Seyety-Third ;Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UN!VERSrrY OF MICmGAN - - UNDER AUTHORiTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are PaSTUDENT PUBLCATIONS BLDG., AmN ARBOR, MIcH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Troth WIUl Prevail" Editorials printed in ,The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints. JESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD HERSTEIN FEIFFERI ItSn^ if'' j l". V6tOO/1 J S OF' CO()MS M)oE Mr IT W6 ALWA16C 16IAV t - 6IREW 10 '') T/.' e APPAIPTt q If Nh~G 666; T1O OlROt BOO WHA1 U56 CA& Z 61V6 1T? 1f-61K~ IT WOATER- T 61VC IT RP~AT F0012. L~ove. WAT To ova RAW~ qo() MOAN~1~ ML{ IT' OMMf A WOUD OF coop-sc N~OT IF qL19OV WHAT rHAWPJ Closing Arboretum A Way To End Abuse Destruetion I THE NICHOLS ARBORETUM has always been accessible. It is within a 15 minute walk to campus. Except when the roads are impassable, the gates are left open for anybody to drive down the road, day or night. Even if the gates are closed, it's possible to walk through it. It has been accessible for all purposes- educational and recreational, immoral and destructive. It is the accessibility of Nichols Arboretum which has led to the, increasing misuse of it, to the detriment of its original purpose, that of an educa- tional tool. But it cannot be used as an educational tool when plant materials are deliberately destroyed and identification tags cannot be kept on vegetation for very long. For these reasons the University has wisely decided to limit access to the ar- boretum by closing the gates to all ve- hicles and putting up fences at points where trespassing is greatest. No matter what the University does with the arboretum, it is bound to receive criticism from at least one of the con- cerned factions in this city-faculty mem- bers and neighboring residents, and stu- dents and other city residents living; away from the area who use the arbore- tum for recreation. However, the Univer- sity is not just taking the line of least criticism when it announces that it in- tends to restrict access to the arb; it is taking the path of least destruction and of most sensible usage of the area. EXCERPTS FROM RECORDS kept at the, arb speak well for the University's de- cision: "On Thursday, Oct. 31, 1963, a car was found lying against an elm, on the steep slope below the first look-out point on the road from Geddes to the river. Ac- cording to police it had been stolen and pushed over the side. It had been set on fire. It was found around 7 a.m. A large piece of bark had been torn off the base of the elm, where it had stopped the car in its fall. How much damage? I don't know. "On Monday, Oct. 14, 1963, one Thuja of about seven years old, a Japanese flow- ering cherry of about that age, and a flowering crabapple of about 10 years were found broken at the ground. Cars had driven on them, as the tracks indi- cated. None seem to be rare, makes no difference." but that THESE ARE EXCERPTS from the rec- ords for one month of arboretum abuse. What has been done about it? The University has taken steps to cut down the accessibility of the arboretum. Ve- hicular traffic will be eliminated. This will make impossible the most destructive misuse of the arb: 'driving cars, motor- cycles and scooters over trails and on the grass areas, running over bushes and knocking down trees intentionally in the process.a In one case, 30 recently planted trees were neatly ruined when a car or truck knocked them all over, driving in con- centric circles to get every last one. Yet one only hopes. that sufficient off-street parking will be provided to take care of people wishing to walk through the arb. The University is also beginning to fence in the arboretum. This will reduce much of tpe inconvenience to city resi- dents living near a completely open area which is heavily used. A side result of fencing only part of the arb is that pri- vate property previously having only nor- mal trespassing may find an increase in traffic. One would hope that to be fair to all neighboring residents the Univer- sity will find sufficient funds to fence the whole arb in. THE QUESTION now is whether the University is justified in eliminating many of the recreational aspects of the area. Since the costs of the limited forms of recreation there far outweigh any gains, the University certainly has suffi- cient reason. The arb is the best place in Ann Arbor for sledding, skiing and traying. However, although such activities would not seem to be destructive, they are. Most of the plant materials are hidden under snow, and even though the intentions of those who use the arb in this manner is not to injure anything, there is, nevertheless, much inadvertent damage. The arb is also used for immoral activi- ties. Every open, landscaped area near a college campus builds a reputation. The old saw about the bushes kicking back applies to the arb as it does to many other such areas. The extent of immoral usage of the arb has been blurred by ex- citing exaggeration. Nonetheless it exists. Control of student morals is not the in- tention of restrictions on arboretum ac- cessibility. It is a byproduct. The decision to take steps to curb usage rested entire- ly with the arboretum's director, Prof. Walter Chambers.. Students could hardly be expected to claim publicly the right to use the arb for immoral purposes, so the University need not expect any uproar from that faction. The University's decision to curb ac- cess to the arboretum is well-founded. As Prof. Chambers points out, recreational usage of the area is not consistent with the original intentions of the donors. When recreation at the Nichols Arbore- tum exists only at the cost of the edu- cational benefits, it is only correct to eliminate the fringe benefits. -MICHAEL SATTINGER I -AM NOT AFRA1I. I K(NOW TWIVAT LOO(,FLOW (ROI' HER VVC DMUAR51 /r TAN 5 ATr pp2VVpR5,! 6ROW! r H IUNR0 s /A IT'S NR~ CWGATQ1AL# [C 5S (400: FLOERHA5S AM EXceL4.Tf MIOP 2FOP, tLIXS. A 5C[. OL)1 K {A FACE IN THE CROWD: A New Plateau in Merger By Ronald Wilton, Editor EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: UPS. Cars in Europe: Pre They Popular? Profit Tears GENERAL MOTOR'S record-breaking $1.6 billion profit should leave no one crying when the corporation complains, next summer, that it cannot afford giving its UAW workers a pay raise, job security) protection and added fringe benefits while at the same time giving the consumer a break by cutting prices. This profit-about one-third larger than the total budget of the state of Michigan - is largely going into private hands, doing little of anything that is so- cially useful. Certainly, with this massive, outsized profit, General Motors owes more to its workers and to the society that made it possible. -P. SUTIN IN A MOVE that surprised peo- ple, particularly those connect- ed with the Michigan League, the Union has decided to include wom- en in its student activities. This move overshadowed the passage of another measure designed to re- duce the number of members on the Union Board from 19-11. Tak- en together, the two moves repre- sent a new plateau in the strange topographical appearance that has highlighted the whole Union- League merger controversy. The move to include women in the Union's activities came after a disappointing meeting 'Friday between the leaders of both orga- nizations. Although all partici- pants were supposed to bring with them their typewritten comments on procedures and structure for a merger of the student activities wings of both groups, a significant number of those showed up with- out them. Talk was mainly con- ducted off the top of one's head instead of from planned position statements. The gist of the, argument was that the Union wanted the League's Board of Directors to pass on a merger plan by Wed- nesday night. The League off i- cers thought that more study time should be devoted to se- lecting the most acceptable pro- posal. Specifically, various Lea- gue members wanted to study the structure of student centers at other schools. They felt that past studies in this area had been directed at the wrong as- pects of these existing alterna- tives. They also wanted more discussion on broad principles and a clearer delineation of spe- cific details of the merger pro- posal. Commenting on these aspects of the meeting, Union President Ray Rusnak told me later that he has had a file drawer full of informa- tion from other campuses for quite some time and that it had been referred to. He defended the Un- ion's action by noting that a se- ries of three reports, the Reed Report, the Robertson Report and the final merger plan had all outlined basically the same phil- osophy with regard to the merger although there were differences in structure. "We feel that further study on the matter will bring the same re- sults. Each year the officers change they will re-question the same things and nothing will ever get done." He asserted that the Union has been compromising all along to get as close to the League's position as possible and now, when they had practically given in to the women, further demands had been made. Deciding they had gone far enough, the Union officers got together and agreed to ask the Union Board to admit women to the Union's student activities. The decision, which had been reached by Monday and revealed off the record to a small group of students, including myself, was not communicated to L e a g u e President Gretchen Groth until the late afternoon of the day the Union Board was to make its decision. Both this decision and the one to streamline the Union Board ap- pear to be the result of frustra- tion and pressure which defeat- ed an attempt to reach a basis for mutual understanding. Pres- sures on the League officers were considerable. While committed to the idea of a merger, League Pres- ident Groth was torn by pressures in all directions. Women alum- nae wanted the League to retain its separate status as a symbol of bers were afraid that any merged organization would! be dominated by the men and women would have no chance to obtain responsible positions. The grating attitude produced in some Union officers by one or two of those from the League didn't help negotiations. The Union was in a similar sit- uation. In the past year it is pos- sible that the Union has replaced The Daily in the minds of some of the highest University admin- istrators. In the recent, years of sparse appropriations these people were antagonized by the Union's decision to replace snow-melting heating coils under the side en- trance this summer. A request for a special room for the use of University President H a r I a n Hatcher got lost in a' communica- tions breakdown, resulting in bad feelings on the administration's part. Rumors circulating around the campus; apparently created by spontaneous generation out of thin air, depicted Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont as having all kinds of designs on the Union. He report- edly wanted to take over the fourth floor hotel rooms for fac- ulty offices and cut out those Union services which compete with Ann Arbor merchants. Further out rumors had him and Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis making a deal to dismember the Union; Pierpont would get the building and facilities with Lewis getting control of student activi- ties. These rumors were 'never val- idated, but they succeeded in raising the anxiety level of Un- ion officers several notches. Fear of administrative action was un- loubtedly one factor which pro- pelled the Union into reaching some kind of solution as quickly as possible. The future result of this ac- tion cannot be determined at present; this has not stopped speculation about it. The League could counterattack by declar- ing its activities open to men, but to her credit Miss Groth is unwilling to start a childish war between the two organizations. However if the Union starts drawing women to the detriment of the League's activities the latter may be forked to take some kind of move in self-de- fense. A League bereft of stu- dent activities might not appear to have much "raison d'etre" in the minds of administrators. They have all kinds of good uses to which they can put a large, empty building. The Union Board's decision must not be the final step in the mer- ger process. Leaders of the two organizations must sitlown and try to work out a common mer- ger plan acceptable to both sides. The best alternative at present ap-. pears to be a joint student activi- ties board, financed by both or- ganizations and presiding over one group of co-educational activities committees. Details would have to be worked out but they are not beyond settlement. If one believes the old adage, 'Where there's smoke, there's fire," then one must believe that Vice- President Pierpont and/or the ad-, ministration has cast covetuous eyes on the Union and/or League facilities andmhas planse.ufor achieving their ends. Since these ends would almost certainly be detrimental to student activities it is imperative that student opin- ion be united against any such attempts. This unity will not be helped by the Union Board's ac- tion Thursday night., While the Union's worry about the disruptive results of the pending changes in officers has some merit, it should not take precedence over the possi- ble death of the League. The Union owes it to the student body and itself to sit down with the League and work out a feasi- ble ,agreeable activities struc- ture. With pressure from admin- istrators and increasing aca- demic loads hanging overtheir heads, student activities cannot pick a worse time to fight among themselves. By ERIC KELLER Daily Correspondent B ILTHOVEN, Holland-In 1962' about 385,000 foreign cars were sold in the United States. This is a fairly sizable increase since 1955 when foreign car sales totalled some 52,000. By far most of these cars are, produced in Western Europe. The question, however, is whether United States car sales in Europe offset this drain of United States gold to Europe. In other words, how popular are American cars abroad? On first view it seems there are practically no American cars on most West European roads. The few that are seen are often chauf- feured, probably owned by gov- ernment officials or high execu- tives. American cars are luxury vehicles to Europeans. Even a compact car is still an over-sized car in European eyes. Over-sized, too, is its price. Prices asked for American cars are two to three times as high as they are in most American states. BY FAR the most American cars sold in proportion to the popula- tion are in Switzerland. There, especially General Motors' and Chrysler products enjoy a rather active market. American cars ate appreciated for their 'reliable mo- ors and fine and luxurious inter- iors. Many Swiss upper, middle- class can afford a Chevy II or a Valiant. These compact cars com- pare favorably in price and value to their competitors, the French- built smooth-riding Citroen-DS or the German quality-built Mer- cedes. General Motors has an assembly plant in Switzerland. The body parts and motors of the most imn- portant Chevrolet models are shipped to Switzerland and there assembled to finished cars. This assembly plant provides the mar- kets of Switzerland, Italy and Yugoslavia. However, we can scarcely speak oi "American" GM sales in Switz- erland. The finished cars are. es- LETTERS to the ( EDITOR sentially Swiss; 60 per cent of their sales value goes to Swiss sal- aries, merchandise (textiles, tires, etc.) and Swiss taxes. If shipment of the parts is American, still only 40 per cent of the revenue goes back to the United States. PRESSED BY these circum- stances, American automobile pro- ducers have for a long time re- sorted to a different kind of in- vestment. They bought substantia: stocks of West European car in- dustries or made them dependen- cies of Detroit. Ford's English and West Ger- man establishments have good sales all over Europe and not !ess so does GM's loosely knit net of dependencies in several Europear countries. Chrysler owns about 6( per cent of the factories of Simca European cars are designec to meet Western European re- quirements. Since gas:and taxes for cars are excessively expensive here, cars are especially designed in power, size and economy to get the most out of the least. Ameri- can imported cars are not neces. sarily suited for the Europea public in these respects. Therefore, American investors are better off utilizing successfU~ij the compact car maret of Europe as fair exchange to the heavy for. eign car sales in the United States -a satisfying nthought for car conscious Michigan residents. WANMMOE THE LIAISON:.: Grcha nt as Art Patron Gloria Bowles, Magazine Editor ,_____ To the Editor: SAY THAT freedom should be less experimental on the campus than in other areas of American life is to undermine the basic educational idea of a uni- versity of scholarship," according to a New, York' Times editorial Oct. 12, 1963. Unfortunately, at Indiana Uni- versity in Bloomington, freedom indeed is less experimental than in other areas of'American life. Ralph Levitt, Tom Morgan and Jim Bingham, officers of the Young Socialist Alliance at In- diana University,. havebeen in- dicted 'under the Indiana Anti- Communism Act, passed in 1951, but never tested in the courts. They are charged with having "as- sembled" last March 25, at a pub- lic gathering with over 120 other people, to advocate the violent overthrow of the United States and Indiana state governments. At this meeting, Leroy McRae, a national officer of the YSA and a Negro, spoke on the Negro sti'ug- gle for equality. In his speech, McRae supported the Negroes' constitutional right of self-defense against armed aggression. Al- .though McRae was the speaker, the three defendants, merely at- tending the meeting, were indicted because of their membership in YSA. BECAUSE of faulty wording, the indictment was ruled out of order on June 28. Itowever, on July 18, Prosecutor Thomas Hoadley ob- tained a re-indictment of the three students, using as evidence this time a private meeting held May 2 by the defendants and their friends to decide legal defense against the original indictment re- turned May 1. This case involves the first at- tack on a student organization on a college campus. If convicted, the students face 2-6 years in prison. Alarmed at this precedent, a group of students are sponsoring the ap- MERICA'S CULTURAL centralization is particularly acute in the field of art, ith New York, and less importantly, the rest Coast, the major sites for the good alleries, the great museums and, more gnificantly, the contemporary artistic ovements. The educated American probably knows lore about music and the theatre than )llege graduates of 20 years ago, but a ,ck of good exhibitions close to home as kept tastes and sensibilities in rt lagging behind. However, galleries ich as the newly-opened J. L. Hudson allery in Detroit should help to make art s appreciated a form as the theatre or Lusics. T IS SHEER IRONY that the same build- ert Andrew Parker, which closes this weekend, and buy the work of excellent young aspiring artists. This gallery is also organizing a private collection of contem- porary painting and sculpture. This effort on the part of a department store is admirable: art needs to come to, the big cities of America and a depart- ment store can provide the location and the necessary capital. Hopefully, the De- troit adventure will encourage similar projects in other cities. PERHAPS the "livingroom art depart- ment of Hudson's will have to go out of business as the buyer, a more sensitive judge, insists on the purchase of a paint- ing by an as-yet-unestablished, but tal- ented, young artist whose work is dis-