THE MICHIG2AN DfATI. - txr ttwrt c n v a i - .'ir-aa., a- - nS Ul' .3W .4 WDJINSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 11 . Whip West Germans, 5-2, at Cobo Hall NEW RULE FOR BIG TEN MEET: 18-Man Limit Hurts Tankers <: -Daily-Ed Langs THEY STOPPED HIM!-Him being Red Berenson, the Wolverines' captain and leading scorer. Berenson got in on West German goalie Wilhelm Edelmann, but couldn't reach the puck. Defense- man Leonhardt Waitel (2) and forward Ernst Kopf (10) lend Edelmann a hand in stopping the Michigan star. GYMNASTS WANT CROWN AGAIN: 'M' Faces, Illinois Challenge (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of two articles analyzing Michigan's chances In the Big Ten swimming championships whidh be- gin this Thursday in Bloomington. Today's article deals with the free- style events and diving.) By DAVE"GOOD "It's just something we got sucked into, but I guess that's the way you learn things," mused Michigan swimming coach Gus Stager. Stager was disgusted, but not about his team's 58-47 loss to Ohio State over the weekend. Stager could look philosophically on that. What really disturbed him was something that happened last year in Iowa City. That's when the Big Ten swim- ming coaches voted to strike at the power of the monarchs of the sport by limiting each team to 18 competitors in the conference meet. Help the Poor This and the 12-place scoring system were supposed to keep the "have-nots" in the Big Ten from going home empty-handed, with- out materially damaging the rela- tive position of the contenders. What it has done, as far as Stager is concerned, is to rob him of the opportunity to send all his best men to Bloomington tomor- row. / The biggest shocker is that Stager has to leave home senior Win Pendleton, who finished fourth in last year's NCAA 1500- meter freestyle and set a varsity record of 17:46.0 in doing it. The others are all- sophomores, but all rank among the confer- ence's top dozen or so men in their events - butterflyer Bob Shaefer, distance freestyler Tom. Dudley and diver Paul Attar. Hoosiers Have Troubles It will be interesting to see whom Indiana coach Jim Councilman will have to leave 'behind. The Hoosiers have so much talent that they're practically a shoo-in for the conference championship and for individual titles in all eight specialty events. The Hoosiers are far below their par in the six freestyle and two diving events, though.}They won't be favored in anything but the freestyle 220, 440 and 1500. Ohio State is the villain in the one and three-meter dives, with both Lou Vitucci and Juan Botella. Vitucci came within two points of sweeping both events in the Big Ten and NCAA championships last year, losing the NCAA one-meter to Florida State's Curtis Genders, 459.40 to 457.50. Botella was the NCAA runner-up at three meters, and Purdue's John Vogel won the AAU title in the summer. Michigan's Ron Jaco, who nearly beat Vogel and Botella in dual meets this season, stands out as a good darkhorse. Michigan's Pete Cox, Michigan State's Van Lowe, Ohio State's Bill Glueck and Indiana's John Lovestedt, Keith Craddock ,and Tom Dinsley should also finish high. Jackman Defends Titles Steve Jackman, Minnesota's de- fending Big Ten champ in both the 50 and 100, rates as a shaky favorite in both sprints. Jim Kerr, who touched out the collegiate record - holder earlier this year, is the only one to match Jackman's time of :21.9 in the 50, but John Plain (:22.1), Michigan State's Jeff Mattson (:22.2), Jack Foster (:22.4) and Dennis Floden (:22.6) are all close. Michigan State's Mike Wood and Mattson, who have both hit :48.8 in the 100, are the biggest threats there to Jackman, who has done :48.4. Others are Wisconsin's Bill Birmingham (:48.9), Plain (:49.0), Michigan's Bill Darnton (:49.4) and Kerr (:49.5). The distance events belong to Indiana's Alan Somers and Pete Sintz. Somers (2.01.6) and Sintz (2:01.7) are just ahead of Wood (2:01.9), Darnton (2:03.1), Plain (2:03.3) and Michigan State's Doug Rowe (2:03.8) in a strong 220 field. Two-Team Event In the 440, Somers (4:22.6) and Sintz (4:24.1) get support from teammate Claude Thompson (4:- 35.1). But Michigan can counter with Darnton (4:33.0), Roy Burry (4:33.1), John Dumot (4:33.2), Warren Uhler (4:36.4) and Carlos Canepa, who also swims the but- terfly. Michigan State's Dick Brackett (4:32.7) and/Minnesota's Orrin Nordstrom (4:32.8) are the only other top entries. The 1500 is not swum during the regular season, but it is probably Somers' best event. Wood, Mattson, Rowe and Bill Wood, who set an American record of 3:15.8 in the 400-yd. freestyle relay for Michigan State earlier this year, are ahead of Michigan, with Floden, Kerr, Darnton and Frank Berry. Minnesota, Wiscon- sin and Indiana are also close. Scores PRO CAGE Boston 115, Chicago 100 Syracuse 130, New York 120 Philadelphia 147, St. Louis 137 COLLEGE HOCKEY Mich. Tech 15, Finnish Nationals 2 (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles analyzing Michigan's chances in the Big Ten gymnastics championships which begin this Friday in Columbus. To- day's article deals with the top performers from other schools.) By JOHN SCOCHIN Its string of consecutive cham- pionships broken last year and eager for revenge, the, Illinois gymnastics team leads the list of contenders for the title present- ly held by Michigan. Illinois is deep in talent, led by its defending all-round champion Hal Hadley, Hal Holmes, the na- tion's best tumbler, and defending 1 Cv i side horse champion Bill Lawler. In the pre-meet analysis the coaches predict the meet either 145-144 or 148-146 for either Mich- igan or the Illini. NCAA Champion Spartans, Badgers, Illini Battle 'M' for Track Title gan's Rod Denhart and Illinois' Dave Rudolph. Both have cleared 14'0" or better. Behind them are Michigan S'tate's Bill Alcorn, and M's Steve Overton at around 13'8" and three vaulters from Minneso- ta who could cause trouble! in the race for second and third places. Three-Way Race The 60-yd. dash boils down to a three-way race between Wiscon- sin's Bill Smith, Purdue's Nate Adams, and MSU's Sherman Lew- is. All three run around :06.2. The 300-yd. dash and the 600- yd. run should ride pretty much with Michigan State, Indiana, and Illinois. The Spartans feature last year's second place winner, Don Voorheis, in the 300. Their depth will be provided by quarter miler John Parker. The Hoosiers will ride with sprinted Ted Jackson, who has excellent times thus far. In the 600, there should be a fine race between last year's sec- ond and third place winners, Illi- nois' captain Jim Hammond, and the Hoosiers' Larry Clinton. McRae Challenged The two hurdle events should be an interesting three way race as well between last year's cham- pion Bennie McRae, Wisconsin's Larry Howard, who trimmed Mc- Rae twice last weekend, and MSU's Herman Johnson, with whom Mc- Rae has split two victories. Rec- ords may fall here.7 The 880-yd. run and the mile look to ride with Wolverine cap- tain Ergas Leps again this year. Michigan State's Gerry Young ap- pears to be the only threat to Leps.- The quarter mile features names like Purdue's Dave Mills, Michi- gan State's Parker, and Minneso- ta's Jim Fischer. Mills holds the conference indoor record with a sprint of :47.2 set last year, but Parker covered the distance in :46.7 as a freshman, though he has not come too near that time this season. Fischer finished third last year. The relay race should be very close as well. Wisconsin, Indiana, Purdue, Michigan State, Illinois, and Indiana all have strong con- tenders. The free exercise should be dominated by Hadley. The Illi- nois senior boasts the NCAA title in this event. Hadley has averag- ed 93 for the dual meet season. Hadley's teammate Larry Grace boasts a 90 average and Mike Aufrecht, another of the capable gymnasts from Champaign, notch- ed an 89 mark for the year. Michi- gan State's Gani Browsh with an 89 average is another serious con- tender. Michigan has only an outside chance for a victory on the still rings. The title is apparently des- tined to be the personal property of Michigan State's Dale Cooper, whom Wolverine Coach Newt Lok- en calls "the best ring man in the country." Holder of a 96 average for his routines during the dual meet season, including one 99 point performance, the Spartan sophomore is rated a heavy favor- ite. AAU Champion Cooper, holder of the AAU crown, performs inverted crosses and other complex movements, scarcely moving the straps of the apparatus. Other non-Michigan contenders will be Hadley and Jim Durkee of MSU with 90 and 89.7 averages respectively. The best tumbler in the world according to Loken is Holmes, Big Ten and NCAA defending cham- pion. His 96 average for the year is far above his nearest rival. In the dual meet against Michigan, his performance in the last event gave Illinois the victory in a close contest and handed the Wolver- ines their only loss of the season. Performing double backs, twist- ers, and front series, in various combinations with relative ease make Holmes a standout tumbler. Steve Johnson of Michigan State is the next non-Wolverine with an 89 average. Seeks Revenge The successful completion of the Takemoto, a difficult trick named after a noted Japanese gymnast, is one of the ingredients Iowa's Dick Porterfield uses in building a championship high bar routine. The Iowa star's current 92.5 aver- age is one of the best in the coun- try. Beaten only by Michigan's Ar- no Lascari, the Hawkeye ace will be looking for revenge this Sat- urday. Durkee of Michigan State and Dale Burkel of Minnesota both have 90 plus averages on the high bar and should be in the thick of the race for Conference honors. The versatile Hadley and Michi- gan State's Larry Bassett rank one-two behind Michigan's Arno Lascari on the parallel bars. Had- ley averages -92 while Bassett is slightly over the 90 mark. A flock of challengers will be after Michigan captain Tom Os- terland's trampoline title headed by former Big Ten, NCAA and AAU champion Larry Snyder of Iowa. Snyder toured the Far East last year for the State Depart- ment and didn't compete last year. This season he is second to Oster- land with a 90 average. Steve Johnson, former NCAA runner-up from Michigan State, Meetings There will be two organiza- tion meetings for Intramural clubs this week. On Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. a meeting will be held for the weightlifting club, and on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. the Judo club. Both will be held in the I-M office. Stu Greenburg of Ohio State and Hal Glomb and Hal Flood of Illi-; nois also deserve serious consid- eration. The most coveted title will be the all-round. With Montpetit gone, Hadley is a unanimous fav- orite. In addition to the Michigan trio of Gil Larose, Jim Hynds and Lascari, Dick Stone, a fine free exercise and parallel bar perform- er, is a prime contender in addi- tion to Dick Klauseman, Hadley's running mate. The race for points in all these events will be a close one. With points awarded to the competitors according to their finishes, the conference meet is still very much of a tossup. A single upset or above average performance could pro- vide the eventual winner and Big Ten champion. THE BIGGEST THING IN ANN ARBOR. Slacks . . . "Casinos" by name, They're sanforized cotton, thank goodness, so they can't shrink any more. So slim and tapered a 4 inch vent had to be placed in the cuff. We've got 'em in white, black, blue, midnight and olive. 4.98 TODD'S Gentry Shops 1209 S. University ywwwitrwnrwwwwwwwwwwrm~ *mInmwwwwwm mimmmrnu uinrI Th BES PZZA'i r# II #, ,I ii Ann A rbor ii WITH THIS COUPON you get a 35c discount on ALL Pizzas. ;;j This Wednesday and Thursday only., Is ra FREE DELIVERY II COTTAGE INN PIZZA I NO 3-5902 I I, An invitation to shape your own future .. . FRIDAY FORUMS Begin. March 2nd I I PETITIONING for GENERAL CHAIRMAN and 2nd ASSISTANT GENERAL CHAIRMAN A series questions The first will be: of forums will begin Friday night considering of central concern in different areas of the world. of three will be on Africa. 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