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January 30, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-30

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Warming up
in the afternoon




Sessions Collapse
In Panama Talks

New Bid for
Followed by




Minister Charges U.S.
Calls for Hemispheric


' l
, !
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. 1

WASHINGTON (P)-Negotiations aimed at achieving a friendly
settlement of the United States-Panamanian crisis over the Panama
Canal collapsed last night.
Panama charged the United States had committed aggression
against its civilian population and asked for a conference of hemis-
phere foreign ministers.
Shortly before the breakdown President Lyndon B. Johnson con-
ferred with congressional leaders of both parties on the developing
-crisis. Johnson and State Depart-
ment aides gave the leaders a re-
port on the efforts up to this point
Sy to arrive at an agreement with the
Panamanian government of Pres-
On Entrance ident Roberto Chiari.
On EnranceNo Progress
The Inter-American Peace Com-
By MAILYN ORALmittee, which has been the center
By MARILYN KORAL oftalks on possiblebsolution of the
The Admissions Office is un- dispute, met this afternoon but
willing to mechanically treat ap- was unable to make any progress
plications from clearly qualified in breaking the deadlock between
or unqualified students because United States and Panamanian
of four reasons, Associate Director positions.
of Admissions Gayle Wilson said Panama's ambassador Miguel
yesterday. Moreno then declared that his
Prof. Benno G. Fricke of the government "has done all that it's
psychology department has sug- possible to do" but that no agree-
gested that the Scholastic Apti- ment had been reached.
tude Test score and high school Therefore, Moreno said, Panama
grade average together could make "has n) other recourse" but to call
an operational value termed the for an emergency meeting of the
"College Qualification R a n k" foreign ministers of the American
(CQR). In previous studies, use of republics.
an index similar to the CQR Effort Made
predicted more accurately aca- He added that Ellsworth Bunk-
demic success in college than deci- er, United States ambassador to
sions by admissions officers and the Organization' of American
other human judges. States, who participated in the
Lists Reasons negotiations, had "made all pos-
sible efforts but we have reached
Wilson's reasons are: no agreement"
-The student may have emo- Panama reported to the Inter-
tional problems or a record of "so- American Peace Committee at
cially undesirable" behavior traits. noon that it had decided to re-
-The student or his parents quest that the issue be turned over
might be able to make a contri- to an emergency meeting of the
bution of worth to the University nemisphere foreign ministers.
In the areas of public relations Panama had said it was going
or financial support. to ask for a meeting of the OAS
-Known mechanization in ad- Organ of Consultation-the OAS
missions would create a poor im- council empowered to act for for-
age of the University in the pub- Pign ministers until the ministers
lic's eye. themselves decide to gather.
- A mathematical formula Johnson Meeting
would not reflect maturation fac- The White House said only that
tors. (If an applicant does well in the Johnson meeting with con-
his last two years in high school i essgiont l leaders was on "critical
but poorly at the beginning, his areas" in foreign affairs and men-
progress is favorably considered tioned only Cyprus.
by an admissions officer.) Three senators who attended
No Reflection said privately that the meeting
A mechanized admissions pro- was entirely concerned with Pan-
cedure using the CQR or a combi- ama and so far as they could re-
nation of other variables would call the subject of Cyprus, if it
not reflect these four factors, arose at all, was mentioned only
which Wilson claims are relevant incidentally and briefly.
to the decision on an applicant, In the White House briefing
even in cases of obvious qualifi- Johnson was assisted by Acting
cation or rejection. Secretary of State George Ball.
"It is better to reduce this all Assistant Secretary Thomas C.
Mann in charge of Latin American
to a mechanical operation. What relatmonsrgunkerLaand Aecretary
concerns me even more 'than a relations, Bunker, and Secretary
gain in predictive validity is fair- of the Army CyrusVance. The
ness," Prof. Fricke said. Army runs the Canal Zone.
He argued that it would be an Panama has remained firm on
important public relations tool to its demand that the United States
be able to say to clearly qualified pledge it will sign a new treaty to
applicants: "We won't have pos- replace the 1903 agreement.
sible unfair biases of admission The crisis began three weeks
counselors enter into our decision ago with an eruption of rioting in
to admitor not to admit you." Panama against the Canal Zone
to am orotadt." following a flag raising dispute.

GOP Plans
A lterations
In Tax .Bill
WASHINGTON (P) - Republi-
cans served notice yesterday that
after Senate debate on the big tax
cut bill starts today some major
amendments will be offered and
progress will be slow at first.
But the GOP senators agreed at
a closed conference to cooperate
with the Democratic leadership
goal of passage by the end of next
week so the measure may start
pumping more take-home pay
back into the economy by next
Senate Republican Leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois said he
will object to committees meeting
when the Senate is working on the
$1.6-billion tax cut bill unless
such meetings involve matters of
"singular urgency."
Early Risers
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of
Minnesota, acting Democratic
leader, told newsmen that start-
ing Monday, the Senate will meet
three hours earlier than usual, at
9 am., to speed action. He said
there might be night sessions.
Humphrey said "We hope to
have final action" not later than
Feb. 8 and President Lyndon B.
Johnson hopes the Senate and
House will settle their differences
so the measure will to in his hands
for signature by Feb. 22.
Back Measures
Dirksen told reporters after the
meeting of GOP senators he ex-
pects many of them will back two
amendments he will offer, some-
what similar to moves rejected by-
the Senate Finance Committee:
(1) To restore in limited form
thc four per cent credit allowed
on stock dividend;
(2) To repeal excise taxes oa
jeweiry, furs. cosmetics and lug-
Two Democratic senators, Paul
M. Douglas of I.liuois and Abra-
ham A. Ribicoff of Connecticut
also proposed many changes in the
Douglas said Congress "should
give serious consideration to sim-
plify ng the tax structure and
making it more equlable by the
simple process of repealing most
of the existing loopholes and
truckholes in the tax laws."
Among other things, he men-
tioned the oil and gas depletion

Government Claims
Leaders Captured,
Area in Confusion Amidst Reports
Of Counter Moves by Government
SAIGON, Viet Nam RP)-South Viet Nam's government
was in confusion yesterday following a bloodless military
coup d'etat and reports of a swift counter coup.

t .

The first coup was reported carried out under the leader-
ship of Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, 38, commander of the Viet-
namese army's 1st Corps. He was supported by Maj. Gen. Le
Van Khiem, commander of the 3rd Corps; Maj. Gen. Ton
That Dinh, interior minister; and Maj. Gen. Do Mau, the in-
formation minister.
This group reportedly arrested three major members of
the junta which has ruled South Viet Nam since the Nov. 1
revolution which overthrew and killed President Ngo Dinh


-Associated Press
VIET NAM-Once again Viet Nam is torn by revolutionary strife as military tanks roam the
streets of Saigon. Vague reports out of Saigon indicate that revolutionaries were foiled by a swift
counter coup. Within an hour yesterday's first coup was over and leaders were jailed. No shots
were fired.

Turkish Ships Resume Exercises

LONDON (P)-Turkish warships
were reported to have resumed
yesterday the naval maneuvers
that led Greek Cypriots to fear an
invasion at the height of the
communal disorders on Cyprus
last month.
SGC Rules
On Electionis
Student Government Council
last night adopted rules for the
forthcoming March 4 spring elec-
tions following approval of an
amendment eliminating the re-
quirement that SGC candidates
must circulate petitions.
Another amendment restricts
considerably the eligibility of
write-in candidates on SGC bal-
A third revision alters the length
of platform statements from 400
to 300 words and requires them to
be submitted to the Elections
Committee by 5 p.m. of the day
10 days prior to the election.
In previous elections, individuals
desiring to be candidates for
Council were required to collect
the signatures of 250 students.
This rule will still apply to those
who seek positions on the Board
in Control of Student Publica-
tions, the Union Board of Direc-
tors and the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics. '
The change in the regulations
concerning write-in candidates,
proposed by Tr'easurer Douglas
Brook, '65, and Inter-Quadrangle
Council President Curtis Hunting-
ton, '65, stipulates that "all votes
for a write-in candidate shall be
void unless the write-in candidate
has been certified by the Creden-
tials and Rules Committee prior
to election day.

An authoritative naval source
in Ankara said exercise seabird,
involving several combat vessels
and landing craft, is under way
again along a 100-mile strip of
Turkey's coast between the ports
of Mersin and Iskenderum, north-
east of Cyprus.
The exercise had been interupt-
ed for the start of the Jan. 15
London Conference intended to
settle differences between feuding
Greek and Turkish Cypriots about
the makeup of the former British
colony's government, dominated
by islanders of Greek descent.
No Reason Given
The Ankara informant gave no
reason for resumption of the ex-
ercise while the London talks con-
tinued. But the conference. in-
volving Cypriot, British, Greek and
Turkish representatives, is dead-
locked and Turkey has threatened
to withdraw today.
Armed forces of both Greece
and Turkey, allies within the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion estranged by the Cyprus
crisis, were reported Tuesday to
have been put on alert status.
The British government, racing
to prevent an explosion, has asked
the United States, France, West
Germany, Italy and Canada-all
members of NATO-to join with
British forces in an international

army to keep the peace on Cyprus. 1
Greek Cypriot war veterans ob-
jected at a mass meeting in Nico-
sia, Cyprus' capital, and offered,
their services to President Arch-
bishop M a k a r i o s' government
against any outside intervention.
Mass Meeting
Estimated by police at about
5000, they chanted:
"Out with NATO . . . give us
arms . . . free Cyprus."
Gen. Menelaos Pantelides, com-
mander of Cyprus' tiny army,
charged that Turkey "is threaten-
ing to invade." He drew cheers
with a declaration that Greek
Cypriots are prepared to die to
the last man in defense of the
United States Gen. Lyman L.
Lemnitzer. supreme allied com-
mander in Europe, met with Greek
leaders in Athens following sim-
ilar consultations with Turkish
authorities in Ankara Tuesday.
Diplomatic sources said he was
conducting his peacekeeping ac-
tivities not as a NATO leader but
as a representative of President
Lyndon B. Johnson.
Although the United States gov-
ernment is interested in helping
out in the Cyprus peacekeeping
effort it remains to be decided
whether American troops will be
sent to the troubled island.

Diem and his brother Ngo'
Dinh Nhu. They included Maj.
Gen. Tran Van Don, second in
command of the junta and de-
fense minister; Maj. Le Van
Kim, third in command of the
junta and armed forces chief
of staff; and Maj. Gen. Mai
Huu Xuan, chief of Viet
Nam's various police establish-
Then, according to reports from
the interior ministry and other
sources, there was a swift coun-
ter coup and the four leaders of
the first coup were jailed.
Most top police officials also
were reported under arrest.
Saigon was occupied before
dawn by four battalions of rebel
marines and four battalions of
rebel airborne troops-about 4500
men in all-supported by armor.
But not a shot was fired.
The revolt led by Nguyen
Khanh was reported over within
an hour.
At noon, Duong Van Minh, the
provisional chief of state and com-
mander of the military Junta since
Nov. 1, was at his residence and
believed to be at least nominally
still in power.
Premier Nguyen Ngoc Tho was
not at his office but was reported
to be safe somewhere in Saigon.
A top aide of the premier said he


Ribicoff said
hen in new

more than $1
revenue could


Undesirable Traits
As for refusal of obviously qual-
ified students because of "socially
undesirable traits," Prof. Fricke
said, "First things first. What
matters here anyhow?" He point-
ed out that the University of Cal-
ifornia and the University of
Minnesota use an automatic ad-
missions procedure. He claimed it
saves money and is faster than
admission counselor's decisions.
For applicants neither clearly
able nor clearly unable to succeed
in college, a numerical formula
should not be used, Prof. Fricke
He suggested an average of 575
on the two parts of the SAT and
top 10 per cent ranking in high
school class as the cutting' off
point for the mechanically ad-
mitted group. Those automatically
) inadmissable would score below
500 and not rank in the top 20
per cent of their high school class-
Tools for Middle Group
In the middle group, admissions
counselors would be wise to make
use of tools such as the achiever
personality and creativity scales
on the Opinion, Attitude and In-
terest Survey (given to enter-
ing freshmen) and other similar
measures to predict the likelihood
of a questionable applicant bene-
fitting from college, Prof. Fricke
Although the literary college
voted last fall to use the OAIS,
r1velnned h Fricke in hrderline

Only $99,900 Off
Although The 'Daily errone-
ously announced the first prize
in the William Warner Bishop
book collection contest as
$100,000, the award will be, in
fact, a $100 bond.
The sponsors would dearly
like to make good The Daily's
offer, however no increase in
the prize is to be made, and The
Daily will have to be exposed
for a slight missprint. But tlen,
what are a few zeros among

picked up by such things as re-
ducir g the depletion allowance.
He also plans to offer an amend-
ment to allow a tax break for
rarer ts whose children are in ol-
Douglas and Ribicoff made their
views known in filing; a statement
acce1,ting the Senate Finance
Committee's report on the bill.
The committee said the tax cut
snould have many favorable ef-
fects on the nation's economy.
"It is anticipated that this bill
will stimulate higher investments
and increase consumer purchases,"
the majority of the committee
"In this matter the bill is de-
signed to lessen unemployment
and to increase the rate of growth
of our productive capacity."

Court Holds Night Sessions
To Choose Beckwith Jurors
JACKSON, Miss. (P)-Eleven jurors were seated yesterday for the
trial of Byron De La Beckwith before the court headed into its third
straight night session.
"Prepare to stay here until a jury is selected, if it takes until
midnight," Circuit Judge Leon F. Hendrick told the attorneys.
Beckwith is charged with murder in the rifle slaying of Negro
civil rights leader Medgar Evers last June. In addition to the two
yvacant jury seats, one or possibly

did not know where Tho was, or'
whether he still held the post of
Saigon airport was closed and
no one was allowed in or out of
the airport area. Several thousand
American servicemen are based at
the airport.'
Informed sources said United
States Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge was informed of the im-
pending coup some time late last
night and sent an urgent message
to Gen. Paul D. Harkins, com-
mander of United States forces in
Viet Nam, to return from a field
American officials were aghast
and said they felt the Communist
Viet Cong would benefit from the
Interior Minister Ton That
Dinh, whose troops carried out
the Nov. coup d'etat, was reported
in 'custody and there were indica-
tions that he would be exiled.
The United States armed forces
radio told all Americans to stay
at home except those on duty
and announced that all schools
for American children in Saigon
would be closed.
A major operation against the
Communist Viet Cong, set to be-
gin at dawn, was canceled, reliable
American sources reported.
In Washington, neither the
State Department nor the White
House had any comment.
As of mid-morning, Saigon Ra-
dio still had said nothing about
the coups. The city appeared nor-
mal except for tanks and troops
in some areas.
* * *
WASHINGTON (1P) - The re-
ported leader of the vain army
coup in South Viet Nam was de-
scribed as an officer who helped
save the late President Ngo Dinh
Dieb in an attempted overthrow
more than three years ago.
Authorities said so far as they

Reds Down
U.S. Plane
WIESBADEN, Germany () --
Moscow disclosed yesterday a
United States Air Force jet trainer
that disappeared Tuesday over
East Germany was forced down by
a Soviet fighter and all three
American officers aboard were
Washington said the T39 was
shot down and Secretary of State
Dean Rusk called it "a shocking
and senseless act."
The State Department protested
vigorously. But the Russians re-
jected the protest and termed the
flight of the twin-jet a, "gross
provocation" and a "clear intru-
Stiff Note
The fate of the trainer was dis-
closed in .a stiff note released in
Moscow accusing United States
military authorities of trying to
aggravate the situation in central
After the plane took off from
Wiesbaden Air Force Base it was
tracked by radar for 11 minutes
as it flew into East Germany The
State Department said the plane
was unarmed, obviously lost, and
"afforded no threat of any sort to
the Soviets."
The Air Force in Wiesbanl aSaid
the trainer apparently strayed into
East Germany because it had been
forced to fly high above a storm.
Georgi M. Kornienko, minister
counsellor of the Soviet embassy
in Washington, told newsmen "it
was a clear intrusion; the plane
was intercepted and then it did
not obey two orders."
The immediate reaction in Con-
gress was of anger, but Sen. Earry
Goldwater told a news conference
in Pittsburgh yesterday it was
"hard to believe" the plane really
got lost.
Earlier in the day, Gen. Paul L.
Freeman Jr., United States Army
commander in chief in Europe,
called on the Russians to open an
investigation and reply "on a most
urgent basis."
The plane crashed near Erfurt,
East Germany, about 140 miles
northeast of its takeoff on a
flight from Wiesbaden air base.
Air Force officials said it had
run into a storm.
The incident came at a time of
a so-called thaw in the cold war
and immediately raised tempers in
Judge Fines
Eighteen University s t u d e n t s
were among 24 more civil rights
,sit - in demonstrators sentenced
yesterday by Municipal Judge
Francis L. O'Brien to pay $10
fines or spend 30 days in county
jail after they were found guilty
of loitering charges.
This group was the last of the
66 demonstrators who staged a
sit-in after closing hours at city
hall council chambers last fall in

Felheim Sees Unitary Western Culture

Can we even attempt to define a
cultural image of the United
States? queried Prof. Marvin Fel-
heim of the English dept., yester-
day at the second of a series of
lectures on "International Image."
There are increasing signs of an
internationalization of contempor-
ary arts, he continued.
On a weekend, Americans listen
to the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany where at least three quarters
rf tha nnorac in a rea onar fnr-

make a debut in Europe with its
augmented prestige, he stated.
One must actually define the
American culture as a part of the
entire culture of the western
world, Prof. Felhcim said.
At the present Contemporary
Music Festival in Ann Arbor, there
are a majority of European com-
posers represented, he cited.
One often finds an American
artist is a leader in European
contemporary art, he noted.
In the same manner. there is a

asserted. While Steinbeck, Wilder,
a..d Dos Passos are still living,
much of their major work dates
back to an earlier period, he ex-
Instead, the literary scene now
represents certain groups and
categories of writers, including the
foreign literature and works by
minority groups.
The move toward international-
ization is to a large part the re-
sult of our increased communica-
tion. Prof. Felheim said. We no

two alternate juror positions re-
main to be filed late in the third
day of the trial.
The prosecution and defense at-
torneys each headed into the
drive toward completion of a jury
with only two preemptory chal-
lenges left. These challenges-12
to a side-allow an attorney to
excuse a prospective juror without
giving a reason.
More than 50 persons in the
special venire of more than 100
passed through the jury box in
the first three days.
Two more Negroes--the second
and third-came into the jury box
for interrogation. They were ex-
cused after questioning.
The judge excused one of the
Negroes, Willard Smith, after
reading a letter from Smith's erm-

. .... . .

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