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February 25, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-25

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Come-Behind Cagers, Lose to, Hawkeyes

(Continued from Page 1)


d and it was a rout from then
one-sided was the play that
Spartans didn't even get into
tatistics ,at all until Martin
Scoring Spree



irst Period Scoring: M-Coris-
e (Berenson, Rodgers) 10:12; M-
rison (Coristine, Berenson)
6; M-Berenson (Wilkie,Corlns-
e) 16:14.
enalties: M-Babcock (hooking)
; M--Morrison (tripping) 18:56.
econd Period Scoring: M-Beren-
(Coristine, Wilkie) 7:24; M-
icock (Kolb) 9:28; S-Baldwin
urnel, Doyle) 12:48; M - Kelly
hute, Rodgers) 16:27; MW-Beren-
(Wilkie) 18:57.
enalties: M--Kelly (charging)
; S-Quirk (cross checking)
; M-Kelly (tripping) 9:54; M-
cock (roughing) 13:09; S-JKempf
ughing) 13:09; M-Kartusch (in-
ference) 18:32; M - Rodgers
yarding) 19:46.
hIrd Period Scoring: M=-Kar-
ch (Wilkie) 4:04; M-Pendlebury
ib, Babcock) 15:39; M-Babcock
ndlebury) 16:00; 5- Fournel
yle, Turcotte) 19:22.
enalties: S - Quirk (hooking)
. b
ire by Periods:

Quirk picked up a penalty at 8:12
of the second period. The score
was 4-0 at the time and Larry
Babcock scored on the power play
to make it 5-0 before Michigan
State could get on the scoreboard.
Pat Baldwin spoiled Bob Gray's
shutout when he caught Michi-
gan in a defensive lapse and scored'
on a breakaway.
Stop Shutout
Gray himself was at fault for
the Spartans' final goal at 19:22
of the third period when he came
all the way out to the blue line in
an attempt to break up the Spar-
tan rush. Bob Doyle pushed the
puck around him and Claude
Fournel had only to steer it into
the net.
Berenson scored once in the first
period and twice in the second
period, the last when Michigan was
shorthanded. He received a stand-
ing ovation before the final per-
iod when he and four* other grad-
uating seniors (Jerry Kolb, Carl
White, Bill Kelly, and Al Hinne-
gan) were introduced to the ca-
pacity crowd of 3,550. The Red-
head tried to answer the plaudits
with the record-tying goal but
peppered the Spartan net to no
f Sets Up Tallies
In addition to his hat-trick,
Berenson also directly set up two
other Michigan tallies with his
rink - length dashes. Michigan
State goalie John Chandik was so
afraid of Berenson that he twice
came too far out of his net and
was an easy mark for the re-
Ron Coristine scored the first of
these at 10:12 of the first period
to put Michigan ahead 1-0. He
fielded a Berenson shot which
bounced out from behind the goal
and tossed it into the open cage.
Ross Morrison upped the count
to 2-0 when he picked up a re-
bound after Chandik had fallen
outside his net stopping a Beren-
son shot.

Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-Michigan's basket-
ball team, losing to Iowa 18-1 after
eight minutes of the first half,
fought back several times but
couldn't pull out a victory here last
Iowa was forced into a stall in
the last minutes of play to protect
its lead and held up for a 68-63
victory. Monday night at Yost
Field House theWolverines will
try to stop a two-game losing
streak- when they face Indiana.
The Hoosiers defeated the Wol-
verines last Monday night at
M' Comes Back
With 7:56 remaining in the
game and Iowa leading by 14
points, Michigan started its last
bid to overtake the Hawkeyes. The
Wolverines chopped the lead from
62-48 to 62-55 in less than three
minutes. Tom Coles' lay-up made
the score 63-59 at 3:14, but Don
Nelson tipped in the shot to put
the Wolverines down again by six
Another lay-up by Cole made
the score 65-61 with 2:41 left in
the game. Here, Michigan had its
chance to win shattered after Bob
Cantrell stole the ball, but Michi-
gan couldn't score on a fast break.
Iowa's stall successfully neld off
the Wolverines until the final
Wolverines Shoot Well
Michigan's shooting-average was
.444 compared to Iowa's .408, but
the Hawkeyes got away 17 more
shots than the Wolverines. This
was because Michigan lost the ball
much more often than Iowa on bad
passes and charging fouls. Al-
though Michigan out - rebounded
Iowa 39-26, many times a Hawk-
eye would steal the ball away from
a Wolverine or force the jump ball
after the Wolverine had come
down with the rebound.
The second half performance by
Michigan was much improved over
the first half. For most of this

period the Wolverines kept the
lead to 10 points after beginning
the half with a 37-23 deficit. Twice
Michigan seemed to threaten to
take the lead.
Cole Stars
Tom Cole sparked the offense in
the second half by scoring 20 of
his 26 points. He started Michi-
gan's first rally of the half by
making five straight points. He
broke through for two lay-ups and
when fouled on the second one,
dumped the free-throw. This put
the score at 51-44, but the Wolver-
ines couldn't cut it down further
until he initiated Michigan's rally
four minutes later.
In the first half Michigan's sput-
tering offense couldn't match
Iowa's alternately hot and cold
shooting. At one point the Wolver-
ines were only five points down
Close Defeat
IOWA G FT Reb Pts.
Novak 1 3-4 1 5
Mehihauf 2-7 0-1 3 4
Nelson 5-10 8-8 4 16
Szykowny 5-13 1-2 2 11
Rettington 8-15 2-4 3 18
Shaw 1-3 0-0 0 2.
Messick 5-17 0-0 1 10
Morse 0-0 0-0 2 2
Totals 29-71 10-17 16 68

after having fallen behind 18-1 at
the start of the game. But at half
time the Hawkeyes had taken a
37-23 lead on a last-second shot
by Jim Freese.
No Fast Break
Typical of Wolverine misfor-
tunes was the fast break that
failed to result in a score tear
the end of the first half. John
Harris tipped a jump ball to Bob
Brown who relayed the ball to

Doug Herner. John Hall, breaking
down the right side of the court,
pursued by an Iowa defenseman,
received the pass from Herner and
went in for the lay-up. The ball
hung on the rim for a second, then
fell off. Three Wolverines tried to
nudge the ball a second time but
Iowa firmly took control. The
Hawkeyes brought the ball down
the court and set up screens for
a shot.

-Daily-Ed Langs
WHICH WAY DID IT GO?-Michigan's Ron Coristine (12) and
Gordon Wilkie (8), and Michigan State's Frank Silka (4) and
John Chandik (1) watch intently as a shot goes wide of the
Spartan cage. Chandik stopped 39 shots during the night, but
there were ten others that he didn't.


G FT Reb. Pts.
0-2 0-0 7 0
11-15 4-5 10 27
a 3-7 1-3 12 7
5-12 0-0 3 10
4-11 7-8 3 15
0-3 1-2 0 1
24-54 15-21 33 63


iy (M)
andik (MSU)

3 4 3--10
0 1 1-2
14 4 6-24
15 17 '7-39

TIT Bound
PHILADELPHIA (P) --- Villano-
s NCAA tournament-bound bas-
ball team staved off a last sec-
i rally to defeat determined
Salle 65-63 before 9,232 in the
htcap of a Palestra double-
Wcer last night.
'emple defeated Delaware 62-
in the opener.

Berenson got his first goal when
he knocked in a loose puck. He
had started the play himself by
feeding the puck out from behind
the net.
The production line of Beren-
son, Gordon Wilkie and Ron Cor-
istine scored its fourth straight
goal at 7:44 of the second per-
iod as Berenson added his second
of the night. Berenson missed a
breakaway shot and Coristine
missed the open net, but Wilkie

fed the puck out to Berenson for
the score..
Berenson picked up his third
goal while killing off a penalty to
Wayne Kartusch. He took a pass
from Wilkie, faked the defense-
man out of position and whistled
in a 25-ft. bullet at 18:57.
Lost in Berenson's flurry was
a two goal performance by Bab-
cock and four assists by Wilkie.
Those assists put Wilkie in second
place behind Berenson in the fin-
al WCHA scoring statistics.

Boston 109, Philadelphia 86
Cincinnati 118, Los Angeles 114
Syracuse 120, New York 117
Chicago 129, St. Louis 119
Chicago 6, Detroit 1
Toronto 7, Boston 2
Montreal 4, New York 2


Syracuse Wins
UTICA, N. Y. (R)- The Syra-
cuseNats moved closer to a Na-
tional Basketball Association play-
off spot tonight by overcoming
the New York Knickerbockers 120-
117 on the strength of a 41-point
third period.
The result evened the Nat's
season record at 35-35 with 10
games to go and left the Knicks
at 25-44. Any combination of two
Syracuse victories 'or New York
losses would give the Nats the
third and last Eastern division
playoff berth.
We are now
NO 2-5414


Ohio State
Wins Again
Ohio State stormed through a
leaky Illinois defense last night for
a convincing 102-79 victory. The
Buckeyes proved to their critics
that they were not getting tired by
surpassing the century mark.
Captain John "Hondo" Havlicek
tossed in 19 points to lead the
Bucks to their 26th consecutive
Big Ten win. The regionally tele-
vised game was practically no con-
test as the Bucks pulled their first
string with seven minutes to go
and the score 88-55.
It was their 33rd consecutive
home court win, stretching over
three seasons.

'M' Thinclads
Top Wisconstin
Ergas Leps won two events as
Michigan won the Big Ten dual
track meet from Wisconsin 76 5/6-
64 1/6 in Wisconsin last night.
Leps took the mile in 4:14 and
the half mile in 1:52. Larry How-
ard of Wisconsin beat- Michigan's
Bennie McRae in both the high
and low hurdles in one of the days
key upsets.
The defeat at the hands of the
Wolverines was the first loss for
Wisconsin in four dual meets so
far this season.
The Badgers thus once again
impressed observers who had not
expected much from them follow-
ing their last place finish.

... captains cagers ... offensive leader

I ' -,---- .1

A Michigan Union International Seminar
with special reference to problems brought out
in the Committee Report from:






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