SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUDAYFEBUAR.1,1_4.ilEIC -GAN _AIL ireek Cypru' Leader Peace RAPS McNAMARA:- Goldwater Links A-Tests To Missiles' Reliability KANSAS CITY - Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), challenged Sec- retary of Defense Robert S. McNamara yesterday to explain how the reliability of long-range missiles can be demonstrated without nuclear tests in the atmosphere. The Arizona Senator said McNamara himself has expressed uncer- tainty about whether United States missile sites could withstand an enemy attack. Goldwater said the Russians almost certainly are "studying missile reliability, and it is "incredible that anyone would suggest that we deprive the Amer- ican people of an equally careful study and perfectly clear answers." icnpNot Too Reliable f JOHN SPARKMAN Democrats Ask Loyalty WASHINGTON (P) - President Lyndon B. Johnson appears to be making considerable headway in his efforts to enlist influential sup- port in the South for an elective try for the Presidency. Latest to join the ranks of those urging Dixie Democrats to remain loyal to their party are Senators John Sparkman and Lister Hill of Alabama. Sparkman and Hill have lined themselves up publicly against a proposal by Alabama's Gov. George C. Wallace for the selec- tion of unpledged presidential electors in the state's May 5 pri- mary. Wallace has been arguing that if the Southern states choose rep- resentatives free to vote for whom they please in the electoral col- lege, the South can wield the bal- ance of power in the selection of the next President. Wallace, who began his cam- paign against the late President John F. Kennedy, has been at- tempting to carry it forward against Johnson. He has talked of entering some primaries in north- ern states in an effort to demon- strate that there is opposition there to the administration's civil rights program. But he has encountered opposi- tion at home in his effort to have Alabama's 20-vote nominating convention delegation pledged to him as a favorite son. Sparkman and Hill said in sep- arate statements they are going to back the regular Democratic presidential nominee in November. Both' urged the choice of party electors pledged to support the national ticket. Alabama Has Desegregated School Closed TUSKEGEE, Ala. (P) - The Macon County School Board closed desegregated Tuskegee High School late yesterday in compli- ance with an order by the state board of education. The action came at a special meeting attended by state Atty. Gen. Richmond Flowers who had advised local school authorities that the state board was within its legal rights ordering the school closed. Gov. George Wallace had said that he would take whatever ac- tion was necessary to shut the doors if the county attempted to operate the school Monday. The state board had ordered closing of the school, but the in- stitution held classes as usual yes- terday. Flowers advised the coun- ty school superintendent, C. A. Pruitt, that the county board of education should follow the clo- sure order. He insisted that intercontinental ballistic missiles "are not as reli- able as our national security de- mands." Goldwater pressed the missile question as he took his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination into the Midwest for the first time. Meanwhile in Nashua, N.H., New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller stepped up his campaign for the Republican presidential nomina- tion by announcing he would en- ter the West Virginia primary and by intensifying his criticisms of President Lyndon B. Johnson. Fourth For Rockefeller The West Virginia primary May 12 is the fourth in which Rocke- feller will seek support. He challenged Goldwater and any other aspirants for the GOP nomination to tangle with him in the West Virginia fight. West Virginia Republicans, Rockefeller said: "have a right to expect those who seek their par- ty's nomination to explain in per- son what they will do about un- employment, about revitalizing West Virginia's industry, and about our muddled foreign policy." Rockefeller was in New Hamp- shire for a seven-hour round of campaigning highlighted by a prepared speech in which he said that Cuba was "a symbol of fail- ure" of the Democratic adminis- tration. Describing Cuba as "a Commun- ist bastion," Rockefeller said that only the Republican party could provide "real solutions to the tough problems confronting us at home and abroad." Thorough Failure He charged the national admin- istration with "failure to antici- pate international events, failure to rally the forces of freedom, and failure to follow through after the crisis of the moment has passed." Campaign aides said the gov- ernor was planning a five-day fast-moving campaign that would cover much of New Hampshire be- ginning on Feb. 19. That will be his longest single campaign visit. Goldwater also has entered the New Hampshire primary. In. addi- tion to New Hampshire and West Virginia, Rockefeller has entered primaries in Oregon and Cali- fornia. ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS AIR CLASH: U.S. Closes Jet Incident WASHINGTON (P) - United States officials said last night that they consider the shooting down of an American jet trainer plane over East Germany a closed inci- dent, so far as its effect on larger East-West policy issues is con- cerned. Officials still are mystified as to why American ground control offi- cers were unable to contact the plane and call it back when they realized it was off course in fly- ing toward the East German bor- der last Tuesday. The mystery may never be solved. The three officers aboard were killed in the crash. Information now available here is that strenuous efforts were made by the Air Force to get the jet fighter trainer crew to turn aside before crossing the border. These efforts, it was reported, included sending up two United States fighters to intercept the trainer. But they were unable to reach it before it was sent over the boundary. United States officials have been told that a Russian fighter which intercepted the trainer first waggled its wings in a signal that the trainer should land and then fired warning bursts in front of the aircraft to force it to land. The judgement of United States policy makers is that there was no excuse for the Russians actually to shoot the plane down and that their efforts should have been con- tinued to force it to land safely or to turn it back. However, since the Russians have expressed regret at the inci- dent and returned the bodies of the airmen as well as the wrecked aircraft, the view of officials now is that no worthwhile purpose can be served by continuing to make an issue of what they consider an extremely unfortunate but closed, incident. lacks Porce~ NATO Units To Maintain Island Calnm Plan Spurs Hope Of Final Settlement ATHENS (MP-A four-hour post midnight emergency meeting of top cabinet ministers, military leaders and party heads called by caretaker Premier oannis Paras- kevopoulos approved an allied peace force for the troubled island of Cyprus, informed sources re- ported early this morning. Premier Paraskevopoulos said that the meeting was called to study carefully the Anglo-Ameri- can proposal for a combined North Atlantic Treaty Organization force to preserve the peace on Cyprus. "Our reply has been made," he said. Request Greek Approval Friday night, American Ambas- sador Henry Labouisse and Brit- ish envoy Sir Ralph Murray vist- ed Premier Paraskevoloulos and requested the Greek government's approval of a combined force to aid the British forces now main- taining a shaky peace on the Med- iterranean island. The Greeks were known to fa- vor any scheme - even a tem- porary one - that would once again bring peace to Cyprus. Meanwhile, a reliable source said that Greece continued to keep several units of her armed forces in a state of readiness. Premier Paraskevopoulos, at an impromp- tu news conference two days ago, confirmed that certain measures had been taker by the country in case of an attack by Turkey cn Cyprus. He refused to elaborate. 10,000 Troops tUnder the proposal, 10,000 troops from NATO countries - including 000-2000 United States lMarines-would be sent to the troubled Mediterranean island for three months. They would keep the peace while efforts are made for a long-term political solution of differences between the Greek and Turkish populations there. Makarios Must Agree United States Ambassador David Bruce had insisted American par- tiipation depends in particular on the agreement of President Ma- karios' government, dominated by the Greek-Cypriot majority. Unit- ed States and British officials out- lined the plan to Makarios, the Greek Cypriot leader, in Nicosia, the Cypriot capital. Key elements of the United States plan were listed as: 1) Stationing on Cyprus of a lpeace-keeping force composed of troops from a number of NATO countrieswith a Briton in com- mand. S2) The outside force would be withdrawn in three months. This period was deemed sufficient to calm things down enough so that an effort for a long-term solution of the problems between Cyprus' Greek majority population and Turkish minority could get under way. 3) The parties involved would agree on appointing a mediator to bring about a Cyprus solution. The mediator would not be an American or from one of the three powers guaranteeing Cyprus' in- dependence - Britain, Greece or Turkey. Unions Ask Court Test Over Rails WASHINGTON (P) - A union attorney told the United States Court of Appeals yesterday that the lengthy dispute over railroad jobs and work rules "seems to be headed back to Congress." Attorney Max Main made the comment in asking the three- judge court to throw out the rul- ing of an arbitration board creat- ed by Congress. The arbitration ruling eventually would wipe out many thousands of railroad jobs. The court took under advise- ment the appeal of four rail un- ions from a lower court ruling that upheld the arbitration award in the more-than-four-year-old dis- pute. Immediate Elimination Railroad attorney Francis M. Shea said that if the gradual elim- ination of jobs ordered by the arbitration board was overruled in court, the railroads would be free to eliminate the jobs imme- diately. An estimated 50,000 jobs are in- volved in the dispute, which ex- hausted all measures of the Rail- way Labor Act, a special presi- dential commission and Labor De- partment mediation efforts before Congress stepped in last summer with emergency legislation. The unions have said they will take the arbitration appeal to the United States Supreme Court if they lose in the Court of Appeals. There was no indication of when the appeals court will hand down its decision Overruling Needed Union attorney Lester P. Schoene, replying to Shea's argu- ments, said the unions realize the railroads could put the job-elim- ination proposals into effect im- mediately if the courts overrule the arbitration decision. Schoene said in that event the unions would be free again to strike. A strike situation could also arise Feb. 25 when all provisions of the emergency rail legislation expire except for the arbitration rule, which is to stand for two years. By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Special Correspondent The new military coup in South Viet Nam may be regarded in Southeast Asia, with some justifi- cation, as an indication that the United States cause in that stra- tegic area is beginning to look hopeless. When Southeast Asia begins to feel the Communists are winning, the whole political picture can change. Ultimately, the United States effort to save South Viet Nam - at a cost of many Ameri- can lives and half a billion dollars a year-may fail. The announced intention of those who mounted the new coup was to prevent neutralization of the country. They implied French President Charles de Gaulle's gov- ernment was plotting with rank- ing officers of the deposed military junta to bring this about and drive out the United States. French Villain The fear may have been genuine enough to make de Gaulle the villain of the piece. He has advo- cated neutralization, and his rec- ognition of Red China seems part of an attempt to reassert France's influence in her lost Indochinese empire. But hunger for power among Viet Nam's generals also seems to have played a major part. The coup has piled confusion upon confusion. The impression is created that no one in South Viet Nam is really strong enough to rule. It raises critical morale problems which strike at the core of the United States effort. Morale, civilian and military, was the biggest South Viet Nam problem before the military junta headed by Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh brought to a bloody end the rule of President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Nhu. Serious Drive There were hopesthen that Minh's coup, welcomed by the United States, would permit the army to mount a serious drive against Communist guerrillas in- festing the Mekong Delta area, the country's rice granary and most populous region. Not much came of these hopes. Perhaps politics and the business of getting a new regime organized interfered. The South Vietnamese public itself was not wholly happy with the new regime, which re- DUONG VAN MINH tained remnants of the Diem gov- ernment. Generals went in for politicking for power rather than for earnest warfare against the Communists. Viet Cong guerrillas made the most of the confusion. They mounted heavy attacks, battered army outposts, overran strategic hamlets and reaped propaganda, victories. Now there is new con- fusion and the Communists will take full advantage again. Increased Potential The Communists , exultantly claim their potential has been greatly increased in recent months. Today they can use effec- tive antiaircraft and artillery. Their attacks are in greater strength than ever. They now attack in daylight as well as at night. They can launch a number of attacks at one time. Viet Nam: Is U.S. Losing? I. WANTED They even have their answer to the government's strategic hamlet program of defended villages. The Communists call their version the "fighting village," defended the same way with ditches, sharp bamboo spikes, nail traps and de- fense teams. They profit by peasants' memor- ies of being driven out of their homes by government forces who' burned villages to force people into defended hamlets. Fences Need Mending With de Gaulle taking an active role in attempting to shape the fu- ture of Southeast Asia, and with the fortunes of the United States in South Viet Nam looking shakier all the time, governments in the area will be thinking of mending their fences with Red China before it is too late. The battle in South Viet Nam has been uphill. Today the hill seems steeper than ever. Move To Allow School Prayers LANSING (MP) - There was pre- liminary skirmishing in the Senate Thursday over a resolution to ask Congress to permit prayers in pub- lic schools, but a showdown vote was postponed until Tuesday. The resolution, sponsored by Sen. Milton Zaagman (R-Grand Rapids), has 19 other signers, more than enough for passage. It asks Congress to propose an amendment to the U. S. Constitu- tion or to call a convention to add an article providing that "the free exercise of religion shall include the right to offer prayers in pub- lic schools." CARRIERS TO DELIVER free free f ree MIXER free free free re M g tn 4:)tt4lP1U Saturday, Feb. 1, 9-1 a.m. UNION BALLROOM everyone welcome (stag or drag) Phone 662-3241 1-3 P. M. DANC I NG, REFRESHMENTS ISA-UN ION co-sponsors 'I IIl C OME 7co C J u RCH ON 1 E A 3 ArLi -11 World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The United States yesterday recognized the newly-elected government of the African republic of Dahomey. The State Department announced the action and said that the govern- ment at Cotonou had been informed by United States Ambassador Robinson Mcllvaine. The previous government was overturned last October. The United established relations homey in 1960. States first-! with Da-Il BONN - A member of West German Chancellor Ludwig Er- hard's bodyguard was arrested yesterday on war crimes charges, a government spokesman said last night. Other sources said the bodyguard, Ewald Peters, was with Erhard on his late December visit to President Lyndon B. Johnson's ranch in Texas. NEW YORK - The Scripps- Howard newspapers said yesterday] that evangelist Billy Graham may run for President. "Despite his fre- quent denials, he is giving 'earnest and prayerful consideration' to the idea," Scripps-Howard said in a dispatch from Houston, Tex. * * NEW YORK - Stubborn invest- ment demand for selected blue chips pushed the stock market a bit higher yesterday. Closing Dow- Jones averages showed 30 indus- trials up 1.90, 20 rails down .55, 15 utilities down .19 and 65 stocks up .12. An Engineering CAREER With FISHE R GOVERNOR COMPANY Interviews will be held on February 12, 1964 on the campus. See your placement office nowI ST. ANDREWS CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division Phone NO 2-4097 SUNDAY-H 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon Breakfast at Canterbury House S11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary. TUESDAY- 9:15 A.M. Holy Communion. WEDNESDAY- 7:00 A.M. Holy Communion. FRIDAY- 12:10 P.M. Holy Communion. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenow Ave. Rev. Erwin A. Gaede, Minister Church School & Services - 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sermon-"Is the Church School Obsolete?" U-M Student Group, 7:30 p.m. Discussion on Humanism. Bus service available morning and evening. Sunday Evening Forum, 8:00 p.m. Dr. Calvin Michael, "Your In Our Society." THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood Across from Ann Arbor High John G. Makin, Minister SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. Bible School 11:00 A.M. Regular Worship 6:00 P.M. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M. Bible Study Transportation furnished for all services- Call NO 2-2756 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1501 West Liberty Street Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein, Fred Holtfreter, Pastors PACKARD ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting in the Ann Arbor Y.M.-Y.W.C.A at 5th and Williams Rev. Jesse Northweather, Pastor Phone 668-9894 SUNDAY- 9:45 a m. Sunday School. S11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m. Training Union. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Meeting in Room 528D in basement of S.A.B. Wednesday-7:30 p.m. Devotions. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) Hill Street at South Forest Avenue Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor. SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Worship Service & Communion. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. 5:45 p.m. Meet at Center for a joint meet- ing with the Lutheran Students-Missouri Synod. WEDNESDAY-7:30 p.m. Vespers. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. NO 2.4466 Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm Brown, Virgil Janssen. SUNDAY Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. and 12 Noon. PresbyteriancCampus Center located at the Church. Staff: Jack Borckardt and Patricia Pickett Stoneburner. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner State and William Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister Services: 9:30 and 11:15,a.m. Bible Forum, 10:30 a.m., Dr. Preston Slosson. CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. STUDENT GUILD, 802 Monroe, telephone 2- 5189. State and Huron Streets 663-5560 Minister-Hoover Rupert - Campus Minister-Eugene Ransom Associate Campus Minister-Jean Robe SUNDAY Morning Worship at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. "Who Shall Separate Us?"-Dr. Rupert. 10:15 a.m. - Student Seminar, Pine Room, Major Religions of the World. 7:00 p.m.-Worship and Program, Wesley Lounge, "Invest Your Summers." MONDAY 7:00 p.m.---Cell Group No. 1-Gene Ran- som's office, TUESDAY 5:00 p.m.-Church Related Vocations Group, Green Room. Supper and Program. 7:00 p.m.-Study Group: Religious Issues in Drama, Jean Robe's apartment. 8:30-11 :00 p.m.--Open House, Jean Robe's apartment. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel, follow- ed by breakfast, Pine Room. 5:10 p.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel. 6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads: Supper and Pro- gram. Speaker, Miss Beth Sumner, Office of Religious Affairs, reviewing "The Fem- inine Mystique.". 7:15 p.m.-Cell Group No. 2, Gene Ron- .som 's office. THURSDAY 7:00 p.m.-Class: Christian Dating, Court- ship and Marriage, Green Room. FRIDAY 7:00 p.m.-International Bible Study Group, Jean Robe's apartment. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) 1511 Washtenaw Avenue Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor John Koenig, Vicar WESLEY FOUNDATION AND FIRST METHODIST CHURCH At Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. Worship Services. Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Bible Study; Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Gamma Delta Supper; Program at 6:45, with National Lutheran . .... MEMMM If Wnrehin Carvirae Q-ln nnrl i i -nO n m 1 I