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February 25, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-25

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Professors View
National Attitude
"There is nothing in the United States today that I would
call war hysteria," Prof. Sidney Fine, of the history depart-
ment says.
"There Is concern about nuclear war, and maybe a few
fanatics are pro-war, but they comprise such an infinitesimal
minority as not to be worthy of consideration. The prevailing
mood is one of business as usual. Not very many want to
admit that war is a real possibility."
"There was no hysteria before World War I or II either," .
he continues. "Many more were resigned to World War II than
are today resigned to the possibility of World War III. Perhaps
this is because the nature of weapons is so horrible today."
"General Torpor"
Citing a "general torpor in public mood," Prof. John
Higham of the history department says, "The attitude towards
war today -is unprecedented in American history. In the past,
war was always viewed as either a moral evil to be avoided
or a challenge to victory and expansion.
Today, people advocating these extremes are much less
prominent than ever before. The pacifist movement has been
smaller since World War II than at any time since its develop-
' ment, and aggressive expansionism is shot," he adds.
"Debate ranges over a much narrower spectrum of opinion;"
Prof. Higham notes. "We feel keenly about the anti-nuclear
testing lobby and the Buckleyites, but compared with the past,
the polarities are less sharply posed.
Those who feel moral revulsion against war take no
abs6lute position, but only'debate particular and relative issues
such as testing. The aggressive nationalists make no explicit
appeal, they just advocate tougher appearances, images and
Views Subversion
Considering the problem of subversion, Prof. Fine main-
tains that "There is nowhere near the amount of fear about
subversion today as there was after World War I or during
the McCarthy era. There is a vocal minority giving the appear-
ande of concern, but there is nothing approaching a general
national worry."
,"As a people, we are prone to short-lived waves of subver-
sion hysteria," Prof. Higham says. Acute counter-subversion
episodes have been brief and associated with concrete national
crises, as in the McCarthy era and the Korean War, the Red
scare of 1919 and the Salem witchcraft hysteria.
Endemic wide-spread subversion concern, seen in long-
term historical cycles, has been a problem for about 30 years
at a time, but has not deeply endangered American liberties,"
he added.
f "A concern about national security is always serious, and
if it persists long enough, it can make a change in national
character. I don't know whether this is happening.
Freedoms Limited
"Certain freedoms are no longer available in the United
States, such as the freedom to be a Communist. I guess I'm not
upset. The U.S. has had a long tradition of thought control
as a function of our' democracy. It is an evil we have to live
with, compensated by the virtues of democracy."
"The-view that socialism is inevitable in the United States
is definitely a minority view," Prof. Fine says.
"Most Americans are committed to the middle way-neither
19th century capitalism nor Marxism. Further reform is pos-
sible midway between laissez-faire and socialism. There is no
wave of new conservatism sweeping the country."
"There is not the same- national .concern with reform as
there was in the New Deal era, especially not in. the college
population,"v he notes.
"Some of the social problems of the thirties have been
solved, and college students are concerned with the question
of peace versus war rather than Social Security and Medical
Care for the Aged. But we are becomming more committed to
s6cial reform abroad, making it a condition for our foreign
aid, at least in theory.
"Grants and loans are conditional because we want to
benefit the recipient nation as a whole. But I don't know
whether' this will work out."
Increased Central Control
Prof. Higham sees a "long-term irreversible trend towards
an increasing amount of central authority in our society. This
doesn't make me particularly haply," he says, "but it must
be recognized so that it can be tempered and channeled. How-
ever, there isn't much meaning in the word 'socialism' anymore.
"When a movement continues in the paradozes and com-
plications of life, it outgrows a hardened and codified ideology.
The powerful thrust towards central authority has left its
ideology a static, worn-out husk," he explains.
"I am willing to bet that the majority regards the UN as
hopeful," Prof. Fine says. "The present administration looks
to the UN and is willing to work through it, as in the Congo."
However, Prof. Higham sees a disillusionment of idealistic
expectations for the UN since 1957. "Today, in the more literate
segments of public opinion, we are less idealistically inter-
national. But there has been a tempering of the idea of un-

restricted national action that would have the United States
take the bit in its teeth and remake the world pattern.

Hiring Becomes All- Year Procedur

With competition for qualified faculty increasing steadily, efforts
to hire new men, once concentrated almost entirely in spring, are
becoming more of a year-round process,
University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss explains
that the heightened competition is due to the actual shortage of
qualified graduates with doctorates, the increasing enrollment and
extended activities ,and projects of colleges and universities and the
rapid growth of new institutions in almost every state.
Want High Salaries
With top institutions vying for top instructors, those schools which
can offer the highest salaries and best working facilities are naturally
in the best position.
Niehuss says the University at present is unable to recruit new
faculty members -except where it must fill a vacancy in a particular
"When we know for certain that a man is going to another institu-
tion or retiring, we look for a replacement," he says. However, in the
University's present financial situation, "we have been unable to in-
crease the number of faculty members except for a few" in science in
the Institute of Science and Technology.
One additional complicating factor, Niehuss explains, is the fact

that legislative appropriations for the University came so late in the
year. Since the University is not certain until spring what funds it
will have for the next year, it cannot plan definitely for salary raises
or departmental increases.
"The legislature is aware of the problem and sympathetic. Legis-
lators wish there were a way to reach an earlier decision on Unviersity
allocations," he says.,
Describes Systems
In some states, Niehuss explains, appropriations are made on a
biennial basis, so the universities know exactly how much money they
will have for the next two years. In other instances, legislativeappro-
priations come earlier in the year, which is a decided advantage.
With the present shortage for funds, Niehuss says it is impossible
to recoup the faculty losses the University has suffered in the last few
years, particularly in areas such as astronomy.
The only solution, he says, is to try to hire younger men and to
hope that they will develop and remain with the University. In most
fields, informal communication is good among schools, he says. Word
about promising doctoral candidates spreads quickly throughout the
Possible Solution
Universities looking for faculty members write to the department
heads of other universities for names of graduate students who will be

looking for positions and for lists of rejected nominees under conside
ation after a particular position has been filled.
Most good universities will give their employes opportunities whi
in response to this type of request, although they try to keep thei
Niehuss says.
He says the practice is becoming more common for qualified m
to write to heads of various university departments saying they a
interested in posts they know are open.
Until very recently, no well-qualified man would seek a positic
overtly, but he would drop hints in well-chosen places that he w
looking for a post, and then let the word spread.
Next Year's Changes
Niehuss says it is still too early to predict University facul
changes for next year. "We have already had some losses, but most
our faculty have not yet made up their minds about offers from oth
institutions," he says.
He hopes faculty members will wait until the legislature decid
appropriations before accepting higher-paying offers. "There is
fairly widespread feeling that higher education needs more money
he says.
"The fact that the legislature also is talking this way is encot
aging and may help to preserve faculty considering other offers
remain with the University."

ilt 4a


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

Dean Bans PA per
At Pennsylvania
Editor Doubts Legality of Measure
Recommended by Student Council
The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at the Univer-
sity of. Pennsylvania, which has been publishing for 77 years, has
been suspended by the school's Dean of Men.
Melvin Goldstein, the editor-in-chief of the paper was called
into the office of Dean of Men Robert F. Longley yesterday after-
noon. He was handed a note stating that "Until further r notice,
"publication and distribution of the
Daily Pennsylvanian is suspend-
T i 'f IC ~ lll'* ed.'"

iehuss SaysU' To Nee




Into Algeria
To Halt Riots
ALGIERS W)-The French gov-
ernment poured 20,000 troops into
jittery Algiers yesterday following
a terrorist bloodbath that left 20
Moslems dead in the populous
European quarter of Bab-el Oued.
Eleven or more Europeans were
killed throughout the city and the
overall Algerian death toll was
set at 40.
Authorities said the killings were
part of a rightist secret army plan
to dash peace hopes in a racial
In the barricaded administration
building overlookingthe city, of-
ficials feared the worst period in
the history of the 72-year-old war
is approaching. Moslem masses,
tensly awaiting peace, also believe
that murder will strike with double
intensity when a cease-fire is pro-
Headquarters for Algeria in-
dicated that well over 50,000 mem-
bers of the French army will be
ready to intervene should the city
be plunged into a major disaster.

"I asked Mr. Longley to put in
writing his authority for doing
this and he refused. When I asked
him to put in writing his reason
for doing so he directly refused.
Orally his only comment was I
am the Dean of Men'," Goldstein
Gives Stand
Earlier in the afternoon when
he learned that the action was
being contemplated, Goldstein
went to Longley's office. "I em-
phasized that I thought this ac-
tion was illegal and I doubted his
authority to do this. Secondly I
requested the opportunity to pre-
sent a brief either to him or the
Vice-President for Student Affairs
but he refused."
Goldstein also asked the dean to
indicate in writing that the editors
of the Daily Pennsylvanian had
had no opportunity to present
their views; but this too was turn-
ed down.
Early yesterday evening Long-
ley indicated that a recommend-
ation by the student government
asking the suspension of the Daily
Pennsylvanian was the reason for
his action.
Secret Meeting
The recommendation was passed
at a secret meeting of the student
government yesterday morning.
The meeting was called in re-
sponse to a front page editorial in
Friday's Daily Pennsylvanian call-
ing for the abolition of the stu-
dent government.
The meeting "was not open to
the public and consequently con-
trary to the student government's
constitution. Anyone acquainted
with the Pennsylvania campus can
recognize this to be an insult to
this community," Goldstein said.
"Longley is using the student
government as a tool to disguise
a blunt and direct attenpt by him
to supress freedom of expression.
We cannot back down under this
and we will not."

Must Meet
'Great Danger
From Inertia
Says Non-Movement
Will Cause Trouble
Special To The Daily
PORT HURON - "Today there
is a national awareness that the
University has ceased to move; this
in itself is a great danger."
So said Executive Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss at a Conference
on the University here yesterday,
in regard t the growing spread
between the Regents' budget re-
quests from the state and the
actual appropriations by the Legis-
"If we experience one more year
of non-movement, we will be in
serious trouble," Niehuss contin-
ued. "It would be difficult to con-
trol both faculty losses and mor-
Stresses Need
Niehuss stressed the need for an
increase in faculty salaries, saying
"despite the supposed unworldli-
ness of academic people, they can
still read statistics and they can
see their relative economic posi-
tion is declining."
Through the use of slides, Nie-
huss demonstrated that the cost
of living has gone up 114 per cent
since 1939, and faculty salaries
have increased only 155 per cent,
while other trades have increased
over 250 per cent.
Praises Legislature
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont prais-
ed the Legislature for its "long
and generous support" of higher
"We must recognize, however,
that the support has slackened in
recent years in Michigan, while
other 'states redoubled their 'ef-
forts," he said.
"One of our major problems is
to demonstrate clearly and con-
vincingly that these effects of
shortage of funds are serious. The
damage is difficult to see,.and the
University needs substantial help
to halt it."

ays Boost
t. Neeessar
t For Salaries
Hints Fee Increase
Might Be Necessary
To Meet Expenses

,Daily-Michael Harrah
SATURDAY SYMPOSIUM-Executive Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss (standing) explains the problems of faculty salaries to ~
alumni and friends of the University at a conference on the
University held yesterday at the Blue Water YMCA in Port Huron..
Campus Fraternities'
To Receive Rushees
Approximately 550-600 men will begin two weeks of rush at 2:00
p.m today.
For the next three days they will be free to visit any of the 43
fraternities on campus, all of which will be holding open houses.
This afternoon open houses last until 5 p.m. They begin again at
7 p.m: and run until 9:30 p.m. On Monday and Tuesday open houses
last from 7:00 'pm. to 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday is also the first day rushees can return to houses for
second visits. After that they will be going to lunches and smokers at
the invitation of individual houses.
On Friday and Saturday houses will begin spending prolonged
periods with rushees, one way being an afternoon of sports on Friday
and brunches on Saturday.

Data DisprovesSalaryCrisis

:Executive Vice-President Marvii
L. Niehuss said yesterday that th
University would need a minimur
increase in its appropriation o
$4,$5 million for the coming fisca
year, just to meet current 'ant
inescapable expenses.
He said that if the Universit
does not get at least that amour
from the state it would be neces
sary to get the money sornewher
else. "And the only source I ca
see would be a' tuition increase.
He noted that "necessary salar
increases alone would be in exces
of $4 million if we did what w
should, and we need funds fo
other things than salaries."
Consider Increase
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss
field) said yesterday that his Ser
ate .Appropriations Committee
preparing to consider higher ed
cation appropriations, and earlie
his committee was reported to :
considering a ten per cent fe
increase as acceptable in a pro
gram of "sharing the burden."
Wayne State University has a
ready proposed that it will increas
tuitions by one dollar.-for ever
matching four dollars it gets froi
the Legislature.
House Ways and Means ComT
mittee Chairman Arnell E. Eng
strom . (R-Traverse City) sai
Thursday the total budget for th
state next year might well be i
the area of $510 million. Tb
would be an increase of $42 millia
or nine per cent over this year.
Still Short
A nine per cent increase of ti
University's present appropriatio
of $35.3 million would only reali
an additional $3.1 million, $900,00
short of Niehuss' $4-5 millio
The Regents' stated at the
October meeting that they woul
give "careful consideration" to
tuition boost after they know whF
the state appropriation will be. 81
legislators are unwilling to ;omm
themselves to a definite figure a
YR's Choose
tcState Presiden
Special To The Daily
PORT HURON-Steven Stocl
meyer, '63, yesterday was electE
chairman of the Michigan Feder
tion of College Young Republica
Clubs, against Michigan Sta
University's Karl Lady, in a tig

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the
second of, two parts of the Report
to the Legislature by the Legisla-
tive Audit Commission. This article
deafs with faculty salaries at the
state's colleges and universities..
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Findings of the Leg-
islative Audit Commission tend
to disprove the "urgent and cri-
tical situation in regard to fac-
ulty salaries," which was cited
recently by M, M. Chambers, exec-
utive secretary to the State Coun-
cil of College Presidents, accord-
ing to House Majority Floor Lead-
er Allison Green (R-Kingston).
In releasing the commission's
report recently, ,Green, chairman
of t1he group, d'isclosed that "fringe
benefits rose at a greater rate
than did the average salary fig-

The legislative group reported
salary and fringe benefit increases
in the last ten years at the state's
nine colleges and universities as
List Raises
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology at Houghton, 87 per
cent; Eastern Michigan University
at Ypsilanti, 82 per cent; Western
Michigan University at Kalama-
zoo, 68 per cent; Michigan State
University, .79 per cent;
Central Michigan University at
Mt. Pleasant, 66 per cent; North-
ern Michigan College at Mar-
quette, 64 per cent, the University,
62 per cent; -and WSU, 54 per
Salary averages plus fringe ben-
efits have voneo u in the follow-

range of most salary averages,
Michigan schools, with the possi-'
ble exception of the University,
will have to meet raises given in
other states in order to -remain in
a competitive position."

On Sunday there will be no rush.
From Monday through the end
of the second week houses will also
be asking rushees to dinners.
Interfraternity Council Rush
Chairman John Meyerholz, '63,
notes that rushees must register,
with IFC but have until Tuesday
to do so. Sign-ups are in the Mich-j
igan Union lobby.

'Al' Team Tramples MSU, -10-2

YAF Takes
Court Action
For Tshombe,
ative youth organization took court
action yesterday aimed at forcin,
the State Department to rule on
Katanga President Moise Tshom-
be's request for a visa to visit the
United States.
The suit was filed in district
court by Young Americans for
freedom which has invited Tshom-
be to appear at a rally in New
York City March 7.
The organization claimed it
would suffer "irreparable damage"
if Tshombe did not attend.
Tshombe, who has tried to keep
Katanga independent from the
central Congolese government, has
twice applied for a visa but no
formal ruling. has been made by
the State Department.
However, the department has
said it regards a visit by Tshombe
at this time as not in the nation's
best interest "because it would in-

Red Berenson broke loose for
his eighth hat trick last night
and the Michigan hockey team*
went from there 'to trounce Mich-
igan State, 10-2.
Berenson's outburst brought his
season goal production to 36, one
short of the all-time Michigan1
record held by Neil Celley. Beren-
son has at least three games leftI
in which to break the record, one
against the West Germans and

Michigan's varsity teams split
yesterday as two events were
held at home and two away.
The hockey team finished its
undefeated home season with a
smashing 10-2 victory over
Michigan State at the Coliseum.
At Yost Field House the Michi-
gan wrestlers were defeated by
Minnesota 15-9.
At Wisconsin the track team
defeatedsthesBadgers 76-5/6 to
65-1/6,,and the Michigan swim-

"Because of this, fringe bene- ing percentages during the past
fits should be considered in any five years:
salary comparisons which are UMichigan
made," he commented. MSU 37 per cent; Michigan
National Increase I Tech, 36 per cent: EMU, 31' per
cent: WMU and Ferris Institute
Chamibers had stated that the at Big Rapids, 25 per cent; the


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