... &venty-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BYS TUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORrY O BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are tree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG." ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail.." FEIFFER Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINICK Free Student Press Attacked From Two Sides A WOND 6NP 19Ac OF M&ALIO&)00'L'OAY6 iXCo fqW r iout WAeiz. FAW{~ CDR A MGM! ULI JIM6, ML 60 o P~OtO. TH6 KCNW. AJLWO4 1 WOASH 4 Mg fAL00 Af'INR1q, V Ih A'. ,r.'0 AD~ AR96O eJ'x. U~r 11 10~ AWOQaV HAIN POOR1~V63 ., * .. I THE SUSPENSION of The Daily Pennsylvan- ian Saturday is just one more in a growing series of incidents this academic year involv- ing attempts to control, and sometimes sup- press, the college press. While only a few papers are involved, they have some of the largest and best college papers. Attempted interference stems from an attitude of many administrators and some students-a college newspaper should be a bland, non-partisan, non-critical paper with its focus restricted to the linits of the campus. This attitude is dangerous, because it not only subverts freedom of the press, but it runs contrary to the concept of a university as an educational institution. Not all the interference takes the same form, anid not all the complaints are the 'same. The Daily Pennsylvanian, according to its editor,' was suspended primarily because of a front page editorial advocating the abolition of the men's, student government. The next day the student government held an illegal secret meet- ing at which a resolution was passed advocating the susper sion of the Daily Pennsylvanian. That afternoon the Dean of Men suspende the paper, citing the student government's mo- tion as the reason. Last November, The Colorado Daily had trou- ble from a different source. The Rocky Moun- tain News, a Scripps-Howard paper in Denver, criticized the Colorado Daily for not paying enough attention to "Homecoming festivities," concentrating instead on issues like Cuba, Red China' and United States foreign policy. It urged the Board of Student Publications to "bring some sense to these editorial distor- tions." The New Mexico 'Lobo was involved In a similar situation. Its editor, Marc Acuff, was accused of letting his paper be used for "the discredited mouthings of Communists" by the New Mexico professional press. The situation resulted In a second paper being started on the campus which reflected the views of the critics both on and off the campus. Other papers involved in interference inci- dents included the Ohio State Lantern, which was urged by the Student Senate not to take sides in an upcoming Senate election; The San Francisco State Golden Gator which was for- bidden by the president of the college to publish a story; and .The Brown Daily Herald whose criticisms of student government resulted in its being labeled "a scantalsheet" by the Pem- broke Student Government Association. N GENERAL the reasons for Interference are in two categories: the ratio of on campus-off campus nws reported in the paper, and criti- The Governors MAYBE IT IS a good thing that meetings of the Residence Halls Board of Governors are not open to the public. If they were, students would be disgusted by seeing how little their ideas count. A case in point was the board's gag 'on the final report turned in by former Inter-Quad- rangle President Tom Moch. His 12-page state- ment contained carefully thought out criticisms and analyses of the most important phases of the residence halls system. But, in postponing consideration of the report until its next meeting, the board refused to make the document public during the inter- vening period. The members argued that Moch's treatise should be examined by the board before the student body should view it. Citing the women-in-the-quads issue as an example, they complained that public dissemination of a controversial subject will only incite strong and unwelcome pressure groups.- WELL, IT WOULD be more reasonable to assert the opposite: that the board should not discuss a matter as vital as the re-evalua- tion o fthe basic structure and value system of the halls in a vacuum, but rather in an atmosphere of understanding what the student opinion, if any, appears to be. More specifically, 'the board's fear of "pressures" is almost an outright admission that the members suc- cumbed to them in the women visiting hours issue. If that decision was really the result of the board's only viewpoint, then there is no reason whatsoever not to release pertinent in- formation Moch had something to say in that report. It was something that has needed saying for a long time. The fact that the board delayed its availability to the campus for a month, and the fact that the board may take action (or- no action) on the recommendations without first awaiting the ideas and comments of its constituents, can only be viewed as another sorry chapter in the history of the administra- tion's distrust of students. -GERALD STORCH, cism of various university personnel and insti- tutions. Just about every college paper has been cri- ticized by those who think the student's con- cern, and consequently that of the college pa- per, should be limited to what is going on around the campus. The chief reason for this is the claim that students do not have enough in- formation to editorialize adequately or com- ment on international and national affairs, and that this is the job of the professional press. This reasoning is fallacious. First of all, the straight news that is presented is usually from the Associated Press or United Press Interna- tional and, therefore, professional reporting, The reason for its inclusion is simple: the Un Uiversity is an educational Institution. This edu- cation is not limited to what the student learns in the classroom. What happens in Cuba or Laos affects the student as a member of the world community and is as relevant to him as any formula learned the classroom. The case against inclusion can only be made if one assumes that education takes place in a social vacuum. The case against students editorializing on international affairs is equally invalid. Stu- dents on a campus paper are among the best informed on campus with access to numerous news sources and references. Due to a long in- terest in the area, the student has usually done much outside reading on a subject, and he has access to professors and foreign students to supplement this information. Furthermore, the newspaper has an institu- tionalized way that insures an open forum of ideas; the letter to the editor. Some college papers broaden this forum concept by allow- ing different staff members to present their views in editorials under their own names. (This is the practice followed by the Daily.) A newspaper that does not run interpretatives. on events is forfeiting some of its responsibil- ity, because many readers do not follow the news from day to day and thus can't under- stand events as they occur. THE CRITICISM and evaluation of univer- sity personalities and institutions by college papers is also fully justified for educational and ethical reasons. A university is not a per- feet institution. University personalities are not perfect human beings. When they make mis- takes there is every reason why they should be criticized. Indeed, they must be criticized if the university is to function in'the best possible manner. The student is a part of the Univer- sity community and as a member of it, he has the right to voice opinions as to Pow it should be run. The process of education is not served by someone (in this case the student) accept- ing without question the opinions and actions of others, (in this case the administration and faculty). Students undergoing the educational process in the classroom are urged to question what they learn and to seek to improve on it. There is absolutely no reason why this proced- ure should not be followed in the educational process outside the classroom. THE STUDENT PRESS has a number of uses. It is a forum of student opinion. It serves an educational function and points out mistakes in the way the University is run and suggests corrective measures. What it definitely is not, or at least should not be, is a tool of a special interest group either on or off the campus, whether that group be conservatives who are against an edi- torial in favor of Castro or a university ad- ministrator who is against editorial criticism of a campus institution. Yet all the incidents mentioned at the beginning of this article stem from the attempts of these interest groups to establish limits to the attention of the college press. Sometimes these attempts will only en- gender some bad will against the paper as hap- pened at Colorado (where it also generated some good will). Sometimes it will result in the formation of a rival paper as at New Mexico. Sometimes the paper will be suspended as hap- pened at Pennsylvania. It is disquieting to see groups in our society who purport to be democrats attempt to sup- press freedom of the press by making a college newspaper hew to a certain line. It is even more disqieting to see university administra- tors and faculty members, ostensibly democrats committed to academic freedom and the values of an open education, actually shut down a pa- per because they see something wrong with a campus institution. For those students who are satisfied with the amount of freedom they now have, these incidents involving the censorship and suppression of the student press shous serve to remind them that students are not always free. -RONALD WILTON Credit ACCORDING to Democratic National Chair- man John M. Bailey, the recent space journey of Astronaut John H. Glenn, Jr. sym- bolizes "the imagination, energy and know- how" of the Kennedy administration. K7 AfE. I PicZ' q. U ()s i a~~l.t'6NARE3f Ak3( AROQPAi3POA1 IiAq. 6N~f /11 Campus Discusses Motivs frDtn Supply and Demand.. . To the Editor: TH IS IS directed to those foolish enough to think that the only motive for dating girls is sex. Such a proposition scalded the pages of The Daily last week. In asking the question "Why do Boys Take Out Girls" Mr. Patter- son evidently has forgotten that it "takes two to tango!" Certainly a girl may represent a mother image. Is this any more abnormal than a boy representing a father image? Or aren't intelligent girls supposed to have father images? Also a girl may want to be the blunt of a man's misdirected di- rection. Perhaps, Mr. Patterson, intel- ligent girls have their needs too. Indeed, it is true that frustrated sexual drives and ideoloized rela- tionships have culminated in many misguided and inappropriate mar- riages. However, if a boy marries "as a means to his goal," then logically when his goal is achieved there should no longer be any reason to marry! I have no sta- tistics on how many men marry their premarital mates but would venture to say that it would be above fifty per cent. ** * NEXT WE SEE that boys do not have to date-males are better companions." Obviously, Mr. Pat- terson has never lived with the same fellow day in and day out for any prolonged period. Women are better companions because their psychological makeup is much different from men. Psycho- logical studies have shown that, up to a point, the more diverse the partners of a relationship are (provided of course they have sig- nificant grounds for commonality) the more stimulating their re- lationship. Furthermore, the man who thinks males are more inter- esting than females is the abnor- mal one, not the converse. You can play tennis with your skill- ful roommate; I'll take a clumsy, girl any time. "Male companionship is cheap- er," a cats companionship is cheaper still (it can feed itself- e.g. mice, and is far more affec- tionate and considerate and quiet and . . .)-since when have we measured our companions on how much it costs to go out with them. Is an inexpensive girl more popu- lar than an expensive one? "Men have seen more of the world, and have correspondingly more to say." Even if this state- ment were true (and that is doubtful) is the correlation that the more sophisticated we are, the more conversant we become, ne- cessarily true? Actually the op- posite seems more credible. CERTAINLY, intelligent girls are in a minority (as are intelli- gent boys) and the forces of sup- ply and demand operative at this University put a premium on the, former, but this should appreci- ate rather than deprecate male in- terest in the opposite sex. Like- wise, from psychology we should know that the more the University puts bans on 'private conversa- tions" of the intellectual variety with women, the more desirable these conversations become. No, Mr. Patterson, sex is not the only reason boys date, just as it is not the only reason that girls do. Sex can play an important part in a relationship, it can beautify it or make it vulgar, depending upon the attitudes of the participants. But to make it the only goal of the relationship is to put women on a scale with food, or drink-in short to make them all prostitutes, whose only function is to satisfy the sex need. Only by viewing wo- men as having diverse needs which motivate them to date and by rec- ognizing that they; can fulfill our diverse needs; as we fulfill theirs, can a mature relationship be achieved., Max L. Reben, '83 mist . To the Editor: N OUR opinion, the "letter" by Blake Patterson was a moronic miscegenation of half-truth and three-quarters English. Its author, equally adept at mangling facts and language, wasted his readers' time by a heavy-handed belabour- ing of the obvious, while making short shrift of facts which any of the more urbane members of the university community know to be incontrovertibly true. As an instance, Patterson holds the sophomoric, absolutist view, so unfair to the profound intellectual and companionable qualities of the American female, that the per- petuating force behind the widely practiced custom of heterosexual dating is immediate gratification of man's primordial urge, which, as he so inaccurately observes, cannot be satisfied "by man or beast." Writing in the calmest and most dispassionate of tones, admittedly difficult to maintain when dealing with a subject generating so much heat, we are convinced that Mr. Patterson is tooting on the wrong horn. Although he has spent sev- eral years in the worldly toils of a large university, the harsh light of experience has apparently not yet dispelled the fuliginous mists of fancy in which he has no doubt wandered since puberty. * * * EVEN THE most casual reality- testing will immediately convince the incredulous that the average Michigan coed is an undefiled, pristine vessel of maidenly virtue whose virginal breast fills with mingled dread and loathing when- ever the subject of sex is broached. This characteristically glacial fri- gidity makes her a poor sexual ob- ject indeed, and, in fact, either of the alternatives Mr. Patterson so obligingly offers us is to be pre- ferred, as anyone whose experience has transcended the narrow con- fines to which that gentleman has restricted himself will testify. In fine, our conceptions of that rare creature known as woman originate with the fond tender- ness reflected in our mother's face as she forced cold pablum between our drooling lips, and, as we de-, veloped, werenmore fully formed by the evidences of self-sacrifice, purity, and, above all, intellectual attainment which were manifest everywhere in our relations with that sex. It is to elevate and per- fect his soul, and, coincidentally to find level-head platonic compan- ionship, that man seeks out wo- man. To intimate anything less is an egregious and foul besmirching of his motives and of the charac- ter of his object. Martin M. Orenstein, '62 Edward C. Hansen, Grad. Coin Flipped... To the Editor: WE WOULD like to comment on on Blake R. Patterson's letter in Friday's Daily. Mr. Patterson states that "the motive for dating girls is sex." We think that he is right as far as he went, but he only viewed one side of a two-sided coin., We feel that the girl's motive for dating boys is sex. Girls, hav- ing at least the same drives, also posses an overt sex drive. The poor, innocent, naive, innocuous, lamblike fellow, who dates purely to conform with acceptable social norms, is often confronted by a girl exhibiting marital intentions, She does this because her sex drive can not be fulfilled in pre-marital relations; this is socially unaccept- able for the female. Therefore, she seeks marriage as a socially ac- ceptable outlet for this drive. Mr. Patterson goes on to say that, "boys ... use girls as mother images." This is not the whole story. The fact of the matter is the girls PRESENT themselves as mother images. This is because propagation of the species is an innate, required function. They WANT to be mothers! Therefore we can only conclude that the male is being duped by the conniving female. "A man chases a girl until she catches him!" -Aaron Grossman, '63 -Sam Marwit, '63 De-Emphasis--- To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to write you my opinon on Friday's "letters to the editor" essay. I think that it consists of a lot of supposedly shocking "facts," which do not tell us anything new and which are not presented as to make any point or sense. I think that everyone is aware that the motive for dating between boys and girls is sex. I do admit tha 4.mnnvn tn,~ ntan mta ,.rrn reach a goal which they could not reach before marriage. Why this, should be an "abnormal reason for dating" I do not know, since the boy in question seems to be striv- ing towards a very normal goal. One can only credit him with persistency. The third and fourth paragraphs of the essay seem to be governed by a strong negative feeling to- wards girls. In these paragraphs; the writer exposes the girl as so- cially inferior to man, and seems to say that the only duty or utility a girl has is to provide sex for the man. In making this point the writer does not emphasize even this small service which woman is able to render to man, but he, rather points out all their social inadequacies. * * * THE READER is left wondering, as to the usefulness of women al- together The writer also presents a 'very egotistical view by not even, mentioning the possibility that the girl would maybe like to have their non-physical affections provided, for by a dog, just as much as boys do?? I have never taken a girl to a dance for the "sake of rhythm and movement," and I think that every boy will readily confess that he goes to a dance in order to hold his girl in his arms. After reading the essay "Why do Boys Take out Girls," I was not able to draw any conclusions. The author tells us nothing new, I hope, in stating that the reason boys and girls get together is be- cause they are physically different. But this is not my criticism of the essay., I will not ask the author whether. he might sometimes enjoy the conversation of a girl more than that of a boy. I am rather ques- tioning the author as to the point, of his- essay, which I could not, perceive, because he emphasizes sex but generally de-emphasizes girls. -Thomas Klenbaum, '65 Take to Heart . . To the Editor: WE WOULD like to express our agreement with Mr. Patter- son, except we feel he has for- gotten two other important rea- sons why boys date girls., The first and greatest reason is, granted, the sexual. drive. How- ever, social status and personal satisfaction are other factors worth considering., For a boy to appear at a social activity with a girl who creates a favorable impression upon those present is a means of increasing his social prestige among members of his own sex. As far as personal satisfaction is concerned, a boy who associates with a group of friends just as intelligent and athletic as he often dates a girl to satisfy his desire to feel superior. However, these reasons for dat- ing 'need not apply only to boys.. Girls may date for the same rea- sons. Many girls also refuse dates because of lack of sexualsattrac- tion. We were impressed by Blake Pat- terson's letter and are taking it to heart, and advise that other girls do the same. -Marianne Leonard, '65 -Jane Schember, '65Ed answer ... To the Editor: MISS SCHUMAN'S letter clouds its discussion with the open- ing paragraph concerning intel- lectuality and emotionality. Her remark that ". . . boy meets girl is too often an emotional exper- ience" plays upon the lightning- struck-when-their-eyes- first - met invention of cheap literature. A boy seldom becomes emotional on first meeting a, girl; he doesn't know her well enough to feel more than a sexual attraction. Miss Schuman made another error by bringing love into her argument. I did not intend to 'discuss the notion of love, nor did I mention it in my letter. Also, I did not assume or con- clude th'at "the feminine mind is worthless." I know that this is not true. Many readers have asked what I meant by "sexual satisfaction." I purposely left its definition un- stated, because I feel that the degree of physical intimacy ap- propriate is an individual matter. For some, it may only mean hold- ing hands. I intended to show that sex was one necessary part of dating; it is usually not the only objective. A girl who offers no sexual stim- ulus cannot expect to be dated for the things which a young man can, obtain elsewhere; she should expect just those courtesies which he affords' his male companions. -Blake R. Patterson, '62E DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN- The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent, in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 General Notices College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Schools of Business Ad- ministration, Education, Music, Natur- al Resources, Nursing, and Pubjio Health: Students who received marks of I, X, or 'no report' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses unless this work is made up. The final date for acceptance of make-up grades this semester is March 12. 1962. Students wishing an extension of time beyond these dates should file a petition with the appropriate official of their school. In the School of Nursing the' above information refers to non-Nursing courses only. Engineers: "Interviewing Workshop" will be conducted by Prof. John G. Young, director, Engineering Placement,' Service, Mon., Feb. 26, and Tues., Feb. 27 at 4:00 p.m., in 311. West Engineer- ing. All interested students are invited and engineers who expect to graduate this year are especially urged to at- tend one of these meetings. Science 160 final for the fall term will be given on March 1, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Report to 4611 Haven Hall. Agenda, student Government Coun- cil, February 28, 1962. 4:15 p~m. Coun- cil Room. Constituents' Time: 5:45, 9 p.m. Approval 'of Agenda Minutes of previous meeting Standing Committees: Ad Hoc Committees and Related Boards: Officer reports: President, leters; Ex- ecutive vice President, interim action; Administrative vice President; Treas- urer. Old Business: NSA Standing Com- mittee; Adequacy of Statements (Com- mittee of the Whole) Special Business: Office of Student Affairs Study Committee Report (Com- mittee of the Whole) New Business: Freshman Orientation Program Announcements Members' Time Adjournment Philosophy 429 will not meet on Tues., Feb. 27. It will meet Wed., Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. in 447 Mason Hall. The University of Michigan Blood Bank Association, in cooperation with the American Red Cross. will have its regular Blood Bank Clinic on March 28, 1962. The Clinic hours are 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Any full-time or part-time reg- ularly employed staff member of the University interested in becoming a member or renewing his membership should contact the Personnel Office, 1028 Administration Bldg., Extension CHAMBER MUSIC: Trio Gifted, inspired THE UNIVERSITY Musical Society's 22nd Annual Chamber Music Festival concluded Sunday afternoon with an excellent concert by the Beaux Arts Trio of New York. In the hands of this gifted ensemble, problems of balance, technique and interpretation seemed incidental and were soon forgotten by the audience. Inspired music- making was the order of the day, as Menahem Pressler, pianist, Daniel Gullet, violinist, and Bernard Grenhouse, cellist, combined to present works by Beethoven, Ravel, and Brahms. Beethoven's first published work, the Trio in E-flat, Opus 1, No. 1, opened the program. From the very beginning, the performers' im- peccable ensemble was apparent. Particularly impressive in the first movement was the balance in sound between the piano a.d the stringed instruments, a balance which was maintained throughout the afternoon. Mr. Pressler's singing tone and expressive phrasing were outstanding in the second movement. A Scherzo which was played almost too fast, and a broadly humorous Finale concluded the work. The program continued with Ravel's Trio in A minor, written in 1914. Ravel's cross-rhythms, freely-resolving harmonies, and arresting color effects, all stock-in-trade of the 20th Century composer, sounded quite daring after the relatively conventional Beethoven piece. Sharp contrasts between movements, and sometimes within, pervade the work. In this context of complexity and change, the Trio's third movement, "Passacaille," stood out by virtue of its unity and structural simplicity; the Trio's sound was nowhere more beautiful. THE CONCERT CONCLUDED with a compelling performance of Brahms' Trio in C major, Opus 87. The music of Brahms is thick- textured and rich in detail; too often performances of Brahms tend to overemphasize detail at the expense of structural coherence. But the aa.i Arta Tn,+ir, orhievir a eicite halane between detail and Editorial Staff