WHY THE APPLAUSE? See Editorial Page Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iait6F COLD AND SUNNY High-28 Low-2Q Partly cloudy and warmer tomorrow VOL. LXXIV, No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Approve Split OfSawyer Jobs By LOUISE LIND "The decision to split the offices of dean of the graduate school and vice-president for research has met with widespread approval," Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns reported Monday. Both offices are currently held by Ralph A. Sawyer, scheduled to retire in June. The announcement of the appointment of Sawyer's successors will be made in the spring, Heyns said. Possible Candidates In the meantime, he and members of the faculty are reviewing possible candidates for both positions. A deanship committee, advisory to Heyns, is currently working with the vice-president to select a panel of candidates for the dean- ship of the graduate school. {fv>....... .. The list will be presented to University P resident Harlan Hatcher who will recommend his choice to the Regents. The final decision rests with them. Soviets Scrap Propose World Powers Planes Vianned Nuclear CHARLES DE GAULLE RALPH SAWYER N.H.- Hopes Rise For NiXon CONCORD (P) - Richard M. Nixon picked up new support in theNewHampshire Presidential primary yesterday, and still an- other candidate-Harold E. Stas- sen-leaped into the fray. Nixon's support came from for- mer Gov. Wesley Powell, who an- nounced he is withdrawing his own name and will support a write-in campaign for Nixon in the March 10 primary, the na- tion's first. Powell told a news conference that neither of the two top con- tenders-Sen. Barry . Goldwater and Gov. Nelson Rockefeller-can win the GOP nomination. "These are the political facts of life," he said. "I have no animosity toward either candidate." He said Nixon is the logical choice for the nomination by vir- tue of his experience and the fact that he is well known to the elec- torate. Meanwhile, Stassen filed his candidacy in the March 10 Presi- Down the Hatch One of Ann Arbor's livelier watering places grew even live- lier last night with the rumor that Cuban Premier Fidel Cas- tro had been assassinated. No one knows how the rumor start- ed, but it spread rather quickly, with The Daily getting many phone calls. At last report from our Havana correspondent, Mr. Castro was still very much alive. Another beer, anyone? dential preference primary and promised an intensive campaign as "an Eisenhower middle-way Re- publican." Stassen, a Presidential contender or prominently mentioned one in every national election for the past 20 years, is a former Min- nesota governor and disarmament advisor in the Eisenhower ad- ministration. His name will go on the ballot with Goldwater, Rockefeller and Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R- Maine) who announced her can- didacy yesterday. At his news conference, Powell said he would not seek election as a convention delegate favorable to Nixon but would devote his ener- gies to encouraging a write-in campaign. One Nixon delegate has entered the race and has promised a full slate of Nixon delegates will be on the ballot. Other delegate candi- dates have filed as favoring Gov. William Scranton of Pennsylvania, Gov. George Romney of Michigan, and Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. .., ,. m U Asks Advice "The deanship committee has been soliciting advice from vari- ous sources, including the execu- tive board of the graduate school," Heyns said. In general, the committee is looking for candidates who: -Have an interest in, and are experienced with graduate train- ing; -Show administrative talent; -Have competence in the area of research (due tothe close re- lation between graduate studies and research programs) and -Exhibit the general charac- teristics of academic leadership. Deanship Committee Eight faculty men compose the deanship committee. They are: Professors Ernest F Brater of the civil engineering de- partment; Arthur W. Bromage, chairman of the political science department; Ronald Freedman of the sociology department; Algo D. Henderson of the education school; William C. Parkinson of the physics department; Robert H. Super of the engineering school; Marvin H. Waterman of the b u si n e s s administration school and Raymond L. Wilder of the mathematics department. Research V-P The procedure for selection of a vice-president for research is somewhat different. To compile a list of possible candidates for this position, Heyns is working with the faculty com- mittee on research from the Uni- versity Senate and with other sources. "The Senate committee has al- ready submitted a list of names to me, and I will consult with the committee again before forward- ing the list to the President," he said. In addition to his meetings with the faculty committee, Heyns has been in "repeated consultation" with the deans of the University schools and colleges, seeking rec- ommendations for the vice-presi- dency. Regents Decision As in the case of deanship ap- pointments, the final decision on the vice-presidency rests with the Regents who will again act on the recommendation of President Hatcher. Heyns related Monday that the decision to split the two jobs was hardly remarkable. "Since Vice-President Sawyer has headed research administra- tion, the size of the University's research program has nearly quad- rupled. During this time, the grad- uate school has also been under- going a period of expansion." Two-China Issue Raised PARIS (P) - France and Red China engaged in a dispute yester- day over the two China question a day after they agreed to estab- lish diplomatic relations. France proclaimed its intention to maintain relations with the re- ime of President Chiang Kai-shek despite a statement by Red China's foreign ministry in effect demanding that Paris break with the Chinese Nationalists. The Peking government de- nounced the two-Chinas concept, and asserted that Monday's agree- ment to establish diplomatic rela- tions with France was reached on the understanding that France would expel the representatives of the "old ruling group."~ A French official spokesman countered that this may have been Peking's understanding, but not that of France. The spokesman See Related Story, Page 3 said France is standing on the text of the brief communique. It simply said that France and Red China had agreed to establish dip- lomatic relations and would des- ignate their respective ambassa- dors within three months. The French spokesman said France was merely recognizing the regime which effectively governs mainland China - the Commun- ists-and still recognizes the gov- ernment which effectively controls Formosa - Chiang's Nationalists.1 This is the two-Chinas policy. In the face of strong Western opposition, F r e n c h President Charles de Gaulle has proclaimed' his intention of becoming the first major Free World country to rec- ognize Red China since before 1950. SGC To Hear Miller Motion Sherry Miller, '65, will submit a motion to Student Governmentl Council tonight requesting that Council express a favorable opin- ion on granting the voting privi- lege to eighteen-year-olds. Other business will be a Com- mittee of the Whole discussion on year-round operations at thec University. Council will also rule on elec-t tion and petitioning proceduresc for the spring elections.c EMERGENCY: To Request IOAS To Air Canal Issue WASHINGTON (P) - Panama has decided to call for an emer- gency meeting of the Organiza- tion of American States to air its dispute with the United States over the Panama Canal, an in- formed Latin American source re- ported last night. A call for the OAS organ of consultation to act on the dispute is expected in the next 36 hours, the source added. The organ of consultation is actually the OAS Council em- powered to act until the hemis- phere foreign ministers can get together to face any problem en- dangering the hemisphere's peace. In order to convene the OAS as the organ of consultation at least 14 of the 21 member nations must approve. Announce Decision Meanwhile a member of the Inter-American Peace Committee reported that Panama had called for a meeting of the committee for 10 a.m. today. He said it was understood that Panama would announce her decision to seek con- vocation of the OAS. No formal meeting of the Peace Committee was scheduled for to- day after Panama reportedly turn- ed down last night a new plan pro- posed by the committee to end the stalemate in the United States- Panamanian dispute. But the com- mittee had been assured Panama would not carry out its threat to seek an OAS meeting without first informing the committee. After yesterday's fruitless ses- sion Ambassador Enrique Tejera Paris of Venezuela, chairman, said the committee would meet separ- ately and informally today with the chief negotiators, Ellsworth Bunker of the United States and Miguel Moreno of Panama. Negotiations Tejera did not indicate the place ings. Nor did he say why the two or the hour of the separate meet- parties were being called before the committee separately. , Sources close to the negotia- tions indicated that the plan turn-1 ed down by Panama was worded by the committee in such a way as to draw closer to Panamanian1 demands for a United States pledge that it will sign a new treaty to replace the 1903 agree- ment under which the Canal is operated. In Panama City, informed sources reported last night thatE Panama's position has not chang- ed. Continue Work The Peace Committee, which has been working during the last six days behind closed doors, had planned to end its mediating roleE yesterday but the parties to theE controversy suggested it continue its work, the sources added. t Tejera would only say that "thet committee was assured that itE will be consulted before any of the parties to the controversy de-E cide to take the issue outside thec committee jurisdiction."3 -Associated Press PLAN FOR SCRAPPING BOMBERS-Soviet delegate to the Geneva disarmament conference, Sem- yon K. Tsarapkin, here explains to newsmen his country's latest proposal for easing the Cold War. Tsarapkin claimed that advances in warfare have made bombers obsolete. The United States had mixed reactions to his presentation. GNP STILL RISING: Board Sees Stronger Boom WASHINGTON (IP)-The Fed-v eral Reserve's experts tested the three-year-old business expansion and said yesterday its pulse is stronger and steadier than that of earlier, more spectacular postwar recoveries. With fewer fluctuations in key Council Hears Plan To Alter Elections Date The working committee of the Ann Arbor City Council was pre- sented a petition Monday night by Republican Fifth Ward Coun- cilman John R. Laird to abolish spring elections for councilmen, beginning in 1965. If approved next week the ques- tion would be put to the voters in April. Laird noted that three times as many voters participate in fall elections as vote in the present spring elections. He said that it costs the city $5,000 to hold a spring election and that he sees "no sense" in not holding the council elections in the fall. The petition asks only for the election time to be switched and changes nothing else, he added. His plan would "put all elec- tions-state, national and local- together in the fall," Laird assert- ed. He proposed that the mayoralty election, which is presently held every second year, be on the off years. sectors, this quiet boom has in- creased the Gross National Prod- uct at an annual rate of 3.8 per cent since mid-1960 compared to 2.3 per cent in the 1954-57 recov- ery period. The Gross National Product - the total government and private output of goods and services-was computed after making allowances for inflation. The monthly Federal Reserve Bulletin said the four key com- ponents which cause the economy to make wide swings up and down have remained on a general- ly rising plane during the pres- ent recovery compared to rath- er wide fluctuations In the 1953- 57 and 1958-60 expansion periods. These components are consum- er durable goods such as automo- biles and appliances, residential construction, business investment and federal government purchases. Although there was a period of hesitation in late 1962, the Fed- eral Reserve said, "The broad pic- ture is one of greater persistence and greater uniformity of expan- sion among the major demand sec- tors." The cycle has now run 35 months-including January-com- pared to 39 months for the 1954- 57 recovery and 25 months for the 1958-60 expansion period. / In some cases, a new kind of demand has replaced an old one. A tremendous increase in apart- ment building has brought resi- dential housing construction a record level. Investment outlays in plant and equipment have re- mained high primarily because of a desire for modernization, rather than increased capacity. If there is a leveling off of the demand for automobiles, the re- sulting slack may be partially ab- sorbed by stepped-up purchases of appliances, radio and television sets and other durable goods The Bulletin noted some factors in the current recovery which do not seem to fit the traditional pattern: Output per man-hour has in- creased but raises in wages have been moderate-an average of 2.9 per cent a year since 1960. U.S. Reports New Measure Unacceptable State Department Acclaims Preventing Spread of Weapons GENEVA ()-The Soviet Uniou proposed yesterday that all na- tions-starting with the United States and itself-scrap their bombers, which Russia called an ,important means of aggressive warfare. The State Department in Washington, said the proposal for destroying the bomber forces of all nations was neither acceptable . nor practical. But it welcomed the Soviet show of interest in parallel destruction by the big powers of certain nuclear weapon carrying obsolete bombers which might oth- erwise fall into the hands of smaller countries. Chief Soviet Delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin made his offer at the 17-nation disarmament conference here and expanded on it at a news conference. Affect All States jHe suggested the big powers de- stroy their planes which carry nu- clear weapons-a plan similar to an approach the United States earlier made to Russia-but then told newsmen that this destruc- tion "will eventually affect all states of the world, without the exclusion of anyone." The United States plan was for destruction on a one-for-one bas- is of United States B-47's and USSR Badger bombers. "We hope the Soviet Union is now prepared to give serious con- sideration to this concrete initial step and will not insist upon ex- treme and impractical proposals," the State Department said. The United States and the So- viet Union now rely mainly on long-distance missiles for nuclear delivery and would not be vitally affected by the ban. Rusk Proposal United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk made an approach to Soviet officials on the "bomber bonfire" idea while he was in Moscow last summer. There was no immediate re- sponse, but Tsarapkin said Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev an- nounced Soviet interest at last month's meeting in Moscow of the Central Committee of the Communist party. Tsarapkin's offer went slightly further than that made by Rusk as it would include all bombers of all countries. Tsarapkin stressed that in the Soviet view, bombing planes were obsolete anyway. He clearly did not intend the meas- ure to reduce or limit the nuclear delivery capacity of the United States and Russia. Permit Supervision Tsarapkin told reporters the So- viet Union is prepared to permit the United States to supervise de- struction of Soviet bombers if the Russians are allowed to exercise the same control over United States planes. The Soviet delegate did not sub- mit the Kremlin's reply to Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson's pro- posals to the Geneva conference for ending the nuclear arms race. Tsarapkin told newsmen 'the plan still is under study in Mos- cow. But he again raised objec- tions to such Johnson's proposals as a treaty to ban the spread of nuclear weapons and the estab- lishment of observer posts to pre- vent surprise attacks or an acci- dental war. Plan Meetings On Counseling Plans are in progress for a spring conference on counseling services in which student groups will be asked to participate. Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport, co- ordinator of counseling in the Office of Student Affairs, said the University Committee on Student cnnsemiina-Services. fr ewhich she Negro ClIergymen, Students Protest Atlanta 'Rights' Law ATLANTA ,P)--Negro clergymen joined students yesterday in a demonstration on the city hall steps in behalf of a public accommoda- tions law. About 60 demonstrators met to sing and pray in the fourth con- secutive day of antisegregation protests in Georgia's capital. They staged the demonstration shortly after Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. sum- >moned 250 city leaders to a mas- sive conference in an effort to head off further racial unrest. PUBLIC OPINION: Perhins Cites Irrational Influences on U.S. Policy By ALAN Z. SHULMAN "American foreign policy is the prisoner of its ideological pre- conceptions and is bound to re- 'main this Way as long as public opinion is as important as it presently is," Prof. Bradford Per- kins of the history department said in a lecture last night. "Unfortunately, it is just these influential popular sentiments or 'belly-reactions' that give our for- eign policy its inflexibility and these same unrational forces that are the most deeply ingrained in our political tradition. During most of the 19th cen- tury, the United States was isola- tionist. Americans thought they had created a unique and noble system that must be protected wards the current conflict. We wanted to safeguard our achieve- ment then, we want to export it now."' Because the United States has never had to consider the threat of foreign invasion, the Soviet challenge since 1945 "seems more threatening than it actually is. "Not only is this true of our, relations with the Soviets, but with every other nation," Prof. Perkins asserted. 'Anything that happens in in- ternational politics from the China-India border clashes to the revolt in Zanzibar to the guerrilla war in Laos and Viet Nam are considered vital to American na- tional security. Natinia1 nti ern At the end of the Spanish- American War, the United States decided to "extend freedom to the Philippines," he commented. "Of course, the Philippinos might not have wanted democracy and we had to kill a lot of them before we were able to bestow freedom on them." { Forced Eventsj He maintained that often the United States has forced events into a pattern so that it could continue its belief in the even- tual triumph of democracy and persist in its unrealistic foreign policy. Thus, during the second World War, we believed Stalin was really a democrat at heart and since the E ('hi. Vh o- Ttoi .-sheir hnoa shn Arrests 'More than 200 persons were arrested Sunday and Monday. Singing and praying, demon- strators stood on the city hall steps while police paddy wagons waited nearby. Some of the group held aloft a large sign reading, "As a first step, we want a public accom- modations law." About 25 members of the At- lanta Baptist Ministers Conference were in the group. They were led by their president, the Rev. E. H. Dorsey. A statement was read by one member of the group demanding an immediate end to segregation and discrimination in Atlanta. Meets Mayor Miss Prathea Hall, a leader of the group, was received by the mayor. She read the statement to him. He listened and thanked her, then told her of the planned bi-, raciia ntno- ::.:..