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February 01, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-01

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See Editorial Page



Rain ending
thins morning

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


' Loses in Bid


Electronics Research Center

" b

Space Project Given
To Original Locale
Boston Award Encourages Leaders
About Future Chances in Allotments
University officials expressed little surprise yesterday upon learn-
ing that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has
recommended-the Boston area as the site of a $50 mllion electronics
center coveted by Southeastern Michigan and 17 other states.
Michigan's hopes to gain the center - and the economic boost
it would give the Midwest - formally died as NASA Administrator
James E. Webb put the finishing touches on a letter to Speaker of
"the House John McCormack (D-
Mass) and Sen. Carl Hayden (D-
Ariz), president pro-tem of the
*x University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss comment-
ed yesterday that the administra-
tion was "not very surprised" by
NASA's decision to reward its bid
to Boston, originally selected as
site for the center.

Eighteen Contenders
Eighteen states and localities-
including the Ann Arbor area-
have sought to win the bid for the
proposed center in recent weeks
as NASA reevaluated its original
selection of Boston at Congress's
Michigan congressmen, educa-
tors and industry leaders had
massed forces to push this state's
bid in Washington. A presentation
made there by a group led by
Gov. George Romney was termed
"excellent" by NASA officials.

De Gaulle
Asks Asia
By The Associated Press
P A R I S - French President
Charles de Gaulle yesterday called
for neutralization of southeast
Asia-including Viet Nam-and
said diplomatic relations with Red
China are necessary to bring this
He told a crowded news confer-
ence that French recognition of
the Peking regime was "only rec-
ognizing the world as it is."
In Asia, he declared, "there is
no peace, and no war, imaginable"
without China being involved.
China Must Sign,
No neutrality treaty for Viet
Nam could be worked out unless
China signed it, he said. .
South Viet Nam's new military
strongman, Maj. Gen. Nguyen
Khanh, indignantly rejected a
neutralist policy and said he had
arrested three generals for plot-
ting with de Gaulle agents.
Khanh charged de Gaulle was
"brutalizing" South Viet Nam and
"blatantly" interfering in its af-
No Changes Here
In Washington, a State Depart-
ment spokesman said "There has
been no change in our determina-
tion to assist the people of Viet
Nam to preserve their country
against terror and aggression."
."The entire United States effort
has been manifestly demonstrat-
ed," he said. "We are assisting in
fighting a very serious war in
South Viet Nam and that is the
first order of business."
The question of neutralizing the
country is not under consideration
here and the United States is op-
posed t.-, any idea of its neutrali-
zation, lie said.
Common Sense
De Gaulle explained his recog-
nition of Peking as a matter of
common sense.
"The sum of evidence and rea-
son weighing more heavily every
day," de Gaulle said, "the French
republic decided to place its re-
lationship with the popular re-
public of China on a normal ba-
sis . in Asia, there is no political
reality concerning Cambodia, Laos,
Viet Nam, or even India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Burma, Korea, or
even Soviet Russia, or Japan
which does not interest and touch
De Gaulle had previously ad-
vanced the idea of neutralizing
Communist North Viet Nam.

* * * * * *







Att empt



Trimester: No III Effects

"The trimester had no effect on
mental health among students,"
Dr. Donald Schaefer, director of
the Mental Health Clinic, said re-
"The trimester may actually
have created beneficial pressures
on students. It made them organ-
ize their time better so that work
didn't pile up suddenly at the end
of the semester," he said.
According to Dr. Schaefer, all of
the professional staff at the clinic
believe that none of the cases they
saw last semester were due to the
Coping With Conflicts
"People come for counseling be-
cause of conflicts with which they
cannot cope. Most of these con-
flicts have their origin in earlier
experiences and are only brought
out by college life.
"The indirect effect of academic
stresses from the trimester on a
student's inability to cope with
these conflicts is insignificant," he
Dr. Schaefer added that "when
a job has to be done it is more

Hits Policies
National Concerns Editor
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK - Stressing the
danger of Castroite subversion in
Latin America, Sen. Kenneth B.
Keating (R-NY) last night called
for stronger measures against
Communism in the hemisphere
and for effective American foreign
aid based on "mutual respect."
Citing Castroite influences pre-
ceding last December's Venezuelan
election and the recent rioting in
Panama, Keating told approxi-
mately 150 college students at the
Overseas Press Club Conference on
International Affairs that action
should be taken now.
To fill the need for better in-
formation for fighting Castroite
subversion, Keating proposed a
Latin American clearing house on
information dealing with the
training, techniques and financing
of Communist agents operating in
the hemisphere.
Joint Defense Agency
He lauded a recent agreement
of Central American states to es-
tablish a joint defense coordinat-
ing agency which hopefully would
lead to a regional joint miiltary
"This agency could fill a real
need. Aggression is not an army
to be met on the battlefield, a
ship to be sunk or a plane to be
shot down, but well-financed
agents spreading in weblike fash-
ion throughout South America,
dedicated to governmental over-
throw through violence."
The New York senator declared
that the Alliance for Progress
should operate on the basis of
mutual respect and cooperation,
not depending on politicians' who
use the "Yankee, No" bandwagon.
No Sacrifice
"All Latin American republics
share the urge to banish poverty,
but-with the exception of Cuba-
they do not want to sacrifice their
freedom for development."
Putting the problems of Latin
Anerica in a world context, he
noted that two-thirds of human-
ity-two billion people-struggle
for a day-to-day survival. Most,
he continued, exist in what
Americans would consider "sub-
human conditions."
"No country is free from these
conditions. Recent attention to
poverty shows that even the most
advanced societies have not over-
come this problem," he said.
New Dedication
He called for a new dedication

Niehuss noted that while
Southeastern Michigan, area
not selected, it is important
an impressive presentation
been made.
Positive Reinforcement



Prof. Hansford Farris, associate
director of the University's Insti-
tute of Science and Technology
and head of the steering commit-
tee which helped amass the ma-
terials for the Michigan presenta-
tion, reinforced Niehuss' stand.
He remarked yesterday that "we
are not discouraged by the NASA
announcement and are ready for
the next go-around" of project ap-
pointments in Washington.
"We would have regarded re-
ceiving NASA's bid for the center
entirely as a bonus," he said.
However, he recalled that final
approval of the Boston site must
come from Congress and "we still
must wait to see what Congress
says ."
NASA's report recommending
Boston is expected to be sent im-
mediately from Webb to congres-
sional space committees.

apt to get done, and the student is
less likely to suffer emotionally."
Statistics released by Health
Service show Mental Health Clinic
visits up 20.9 per cent for October,
November and December of 1963.
The number of cases - or the
number of .different people obtain-
ing counselling-was up 23.7 per
cent for the same period.
At the same time, enrollment at
all three of the University cam-
puses increased for the fall se-
mester by only 3.15 per cent.
Dr. Schaefer attributed the
greater increase in counselling to
more widespread knowledge of the
availability of such services and
to a more extensive referral sys-
Less Individual Attention
He also emphasized that the
number of new cases had increased
more than the number of visits. In
Ask Inquiry
In .Panama
WASHINGTON (A')-The United
States yesterday rejected Pana-
ma's charges of aggression and in-
vited a full investigation of the
recent disturbances in that coun-
try by any inter-American agency.
Ellsworth Bunker, new United
States ambassador to the Organi-
zation of American States, told
the OAS's Council of Foreign Min-
isters "there is no basis in fact"
for Panama's accusation against
the United States. An inqury, he
said, would show the government
of Panama was "inciting the peo-
ple to attack and to violence."
The OAS council, after hearing
both Bunker and Miguel Moreno
of Panama, recessed until Tues-
Mobs "infiltrated and led by
extremists, including p e r s o n s
trained in Communist countries"
assaulted the United States-con-
trolled Panama Canal Zone on a
wide perimeter, Bunker told the
He said that United States
forces "never attempted to enter
Panama but acted only to protect
the lives and property of its cit-
izens," and "no small portion of
the Panamanian casualties were
caused by Panamanians them-
Panama's special representative
to the OAS, Miguel Moreno,
charged earlier in his address to
the council that the mob violence
by Panamanians was spontaneous
and due to inept action by United
States authorities.
It came about, he said, because
Panamanians were angered at
United States citizens who sought
to prevent the flying of Panama's
flag in "their nation's territory"
in the Canal Zone.

other words, while more people are
coming to the clinic, the attention
each student requires has declined
Many more prospective dropouts
are being referred to the Mental
Health Clinic than ever before, he
said. This increase is in percent-
age terms, for the absolute num-
ber of dropouts has increased ex-
tremely little in the past nine
A second factor is the work of
the University Committee on Stu-
dent Counselling Services, coordin-
ated by Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport
of the Office of Student Affairs.
The committee, which began oper-
ations in October, 1962, is com-
posed of representatives from 15
units on campus, including col-
leges, residence halls, the Office of
Religious Affairs and the Mental
Health Clinic.
its purpose is to communicate
information and ideas to the vari-
ouis areas. of the University on
problems.relating to counselling.
According to Dr. Schaefer, the
committee's activities last semes-
ter were greatly stepped up over
the previous year, and this in-
creased communication about
counselling problems within the
University definitely brought more
people to the Mental Health Clinic.
Dr. Schaefer also noted that
the General Clinic at Health Serv-
ice is now much more apt to refer
students to the mental health clin-
ic as a result of closer cooperation
between the two groups.
Better Understanding
Furthermore, he mentioned im-
proved public understanding of
the need and value of mental
health counselling and a decreas-
ing propensity for people to want
to hide their mental problems.
Another factor might have been
that under the trimester, students
did not have a Christmas vacatigA
during which to see family doctors
at home.
"It was these influences and not
the trimester which raised clinic
visits and new case figures last
semester," Dr. Schaefer concluded.
He said that conversations with
numerous private psychiatrists in
the city supported this opinion.
Ask for Delay
On Cambodia,
LONDON () - Britain asked
Russia yesterday to wat until
some agreement is reached on the
terms of Cambodian neutrality be-
fore convening international talks.
on the subject.
The Soviet Union had suggested
a 14-nation Geneva conference in
April to deal with the recent pro-
posal by the chief of state, Prince
Norodom Sihanouk, for interna-
tional recognition of Cambodia's

New Rule
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON United States
officials said last night that the
United States has, in effect, recog-
nized the new South Viet Nam re-
gime which seized power by coup
They said that it has been de-
termined here that a problem of
recognition did not arise in the
course of the succession of the new
strongman in Saigon, Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh, to the power pre-
viously held by a junta. Thus
there would be no need for Wash-
ington to declare formal recogni-
Meanwhile, in Saigon, Khanh
accused French President Charles
d- Gaulle of developing a policy
"brutalizing" Viet Nam and of
"blatantly" interfering, in this
formerly French-ruled country.
He also told newsmen that Maj.
Gen. Duong Van Minh, ousted
head of the junta that had ruled
since Nov. 1, had at last agreed
to become an advisor to the new
The United States, deeply com-
mitted to the flgh': against Corn-
munist penetration in South Viet
Nam, had made +t clear some con-
tinuity in the goveinment was a
necessity after Khanh's bloodless
coup unseated Minh's key col-
kagues. Minh had demurred over
staving on.
While promising a broadly based
government made up from all
ranks of Vietnamese life, Khanh
said that he woulI have to impose
"a number of temporary measures
aimed at effectively safeguarding
public order."
He did not spell out what these
would be, but the statement
seemed an indication that he and
other council members were in
no hurry to turn their power over
to civilians.

Solution Left
To Judiciary
EleventhHour Debate
Fails, Burden Placed
On Supreme Court
As of 2 a.m. the Legislative
Commission on Reapportion-
ment was still discussing pos-
sible redistricting plans, al-
though it appeared that there
was still not much hope for
A meeting by the Legislative
Apportionment Commission which
ran past its self-imposed midnight
deadline failed to bring accord in
the group's attempt to find a
workable plan for redistricting the
state, leaving the remapping of
the legislative districts up to the
state supreme court.
The eight-man, bipartisan com-
mission, whose members were ap-
pointed by the Republica and
Democratic state central ommt-
tees at.the request of Gov. George
Romney, failed to reach agree-
ment, splitting along party lines
on every apportionment plan pro-
The Constitution states that tu
boundaries of Michigan's legisla-
tive districts must be redrawn in
time for this year's elections, It
also says that a commission should
be appointed to carry out the re-
apportionment. If this group fails
to do so, the decision is then up
to the high court.
Plans Aplenty
The commission has failed. Now
it will present one or more of the
plans it was considering to the
supreme court, which can adopt
one of them or draw up a plan of
its own to be used as the basis
for electing the 110 representa-
tives and 38 senators in the fall.
Many observers believe that the
Democrats have the advantage
now that the reapportionmentis
up to the court. The court has
five justicescelected after nom-
ination at Democratic conventions
and three who were nominated at
Republican conventions.
The supreme court justices run
on a nonpartisan ballot, although
they are nominated, at party con-
Wouldn't Matter
Therefore, even the expected
abstinence of Justice Paul Adams,
a Democratic nominee, would not
matter if the remaining justices
voted along party lines.
Zolton Ferency, state Demo-
cratic chairman, who appeared at
the public hearing held by the
commission yesterday, said that
"the supreme court may also be
evenly divided." But he predicted
that this would not happen and
that the court could possibly make
a decision by Tuesday.
If the court is unable to reap-
portion the state by June 16, the
final date for candidates running
for public office to file petitions
for the primary elections, the state
could conceivably hold an at-large
election for the Legislature in No-
Use Formula
The reapportionment of the
state is to be carried out using a
formula set up in the new state
constitution, calling for 80 per
cent weight to be given to popu-T
lation and 20 per cent to land
area for the Senate, whereas the
apportionment for the House is to
be based almost entirely on popu-
This 80-20 formula is presently
being contested in Federal Di-

trict Court by August Scholle,
president of the Michigan AFT-


'U' Moves Forward in Space Exploration

University involvement in the
United States space exploration
effort was emphasized this week
with two new developments: the
successful launching of an explor-
atory rocket by University techni-
cians at Wallops Island, Va., and
the disclosure that preliminary
plans are being made by the Uni-
versity for a rocket launching site
in the Upper Peninsula.
University News Service an-
nounced yesterday that prelimin-
ary studies have been made and
submitted to the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration
and Department of Defense for
the establishment of a site to
launch rockets for meteorological
testing. The launching area would
be located on the Keweenaw Pen-
Wednesday evening, George R:
Carignan of the University's space-
physics laboratory directed the*
launching of a Rocket 609 or
Sparrow-Bee from the Wallops
Island rocket site. The test was
designed to measure the tempera-
ture and density of particles in the
atmosphere at an altitude of from
90-200 miles up. Carignan an-
no-inced yesterday an initial an-
alysis indicates that all measure-
ment systems functioned properly
for the test.
No Rights Bil
Changes Seens
settled down yesterday to a long

Carignan also commented that
H. B. Niemann and John Maurer,
who assisted at the launch site,
were mainly responsible for de-
signing the rocket's instrument
package at the space-physics lab-
oratory. The test was supported by
NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center and conducted in connec-
tion with the International Year
of the Quiet Sun program.
The University made no elabor-
ation yesterday on its preliminary
announcement regarding the pro-
posed Keweenaw Peninsula launch
site, but Rep. Russell Hellman (D-

Dollar Bay) said last week that
plans are under way to begin
launching rockets from the site
next May.
He also said that a University
official has made preliminary ar-
rangements for buying 203 acres
of land and that steps are being
taken to acquire radar tracking
equipment. Hellman added that
$45,000 has to be raised before
building can begin.
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chair-
man of the aeronautical engineer-
ing department, is in charge of the
University's plans for the develop-

Thinclads, Pucksters Set, Tie Records

S o ph o m o r e Bob Densham
cracked the Yost Field House,
Michigan varsity, and Michigan
Relay Meet records in the high
jump last night, by soaring over
the bar at 6'10/8".
But he had to be satisfied with
a tie with former Western Michi-
gan star Jim Oliphant.
According to Michigan track
coach Don Canham, this is a new
world's indoor record on a dirt
Michigan overall had some ex-
cellent performances from its
sophomores and veterans. The
Wolverines had three individual
winners in hurdler Cliff Nuttall,

Michigan's ice sextet combined some hard checking and accurate
passing to dump Colorado College last night 7-0 and give goalie Bob
Gray his second shutout of the season, tying a Michigan record.
Gray came up with 23 saves, many coming during Colorado power
plays, to blank the Tigers for the first time this year. "This was
the first time in 16 games that we've been completely out of the ball-
game," said dejected Colorado Coach Bob Johnson. "We played good,
but Michigan came up with the big saves."
Wilfred Martin tallied the first and decisive goal with only 3:36
gone in the first period. Picking up a pass down the center, Martin
came in close, faked a shot, and then popped the puck past goal-
tender Art Warwick into the left corner of the net.
Twice in the next ten minutes leading Wolverine scorer Gary
Butler got in close to the net on open breaks, skating around, through,
and over the Colorado defense, but failed to get the puck past War-
The Wolverines upped the score to 2-0 when Bob Ferguson slid the

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