SECTION TWO 443a Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom ~IatA LXXII, No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1962 ilson Gets Appointment .s Temporary IST Head Swainson Requests Of 3'/z Per Cent Income By JUDITH BLEIER and MICHAEL HARRAH At their regular meeting Jan. 19, the Regents approved the ap- pointment of Prof. James T. Wil- son, associate director of the In- stitute for Science and Technolo- gy, as acting director, replacing Prof. Joseph Boyd, who/resigned Feb. 1. They also appointed Prof. John L. Oncley of Harvard University as director of the Biophysics Re- search Division of IST and Prof. George W. Stroke of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology as professor of electrical engineer- ing in the engineering college. Both men will assume their posts next fall. Held Scholarship Prof. Oncley was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1947. He graduated from South- western College at Winfield, Kan., in 1929 and from the University of Wisconsin in 1932. In 1953, he held the. Guggenheim and Ful- bright scholarships to King's Col- lege in London. Prof. Stroke has been with MIT since 1951, and according to Dean Stephen S. Attwood of the engi- neering college, "his presence here will add strength in the exploita- tion of the new 'laser' instrumen- tation technique, using quantum electronic principles for generat- ing in the visible spectrum radia- tion having the signal coherence of radio and radar waves." Until Prof. Wilson accepted his initial IST position, he had been chairman of the geology depart- ment since 1956 and had been at the University since 1940. He graduated from the University of California in 1935. Approve Contracts The Regents also approved the contracts for construction of the new IST building, basing a proj-' ect budget on low bids totalling over $3.1 million, $2.7 million of which will be provided by state appropriation, and the rest by the National Institute of Health. The contract for, general archi- tecture and structural trades was awargied to Spence Bros. of Sagi- naw, mechanical trades to Shaw- Winkler, Inc. of Detroit; building electrical work to Turner Electric Service of Ann Arbor, and electri- cal and telephone services to Long Electric. Co. of Detroit. Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont re- ported that former Regent Charles S. Kennedy of Detroit wishes the $10.000 given the University in his name to be "loaned as a revolving fund to needy students at a low interest rate." The Regents ap- proved the request. Establishes Endowment Northern Trust Co. of Chicago advised the University that Ger- trude H. Newbury of Buchanan has established the F. Ernest New- bury Fund for endowment of the University, the interest to be used for scholarships, in the overall amount of $15,000, according to Pierpont. The Regents amended the By- laws, Sec. 4.03, concerning the Senate Advisory Committee or University Affairs -Membership to hike the size of the committeE from 17 to 19 members, to include representatives from the Flint Col- lege and the Dearborn Center. They also amended Sec. 29.08, to increase the Board in Contro] of Intercollegiate Athletics, from 7 to 9 members, each holding of- fice for no more than two three- year terms. Increase Representation They amended Sec. 31.08 to in- crease the University Senate rep- resentation on the Board of Gov- ernors of Religious Affairs from five to seven members, extending the terms of the student members from one to two years, adding the chairman of the religion studies committee in the literary college as an ex-officio member, and de- leting reference to Lane Hall, since the office is now located in the Student Activities Bldg. The Regents established a de- gree program in thebpharmacy college leading to a bachelor of science in medicinal chemistry, beginning next fall, and they granted permission to the public health school to cease admitting new students for degrees in pub- lic health nursing after Septem- ber. As the meeting closed, Regent Irene Murphy of Birmingham noted that the occasion marked the shattering of 130 years of tradition, since for the first time in the University's history, a mem- ber of the general public attended a Regentsrmeeting. Thirteen-year- old, Willard R. Huss of Niles, a page for the Speaker in the House of Representatives, is credited with the feat. 11 ? , 1 1 1 r Asks Money For Schools, Construction Calls Budget Realistic For 'Dynamic State' Gov. John B. Swainson proposed a record $528.3 million budget to the Legislature last month. The governor's proposals repre- sent an increase of 14 per cent over current spending. Most of the increase would be earmarked for state school aid, state colleges and universities, mental health programs and. welfare programs. Swainson described his plan as a "realistic budget for a dynamic state of nearly eight million ped- ple responding t~o the inspiring potentials of the space age we have entered." -- Wide Program The proposal contains a far- reaching construction program for mental institutions, colleges and universities and capital develop- ment. The $56.2 million construction program would supplement $22.6 million the governor asked for construction from current revenue to complete or continue projects under way now. The $56.2 million ' program would include $33.6 million for educational buildings, $12.2 mil- lion for development in the Lans- ing area and $7.2 million for men- tal health projects. Current Revenues Swainson estimated the state will realize $468.3 million from cur- rent revenue sources in the fiscal year starting June 30 That is nearly $9 million under his esti- mate of a year ago for income in the current fiscal year, a figure reduced in the interim because tax revenues failed to live up to ex- pectations., His new tax program will yield another $71 million, leaving $11 million over his spending pro- posals which would be applied against a state treasury deficit expected to top $90 million by the end of the current fiscal year. Swainson proposed a $15 million increase for higher education operations, including $12 million for the 10 state colleges and uni- versities and 16 community col- leges. The total would go up to $124.6 million. MINIMUM NEEDS: College Council Finds Education Budget Shortj The Michigan Council of State CollegePresidents unanimously agreed last week that Gov. John B. Swainson's recommended budgets for higher education was extremely inadequate. Meeting at Kellogg Center in East Lansing, the Council found the governor's figures, representing an increase of $10.5 million, falls far short of meeting the state's minimum education needs. It was little more than one-third of the amount submitted in requested budget increases by the nine colleges and universities. They had requested a net increase of $27,904,056 had been indi- cated as; essential for anticipated enrollment increases, enlarged plant operation costs, salary and wage adjustments, restoration or im- provement of existing programs and services and other costs. Budget Low The budget, under fire for overestimation of needs, was actually "unrealistically low," the Council observed. They pointed particularly at the enrollment predications that indicate from 7,000 to 8,000 additional qualified students seeking ad- 'mittance to Michigan's state col- WSU To Keep Present Fees; See No Boost }" JB t Welcome back to Ann Arbor, and feel free to browse in the John Leidy Shop.' We are Wayne State University, having received no encouragement on their proposed deal with the Leg- islature, voted last week to con- tinue present tuition fees for the spring semester. Three months ago, WSU offer- ed to boost tuition for the spring 'semester by $16 if the Legislature would make a deficiency appro- priation of $217 thousand to re- store the amount cut from its current budget. The appropriation would have allowed WSU to accept some 700 qualified students turned away last fall. House Ways and Means Com- mittee Chairman Arnell E. Eng-, strom (R-Traverse City) said that WSU would get no special con- sideration when the proposal was made. Although that deal was off, Leonard Woodcock, chairman of the Board of Governors, reported that WSU would not withdraw the second part of its offer, which was to increase tuition over a three- year period from $280 to $450 a year. The second WSU plan included a deferred payment feature which would make the cash increase $20 each year, with the balance defer- red until after graduation. leges next fall. To handle this number, includ- ing supporting services and main- tenance of *new buildings con- structed to accommodate. them, will cost an additional $10,607,477, or more new money than is con- tained in the budget request. This will leave unfunded defer- red plant maintenance needs, in- adequate equipment budgets, sal- ary and wage adjustments and plans to bolster deteriorating in- structional programs. Emergency Measures Last fall the state institutions accepted approximately 6,000 new students without the added fi- nances to provide adequate in- structional facilities. They were accommodated o n 1 y through emergency use of temporary in- structors and graduate assistants at the expense of educational quality and accompanying de- partmental research, the Council said. The presidents were emphatic that "we cannot permit further deteroriation of educational qual- ity as more new students knock at our doors." All of the state institutions of, higher learning are experiencing extreme difficulty in keeping their able faculty and staff because of severe competition from commer- cial and educational sources. To head off further inroads the pres- idents are requesting funds for reasonable salary and wage ad- justments. Special To The Daily ST. JOSEPH-A generally hos- tile audience heard Gov. John B. Swainson warn that Michigan must have additional tax money in order to "achieve a more pros- perous, richer, abundant and meaningful life for all of our citizens," as he addressed the Gov- ernor's Conference on Economic Development, Jan. 31. "It is not my purpose to take the easy or convenient way," he continued. "I intend to speak out. as clearly and candidly as I can on our common problems and their rational solutions, despite what I have been assured are sizeable political hazards. "Quite frankly, if such a stance does jeopardize my political fu- ture, so be it." Shifts Blame The governor shifted the blame for Michigan's sagging economy to the national economic picture. "If the national economy is limping along, the citizens of the other 49 states simply don't have the money to buy Michigan products. It's that simple." He noted a basic vitality present in Michigan, demonstrated by the fact that the state has "weathered the national economic storms without even greater .damage." Charles A. Rogers, of Muskegon, regional representative for the United Autoworkers, took the Leg- See STRESSES, Page 3 At Meeting By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To The Daily LANSING-Gov. John B. Sv son has proposed the enactme: a 312 per cent corporate and sonal income tax and a five cent tax on financial institu to cover the increased budge has planned for the coming I year. In a message before the L lature on Jan. 26, the gove told the lawmakers that the tax would produce some $300 lion .in increased state revent He also advocated complet peal of the business activities as a means of "relief" for bus: in the state, exemption of m facturing machinery and eq 1nent from the personal pror tax, and elimination of the per cent sales and use taxe food and prescription drugs. . Aid.Local Units The governor added that extra one-half per cent in new income tax would go toN aiding "the fiscal plight of units of government." Republicans however mad clear that they were quite satisfied with Gov. Swain proposals. "I want to commend him his straightforward approach long. last," Speaker of the H Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan) c mented. "He has finally prese a program that is not hidden der the table and represen versatile approach to taxatior "It was as imaginative as E in Wonderland' and as versati the old 'shell game'" Hardship Pears called the governor's gram "a one-man flight to f oblivion," and pointed out that proposed income tax would v a hardship on "the little mar "His proposal provides absolu no protection against an iner to a rate of six per cent people's earnings by 1965 o: ten per cent by 1970. Add thi See REPUBLICANS, Page 2 here to help you. JOHN LEIDY Phone NO 8-6779 * 601 East Liberty { i PROF. JAMES T. WILSON ... IST post ..................................................................... aA,&4 EVERONE IN ANN ARBOR SHOPS AT Vx Nc a /