Semi oy-T bIrd Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVE srrY OF MwGAN - ... UNDER AUTHORITY Of BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where OpInions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE o 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"~ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints. 'URDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVEN HALLER Districting Group Shirks Responsibility THE EIGHT-MAN bipartisan commission on reapportionment, whose members were appointed late last year by the Re- publican and Democratic state central committees, has failed to come up with a plan for redistricting the state. The commission, which was split along party lines throughout its short life, fail- ed to come up with a workable redistrict- ing plan because neither side was willing to compromise. The Republicans worked only for Republican interests, and the Democrats worked only for Democratic interests; both sides seemed to have for- gotten that they were all supposed to have been working for the good of the entire state. THE REAPPORTIONMENT demanded by the new constitution is supposed to even out representatioh in the state, not decide which party should be in power through gerrymandering the state legisla- tive districts. Since the commission has failed to per- form the task it was supposed to, the de- cision on redistricting is now up to the state Supreme Court. With its Democratic majority, the high court will probably in- terpret the redistricting formula set up in. the constitution in favor of the Demo- crats, and for this reason the Democrats may have wanted the commission to fail from the start. It becomes even more apparent that the Democrats never planned to compro- mise in the special committee when one considers the fact that two Republican- backed bills aimed at postponing reap- portionment until at least next year were introduced in the Legislature even before the commission finally decided that it was hopelessly deadlocked. One of the measures would extend the terms of the present legislators until 1966,, while the other would simply put off the deadline for reapportioning the state to 1965. Passage of either of these bills would serve only to delay further something which has been put off long enough. Since the commission failed to do any- thing toward drawing up the new dis- tricts called for in the constitution, the Supreme Court, which could conceivably make a decision by next week, should take up the reins of responsibility that the commission discarded and make a logi- cal decision about the question of re- districting. . 4 - x T : Ai ; SOCIALISTIC PROGRAMS: exican Nation Moves Forwar By ROBERT M. HUTCHINS fow CAN the citizen protect himself against the bureau-, crat? How can the bureaucrat protect himself against the poli- tician and the pressure group? How can the people of a bureau- cratic state participate in their government? These questions were raised at raised at the tenth celebra- tion of the Fund for the Repub- lic and its Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Bev- erly Hills, and some of them were answered by Newton Min- ow, former chairman of the Fed- eral Communications Commission, and Adm. H. G. Rickover of the Atomic Energy Commission. Both speakers pointed out that every democratic country has to face these questions. As the de- mands of defense, education and welfare increase, the bureaucra- cy grows in size, power and im- portance. AS ADMIRAL RICKOVER said, the phenomenal growth of tech- nology and population leads to giant organizations, and giant or- ganizations can be run only by bureaucracies. The vote, which is the people's weapon against the politicians, does not affect the bureaucracy. The courts, which are the instru- ments of justice, cannot control it. Discussion, criticism and par- ty organization, which are the means of political participation, do not reach it. Yet this mysterious and impen- etrable apparatus is much more significant in the daily life of the citizen than the orations and gyrations of elected officials or the solemn pronouncements of the courts of law. No country has successfully an- swered all the questions that bu- reaucracy presents. France has an efficient civil service. Without it. the nation could not have sur- vived the almost daily changes in government before de Gaulle. The French system of administrative courts protects the citizen against the inhumanity of the bureau- cratic machine. But France, of all the nations of the West, seems to have the lowest rate of participation by the people in the actual opera- tions of government. It is not their government: it is govern- ment conducted for their benefit by highly-trained professionals. ENGLAND has an efficient civ- ii service. The doctrine of minis- terial responsibility, which is the cornerstone of the British consti- tution, means that all power is exercised in the name of political officers representing the party in power. The minister may be ques- tioned in Parliament; the civil servants in his department may not be. This makes for efficiency. But, since the civil servants are invis- ible and anonymous, it.does not make for justice. * * * THE BRITISH institution known as the "tribunal" is a promising effort to achieve justice. It is al- so the only device anywhere that involves large numbers of the peo- ple in running the bureaucracy. There are more than 2000 tri- bunals in England, and more every day. They decide any question raised by any citizen about the administration of the welfare state as it applies to him. The tribunals have branches all over the country. The work is done, usually on a part-time basis, by thousands of local people who serve for very little pay or no pay at all. This is a new kind of legal sys- tem. It deserves imitation in this country; for, as Mr. Minow said, one trouble with our administra- tive agencies is that they are overloaded with judicial, for quasi- judicial, decisions. * * * THE SWEDES have found a way to give the people justice without sacrificing efficiency. Their insti- tution, the Ombudsman, is the lineal descendant of the Tribune of the People, who protected Ro- man citizens against administra- tive harshness 2500 years ago. The Ombudsman has the power to call any administrative agency to account, either on, his own motion or on the complaint of a citizen. He can hail the agency into court if he wishes. But his success has depended chiefly on the great attention his reports re- ceive in Parliament and the press. In a typical year, 1000 cases re- sult in 250 warnings and repri- mands and only five prosecutions. The Ombudsman has now spread to Denmark, Norway and New Zealand. The dangers and difficul- ties Admiral Rickover and Mr. Minow point to in our system would be reduced by importing him into this country. Copyright, 1964, Los Angeles Times WHAT KIND OF WORLD? Protecting People From Bureaucrats I The Game ANYONE BAFFLED by the chronic habit of seniors seeking out those dull fresh- man courses in which to collect their last few credit-hours might take a look at certain upperclass courses. There one will find numerous two- and three-credit courses in which the work expected is far, out of line with the credits given. It's reasonable, of ,course, to expect stu- dents in advanced courses to start with some knowledge of the subject, and to be prepared for more sophisticated work. That isn't the point here. The point is that the sheer volume of many a two- credit course given in the literary col- lege exceeds that of four-credit fresh- man courses. THERE IS PRESENTLY a movement afoot in the college to hike the num- ber of credits given in these courses, by holding the number of class-meetings per week constant while requiring extra out- side work. This is ,a commendable move on its own merits. But again, it misses the present point; increasing both cred- its and work in these courses does not eliminate the current inequities. Students didn't devise the credit-hour system and, many protest its existence. But if have to play the game, let's at least nake the rules fair. -K. WINTER THE ONE ISSUE which hangs over the whole reapportionment issue is the lawsuit presently being pressed by Au- gust Scholle, president of the state AFL- CIO, and four other labor leaders against the formula in the constitution which is to be used in redistricting. Scholle claims that the formula, which states that rep- resentation should be based on an 80-20 population-area basis, violated the fed- eral Constitution. No matter which way the court decidedj in this case, it is almost sure to be ap- pealed to the United States Supreme Court, so it appears that any decision that will come out of this case won't come in time to affect the elections this fall. If the Supreme Court should fail to draw the new district lines by June 16, the final date for candidates to file for primary elections, the election next fall. may have to be conducted on an at-large basis, a chaotic situation at best. However, the chances of this happen- ing are slim, because it seems certain that the Supreme Court will do what the special commission on reapportion- ment failed to do-come up with a real- istic and workable plan for redistricting the state in time for the fall elections. -THOMAS COPI TODAY AND TOMORROW: A NATO Responsibility, by Walter Lippmann By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Correspondent MEXICO CITY - Over a mile into the clouds stretches one of North America's most beautiful cities -- the Federal District of Mexico. And from this perch high above the Mexican nation, perhaps too many tales have persisted-tales which are no longer true. Thisrisea city of many contrasts. The new and modern buildings rise up among their centuries-old counterparts. Modern stores crammed with factory-made goods do business alongside homemade stands. But one thing stands out: the picture of widespread, pathetic poverty one reads of in geography books or hears'of from proponents of the Alliance for Progress, sim- ply doesn't exist. To be sure, there are poor peo- ple, make no mistake about that, and undoubtedly they number more than should be tolerated. But they are not destitute; they are nothstarving; theyare not ill- clothed. Granted, they may just barely have enough to live from day to day, but the point remains -they do have enough. MOREOVER, Mexico City itself is not a suggestion of widespread poverty. There are literally hun- dreds of banks. A bank here is al- most as common as a gas station in the United States. And there are many big stores, full of goods made by manufacturers readily recognizable by any American schoolboy and full of local people buying them. The turnover is staggering, I am told, and the prices are not too much, if any, below American levels. This is not a picture of gasping poverty, but rather one of increasing affluence. True, this is not an accurate picture of all Mexico. The vast rural areas are nowherenear so well off as the cities; but even there, the people are no longer destitute. Of course, they haven't many of the modern comforts that Americans cannot seem to live without, but by the same token, they haven't many of the troubles attendant upon modern life. Most important, I think, they are happy people. Their relative poverty doesn't seem to bother them, maybe only because they don't know what they're missing, but I suspect not. Rather, I thinlk, they are taking the 'little which comes their way and enjoying it. * * * IT HAS NOT always been this way, of course. There was a time not long ago when poverty was widespread, and it is these times which our Alliance for Progress friends are recalling. Modern Mex- ico City however has left them be- hind. Particularly under the six- year reign of President Adolf o Lo- pez-Mateos, which has less than a year left to run, the government has been on the move to better things for the people. In many ways, Mexico is quite socialistic, a concept which strikes horror into the hearts of many Americans, but which serves a good purpose here. Transporta- THESE policies are firmly en- trenched. The Lopez-Mateos gov- ernment enjoys immense popular- ity, and though he cannot, by law, succeed himself, his hand-picked successor, Manuel Diaz-Ordaz, is virtually without opposition in. next July's election. This means another six years of the same for Mexico, and I think this is good. The country has been making great strides in self- reliance over the last decade, and certainly this should continue. And though some may ask, "What does this bode for America?", I am sure the dangers are largely figments of the imagination on the part of the radical right. True, the Mexican government maintains diplomaticrelations with Cuba and undoubtedly will continue to do so, and many Mex- ican politicians have attacked the United States with great vigor. But We forebodings are little more than talk. Mexico is, after all, for Mexico, first, last and always, and her ac- tions are always going to be those of self-interest. The Americans' snarl-fight with Castro does not concern Mexico, and Mexico is not about to become involved in it. As for the political diatribes, they are directed more at the coming elections than at the Americans to the north. BY AND LARGE, the Mexican people like America and the Amer- icans; they will gladly say so. Much of their new-found afflu- ence emanates from American fac- tories and the Mexican people are proud of their American posses- sions. In fact, if all traces of the United States were removed, Mex- ico would indeed consist of very little. Many American firms have established factories and assembly plants here, providing jobs and consumer goods.- American cars are a prized possession, "foreign" cars are often looked down upon. Mexicans readily identify 'with America, and the United States has become very much a part of the Mexican way .of life. So the United States need not worry. While Mexicans may not take the cold war as seriously as we do. they are nevertheless quite sure of which side they favor. * * * YET THE United States must. take care. More than anything else, Mexicans are proud of their national identity. They don't want to be thought of as an American charity case, but rather they want to be treated as good friends. This means both the American govern- ment and its private citizens must let Mexico forge ahead on its own. Mexico no longer needs a "big brother" to the North, just a "good. neighbor." "A VIEW From the Bridge" at, Cinema Guild tonight and to- morrow, is a powerful, well-acted drama. Based on the play by Ar- thur Miller, it tells of a man whose possessive love and subconscious desire for his niece doesn't allow him to accept her maturation and eventual marriage. The theme, as is true in most of Miller's work, emphasizes the tragedy of the little man, the av- erage, everyday person, and shows that his troubles and needs, de- sires and aspirations are just as momentous, as real and sometimes even as noble as those of the Aris- totilean tragic hero. * * * RAF VALLONE, as Eddie, the dock worker, makes excellent use of his entire body to portray his character. His eyes and mocking voice reveal his deep confusion. The muscles in his legs and arms radiate tension, restraint, anger. His emotional scenes are hard, strong and well-controlled. Carol Lawrence as Catherine, the niece, is just naive enough to make a point without being in- sipid and Marco, the Sicilian cou- sin, is particularly well portrayed. Though he says little, it is always apparent that he is thinking and understanding and deciding. His emotional build up and final show- down with Eddie is therefore clear and expected. There are many good moments in the movie, such as Eddie watch ing Catherine's skirt twirl up as she dances and Rodolpho discov ering an automat. The director ef- fectively utilizes music, photogra- phy and groupings to create a mood. Unfortunately these moods are often destroy e by the actors' poor diction. THE CAMERA work is some- times good and sometimes inade- quate. Many times half a face or part of a person is shown when it is really necessary to see the whole picture. On the other hand, there are many effective long shots which definitely enhance the mood, such as those of Eddie fac- ing the suddenly cool d un- friendly crowd and Eddie follow- ing Catherine down the dark streets of New York. The last shot is particularly well directed. A long shot of Eddie ly- ing in the midst of the crowd, it allows the audience to move away from all the emotion and view the scene from the viewpoint of Al- fiari, the lawyer, who has seen much violence on these streets. -Linda Zitomer 'A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE': Effective Production To The Edito YPRUS IS AN ISLAND off the coast of Turkey which was ceded to Great itain by the Turks in 1878 and made dependent on Aug. 16, 1960. A sizable ijority of the inhabitants are, however, eeks, and the crucial problem of Cy- Is is how the Turkish minority is to e in peace with the Greek majority. 'he two communities don't want to e with each other. The Greek Cypriots nt union with Greece. The Turkish priots want partition. Britain would e to find a way for the two communi- s to co-exist and cooperate. :t would have been a marvel if the ac- 'ds reached in 1959 had worked. For -existence under one government re- .res a high degree of political matur- based on long habit under an accept- ish intervention, is certain to be impos- sible for the home government in Lon- don. For it does not dare to introduce conscription with an election just ahead, and without conscription the British do not have the forces to meet all their commitments from Germany to East Af- rica to the Middle East to Singapore and Borneo. NEVERTHELESS, unattractive as is the prospect of American involvement, there is no doubt that massacres, civil war and war between Turkey and Greece must be prevented. Our reservations do not arise from the risk of being involved in another indecisive guerrilla war as in Viet Nam. If there is to be allied inter- vention, it can be massive enough to po- lice the island and protect both communi- ties. Since Cyprus is an island, this should be feasible. The real problem is to decide who is to decide how Cyprus is to be governed in the future. In my opinion, the military risk of participation in a peace-keeping operation is not a very great risk. What the United States has to worry about are the moral and political risks of a new re- sponsibility for which we are unprepared and in which we have only a secondary national interest. To the Editor: IT SUPPOSEDLY breaks all the rules of good physical and men- tal health, in America, to do any- thing while you are emotionally upset. But I'll do it anyway. Ex- cept for your reviews of Hollywood comedies, your critical notices should be burned before they reach the public. Sam Walker (Jan. 30), as usual, panned one of the most strikingly sensitive movies that I've ever seen (except for "La Strada," which was also blackballed in The. Daily). I am referring to the Polish film "Kanal." Mr. Walker found it "lacking," mainly because so much of it takes place in a sewer which he felt was too unrealistic and ab- stract for the viewer. Well, to his credit, few people were there to- night (Thursday). I asked a num- ber of people to go: they were all too busy. However, perhaps others would have seen it but for the shockingly insensitive review. I WONDER at the maturity of a student body which is so totally indifferent to what is beyond the clean, well-lighted university ex- istence, beyond sororities, tomor- row's classes or tomorrow's career: Mr. Walker wanted a faster pace and less of the ubiquitous sense of futility (as if it were something one could get away from). The greatest significance in the IQC.. To the Editor: AFTER reading the editorial by Laurence Kirshbaum entitled "Huntington Rebuilds IQC," I could not help but laugh a little. It may be true that Huntington has done a good job with the com- mittee structure of a traditionally weak organization, but the campus does not view the organization by its committee structure or how well the president sets it up. An organization is usually judged by the association of its leaders with the rest of the cam- pus and other organizations. In this respect, I find that Hunting- ton is seriously lacking. In my as- sociation with him, as the head of my organization, I have found that his powers and leadership as a president have been weak. THEREFORE, I would suggest to IQC that now that a revision of the structure of their organization has taken place and has been moderately successful, a revision of the powers and duties of the President be made more firm and far-reaching. This would do more for the organization than further changes in the committee struc- ture. -Ron Kramer Editor, 1964 Michiganensian BILLY LIAR': Dream worldly PROBLEM which Britain has plac- I before us is what to do about the cdown of the 1960 experiment. That s broken down is shown by the fact the British government is asking the ed States and other NATO countries ailitary help in keeping order in Cy- For there is immediate danger of a war among the Cypriots in which ey would intervene to protect the ish community and Greece would vene to resist the Turkish intervn- ILLY.LIAR," now showing at the Campus Theater, is as fine a motion picture as it is frustrat- ing. It manages to be both highly amusing .and deeply disturbing; yet it never quite satisfies the very thirst it creates. Billy Fisher, a young clerk in an undertaking firm, is labeled "Billy Liar" by his cohorts be- cause he always invents stories. Billy goes one step further by inventing his own dream world, Ambrosia, where he rules supreme. His dream personality becomes Walter Mitties he can put on and strike out at all those whose real- ity threatens his peace. TOM COURTNEY as Billy is superb. His moods are as change- able and fanciful, as brooding and searching as the picture tself. He Liz is what Billy wants to be, she changes her surroundings as her moods. But Billy can't do this himself. Liz steps out of Billy's safe world and tries to take Billy with her. Thus Billy is offered the choice of a dream world (i.e. Lon- don/Liz escape) or the world he has avoided with his dreams. Liz offers Billy a life with her that avoids the latter. He declines. BILLY'S DECISION to remain and live in the world that fosters his dream life seems cowardly; but is it? The chance remains that perhaps Billy has finally "grown up" as he was admonish- ed, that the Counselors words have taken effect. Billy may throw the calendars to the wind but he can't escape the dates on them.