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February 28, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-28

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'. Paperwork Floods
World of Science
It is becoming increasingly more difficult for the scientist to
keep up with the ever-growing flood of published scientific infor-
mation, and it appears as if more and more researchers are being
buried by their own knowledge.
The problem takes two forms: how to translate the tremen-
dous number of scientific journals and reports into different
languages and how to catalog the information once it has been
Major difficulties in translation do not only concern the
scientific field; they exist in every academic enterprise.
Translation Problems
One simply cannot translate, word for word, from one
language into another. Some words have several different trans-
lations when transformed into a foreign language; others have
no precise equivalent. In the scientific world this problem is
especially acute since exact definitions are often demanded.
Devising a common language for scientific data does not seem
to be a pratical solution to the problem; it is simply too late.
Outside of the use of Latin in the biological sciences, there has
been little success in trying to apply a common codification to
an academic field.
Machine translation is still in its infancy, although it is
-probable that in the not too distant future the automatic trans-
lator will become a standard piece of equipment in the research
At the University, however, machine translation of scientific
material is still almost non-existent and practically everything
which is translated is done by hand.
Marriage Broker
The Office of Research Administration provides for much of
the translation of scientific material which is done at the Uni-
versity. While not participating directly in the enterprise, ORA
acts as a sort of marriage broker between two interested parties:
one who needs material translated and one who is willing to do
Vtedious work.
ORA gets requests from private industry as well as the Uni-
versity itself, and attempts to keep up-to-date files of all faculty
members who have indicated a desire to take on outside jobs in
this field.
"We make no recommendation concerning fees," Assistant
Editor Rudolf Schmerl, who manages the project says. "These
arrangements are left to the persons involved. But, since the
service is entirely intra-university, the arrangement is advan
tageous to both because the fee is generally lower than that
charged elsewhere and because the translator has the opportunity
to use his proficiency and earn extra income."
Swamped Scientists
The second part of the problem concerns the scientist who
is swamped by an enormous amount of published information
and yet has no logical way of .finding specific data to aid him
in his research. .
Although scientists complain of having too much to read, at M
the present time it is becoming so difficult to discover just what
has been done in the past that it is often more economical to
re-do an experiment than to find out if it has already been done.
r In a recent New York Times report, Senator Hubert Hum
phrey (D-Minn) noted that $200 million a ..year is being wasted
in this manner in the electronics field alone.
. Need New Catalog
It appears that in addition to the use of automation in trans-
lating material, an index or catalog of scientific data and re-
search projects is called for. An information storage system which
can file both fact and documentation seems to be the only way
out of the problem.
In recent years both private, and governmental groups have
accepted the challenge to begin cataloging the available scientific
AC'S Constructs 'Memory'
Such work is being done in Columbus, Ohio, where the
American Chemical Society is constructing a memory system
which will contain every known fact about fluourine compounds.
One of the largest systems has been developed by Interna-
tional Business Machines Corporations for the Central Intelli-
gence Agency. Units, the size of office desks, store 990,000 docu-
ments apiece, which appear in miniature on film strips.
Another large system, that of the Armed Services Technical
Information Agency, is attempting to keep at hand all research
results obtained by the Army, Navy or Air Force.
Con-Con Passes Proposal
For Ste Contr Board
The State Board of Education may be making recommendations on
budgets for higher education by next year.
The constitutional convention passed proposal number 47 last

week, instituting a State Board of Eduaction to supervise, coordinate
and assist in financial recommendations for all public eduaction in the
state of Michigan.
No Limitation.
Although this board may not limit any powers given to the state
colleges and universities in the constitution, the board may assist in
coordination and make suggestions to the legislature on budget needs
for the schools.
Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor, temporary chairman of the
newly formed (voluntary) Coordinating Council for Michigan Public
oHigher Education, believes that

OSA Study Group

University counseling policy has
received both an endorsement and
a recommendation from the Office.
of Student Affairs Study Com-
The recommendation specifically
was that the Vice-President for
Student Affairs establish a liaison
with all counseling agencies on
campus. The committee hoped that
such a procedure would increase
the exchange of information
among the several committees and

would resolve the conflict between
counseling and disciplinary re-
sponsibility, especially in the resi-
dence halls.
The endorsement was of the
"excellent" general statement con-
cerning the University's philosophy
toward counseling. This philosophy
was set forth in a pamphlet en-
titled "A Guide to the Resources
for Student Counseling and Advis-
ing at the University," published in
The general statement sets forth

the purpose of University counsel-
ing as helping the student to be-
come an intellectually and socially
well-integrated individual who is
able to solve for himself the prob-
lems he will face in his future life.
Academic advising forms the
basis of the counseling structure.
But this advising must adhere to
two basic principles.
The first is that it should both
help and encourage the student to
obtain the maximum educational
benefits available to him, and that,

its existence is justified only as it
measures up to this standard.
The second principle is that the
initiative for seeking advice rests
with the students. The general
statement displays the feeling that
the student should be left free to
make his own choices and that
often great benefit can come if the
student works out his particular
problem by himself.
The statement goes on to define
various aspects of counseling such
as career counseling, personal


counseling, and financial counsel-
The general statement also set
boundaries in which it was neces-
sary for the University to define its
ideal function.
The boundaries, as enumerated,
1) The University's prime con-
cern is the intellectual, growth of
the student;
2) The University is concerned
with the student's social, religious,
and personal well-being;
3) The University cannot as-

sume long-range treatment r
sponsibility for those who flue
out of school;
4) Counseling should be an a:
not a substitute, to decision-ma
ing by the student;
5) A counselor's own consult
tion with specialists is often pr
ferable to referral of the stude
to another agency;
6) A counselor, in aiding a st
dent, must often act out of t
direct sphere of contact betwe
student and counselor.


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a i149



VOL. LXXII, No. 104



No Official
Announced I
Algerian Exiles End
Meetings in Tripoli
TRIPOLI OP) - The Algerian
rebel parliament ended a six-day
meeting early today and informed
sources said it had approved terms
to end the war with France.
There was no official announce-
ment, but the members were smil- C
ing and in a happy mood as theyC
headed back for their home bases
in Tunis. Some indicated an offi-
cial announcement, might come T
later in the day. To
The French cabinet last week
approved the agreement which
would end the 7-year-old na-
tionalist rebellion.
Consider Accord pt
The 54-member rebel parlia-
ment, known as the National 0f
Council for the Algerian Revolu-
tion, met here since last Thurs-
day to consider the accord. Stud'
Unconfirmed reports as the will di
council met late last night said Affairs
some members were seeking con-
cessions from France on the stat- in the
us of French forces after a cease- its me
fire and on the length of the Unde
transition period before a refer-
endum on Algeria's future. will co
There was no word on what,,if a Nat
anything, happened to these de- standin
mands. report
Quick Cease-fire be res
Though French authorities look- NSA p
ed for a quick cease-fire in the tablish
7/2-year-old nationalist rebellion, betwee
the chance for a corresponding The
end to the terrorist bloodshed adequa
looked remote. ments
French Premier Michel Debre Whole.
ordered French military com- has be
manders to deploy reserve forces some w
through Algeria's major cities to the Co
curb the killings. statem
Transition Period notify
The agreement calls for a cease- were n
fire and a transitional period in
which a self-determination ref-
erendum will be held in Algeria. Thesn
With North Africans making up days in
about 90 per cent of Algeria's 10 stateme
million people, the referendum is TheI
expected to show an overwhelming Selecti
vote for independence f r o m will pr
France. its pro
Under the pact there are guar- the Co
antees for the European minority, mittee
French use of the Mers-el-Kebir questio
naval base outside Oran and membe
French interests in the Sahara oil t
fields.. Am(
The French cabinet is to meet the Co
in Paris today for another dis- te
cussion of the Algerian situation. cr
President Charles de Gaulle met progra
with Joxe and other key officials make
yesterday to prepare for the cab- ounc
inet meeting. ti onl
Authorities formally assured be con
government employes in Algeria In a
that an independent Algeria of Counci
the future will have close links brough
with France. proval.



Cease -I









ds urbing

'asses L(Cllg

al B lSocialist..

unci Set
iA Study,
an Discussion
f NSA Group
ent Government Council
Scuss the Office of Student
Study Committee Report
Committee of the Whole at
eting today.
er old business, the Council
nsider a motion to establish
ional Student Association
ng committee which would
weekly to the Council and
ponsible for administering
rojects on campus and es-
ing mutual communication
n SGC and NSA.
Council will consider the
cy of membership state-
in a Committee of the
The recommendation which
en before the Council for
weeks would have mandated
uncil president to evaluate
ents for adequacy and to
all groups whose statements
ot complete.
Corrected Statements
e groups would have 60
which to submit corrected
Committee on Membership
on in Student Organizations
esent a written report of
cedures and activities to
uncil, probably during Com-
reports in the afternoon. A
n period by the Council
rs will follow.
Orientation Programs
otion which would mandate
minittee on Student Con-
to investigate orientation
ms at other schools and to
recommendations to the
i on improving the educa-
quality of orientation, will
addition, Interfraternity
ils new rush plan will be
t before the Council for ap-


Fail To Hear Cuba Motion

last night received a third United
Nations setback in two weeks on
her charges that the United States
is interfering illegally in Cuban
The Security Council decided
against putting her latest com-
plaint on its agenda. Only four
council mniaers gvoted to take it
up. The other seven abstained.
Seven affirmative votes were re-
Those in favor were the Soviet
Union, Romania, Ghana and the
United Arab Republic. The absten-
tions were the United States,
Britain, France, Nationalist China,
Chile, Ireland and Venezuela.
Same Vote
Earlier, by the same lineup, the
Council turned down a Soviet mo-
tion to let Cuba speak in the pro-
cedural debate to take up the case.
This upheld its precedent against
hearing outsiders before adopting
its agenda.
United States delegate Francis
T. P. Plimpton called the com-
plaint an attempt to misuse United
Nations processes for Communist
"cold war against the free world."
He said similar Cuban charges had
been "thoroughly considered and
Nehru Party
Wins Election
By Big Margin
NEW DELHI (/)-Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru's Congress Party
virtually clinched victory in India's
national election last night, but
Communists capitalizing on local
grievances picked up scattered
Congress' most controversial
candidate, Defense Minister V.' K.
Khrishna Menon, pulled into a
commanding lead in his race for
re-election to parliament against
charges he is soft on Communism.
Tabulations for 1,965 out of 2,930
seats in 13 state assemblies gave
Nehru's party 1,270 seats and the
Communists 106.The Communists
held 107 seats in the outgoing as-

thoroughly rejected" in the Gen-
eral Assembly.
The Assembly had a Cuban com-
plaint accusing the United States
of "new plans of aggression and
acts of intervention" against Cuba.
African Suspension
In Addis Ababa, the UN Eco-
nomic Commission for Africa ap-
proved a recommendation that

South Africa be suspended until it
abandons its racial segregation
The vote was 27 in favor with 5
abstentions - Britain, Belgium,
France, Portugal and Spain.
South Africa is boycotting the
meeting. The recommendation will
be forwarded to the Economic and
Social Council for ratification.

Gust Sees 'Tough Battle'
For GOP in Fall Balloting
Warning that United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther is
the "single most effective politician in the United States next to
Attorney General Robert Kennedy," constitutional convention dele-
gate Rockwell T. Gust (R-Grosse Pointe Farms) predicted last night,
that Republicans are going to have a "tough battle" in the fall state
"This is the year we're hoping for," Gust told the Young Re-
publicans. "This is the year we stand a chance." But, he said, Re-

Student Groups
Given Quotas
For 'U' Parley
s The Conference on the Univer-
sity steering committee has taken
the first step in the selection of
student delegates to the confer-
The committee has assigned
quotas to the various student
groups on campus and has sent
letters to organizations represent-
ing these groups asking them to
select delegates.
Panhellenic Association, Inter-
fraternity Council, Inter-Quad-
rangle Council, Assembly Associa-
tion, International Student As-
sociation and the Graduate Stu-
dent Council will each be allowed
four representatives.
Inter-Cooperative Council will
be allowed two delegates.
In addition Student Government
Council members will be invited

the state board may accept the'
recommendations of the coordi-
nating council, as the board itself
may be "very busy" governing
elementary and secondary educa-
Greater Power
This State Board of Education
will have greater powers over com-
munity and junior colleges than
the four year institutions, accord-'
ing to Con-Con Education Com-
mittee Chairman Alvin Bentley
The constitutional limitation of
the Boards powers to overrule the
constitutional powers of govern-
-ing boards does not apply to
community colleges. This limita-
tion will not apply because the
community college boards are not
mentioned specially by name in
the constitution, Bentley said.
As part of the community col-
lege proposal, a board of eight
members appointed for eight-year
terms by the governor has been
set up to advise the Board of
Education on coordination stan-
dards and budget allocations.

publicans face Reuther's "insidi-7
ous, insipid, and beautiful politicalr
machine" in their bid for their
first gubernatorial victory after
"14 years of starving in the des-
College Effort
"Money and organization are
the ways a party wins tight elec-
tions, together with the efforts of
college students," Gust told the
"If we win, you 'will be the
margin of victory," he declared.
Gust said this was the case
when he narrowly won election to
the constitutional convention from
a predominantly Democratic sena-
torial district.
Ringing Doorbells
"Young people ringing doorbells
selling my candidacy to the people
turned the trick." he commented.
Gust said he is seriously con-
sidering entering the race for Re-
publican nomination for lieuten-
ant governor, But he will not
make a decision until after the
constitutional convention is over.
Commenting on the convention,
Gust said it is progressing more
slowly than it could be and should
be, and it will not complete its
work before May.
Opposes Provision
The delegate said he opposes the
tentatively approved provision for
search and seizure because it is
unconstitutional and a political
"hot potato" that will lose Negro
support for the constitution.
Gust described students as more
politically serious and politically
effective today.

--- 1

Allen Aims
At 'Minority':
Would Require State
Personnel To Take
Oath of Allegiance
By a vote of 94-6 the House of
Representathes yesterday ap-
proved a bill which would require
all personnel paid entirely or In
part from state funds to take a
loyalty oath.
Rep. Lester J. Allen (R-Ithaca),
chief sponsor of the bill, said it l
aimed primarily at a "very smll
minority" of college instructor
who "tell the students that capital-
ism expoits the masses and so-
cialism is better."
Seeing "nothing more objection.
able in this oath than the pledge
of allegiance," Allen said later ii
is necessitated by the minority o
professors who, according to com-
plaints from his constituents, tell
students that capitalism concen-
trates wealth among a few people
and penalize objecting student
with lower grades.
Economic Freedom
Agreeing that Communismn an'
Socialism "are all right in theory,'
Allen believes students should be
taught that they do not work ou
in practice and "here under capi-
talism our citizens enjoy more
political and economic freedom
than anywhere else in the world.'.
He believes the oath is an effe-
tive measure, even though "sub-
versives would not hesitate to take
it," because if a man who ha
'taken the oath advocates Com
munism or Socialism he is liable t
prosecution for perjury.
Rep. 'Joseph A. Gillis, Jr. (D-
Detroit) pointed out in the House
that the 'University, Michigar
State University and Wayne State
University have required oaths o
loyalty to the United States and
the Michigan state constitution
for 25 years.
Old Bridge
MSU President John Hanna
said the oath "is a bridge crossed
years ago which has never be
questioned by a member of th
MSU faculty."
Prof. George Peek of the politi.
cal science department and chair.
man of the Uiversity chapter o
the American Association of Uni.
versity Professors said that on the
whole, the AAUP takes a dim vie
of loyalty oaths.
"The oaths do not do any good,'
he said. "Communists will not hes
itate to sign them, and many loya
men are irritated by them."
Wide Range
Commenting that universities ar
designed to encourage a wide rang
of expression of opinion in searc
of truth, Prof. Peek said a loyalt
oath is contrary to their funda.
mental purpose.
_He said that in view of Gov

... scores' winner



New 'LaFollette' Seeks Statehouse

"The proof of the pudding will come on the second Tuesday in
September-I'll find out how well I've learned my poli sci," Robert
LaFollette Sucher, '45, said recently.
Sucher, who graduated from the University as a political science
major, is now running for governor of Wisconsin. "I've come back
to Ann Arbor to review my course and counsel with some of the men
who taught me," he explained.

''lIers .Beat
West Germans
On Late Goals
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - The Michigan
hockey team successfully ended its
regular schedule last night with
a 5-2 victory over a hard-skating
West German National team at
Cobo Hall's Convention Arena.
It wasn't until the last minute-
and-a-half of play, however, that
the victory was assured. It was
Michigan's 22nd win of the year
against three losses.
Michigan coach Al Renfrew,

Fightin' Bob 'ect uF ans
"I'm the oldest grandson of Fighting Bob' LaFollette of Wis-


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