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January 28, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-28

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Sir ~ F~


Continued fair
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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom.


Johnson Unveils Housing Plan
To Aid Surburban Development

To Revise
fbi FT-UI.





WASHINGTON (P) -- President
Lyndon B. Johnson unveiled yes-
terday a bold new program of
federal aid for "progressive and
imaginative" development of new
subdivisions, even complete com-
munities, in fast-growing areas
around big cities.
For downtown areas, Johnson
called for expanded public hous-
ing and urban renewal as he spell-
ed out the steps he counts on to

help reach his avowed goal of
"a decent home for all Ameri-
The President left out no seg-
ment of the nation in his election-
year message to Congress on hous-
ing and community development.
Even farmers had a place, al-
though the major emphasis was
on those who dwell in or near
large cities.

McNamara Says Viet Con
Advance in South Viet Nam
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said
yesterday the Communists "have made considerable progress" in the
war in Viet Nam since the overthrow of the Diem government last
He described the situation as one of continuing gravity, but said
the new government in South Viet Nam is moving to intensify mili-
tary operations.
McNamara, reviewing the war in a report to the House Armed
Services Committee, said the military situation in the Delta region
"is "still very bad" but good pro-
gress has been made in the
northernsarea,and especially in
coastal provinces where the Viet
Cong strength had once threaten-
ed to cut the country in half.
The United States now has about
15,500 military personnel aiding
South Viet Nam,
Sums Up Situation
Summing up the Viet Nam sit-
cation, McNamara said:
"We must recognize that the
United States advisory effort can-
not assure ultimate success. This
is a Vietnamese war, and, in the
final analysis, it must be fought
and won by the Vietnamese."
After saying that the Diem gov-
ernment did not choose to follow
United States advice, McNamara
recalled that the Viet Cong rebels
were quick to take advantage of
the opposition to the Diem gov-
JOSEPH GILLIS ernment in the uncertain period
following the overthrow of the
i government.
e str cg .h"The new government, however,
R edg has considerably more popular
support than its predecessor, and
ys, O p fla he miiitary revolutionary com-
r a lens fmittee is beginning to take action
to intensify military operations
By The Associated Press and to improve civil administra-
State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley Missile Reliability
called on a three-judge federal
panel yesterday to rule that the McNamara also said that United
legislative apportionment provi- States missiles can be counted on
sion of the new state Constitution to reach their targets more con-
violates the federal Constitution. sistently t h a n can manned
In a personal appearance before bombers.
United States District Court, Kel- Without any direct reference to
ley said that outcome of the suit recent criticism by Sen. Barry
"will set the future of representa- Goldwater (R-Ariz) McNamara
tive government far beyond the said that he has "no hesitancy
lives of any person here today." whatever" about the dependabil-
Kelley's appearance marked the ity of America's new solid-fuel,
beginning of the lawsuit launched quick-firing Minuteman missiles.
by Michigan AFL-CIO President "There is greater uncertainty
August Scholle and four other lab- about the systems dependability
or leaders who seek to overturn of the B-52, although it is an old
the apportionment formula of the and experienced aircraft, than
constitution, about the Minuteman, a brand
They contend that the formula, new missilensystem," McNamara
based 80 per cent on population said.

Hepromised Negroes that his n
administration "will continue and1
strengthen its efforts to translate
the pledge" of the late President The Michigan Union Board of
John F. Kennedy's antibias hous- Directors voted vesterday to re-
ing order "into meaningful prac- vise its structure. A new constitu-
tice." tion now goes to students and Un-
But Johnson made no mention ion life members for approval at
of any plans to extend the order the next all-campus election in
banning racial discrimination in March.
federally assisted housing to in- The new constitution is intend-
cl ude conventionally financed ed to make the Union Board bet-
housing, a step many civil rights ter able to handle financial and
leaders have recommended, Is critical policy decisions of the Un-
He renewed Kennedy's demands ion, leaving the general manager
for a cabinet-rank Department of free in many areas to spend .Fith-
Housing and Community Develop- out board approval while still re-
ment, and for enactment of the taining his responsibility for the
mass transit program now await- physical management of the Un-
ing a House vote. ion.
Shift in Emphasis The Union Board would be cut'
The major shift in emphasis to 12 members from its present
camehinmtherpartnershipprogram19. Student representation would
of aid in developing the fast-grow- be through the three senor offi-
ing areas around big cities. cers of the Union. Presently the
ing n n ar a arou n big ,-nti as. board has four undergraduate and



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johnson canea or a program i
of cooperative planning and de-
velopment, with the federal gov-
ernment providing financial back-
ing and know-how.
Where local governments are
swamped byapressingneeds for
proper sewage facilities, water
systems, roads and other necessi-
ties, Johnson calls for federal
grants and direct loans to help
out. He would have the federal
government provide funds to build
facilities large enough to allow for
future growth, even though im-
mediate local tax revenues would-
n't finance it.
Community Development
Also, Johnson would provide
federal funds for planning com-
munity development and advance
purchase of land for public pur-
poses, such as schools, parks and
recreational areas.
P r i v a t e developers planning
large subdivisions or entire com-
munities would get federally in-
sured loans.
"The pioneering efforts of pro-
gressive and imaginative private
developers in planning totally new
and complete communities indi-
cate some of the exciting possi-
bilities for orderly growth," John-
son said.
Even for the old, established
public housing and urban renewal
programs, Johnson had some new
Permission To Buy
Under public housing, he asked
for permission to buy or rent
existing housing for low or mod-
erate income facilities.
Housing administrator Robert C.
Weaver said in a briefing that a
housing surplus in many areas of
the country made the program
Also, the housing message called
for up to $120 per unit per year
subsidy payments in public hous-
ing facilities for some families who
can't afford to pay the regular
rent. These subsidies would apply
only to those families displaced by
public housing and urban renewal
Johnson's housing message pro-
posed the first major legislation
in the field since 1961, when the
late President Kennedy sponsored
a $5.6 billion measure.
Hurt Attempts
For Agreement
WASHINGTON (VP) - Mounting
demands by Panama reportedly:
frustrated yesterday efforts by the
Inter-American Peace Committee!
to break the United States-Pana-
manian stalemate over the Pana-
ma Canal.
The peace-seeking committee
adjourned after meeting with!
United States and Panamanian ne-
gotiators for five hours without"
reaching any conclusive result.

two graduate students elected and
the Student Government Council
The proposed board also includes
the vice-presidents of student af-
fairs and of business and finance,
who are ex-officio and without
vote, and eliminates the seat held
by a University Regent. Also, the
general manager is given a seat
instead of the financial secretary.
All standing committees with the
exception of the student activities
committee have been abolished. It
was felt that under the new board
structure most problems could be
solved at board meetings, with
questions requiring more study to
be dealt with by ad hoc commit-
tees of board members.
The Union Board also voted to
open balloting on this issue to all
life members through absentee
ballots. Previously members had
to come to the campus to vote.
BillsI To Set
Two bills seeking to strengthen
the Legislature's investigative
powers were introduced in the
House yesterday.
Rep. Richard A. Guzowski (D-
Detroit), author of the bills, said
that one of the bills would em-
power legislative committees to
administer oaths, subpoena wit-
nesses and examine records of any
person or organization under in-
Extend Statute
He said that the other would ex-
tend the state criminal statute on
Perjury, now applicable only in
cou ts of llaw, to legislative hear-
G-uzowski noted that the bills
are "something that is necessary.
We need something stronger or
broader in scope for legislative in-
vest igations."
He said that passage of the
bills would aid in all probes, add-
ing that it would "of course also
help in any conflict-of-interest in-
Outside Interests
Guzowski referred to a resolu-
tion for establishing a House com-
nttee to investigate "outside in.-
Ser'sts" of state college and uni-
versity presidents, which was in-!
troduced recently by Rep. William!
D. Romano (D-Warren). He noted
that passage of his measures would
help in such investigations, al-
though "{they weren't introduced
spcci.0cally for this purpose.'
G uzowski added that a probe
of university presidents would be
held "only if there so'ms to be
grounds to warrant such an in-
"We're not trying to smear or
hurt anyone, but if there's ground
we'll surely look into the situa-
tion," he added.



'Other State's
Canada May Support
Chinese Move in UN
States ability to hold the line
against trade and diplomatic gains
by major Communist countries
suffered a severe blow yesterday
with France's recognition of Red
United States authorities said
the consequences of the act, which
the Johnson Administration de-
nounced as "unfortunate," are un-
predictable. But there is specu-
lation that in -the weeks ahead
other countries may follow the
French lead and that next fall
there will be a strong move to seat
Red China in the United Nations.
Along this line a dispatch from
Ottawa yesterday said that Can-
ada is not contemplating early
recognition but that the Canadian
government of Prime Minister Les-
ter B. Pearson might support UN
membership next fall for Com-
munist China, as well as Nation-
alist China.
Further Support
Most sources agreed that some
other nations, particularly those
in the French community of Afri-
can members, would also approve
such a plan. Some have said so in
past assembly debate.
A move is under way at the
United Nations, to postpone the,
regular mid-September opening of
the General Assembly until after
the United States election in No-
vember. The idea is to soft pedal
admission as a campaign issue.
A switch in nine assembly votes,

-Daily-James House
A "March for Civil Rights in 1964" was staged early last night by
a group of about 50 persons who walked in single file from Ann
Arbor City Hall to the Washtenaw County Jail where they sang
"We Shall Overcome." On their way to the jail, where Miss Anna
Holden is serving a 30-day sentence for loitering in connection
with City Hall sit-in demonstrations held last fall, the group
marched on Main St. Mimeographed sheets, distributed by the
Ann Arbor chapters of the Congress on Racial Equality and the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,
called for a strengthening of the city's housing ordinance and pro-
tested alleged discrimination at several local businesses.
Nyerere Seeks Meeting
To Deal with Mutinies
DAR ER RATLAAM T navnnvik G tP)-Pre..sidnti ;Julinq Nyerere of

incuding France, would produce
a majority in favor of the Cor- Tanganyika yesterday urged a special conference of African nations
munist proposal to admit the to deal with the wave of army mutinies that swept Tanganyika,
Chinese Communists and boot out Kenya and Uganda.
the Chinese Nationalists. "The situation in East Africa is critical," the president said in a
Officials Fear Impact message to African heads of state, and "constitutes a grave danger

Fifty Stage March'

Two Nations
To Establish
Marks' Breakthrough
Of 'Two China' Plan;
U.S. Regrets Action
PARIS (R) - France and Red
China announced simultaneously
yesterday they are establishing
diplomatic relations and will ex-
change ambassadors within three
Thus-President Charles de Gaul-
le scored a diplomatic break-
through with a "two China"
policy, a topic often discussed but
never tried because of mutual
hostility to it from both the Com-
munists and the Nationalists.
Kao Shih-Ming of the Nation-
alist embassy delivered a strong
protest to the foreign ministry. But
the Nationalists did not break off
diplomatic relations. The United
States, which had repeatedly
voiced its objections to Paris,
called French recognition "an un-
fortunate step."
To Set Up Embassy
Unless there is a change of
mind in Taipei, the French will
soon set up an embassy in Peking
while maintaining an embassy on
Formosa, the Nationist Chinese
island stronghold.
Peking is said to have offered
no objection, although Red China
always has insisted it will recog-
nize only nations that break off
with relations with the Chinese
By refraining from breaking off
with France, at least for the time
being, the Chinese Nationalists
evidently sought to put the onus
on Peking for accepting the two-
China concept.
Oppose Policy
The protest to France said the
Chinese Nationalists are opposed
to any "two China" settlement of
the diplomatic problem and said
it will never modify this position.
French sources stressed (that
there were no strings attached
by Peking to the recognition
agreement. France, therefore, it
not pledged to break with the
Nationalists. Nor is it .committed
to any course in the United Na-
tions on the issue of whether Red
China or the Nationalists should
be represented, the informants
To Send Charge D'Affaires
A charge d'affaires will be sent
to Peking soon to open the French
embassy, the sources reported.
In Moscow, Ivestia denied West-
ern speculation that the Soviet
Union was displeased by France's
recognition of Communist China,
It said the decision was "a sen-
sible step."
The government newspaper pub-
lished a brief announcement of
the French-Chinese agreement on
its front page.
An accompanying article said
some Western newspapers tried to
create the impression that the
Soviet Union is displeased by the
decision. "Nothing could be far-
ther removed from realities than
such speculations," it said.
Ruling Shows
Tax Deductable
Research Costs
A recently - published revenue
ruling notes the conditions under
which professors may deduct re-
search expenses from their income
The United States Internal Rev-
enue Service ruling holds that re-
search expenses, including ex-

penses incurred in traveling for
research purposes, may be deduct-
ed under Section 162(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
The section deals with the de-
duction of business expenses.
The IRS ruling notes that re-
search expenses, when incurred by
a professor for the purpose of
teaching, lecturing, or writing and
publishing in his area of compe-

and 20 per cent on area, violates
the "equal protection" clause of
the 14th Amendment of the United
States Constitution.
Although the attorney general
customarily does not appear in
court below the Supreme Court
level, Kelley said. he made yes-
terday's statement because he be-
lieves the case to be "one of the
most important in the history of
"When a decision is finally
made, it will result in a true vic-
tory for every citizen. We will have,
arrived at a final interpretation by
way of the constitutional process
of judicial review on a question'
which lies at the heart of repre-
sentative government in a free
society," Kelley said.
If Michigan is not reapportion-
ed by June 1, all legislators would
stay in office another two years,
under terms of a bill filed yester-
day in the House.
The proposed legislation is sign-
ed by Rep. Joseph R. Gillis (D-
Detroit), and amends a statute,
passed by last December's special!
legislative session on constitution-I
al implementation.
Reapportionment h i n g e s on
three things:
-The reapportionment -com-
mission which hopes to end its
work by Friday.
-A court test of the new con-
stitution's districting formula.
-A 24-lawmaker group which
hopes to win legislative approval
for an April election to amend 41
sectionns of the newconnstitution.

Reply to CriticsI
McNamara alto replied in effects
to critics of wliat has been called
the "overkill" capability of United
States ICBM and Polaris weapons
systems. These critics contend thatJ
the United States has enough
missile power to destroy targetsJ
several times over.
McNamara noted that "we must'
be completely sure, and the Com-
munists must be completely sure,
about our ability at all times to1
retaliate decisively against Soviett
cities, even under the worst ofr
"To achieve this capability, we
must have a force considerably
larger than that which might bet
needed simply to destroy Soviet
cities," he said.1

Privately, United States officials
are deeply worried about the im-
pact of the French action. Indeed
a public indication of this atti-
tude came from President Lyndon
B. Johnson last Saturday when he
told reporters that the action then
in prospect had caused "a good
deal of concern throughout the
The concern in Washington is
State Department officials fear
that nations under French influ-
ence. especially French-speaking
states in Africa, will follow the
example set by President Charles
de Gaulle and recognize Red
However, there have been re-
ports that de Gaulle has advised
African leaders that since their
young countries do not have
France's resources and political
strength they would be wise not
to rush into relations with the
Officials fear also that expand-
ing diplomatic ties between Red
China and the rest of the world
will increase Red Chinese accepta-
bility in many regions, raise their
prestige, and thereby enhance
their ability to promote aggres-
sion and subversion against the
interest of the Western powers
and against Russian's coexistence

not only to this area but to the<
whole of our continent."
Nyerere called for an urgent
meeting of African foreign and
defense ministers not later than
next Monday to conpider ways to
prevent a recurrence of army re-
volts in the three commonwealth
countries and to forestall such
flareups in other African states.
Meanwhile in Leopoldville, re-
ports from the jungle said a guer-
rilla rampage against Christian
missionaries and Congolese gov-
ernment authority was spreading
like wildfire through the South
and East.
The Congo government said it
nas proof that the Communist
Chinese government is supporting
the uprisings.
A Congolese geneial staff of-
ficer said the Congolese army had
not yet ordered more troops into
the rebel zone. There are fewer
than 600 soldiers in Rwilu Prov-
ince although poison arrow-armed
warriors of former Education Min-
isuer Pierre Mulele aie numbered
i : the thousands.
United Nations helicopters and
missionary planes were making
desverate efforts to fly out mis-
sionaries and their families in the
face of imminent peril.
There are about 50 Amerian
and %,anadian missionaries in the

Keep Elliott
As President
By The Associated Press
YPSILANTI-President Eugene
B. Elliott of Eastern Michigan
i University gained an added year
in office yesterday as the newly-
formed EMU Board of Regents
rescinded his dismissal of last
Instead Elliott resigned, effec-
tive June 30, 1965-one academic
year later than his June 1, dis-
missal date.
Elliott was fired by the old
State Board of Education which
controlled EMU under the old con-
The firing involved a report by
the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools
which criticized various EMU
operations and procedures.
The report hit Elliott's alleged
lack of control over the operations
of the institution, faculty dis-
content over "execessive domina-
tion by the executive officers," lack
of a defined function for EMU and
the failure to consider alumni and
public relations in their decisions.
The motion to retain Elliott was
made by Regent J, Don Lawrence
who said Elliott's contribution to
the university and the manner of
previous dismissal were such that
he should be retained.


Exercise. Caution


To Be Barbed

Abuse of Nichols Arboretum has
resulted in University plans to
restrict access to this well known
Because of the destruction of
plant materials and danger to vis-
itors, the arboretum will be closed
to all vehicles sometime this
spring, Prof. Walter Chambers,
chairman of the landscape archi-
tecture department and director of
the Nichols Arboretum, said re-

iods each day for eight days, 117 tain of the biological sciences.
instances of vehicles driving illeg- Occasionally, after receiving Stud
ally through the arboretum were permission, active Armed Forcesn dsvu
noted. Reserve units hold night maneu- ,
The result of this misuse is a vers there.! Prints A olo y
general erosion that requires a Restricting the orboretum to r
great amount of time to repair. educational uses is consistent with
Fathers and Sons the intentions of the donors, Prof. The Daily Pennsylvanian, stu-
"There were several incidents Chambers said. dent newspaper at the University
where children coming with their 15 Minute Walk of Pennsylvania, acquiesced to the
parents were nearly run over by The original donors, Walter H. demands o the school's Under-
vehicles," Prof. Chambers said. Nichols and his wife, specified graduate Publications Board and
The arboretum has been used "that the University students and published an apology for an os-

:. \

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