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January 26, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-26

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Special To The Daily
LANSING-Triumphantly spread across Gov. George Romney's
proposed higher education budget is a mesh of unwieldy numbers
combining to form the record total figure of $131 million.
But to a hard-core group of educators from the 10 state-
supported higher institutions, the triumph is not ultimately
numerical. It is very personal.
It is theirs.
Fight Against Austerity
To this perenially vanquished group of educational officials,
the budget submitted to the Legislature last Tuesday is a tribute
to their long fight against traditionally sparse recommendations
to meet higher education needs.
They realize that Romney's proposed budget may spell the
difference between austerity and expansion.
It takes account of the onrushing crop of booming babies.
Make Michigan Competitive
It seeks to make Michigan competitive with salary levels
offered at tax-supported institutions in other states.
But, most important, it stands as numerical proof that

Decided 1
ins are taking strides toward refocusing their thinking
needs of higher institutions, so long neglected.
is with great pride that the educators can look upon this
which Romney has asked his Republican-dominated Legis-
to pass. The educators have scrimped through the lean
riation years to keep their institutions flourishing. And at
though the danger remains that the Legislature may still
tially slice the budget, a very powerful cry for higher
on has been sounded.
No Complaints
imney's $131.5 million reoommendation-$21.5 million more
as granted last year-is significantly below the $144 million
,hich the institutions had requested for the 1964-65 fiscal
s. But educators, accustomed in the past five years to
ranges which have never surpassed $110 million and which
unk as low as $87 million, are not complaining.
ey point to the fact that if this year's appropriation is
as recommended, it would practically double in one year
7-$110 million advance which has taken a five-year span
w do Romney aides, state legislators and educators piece




together the decision to allow education such "luxury?" The de-
cision, they are in accord, is a testament to the governor's flexi-
bility, in that he overcame original grave doubts as to the
actual financial plight of higher education.
No Sudden Reversal
But for all his flexibility, officials still contend that last
Tuesday's $131.5 recommendation does not reflect a sudden and
complete reversal of past thinking on the governor's part.
They trace a logical chain of events leading to what may
some day be called the historic decision for Michigan higher
education. It is a chain which climaxed-ironically enough-not
in Michigan, but aboard an airplane bound for Omaha, Nebraska,
on Nov. 20, some two days before a national historic tragedy.
In the air the governor uttered his decision to give higher
education "about a $20 million increase" to Controller Glenn Allen
who was accompanying him on the trip.
"It was the first time we dared think in such meaty terms,"
one budget aide recalled.
Out of the Blue?
However, if the decision was made up in the blue, it certainly
didn't come just out of the blue, he went on. Leading to it was

an inexorable chain of combinations-a strange link of person-
alities, pressure and prosperity which made possible numerically
what educators had worked for unceasingly during the past five
The specific events leading to Romney's recommendation
become chronicled as early as the summer when he confided to
close friends his desire to hike the appropriation for higher
education if projected revenue estimates for Michigan continued.
But he was not letting on. In preparing budget and revenue
estimates for public perusal, Romney instructed his aides to
"figure conservatively." The governor knew that budgets did not
have to be finalized until long after January-after the Legis-
lature had a chance to chew on the more pressing issue of
fiscal reform.
Highly Misinterpreted
Qne source explained that the speculative budget issued during
the summer was highly misinterpreted as an accurate telltale
of the one forthcoming in January.
"Concerned educators at that time need not have been so
concerned," the source notes. If the projected budget was any-
thing, it was a propaganda piece for fiscal reform, he explained.
See AIDES, Page 3

See Editorial Page


4 4 ip au


Snow flurries with
diminishing winds

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 91




British Special Forces
Alerted in East Africa
After Military Mutinies

More Sugar Required
For USSR-Cuba Deal
WASHINGTON 0?)-Cuba will have to boost her sugar production
by 50 per cent to meet Prime Minister Fidel Castro's announced
commitment to Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, according to
figures compiled by United States officials.
Castro's Moscow visit was concluded with a Soviet-Cuban agree-
ment under which Russia is to buy two million tons of Cuban
sugar next year, three million tons in 1966, four million in 1967
and five million the followin g

VIOLENCE THREATENS-The government of Kenya Prime
Minister Jomo Kenyatta (left) is being threatened by a full-
scale uprising following sniper attacks near Nairobi. Tanganyika
President Julius Nyerere called for help from Kenya after revolts
in his own country last Monday.
British ilngTo Join
In Global Satellite System
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-British officials have indicated they now are
ready to join in a global communications satellite system, a source
in the'Communications Satellite Corp. said last night.
The source said British representatives at a European com-
munications conference-which was attended by American officials--
said they Would recommend that their government move quickly to
$get into the proposed global sys-

Quiet Settles
Over Uganda,
Rebel Troops Shoot
At English Outpost
In Northern Kenya
JINGA, Uganda 0,P) - British
commandos stood a tense vigil in
Uganda, Tanganyika and Kenya
last night after brushfire army
mutinies threatened to enflame
all three former East Africa col-
onies in a wave of violence.
Rebellious African soldiers snip-
ed at a base north of the Kenyan
capital of Nairobi that was seized
by an arlifted commando unit.
An uneasy quiet settled over the
other two commonwealth nations,
whose leaders asked Britain's help
amid the wave of unrest set off on
the mainland in the wake of the
Zanzibar coup two weeks ago.
Dawn Attack
Brig. Pat Sholto Douglas, ousted
by mutineers of the Tanganyika
Rifles in a brief revolt last Mon-
day, led 500 commandos in a dawn
attack on . an African barracks
near Dar Es Salaam after heli-
copter landings from the British
carrier Centaur.
Three African soldiers were kill-
ed and 20 wounded in the renewal
fof violence at the barracks. The
British troops restored order with-
out casualties. Other troops took
over an African base at Tabora,
400 miles west of Dar Es Salaam.
Commandos were flown in from
neighboring Kenya at the request
of President Julius Nyerere of
Tanganyika. He said he feared
that a threatened general strike
plus the new army flareup would
bring bloody racial violence. Sev-
enteen Africans were killed in
rioting after last Monday's revolt.
No 'Foolish Talk'
Nyerere went on state radio to
urge mutinous soldiers still in the
bush to surrender and put down
See Related Story, Page 3
"foolish talk that the British have
come back to rule Tanganyika."
He said he would have asked help
from Kenya or Uganda if it were'
not for their own problems.
In Dahomey, President Sourou
Mignon Apithy said the former
French colony in West Africa is in
danger of another revolution like
the, one that overthrew Dahomey's
first government last October.
"The counter-revolution is . . . at
our very doors," he told the
national assembly.
Plan Anti-Bias
A three-phase civil rights dem-

year. The announced
six cents a pound.

Castro went on the air Friday
night, exhorting his fellow Cubans
to step up production of sugar,
the Caribbean island's main money
According to United States sta-
tistics, Cuba's sugar output will
have to do an about-face from
previous years under the Castro
regime, which saw the harvest
plunge from 6.8 million tons in
1961 to 3.8 million in 1963. This
has helped to push up the world
market price.
Washington forecasters estimate
Cuba's 1964 crop will be even
lower-about 3.3 million tons-
and that 1965 will see little in-
To meet the commitment of five
million tons for Russia in 1968,
Cuba's sugar production would
have to climb by about 50 per
cent above her United States-
estimated harvests in 1964-65.
United States experts believe the
Soviet-Cuban agreement, which
reshuffles previous Cuban sugar
commitments to Moscow, has these
1) To give Havana freedom to
sell as much sugar as it can to
free world buyers this year. Prices
are now high, around ten cents a
2) To prop up world sugar prices
after 1964 by incidating that Rus-
sia will be taking much of Cuba's
3) To encourage Cuba to grow
more sugar by promising six cents
a pound.

price was

Bill Urges
A resolution to establish a House
committee to investigate "outside
interests" of state college and uni-
versity presidents has been intro-
duced in the House by Rep. Wil-
liam D. Romano (D-Warren).
Romano pointed out two prin-
cipal reasons for an investigation.
He cited the question of conflict
of interest in financial matters,
noting that one state university
president "put telephones in all
the students' rooms and then be-
came a member of the board of
the telephone company a short
time later.' And he said there were
several otrier incidents of this sort.
Secondly, he said he was con-
cerned with the amount of time
some college and university presi-
dents spend on other activities
They have an "obligation to their
university" and should not be
"gallivanting around the country"
or "holding jobs outside the state,"
he said.
The resolution is now in the
House Rules and Resolutions Com-
mittee. Romano said he was con-
fident that it would be sent to the
floor and passed.
Speaker of the House Allison
Green (R-Kingston) said that he
would rather not comment on, the
resolution at this time since he
had not yet seen it.

U' May Get
Study Center,
For Tropics
A long-standing goal of the
University-to establish a center
for tropical studies-may be ful-
filled during the present academic
year, Dean Stephen H. Spurr of
the School of Natural Resources
said recently.
The University, in conjunction,
with Harvard University and the
Universities of Florida, Kansas,
Southern California, Washington,
and Costa Rica, has established
an Association for Tropical Stud-
ies, Inc. to promote research in
tropical biology in a tropical
"Each member of the associa-
tion helps put up the money neces-
sary for incorporation and each
appoints two directors to the or-
ganization's staff," Spurr ex-
"Although Michigan took the
lead in calling the meeting at
which these universities agreed to
pool their efforts, all the members
of the corporation are equal part-
"The association's greatest prob-
lem right now is financial," Spurr
declared. "The universities have
put up organizational money, but
we have no funds for buildings,
faculty, or laboratory.
"We have applied to the Na-
tional Science Foundation for
funds, and they are presently
evaluating our application. If we
get their support, we are prepared
to offer a summer school at the
University of Costa Rica this
Looking to the future, Spurr
hoped that the association's pro-
ject would shortly expand into
a international graduate school
centered at Costa Rica, for stu-
dents interested in tropical bio-
logy, and offering a wide selection
i of courses and research projects.

Chiang's response was not re-
The informants said the French
leader's request was presented in
Taipei recently by a French dip-
lomat, Gen. Zinovi Pechkoff.
No Deterioration
Pechkoff's assignment, they
said, was to stress that French
recognition of Red China should
not be a cause for deterioration
in relations between Formosa and
There had been unofficial re-
ports that Nationalist China in-
tended to break with de Gaulle's
government as soon as the Peking-
Paris deal goes through. The Unit-
ed States, however, is reported to
have urged Chiang not to take
that step.
The United States is seeking to
cushion the impact of the impend-
ing recognition with reassurances
that it will not change our policy
in the Far East.
Hold the Line
High diplomatic sources making
this known yesterday said Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk, in pri-
vate talks with Japanese and
South Korean leaders over the
next five days, will stress Ameri-
can intentions to hold the line
in its policy toward Peking.
In addition, Rusk is due to make
an important policy speech in
Toyko Tuesday in which he will
restate the American policy of
supporting the independence of
young postwar oountries faced
with Communist subversion and

Peking To Accept
De Gaulle's Policy
By The Associated Press
PARIS-President Charles de Gaulle apparently has persuaded
Peking to accept France's two-China recognition policy and has made
his pitch for President Chiang Kai-Shek's nationalist government
to go along, informed sources said yesterday.
De Gaulle was reported to have asked Chiang not to sever
diplomatic relations with France after it recognizes Red China, an
event now expected tomorrow.'-

Seeks New.
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson called yester-
day for a resumption of relations
with Panama, but efforts by the
inter-American peace committee
to bringy the two countries closer
together bogged down.
"We are hoping that we can
have relations and, after we do
that, th en we can try to reason
together," Johnson told a White
House news conference.
Within the councils of the peace
comnmittee, however, it was re-
ported that the President's objec-
tive would not be fulfilled immed-
iately. The reason, an old one, was
Panama's insistence on a specific
United btates agreement to ne-
gotiate new conventions regarding
the canal.
The United States has offered
to discuss all outstanding prob-
lems with Panama, but ha's shied
away from a commitmentto write
a new treaty.
It was'reported after yesterday's
meeting of the peace committee
that the United States had con-
ceded the specific mention of the
Panama Canal in the draft agree-
ment tbich the committee is
working on.
The United States, informed
sources said, has now agreed that
any talks: and negotiations with
Panama shall cover all mutual
problemrs. "including those deriv-
ing from the existence of the
Panama Canal."
Agrees to Begin
The United States also agreed
to begin talks witn Panama 15
days after resumption of diplo-
maticyrelations r ther than the
30 days %~hich had been its pre-
vious position.
As Johrnson put it yesterday, the
United States is following a policy
"of, being fair and just and dis-
cussing any problem tat arises."
Both Johnson and President
Robert Cbiari of Panaman express-
ed similar conciliatory li n e s
But Panama fell back on its
position that the United States
agree to negotiate new rules re-
garding the canal, and yesterday's
committee meeting broke up after
six hours with agreement that an-
other ses ion would be held today.
U N Unit lews
SNCC Protests
ATLANTA (P) ,- Negro pickets
protesting segregation yesterday
greeted members of a United Na-

View Hannah
As Candidate
For U.S. Senate
LANSING - Booth Newspapers
report Michigan Republicans have
a man they think can beat Sen.
Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) this year,
but the man isn't biting-at least
not at last report.
He is John A. Hannah, president
of Michigan State University for
the past 22 years and a Con-Con
delegate in 1962 on the Republican
Overtures have been made to
the MSU leader, whose career as
head of that institution has been
marked by hard work and excel-
lent organization.
Hannah has many attributes
which could aid him in a senator-
ial campaign. He is recognized as
a leading educator in Michigan
and throughout the nation, and he
is and has been for many years a
national leader in the fight for
civil rights oy virtue of member-
ship and chairmanship of the fed-
eral Civil Rights Commission.
Hannah is a more .liberal col-

tem. France and West Germany
already had stated they want to
be a part of the system, but there
had been evidence that Britain
was holding off.
In other recent space develop-
ments, at Vandenberg Air Force
Base in California, a glittering new
man-made star-the 13-story bal-
loon satellite Echo 2-rocketed in-
to the heavens yesterday.
Popping open in space some 800
miles above South Africa, the 135-
foot diameter baloon became the
largest artificial moonlet ever
launched and was expected to be
seen by more people than any
other object ever made by man.
Men's Rush
Starts Today
Between 700-800 rushees are ex-
peted to take part as the 43 fra-
ternities begin their semi-annual
rush today.
Open houses will take place from
2-5 p.m. and from 7-10 p.m. to-
day and will continue from 7-10
p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday.
Smokers, beginning Tuesday,
will continue each night through
Feb. 6 from 7-9 p.m., with the

31' Five Outscrcips MSU, 91-77-

Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-"Bloody Nose Lane," as the story goes, is that
forbidden area of the court between the key and the basket where
basketball ends and rugby begins-where wild-flying elbows gnash
skulls and "cutting the meat" is a carnivorous term for pulling off a
rebound or throwing in two points.
Michigan and Michigan State battled it out here yesterday after-
noon for two hours, and after the elbows stopped flying, after fans
stopped throwing toilet paper on the floor, after Bob Cantrell threw
~a perfect cross body block into
State's Fred Thomann and re-
ceived a foul shot for his effort,
the Wolverines won it, 91-77.
About 12,200 f a n s watched
Michigan State's wide-open of-
fense and second-half zone de-
fense force Michigan's conference-
leading cagers to "play as hard as
they knew how to the very end" in
the words of State's coach Forddy
Anderson. The Wolverines had to
survive three comeback efforts by
Vthe pesky Spartans and never had

For details of Wolverine vic-
tories in track, wrestling, swim-
ming and ockey, see pages 5
and 6.

> ;

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