' U, Press Financial Xnalysis: from Red to Black. By JEFFREY GOODMAN Income and expense flures for the University Press for the past five and one-half years show a good deal of fluctuation but a current trend toward the black. In the period from 1958-59 to midway through 1963-64, the Press has seen three directors. Glenn Gosling, director since June, 1962, em- phasizes a "better control of costs" policy that has substantially re- duced the percentage of income spent for promotion. Gosling's policy has direct relation to a recent policy controversy. When the Press' chief sales representative, Felix Morrow, left the Press last year, he hurled a series of charges at Gosling, accusing the director of a policy of liquidation. f Policy Controversy Morrow claimed that not enough money was being spent to increase sales, and this would eventually cause contraction in sales volume. A major bone of contention at the time was the fact that since its past director, Fred Wieck, resigned at the end of 1960-61, the Press had been making a profit-or losing less money-while sales declined. These figures were put side by side with Regent Eugene B. Power's' statement that a college press should communicate ideas, whether profit-producing or not, The implication was that the very fact that the Press was doing better financially meant that it could not be serving this function-that it was not publishing and selling scholarly works whose intellectual value would make up for the financial loss they might incur. Seek To Avoid Past Losses But according to Gosling, this view did not allow for sound business1 principles. While advocating that the purpose of the Press is not to make a profit, he is interested in "avoiding the appalling losses" of past years. More specifically, the money spent on promotions-which, along with printing costs and commissions and salaries, is one of the Press' biggest expenses-must bring a satisfactory and sound return. In the printing business, alloting more than 20-30 per cent of total outgo for promotion is not considered sound policy. Promotion permentages were much higher than this before Gosling took over the Press. Gosling says that by a better control of costs he has reduced this figure without sacrificing the quality of books. The following financial statistics, released by the administration, are essential to understand- ing the contentions of both parties. Figures are in thousands of dollars. Financial Statistics Sales University Grants and Year Income Gifts Expenses Net 1958-59 869.5 81.3 948.7 2.1 1959-60 1082.7 53.8 1176.9 (40.4) 1960-61 1120.7 41.8 1304.4 (141.8) 1961-62 953.1 40.0 842.6 150.5 1962-63 804.2 41.9 820.4 25.7 1,963-64 438.3 20.0 416.2 42.0 (6 months) The first thing noticeable is the relatively large loss in 1960-61 and the sudden, relatively large profit the following year. According to Gosling, $109,000 of the loss is due to a sudden write-off in 1960-61 of a long list of past uncollected debts. Morrow asserted that the $150,000 profit the next year, during which Edward Watkins served as acting director following Wieck's resigna- tion, was a, sign that not nearly enough money was being spent to increase mail order sales, a deficiency that would show up in the fu- ture. Gosling also felt that the per cent spent on promotion that year was "probably too small." Breakdown of Expenses According to a more detailed breakdown of expenses, the percentage of money spent on promotion under Gosling has shrunk in compari- son with the years 1958-59 through 1960-61, without going to the too-low mark of 1961-62. While this means a decline in sales, it is a decline from sales that were requiring an inordinately large expense to generate, Gosling said. Moreover, sales have declined less from 1959-60 to 1962-63 than have expenses. While outgo went down about $357 thousand, in- See 'U' PRESS, Page 2 I E ! . GIVING PANAMA THE BUSINESS See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 4E1AitF PARTLY CLOUDY High-42 Low--28 Fair and mild with rising temperatures VOL. LXXIV, No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY JANUARY 31, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES CIVIL RIGHTS: House Unit Sets Debate Limit New Rush Plan To Aid Phi Mu n WASHINGTON (1P) --H o use leaders' hopes for passing the Civil Rights Bill by Feb. 11 were boosted yesterday by a rules com- mittee vote limiting to 10 hours p the general debate which starts today. This 10-hour limit, instead of the anticipated 15 to 20 hours, opens the way to dispose of the general discussions today and Sat- urday and to begin acting on amendments Monday. U n d e r House rules. amendments may not be offered under general debate. The rules committee chairman, Rep. Howard W. Smith (D-Va), told newsmen the vote for the 10-hour limit was 11-4. Smith and three other Southerners formed the opposition. Unlimited Amendments Speeches on amendments will be limited to five minutes per speak- er, but any number of amend- ments may be offered. In an 8-7 vote, the committee approved a rule to prevent op- ponents from trying to eliminate certain sections of the 10-part bill as not germane. In another 8-7 roll call, the committee rejected a proposal that a ban on employments discrimin- ation against women be included in the bill. American Indian By the same count, the commit- tee made it an order for a bill aimed at improving the lot of the American Indian to be offered as an amendment to the rights measure. Opponents of the measure are expected to concentrate on efforts to eliminate or modify the sections barring discrimination in public accommodations and in employ- ment. Meanwhile, the Senate jumped into debate on the $11.6-billion tax cut bill yesterday with vigor- ous Democratic supporters and foes of various facets of the legis- lation restaining their views. U.S., Britain Call Meeting To Unveil Cyprus Policies LONDON (oP)-Britain and the United States have called an ex- traordinary meeting of the main parties in the Cyprus dispute for today to present their joint plans for rushing a North Atlantic Treaty Organization army to the Eastern Mediterranean island. Government informants said the British and the Americans will seek approval of Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios to the dis- patch of the peace force to Cyprus. An announcement said the Turkish, Greek and Cypriot foreign ministers, with delegates of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot com- Smunities, will meet with British Thus they squared away for the battles ahead as the adminis- tration pushes toward hoped-for passage of the bill by the end of next week. The debate began with Chair- man Harry F. Byrd (D-Va) of the Senate Finance Committee ex- plaining why he believes the meas- ure should be turned down al- though his committee approved it. Byrd said nothing would piease him more than to support tax re- duction but he can not do so in the face of continuing federal deficits. It was because of his op- position that Byrd made Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La), No. 2 Democrat on the comimttee, floor manager for the measure. Call Bill Sound Long followed Byrd by stating the administration position that it is a sound and balanced bill. He said it will provide an eco- nomic stimulus that. will ensure continuation of the present pros- perity. The Louisiana senator said the present economic upturn will have lasted 38 months by March, sec- ond longest inathis century, and he declared that it could not con- tinue indefinitely without some action such as a tax cut. Long centered most of his speech on four topics expected to bring major battles in the floor debate. Souther Court' Names Whites To Sit on Jury JACKSON OP) - Twelve white' men who promised to put aside any racial feelings were selected yesterday to sit in judgment on Byron De La Beckwith, charged in the rifle slaying of Negro civil rights leader Medgar Evers. The final juror was seated on the fourth day of the trial, fol- lowing a parade of almost 1001 prospective jurors. All that remains before the1 opening statement and start of testimony was the selection of an alternate juror-a man to step in if an emergency removes one of the jurors during the trial.1 The 43-year-old fertilizer dealer from Greenwood, Miss., father ofi a teen-aged boy, faces the possi- bility of death in the gas chamber for the ambush shooting of Evers at the height of Negro demonstra-i tions in Jackson last summer. Panhel Sets Unit System Ple gng By MARGARET LOWE Phi Mu-A sorority on the brink of going off campus-may have been bailed out yesterday by Pan- hellenic Association. In a last ditch attempt to re- build Phi Mu, which was forced to drop rush Monday because too few rushees returned to the house for the fourth set of parties, Pan- hel initiated a totally new plan of a "friendship group" pledging the sorority en masse. Last night about 30 girls came to an informal get-acquainted par- ty at the sorority. More girls have been invited to attend a sim- ilar session today. The informal rushees will have the opportuni- ty to pledge by Sunday. These parties resulted when Panhel rush counselors contact- ed many women who had dropped rush but might have been inter- ested in pledging Phi Mu with a group of friends because "Phi Mu is the one house that could not exist next year without help," Panhel President Patricia Elkins, '64, said. "Phi Mu will need at least 20 new girls to renmain on campus," The Panhel president explained that all other houses that do not make their quota can still exist for at least another year; Phi Mu cannot. "Because there are only two sophomores in the house, their contacts with girls in the dormi- tories arevery limited. Therefore their success even in open rush, scheduled to follow regular rush, would be doubtful," she said. Miss Elkins, other Panhel of- ficers and Phi'Mu felt there were four alternatives left open. They were open rush, reorganization of the house later in the spring, going off campus or unit pledging. Phi Mu chose the fourth. "There is very good general support throughout Panhel for the unit-rush plan," she said. "If more women are interested in going to an informal party at Phi Mu they are asked to call Panhel tomorrow," Miss Elkins said. "Also all women interested, in open rush at participating sororities should call," she added. I After Viet Nam SLATE CHANGE: Elect New Officers to IQC LYNDON B. JOHNSON Khanh Gains Control Seeks Hike In Pay Rates WASHINGTON (Al) - President Lyndon B. Johnson asked Congress yesterday to permit the govern- ment to require double pay for overtime in selected industries as a weapon to combat unemploy- ment. His idea is that higher overtime pay might encourage employers to hire more workers rather than as- sign their present force to work overtime. Under the current time- and-a-half floor employers often find it cheaper to pay overtime than to pay the fringe benefits such as pensions and insurance in- volved in adding workmen. Some 33 million hours of over- time were worker last year in manufacturing industries - the equivalent of 919,000 jobs. AFL - CIO President George Mtffnv grrv *. nnm~~ 1, at J nhn, crwi Foreign Secretary R. A. Butler, Commonwealth Secretary Dun- can Sandys and United States Am- bassador David Bruce at Marlbor- ough House. The call came amil indications that President Makarios, a Greek Cypriot, intends to veto the Brit- ish-American plan for an Allied peace-keeping force unless it is made answerable to the United Nations. The agreement of President Lyn- don B. Johnson's administration to play a role in dousing the East Mediterranean flashpoint was con- veyed to the British by Ambassa- dor Bruce. Bruce met with Sandys to spell out the composition, strategy and mission of the force, which is ex- pected to include troops of six or seven members of the NATO pow- ers. These would be Britain, Turkey and Greece--the powers now guaranteeing Cypriot independ- ence the United tSates, West Germany, Italy and possibly France. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union moved in to bolster the Cypriot resistance to the scheme. An "au- thorized statement" carried by the official Tass agency said Cyprus has officially advised Moscow there is now "a serious danger of aggres- sion" against the island by NATO powers. Both the British and the Ameri- cans intend to use their influence to, win Makarios' agreement for the allied army as soon as its pre- cise terms of reference are settled. Ex-President Backs Hannah For Senator DETROIT (45) - Former Presi By RAYMOND HOLTON The owner of the Students' Friend Discount Barber Shop, 347 Maynard, was charged yesterday in Municipal Court with violation' of Michigan's Equal Accommoda- tion Law for his alleged refusal to cut a Negro's hair. Don O. Taylor, 66, owner of the shop, stood mute at his arraign- ment yesterday. Acting Municipal Judge Chandler A. Rogers set Taylor's jury trial for Feb. 20. Taylor was released on $25 bond. The complaint was filed by Roy Shields Jr., 21, who said Taylor RICH HERITAGE: Polish Dancer Recalls Homeland ~ ~ ,........... ~By ALAN Z. SHULMAN : ? hOnly Polnd, Russia, maybe Hungary, nd the Spanish-speaking :.".countries have a true folklore, and of these, Polish folklore is the f. richest one," Ada Kolebacka (pronounced kol-e-boutt-ska), a beau- :J,..<..:.. .. rtiful girl in the brilliant Polish dance company, Mazowsze, asserted last night, i the" hen't ro se vay dsnctiAmericahfol ance.s" Miss Kole-ka .A-.-"::: .; .; backa observed."Your square dance is a combination of manynsfr . dnes and te froa o he w there are 19 p vinces and each one has its own costumes its own poems and t... :x.:}:.sings and its own instruments. "The people of these regions keep their costumes and wear them t- :}:;:s<::>,.:«r . .~roften, especially at harvest time and they are proud of it," she said. :".:t; ::: y}}"'>};"tThey would never change for a suit and tie, "The mountain people practice their folklore. They look down on ' Jr:::>:>the people from the valley. Sometimes they hate us," Miss Kolebacka confessed. "They say we are heavy and only they are light. Some of them joined the group to show us how to dance. Now they are - r.................:::<}.:.:: ..roud of us because we know how to dance like they do." -Daily-James Keson NEW IQC OFFICERS-John Eadie, '65, was elected president of Interquadrangle Council last night. Outgoing IQC President Curtis Huntington, '64, congratulated new officers, who are shown above, Eadie; Lester Page, '66E, vice-president; Eugene Stevelberg, '66, treasurer; and Stephen Hershey, '65, secretary. Eadie hopes to institute debate and bridge tournaments, plan all-campus mixers for the sprng term, better the laundry service to quadrangles, hold IQC meetings in quadrangles on a rotating basis and increase communication between IQC officers and quadrangle residents through. expanded IQC newsletters and more contact with house presidents. EQUAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Rogers CagsBarber with Violation Charges' refused to let him enter the shop for a haircut on Jan. 23. At that time a group of demonstrators, some of whom will be called as witnesses, were protesting alleged discrimination at the shop. 'Crucial Element' Washtenaw County Assistant Prosecutor Ray Bishop, who is prosecuting the case, said yester- day that the "intent of the person to refuse service is the crucial ele- ment involved in the prosecution." He added that the objective of the prosecution will be to prove that Taylor refused to cut Shields' hair because he is a Negro. Bishop said that this is the first case against Taylor that seemed to have strong enough evidence for prosecution. The Ann Arbor Chapter of the Congress on Racial Equality has filed several other complaints with the police charging discrimination by Taylor, but no action was taken. Need Evidence Detective Lt. Louis Stauden- maier of the Ann Arbor police said that more is needed than just a complaint. "We need' evidence which will back up the com- plaint," he added. Taylor said prior to his arrest that he was against the state law which provides for equal public accommodations. "Tf the Nerrn cn dictate my New Dictator Vows To Halt Communists { Neutral Asian Policy May Cause Break With Paris Regime SAIGON W)-Vietnamese MaJ. Gen. Nguyen Khanh has emerged from a bloodless coup as the strongman and virtual dictator of South Viet Nam He vowed to smash both the Communists and "the traitors who advocate neu- tralism." Troops and tanks based in the Saigon area-some diverted from a planned offensive against a Com- munist guerrilla stronghold - quietly backed Khanh's successful bid for power Wednesday. 'Khanh dissolved the 3-month- old regime of Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh, jailed several fellow generals as conspiracy suspects and took over governmental reins of this former French colony, which has known little but battle and political intrigue since the end of World War II. Opposes French Policy A 37-year-old army corps com- mander who has a reputation as a cool and skillful planner, Khanh made plain the new Asian policy of French President Charles de Gaulle was among targets of the coup. A diplomatic break between Sai- gon and Paris is expected soon. De Gaulle, who last Monday ex- tended diplomatic recognition to Red China, has advocated neu- tralization of both Communist Viet Nam and the United States- backed republic of South Viet Nam. Retain Mnh Minh was not arrested. There seemed to be a possibility that the former junta chief, popdar among both Vietnamese and Amer- ican military men, would be kept on as technical chief of state The premier of the provisional civilian government, Nguyen Ngo rho, was turned out of office along with his cabinet and returned to civilian life. Accused of conspiring with France to bring about neutraliza- tion were Maj. Gen. Tran Van Don, the ousted defense minister; Maj. Gen. Le Van Kim, armed forces chief of staff; and Maj. Gen. Bai Huu Xuan, prefect of Saigon. Jail Vy Brig. Gen. Nguyen Vy, who re- turned only last month from exile in France, was jailed on suspicion that he came here as a French agent to swing South Viet Nam