U Invites NCAA to Meeting
'M' Tankers Need Help from Indiana
N YORK (AP)-The Amateur
ic Union has invited 15
s, including the NCAA, to
epresentatives to a meeting
Sunday for the purpose of
ming the AAU committee
e recognize the equity of
organizations in the overall
ur sports picture of the
I States," Louis J. Fisher of
Point, N.C., president of the
said in making the an-
ement yesterday..
Combined Thinking
order to have the combined
ng of all groups connected
amateur athletics, we are
ig them to become a part of
the Amateur Athletic Union's
policy-making bodies."
Lack of proper representation
is one -of the complaints of the
National Collegiate Athletic Asso-
ciation, which has moved to set up
rival federations in track and field,
basketball and gymnastics.
Threatening Role -
The power struggle is threaten-
ing America's role in international
sports. The AAU for years has
been the governing agent for most
U.S. sports in international and
Olympic competition.
Among those invited to Sunday's
meeting are: the NCAA, the Na-
tional Association of Intercollegi-
Athorof"RallyRound The ,Boys", "The Mn
Loves of Dobie Gill",, etc.)
ate Athletics (NAIA), National
Union College Athletic Association,
National Federation of State High
School Athletic Associations,
YMCA, CYO, National Jewish Wel-
fare Board, Boys Clubs of America,
American Association of Physical
Education, Health and Recreation,
National Recreation Society and
American Recreation Society and
the four armed services.
This is the plan, presented at
the Chicago meeting two weeks
ago, which the AAU hopes to im-
1) All groups and organizations
concerned with individual sports
would be given direct representa-
tion on the AAU national sports
2) Within each sports committee
a foreign relations sub-group
would be established with more
autonomous authority over the
conduct and administration of
that sport for international com-
3) The foreign relations com-
mittee of the AAU, a policy-
making group, would have repre-
sentation from various organiza-
tions directly concerned with in-
ternational sports competition.
4) Each sports committee would
also be directly represented on the
foreign relations committee.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of two articles analyzing
Michigan's chances event-by-event
in the upcoming Big Ten swim-
ming championships in Blooming-
ton. Today's article deals with the
breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke,
individual medley and medley re-
lay; next week's with the freestyle
events and diving.)
Michigan swimming Coach Gus
Stager is going around calling his
defending NCAA titlists a "team
without stars" and singing the
praises of Indiana and Ohio State
these days.
He is picking his team for a
tentative third place in the Big
Ten championships next week at
Blomington-maybe even fourth
or fifth behind Michigan State
and/or Minnesota, if everything
goes wrong for the Wolverines.
But don't go away mad.
"We can beat Ohio State-may-
be," Stager puts in. "It depends
on how far Indiana knocks Ohio
State down-whether Indiana and
MSU can beat Ohio in the medley
relay, for instance."
With Luck..
The way Stager figures it, the
specialty strokes - the breast-
stroke, butterfly, backstroke, in-
dividual medlay and medley re-
lay-are where Michigan's depth
might be able to compensate for
Ohio State's big point-getters -
with an assist from Indiana, that
"Where we're going to catch up
on them, or at least score points,
is in places seven through 11. For
instance, Ohio's got one man in
the breaststroke, but we've got
three good ones. It's a good thing
for us we have a 12-place scor-
ing system," Stager added.
The big thing to hope for, as
far as Stager is concerned, is to
see the Hoosier and Wolverine
specialists shut out the Buckeyes
from the top places.
Preview to Meet
Michigan gets an inkling of
what it will be like racing Ohio
State in a dual meet Saturday at
Columbus. The Hoosiers don't see
the Buckeyes until the conference
meet, but they still shouldn't have
any trouble holding up their end
of the bargain. They have an
American or world record-holder
in all four strokes.
In the breaststroke, Indiana can
use Chet Jastremski, Ken Naka-
sone and Cary Tremewan, who
have all broken 2:20 at 200 yds.
this season. Jastremski's 2:12.0
gives him the American record,
which goes along nicely with his
records at 220 yds., 200 meters, 100
yds., 110 yds. and 100 meters.
Stager's three top breaststrokers
are sophomores Jon Baker (2:20.-
3), junior Dick Nelson (2:20.4)
and soph Jerry Bodolay (2:21.5).
It will be a big order for them
to break into the top five, be-
cause Ohio State's Tom Kovacs
has already done 2:15.0 and they
were beaten by Minnesota's Virg
Luken in a dual meet earlier this
month in 2:20.4.
Not This Time
A 100-yd. race, added for the
Big Ten meet in the breaststroke,
butterly and backstroke, will be
most welcome in the first. Last
year Nelson finished only fifth in
the 200-yd. race but set an Amer-
ican record in whipping Jastrem-
ski at 100 yds.
Since then, however, Chet (The
Jet) has been unbeatable.
In the butterfly, Indiana owns
the co-holders of the American
200-yd. record of 1:57.3, Mike
Troy and Lary Schulhof.
Michigan will pin its hopes on
an all-sophomore lineup of Jeff
Moore -(2:04.0), Enn Mannard
(2:06.7) and Bob Shaefer (2:07.8).
A fourth, Jeff Longstreth, was
high on the list until the flu kept
him from a week's practice. Sta-
ger lists him as doubtful for the
conference meet.
Others in Race
Artie Wolfe, from Ohio State,
also had an early-season time of
2:04.0, and Michigan State's Carl
Shaar was ahead of him at 2:01.5,
although Stager was disappointed
when Shaar beat Moore in last
week's dual meet.
Shaefer is the top bet for the
Wolverines at 100 yds., although
junior Steve Thrasher may get the
nod as the flyer on the medley re-
lay team.
In the backstroke, Indiana's
Tom Stock is still a tenth of a
second off the American record
of 1:57.1 in the 200-yd. race but
does happen to be the world rec-
ord-holder at 200-meters.
Hoosiers Hurry
Ted Stickles gives the Hoosiers
another one-two punch off his
2:04.0 clocking.
Michigan has two veterans, sen-
ior Fred Wolf (2:06.9) and junior
Mike Reissing (2:04.9). Reissing
has brought his times down, some
five seconds from last year, while
Wolf, fourth and sixth in the two
conference races last year, has
given Stager confidence that he
will be sharp next week and will
probably swim on the medley re-
Ohio State's L.' B. Schaefer
(2:03.3) and Chuck Hunter (2:04-
.72 are also a little ahead of Wolf
and Reissing at this point.
Stickles, American record hold-
er in the 200-yd. individual med-
ley at 1:59.5, will get support from
Jastremski (2:03.6) and Treme-
wan (2:04.4).
Although Wolf won the race
two years ago, neither he nor
Thrasher has turned in compar-
able times. Marty Mull, Ohio
State, (2:03.9), Bill Milota, Min-
nesota, (2:05.4) and Bill Wood,
Michigan State (2:05.9) are the
best of the rest.
Stock, Jastremski, Schulhof and
Pete Sintz are the American rec-
ord-holding medley relay team at
3:36.0, while the best Wolf, Nel-
son, Thrasher and freestyler Frank
Berry have done is 3:44.5.
When Thorwald Dockstader-sophomore, epicure, and sports-
man-first took up smoking, he did not simply choose the first
brand of cigarettes that came to hand. He did what any
sophomore, epicure, and sportsman would do: he sampled sev-
eral brands until he found the very best-a mild, rich, flavorful
smoke-an endless source of comfort and satisfaction-a smoke
that never palled, never failed to please-a, smoke that age
could not wither nor custom, stale-a filter cigarette with an
unfiltered taste-Marlboro, of course!
Similarly, when Thorwald took up girls, he did not simply
select the first one who came along. He sampled. First he
dated an English literature major named Elizabeth Barrett
Schwartz, a wisp of a girl with large, luminous eyes and a soul
that shimniered with a pale, unearthly beauty. Trippingly,
trippingly, she walked with Thorwald upon the beach and sat
with him behind a windward dune and listened to a conch shell
and sighed sweetly and took out a little gold pencil and a little
morocco notebook and wrote a little poem:
I will lie upon the shore,
I will be a dreamer,
I will feel the sea once more,
Pounding on my femur.
Thorwald's second date was with a physical education major
Discount Records
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named Peaches Glendower, a broth of a girl with a ready smile
and a size 18 neck. She took Thorwald down to the cinder track
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four games of squash, six sets of tennis, 36 holes of golf, nine
innings of one o'cat, six chukkers of lacrosse, and a mile and a.
quarter of leapfrog. Then they went ten rounds with eight
ounce gloves and had heaping bowls of whey and exchanged a.
firm handshake and 'went home to their respective whirlpool
Thorwald's final date was with a golden-haired, creamy-
browed, green-eyed, red-lipped, full-calved girl named Totsi
Sigafoos. Totsi was not majoring in anything. As she often said,
"Gee whillikers, what's college for anyhow-to fill your head
full of icky old facts, or to discover the shining essence that is
Totsi started the evening with Thorwald at a luxurious
restaurant where she consumed her own weight in Cornish rock
hen. From there.they went to a deluxe movie palace where
Totsi had popcorn with butter. Then she had a bag of chocolate
covered raisins-also with butter. Then they went to a costly
ballroom and did the Twist till dawn, tipping the band every
eight bars. Then they went to a Chinese restaurant where
Totsi, una~ld to translate the menu, solved her problem by
ordering ohe of everything. Then Thorwald took her to the
women's dorm, boosted her in the window, and went downtown=
to wait for the employment office to open.
While waiting, Thorwald thought over all of his girls and
came to a sensible decision. "I think," he said to himself, "that
I will stick with Marlboros. I am not rich enough for girls."
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-Daily-James Keson
FIRST TEST-Michigan's four butterflyers this year are all
sophomores-(1-r) Jeff Moore, Jeff Longstreth, Bob Shaefer and
Enn Mannard. One or more of them will have to take over for
graduated Dave Gillanders in the Big Ten meet next week.
Corriere Vital Spark for Wrestlers
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Election to the
captaincy of a Michigan teamisan
honor few ever receive. To the qual-
ities of leadership, sportsmanship,
athletic ability and the intangibles
that make a Michigan captain what
he is, The Daily pays tribute. This
is the fourth in a series.)
Sports Editor
"There is no other sport in
which the captain is as important
as in wrestling. He's essential in
building up a team's morale and
esprit de corps ... You get a good
captain and you'll have a good
Cliff Keen, a coach who has
seen more than his share of both,
was talking about wrestling cap-
tains and about this year's Wol-
verine leader, Don Corriere. "Cap-
tains have different personalities
and do their job in different ways
'Some are pepperboxes, others
are more quiet ... Don is a good
captain who inspires the team
t h r o u g h encouragement and
through his own hard work."
That hard work is evidenced by
the 167-pounder's unbeaten skein
of 10 victories this season. Cor-
riere was 157-1b. Big Ten cham-
pion three years ago as a sopho-
more and managed to cop third
place in the 167-1b. class last year,
after being upset in the semifin-
als. He was the only varsity Wol-
verine to take a Wilkes-Barre ti-
tle earlier this season.
Serious Wrestler
The soft-spoken captain is ser-
ious about his wrestling. "It's the
greatest sport for all-around de-
velopment, both physically and
mentally." Wrestling is also one
of the hardest sports to get into
condition for, he adds. In most
sports you can get back into shape
in a month, "but wrestling takes
about three months of hard work-
outs every day."
However, it took more than a
wrestling reputation to attract
Corriere to Michigan from Hill
School in Pottstown, Pa. He had
almost decided to attend another
university before changing his
"It was Cliff Keen who changed
my mind. He seemed to be the.
type of coach who felt that stud-
ies came first and who had a more
personal approach to his wres-
tlers." Corriere has gained fur-
ther respect for Keen after wres-
tling for him. "He's an excellent
coach who really knows wres-
tling," the captain says.
Big Jump
The jump from prep to college
wrestling was a big one for Don,
despite his school's top wrestling
team. (Incidentally, Hill School
has produced a number of Michi-
gan wrestlers and former cap-
tains.) "The big thing was learn-
ing to play the points. In high
school, two men go out on the mat
and just wrestle; a lot of points
are scored but generally both are
out for the pin."
In college, a man will get points
for a takedown or escape and then
will spend the rest of. the match
stalling, trying to protect-his mar-
"That's what is killing college
wrestling. Any strong wrestler who
is a little better than average can
get an escape today and then.
spend the rest of the match forc-
ing his opponent to take the ini-
tiative. Most good wrestlers who
want to play the point game can
tie anyone, no matter how good,;
they are. It's no good for the
spectator and it's not the way the
sport should be played.
"I'd like to go for the fall in
every match, but I'll play their
game as long as the points will
win matches," Corriere believes.
He'll be very reluctant to go for
the fall unless he feels he can def-
initely win, the dark-haired senior
Corriere learned his lesson in
his sophomore year when he lost
to an opponent whom he thought
was a poor wrestler. Corriere got
behind and was unable to make it
up when the other wrestler played
it cautious and won on points.
He got a refresher course last
year in the Big Ten semifinals
when he lost on points to Iowa's
Joe Mullins, a man he had easily
beaten in dual competition. Cor-
riere went for the takedown early
in the match and Mullins, wres-
tling defensively, was waiting and
instead took Corriere down. Then
the two stalled out the match and
Corriere lost. Don admits he was
overconfident in the match, look-
ing ahead to the finals and ex-
pecting to pin Mullins. The les-
son was a bitter one and Corriere
came back to pin his man in the
consolation match.
Toughest Test
Don's toughest test came last
year in the quarterfinals of the
NCAA championships when he lost
to Kirk Pendleton of Lehigh 8-5.
"It was a good match, but he was
just the better wrester that
night." (Corriere had beaten him
in the Wilkes-Barre tourney ear-
lier that year.) "In a way, a loss
can be good for a wrestler (al-
though I felt pretty bad about it
then). It makes him think, and
makes him prove whether he can
come back and win the next time.
"That's what has been the re-
markable thing about our team
this year. When one man is down,
the others seem to pick us back
up. And it has been different guys
in different meets. Although wres-
tling is a nindividual test, the
team spirit is always present. A
team with good morale is a tough
team to beat."
-Daily-James Keson
MEET FAST FIELD--Sophomore Jon Baker, junior Dick Nelson
and sophomore Jerry Bodolay (l-r) will take on some of the best
breaststrokers in the country at Bloomington next week as Michi-
gan tries to match last year's second-place finish.
-Daily-Bruce Taylor
ALL TIED UP-Michigan Captain Don Corriere ties up Pitts-
burgh's August Arrigone en route to an easy 12-4 victory over the
Panther 167-pounder in the home opener this season. Corriere is
undefeated in 10 dual meets, this year and also won in the Wilkes-
Barre Tournament.