' To Reserve Any Decisions
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Sen. Philip 0. Rahoi (D-Iron Mountain) has
introduced the annual appropriations bill for higher educa-
tion, which would this year allot the University $36.7 million,
plus $1.2 million for the Institute of Science and Technology.
This would be a $1.3 million boost over last year's operat-
ing budget of $35.4 million.
University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
has said that the University would virtually be forced to seek
additional funds from other "
sources if the . Legislature
didn't approve at least a $4-5 Legislators
-Daily-Edward Arnos
REGULATION AND RESPONSIBILITY-James Arrowsmith, Haruko Tsuchiya, moderator Prof. Mar-
vin Felheim, Carlos Bolzani and Serge Lebedev discussed the role of university students here and
abroad at a seminar yesterday.
Students Discuss, Paternaltim
Students from Japan, Brazil,
Great Britain and the Soviet Un-
ion agreed yesterday that in many
ways the University is more pa-
ternalistic than most universities
in their own countries.
The four students discussed
"Student Responsibility Around
the World." The panel Was moder-
ated by Prof. Marvin Felheim of
the English department, and spon-
sored by the International Affairs
Committee of the Michigan Union.
Serge Lebedev, Grad, of the
Soviet Union said that all Russian
dormitories are state-owned, and
the students "have to comply with
the regulations established by the
administration," but they are en-
couraged to solve problems that
here are "solved" by University
Lebedev said, however, he does
not think universities should al-
low bad conduct of students to
pass unnoticed, and he regards a
certain amount of "paternalism"
as a desirable part of the educa-
tional process.
Carlos Bolzani, Grad, of Brazil,
admitted that the University's
"enormous dormitories" surprised
him. Most Brazilian students don't
live in university housing, and
those that do have almost com-
plete liberty, he added.
Bolzani said Latin American stu-
dents are "very much concerned
with what is going on in politics."
Students are an intellectual elite,
and when they see the faults of
their governments, they "feel they
have to do something whether
they like it or not."
Haruko Tsuchiya, Grad, of Ja-
pan, said Japanese students are
not politically active as' a group,
but as individual citizens.
She noted that most Asian and
European universities are in urban
areas, and are not regarded as
separate communities.
..James Arrowsmith, Grad, of
Great Britain, admitted "in a
small town like Ann Arbor, private
housing for 25,000 students would
be a problem." However, this
should not be used as an excuse
to force students to live in bad
Round Robin
Grid Policy
Turned Down
Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
took the first step yesterday to-
ward halting the progression of
the full nine-game round-robin
football schedule, freezing it at
a minimum of seven Conference
The action came in a closed
joint meeting of faculty represen-
tatives and athletic directors. No
announcement of the actual vote
was made, but Big Ten Commis-
sioner Bill Reed said it "was rela-
tively close."
The group voted to rescind a
policy adopted in 1959 calling for
million increase. He said that
the only other source he saw
would be a tuition increase.
Increase Unlikely
Rahoi said that such an in-
crease is "not likely." In order
to meet such a hike the state must
first seek "new sources of reve-
nue," he added. '
The bill essentially embodies the
governor's recommended appropri-
ation which fell some $6 million
short of the Regents request.
The bill is currently under con-
sideration by the Senate Com-
mittee on Appropriations, chaired
by Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-
Blissfield). Porter said that the
committee plans to meet with
representatives of the State Coun-
cil of College Presidents next
Thursday to discuss the higher
education budgets for the coming
fiscal year.
Figure 'Inadequate'
Niehuss said that the figure
projected in the Rahoi bill was
"utterly inadequate," but that the
University would reserve any de-
cisions until the actual amount
of the appropriation was settled.
, Recommendations for the other
state-supported schools included.
$32.4 million for Michigan State
University, $17.4 for Wayne State
University, $2.7 million for Ferris
Institute at Big Rapids, $3.7 mil-
lion for Michigan College of Min-
ing and Technology at Houghton
and Sault Ste. Marie, $3.5 million
for Central Michigan University
Also recommended were $3.7 mil-
lion for Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity at Ypsilanti, $1.8 million for
Northern Michigan College at
Marquette, $5.8 million for West-
ern Michigan University at Kala-
mazoo and $185,000 for Grand
Hear Is sues.
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The State House of
Representatives yesterday resolved
to entreat the Internal Revenue
Service to locate its proposed data-
processing center in Michigan, but
the House of Representatives Ap-
propriations Committee in Wash-
ington is dragging its feet aboul
the whole matter.
After an hour-long floor fight
the Michigan legislators struck
down an outstate proposal to rec-
ommend locating the center ir
Port Huron, since other cities
including Ann Arbor, are bidding
for it.
The State Senate however pass-
ed the Port Huron resolution
making reconsideration necessary
in the House.
The Congressional appropria-
tions unit reluctantly approved the
funds for the center yesterday.
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Anm
Arbor) also reported that Gov
William Potter, vice-president o:
the 1964-65 New York World'E
Fair, will meet.with legislators tc
discuss a Michigan exhibit nex
He said that he is hoping tc
characterize Michigan there ar
"the research center of the na
tion," capitalizing on the facilitik
of the University.
Two Take 'Out
*SGC Petitions
Matthew F. Cohen. ;'64. and Law-
Tech Enters Finals After Defeating MSU
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan Tech's hockey team did something here last night it
hasn't been able to do for better than three years-win a hockey game
at the Michigan Coliseum.
The Huskies barged into the finals of the Western Collegiate
Hockey Association playoffs with a 5-1 conquest of Michigan State.
Michigan and Denver meet tonight at eight to decide the other
entrant for the Saturday night finals while the loser will tangle with
Michigan State for consolation honors Saturday afternoon at two.
Six Losses.
Tech's victory, its 26th against three losses this season, came after
:::" :.