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May 08, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-08

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See Editorial Page


Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

47Iaitr i

Showers or thunderstorms
likely this evening

VOL. LXX1V No,170 SEVEN CflITTRa a, ..m

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Parties Light Campaign Fuel


By The Associated Press
With the 1964 elections pressure
beginning to be felt, the Repub-
licans and Democrats yesterday
used President. Lyndon B. John-
son's war on poverty as a vehicle
for leveling charges against each
Johnson, on a whirlwind trip
through Appalachia, charged that
Republican presidential hopefuls
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz)
and Richard Nixon would make
"an Amer'ican dream a nightmare"

if elected.
Meanwhile, Gov. George Rom-
ney, attacking the poverty pro-
gram at a Republican platform
conference in Chicago, calling it
"a private effort and war rather
than a government war."
Asks Help
Johnson asked over a crowd of
10,000 students at Ohio Univer-
sity in Athens to join his war on
poverty. He received an enthu-
siastic yell from the crowd.


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awyer Reviews Career
In Deanship, Research
Ralph A. Sawyer, dean of the graduate school since 1946
and vice president for research since 1959, will retire this sum-
mer to the somewhat undefined but certainly well-deserved post
of University elder statesman.
Dean Sawyer emphasizes his record both in research and
graduate education at the University. He likes to tell of how he
first received word of the
graduate school dean appoint-
,: ment.
"I was at Bikini Atoll in the
South Pacific during the sum-
mer of 1945 as technical direc-
bomb tests," he recalls. One
: morning he found among a pile
'y. : of dispatches a telegram from
": : ;:.:.; the Regents asking him to be
graduate dean. As it happened,
the tests went poorly that day,
and he couldn't think much
about the University, but with-
in a few months Dean Sawyer
had moved into the plush suite
of dean's offices in the Rack-
ham Bldg.

In Rocky Mount, N.C., Johnson
said that some people never get a
"decent" break because they were
born with the wrong color skin.
Later he responded to Richard
Nixon's charge that his war on
poverty was a "hoax."
He replied that 30 years ago
some people thought the social se-
curity a "hoax."
"I do not believe you want men
of timid faith and narrow vision
to speak for the conscience of
Americans," he added.
But Romney saw the program
another way.
He said "there are a number of
already existing programs that
Johnson would duplicate."
It's Their Fault ...'
Rep. Thomas B. Curtis (R-Mo)
told delegates to a regional con-
ference 'of the GOP in Chicago
that Johnson's program is "the
biggest red herring of the decade."j
"It diverts the public's atten-
'tion from the failures of thej
Democratic administration in
meeting the problems of our peo-
ple," he said. "This is not a pro-t
gram of progress but a program
to buy votes for the November

Gain Seats
In Towns
LONDON (P)--Harold Wilson's
Labor party scored substantial
gains yesterday in town council
elections, boosting its chance of
ousting the Conservative govern-
ment next fall.
With all but a dozen of 336
provincial towns reported, Labor
had gained 233 seats, mainly from
Conservatives and their independ-
ent supporters.
This, according to political fore-
casters, was enough to guarantee
the Laborites a solid House of
Commons majority in the nationa]
elections due by Nov. 5.
Big Swing
Len Williams, Labor party gen-
eral secretary, claimed the swing
to labor would represent a major-
ity of more than 100 Commons
seats in the coming national elec-
This was the last nationwide
test of electoral opinion before
Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-
Home's Conservative party asks
the electorate for another five-year
term next fail.
Indications were that the bor-
ough voting would prove an ac-
curate guide to current national
feeling: Party organizers of both'
sides reported polling was unusual-
ly high.
Squashes Liberals
The voting squashed the middle
road Liberal party's hopes of re-
vival. It was losing three seats to
Conservatives or Laborites for
every one gained.
Bookmakers have already writ-
ten off Conservative chances of
winning the national election and
make the Laborites 4-1 on favor-
This means you would have to
bet four pounds on Labor to win
one pound. The Conservatives are
quoted at 3-1 against and the Lib-
erals at 20,000-1,

Budget Ircrea

Later a V.P.
Discussing how he later be-
came vice president for re-
search in 1959, Prof. Sawyer
comments, "I backed into it.
The University research pro-
gram was getting bigger and
bigger throughout the 1950's,
and I came to be on 27 com-
of 18, most of them dealing with





mittees and was chairrman

Last Issue
Today's Daily is the last is-
sue of the semester. Publica-
tion of the summer Daily will
begin June 22. A fall preview
issue will appear Aug. 28 and
regular publication will com-
mence Sept. 1.
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New
York charged that "it's ironic that
after three and one-half years in
office the Demicratic administra-
tion's only answer to the people's
problems is a war on poverty."
... No It Isn't'
But Johnson said that "our first
objective is to free 30 million
Americans from the prisons of
"Let me hear your voices," he
asked in an evangelistic style as
thousands cheered.
Johnson's trip c a r r i e d him
through Maryland, West Virginia,
Ohio and Tennessee en route to
North Carolina and Georgia.
We're 'Mighty' Grateful
In Tennessee the President re-
ceived a warm welcoming. He told
the crowd of thousands that "if
there had never been a Tennessee
there would never have been a
Texas" referring to Sam Houston's
trip from Tennessee.
In Knoxville Johnson charged
that if the "men of faith and nar-
row vision" had their way the "for
sale signs would be on the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority."
'Buy Now'
Goldwater once had suggested
that a "for sale" sign be posted
on the Appalachia properties of
the TVA.

Research has grown at a phenomenal rate at the Uni-
versity in the past decade, and now amounts to $40 million a
year. Asked how the University has managed to become one
of the top half dozen institutions in the country in the volume
of research, Prof. Sawyer's reply is simply "our faculty. A re-
search project originates in the mind of an individual faculty
member and is approved on the basis of his competence and
the soundness of his proposals."
Turning again to graduate school and to the state of the
humanities in the midst of so much scientific research, Prof.
Sawyer is not as pessimistic as most of those who have be-
moaned the situation.
"The humanities haven't fallen behind here. In the first
place they don't require the lavish expenditure on plant and
equipment that science research does. Secondly, the graduate
school has some funds of its own which it can distribute to aid
humanities work," he observes.
Dean Sawyer is also in disagreement with those who see
research as a great corrupter that will lure colleges away from
their role of education. "I have always said that good students
and faculty will go where exciting things are happening."

By 'he Associated Press
Civil rights discussion and de-
bate was once again the order of
the day at the Senate in Wash-
ington, at New York's supreme
court, with the Black Muslims in
Phoenix, and at the offices of
General Motors.
New York state's highest court

LIBRARY PERSONNEL have been attracted to other universities by higher
University Library's staff needs for servicing an expanding enrollment con
the Library has been given high priority among areas needing budget increase
biggest proportional increase when the appropriation money is divided up.
Civil Rights Remains Major

To Replenish
Losses over
Recent Years
Professional Level
Personnel Needed
With Enrollment Rise
The University L i b r a r y will
probably get the highest per cent
budget increase for 1964-65 when
next year's $6 million appropria-
.~ tion hike is divided ;up.
According to Executive Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss, the
Library's needs - especially for
salary increases for present and
salaries, while the needed staff-were almost second
tinue to grow. But in priority to general faculty sal-
s and may get the aries when the University sent its
budget request to the Legislature.
The University intends to "keep on
giving the Library special treat-
ment," he said.
The salary increases will help
" repair what University Library Di-
T opic rector Frederick H. Wagman terms
a "considerable loss of library
people at the professional level."
ational Association for Vice-President for Academic Af-
ement of Colored Peo- fairs Roger W. Heyns expressed
ss charges of discrim- the extent of those losses to a
M hiring. meeting of top University admin-
M, hirsistrators and legislators.
ton, vice-president for According to Heyns, in two years
GM, said that his the Library has lost 34 of its top
reed to the meeting on 70 staff members and has been
erbert Hill, labor sec- able to replace only three of them.
the NAACP, said that When no longer possible to pro-
and Chrysler already mote present personnel ,to fill
to the charges.these vacated positions, the Li-
brary has had to take such emer-
1i R , gency measures as dividing the
na JtUVOR Swork up among lower-echelon staff
on the next lower level, Wagman
4nlanel noted.
"But the most noticeable effect
Dean of the literary is that we have not been able to
Den of them ylter- add staff and services for expan-
ton D. Thuma yester- So, eadd
nced members of the sion, he adddtibutedthe defi
visory committee thaat . agman attiutdtese defi-
visry com itte tatciencies - the emigration of per-
him in planning the nneandthe digiuty of r
. a tl lft f

Judge Jails DAC Pickets
For Failure To Post Bond
Circuit Court Judge James R. Breakey Jr. sent to jail yesterday
three Direct Action Committee pickets charged with obstructing a
police officer.
Delmar Jackson, Larry Collins and Richard Hutchinson, '64Ph,
were jailed when they could not pay a $200 bond ordered by Breakey.
Breakey's action came late in the afternoon, after the scheduled
arraignment of the three had al-9

established the principle that ra-
cial factors-may be used in draw-
ing public school-district lines as
a means of achieving racial bal-
ance in enrollments.
The court of appeals held, in a
6-1 decision, that the goal of ra-
cial balance could not be thwarted
by invoking a state law that says
no one may be excluded from a
public school because of "race,
creeds, color or national origin."
In Washington, after Wednes-
day's voting spurt, Senate settled
back to talking about the civil
rights bill while. Sen. Everett M.
Dirksen (R-Ill) continued to un-
wrap his proposed amendments
behind closed doors.
The focus of discussions in his
office with Senate leaders of both
patries, Dirksen said, was on how
to head off massive resistance
against the bill's anti-discrimina-
tion measures.
In Phoenix, the leader of the
Black Muslims condemned any
violence on the part of Negroes.
Elijah Muhammad, leader of an
estimated 275,000 Negroes, spoke,
in the wake of reports that a,
group of Black Muslim rebels had;
formed in New York City for the
sole purpose of robbing, maiming
and killing whites.
The New York Times said some'
1 400 young people claimed a former
Muhammad lieutenant, Malcolm'
X, as their idol and were dedicat-
ing themselves to violence against
Muhammad said he has no
knowledge of the group ,and em-
phasized that his followers are de-
voted to peace.
Muhammad repeated previous
statements that all his people want,
is to be given land to call theirl
own so they can set up their own
nation, living apart from whites.
General Motors Corporation in-7
dicated in Detroit that it will meetE

with the Na
the Advanc
ple to discu
ination in G
Louis Sea
personnel a
company ag
April 8. He
retary fort
Ford Motors
have replied
college Burt
day announ
student adv
will advise,
re id ntin. r


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Sees Journalism as Synthesis

ready been delayed once due to
the absence of their lawyer, Ed-
ward Smith of Detroit.
Having already warned the
three that Smith's absence would
force him to continue the case
without their lawyer, Breakey or-
dered that the case be placed on
the court's docket.
The pickets were told that they
could either plead guilty, act
guilty or stand mute and have the
court enter a plea of not guilty
for them. All three stood mute.
B**eakey then ordered a bond
of $200 apiece. As their previous
bond only came to $100 and they
could not present more, Breakey
turned them over to the sheriff.
Two of the defendants request-
ed that the bond either be low-
ered or abolished.
Breakey ignored both requests.
A pre-trial has been scheduled
at 2 p.m. on May 14.

Activ ities Near
Officers of the Michigan Union
and Michigan League have been
making plans to consolidate their,
student activities structure under
the Union Board of Directors, Un-
ion President Kent Cartwright,
'65, reported to his board last
Present plans, he added, call for
bringing the consolidation issue
before the SGC electorate in the
fall. Approval of a simple majority
of Union and League members
who vote is required before the
change can take effect. All stu-
dents at the University are in-
cluded in the membership of one
of these groups.

esmeual college.
Dean Thuma was recently ap-
pointed to plan and direct the
self-contained liberal arts unit
Its students will both reside and
attend classes within the same
complex of buildings, to be lo-
cated on the present golf course
The students who will consult
with him on planning are the
H. Neil Berkson, '65, acting
editor of The Daily; Barbara
Birshtein, '67; William Irwin, '65;
John Jacobs, '67; Karen Kenah,
'66; Sally Mazany, .'67; Susan
Montgomery, '65; Kenneth Par-
sons, '67; Thomas Smithson, '64,
president of Student Government
Council; Sandra Speer, '65, and
Kenneth Verosub, '65.
Members will keep their ap-
pointments until graduation, in
which case Dean Thuma will name
replacements. He wants the com-
mittee to meet once before the
end of the semester.

Library Pers
The UGLI and General Li-
braries will maintain their
usual schedules during exam
week, with the exception that
both will remain open on Sat-
urday, May 9, from 8 aam.-noon.
placement-to a number of fac-
-Staff salaries at the Univer-
sity have been advancing less
quickly than at other schools. .
-There has been considerable
raiding of staff by other schools,
compounding the difficulty of at-
tracting staff in the first place.
-The nation's library schools
do not graduate enough profes-
sional librarians to fill current
needs. Wagman estimated that
there is a shortage of eight mil-
lion librarians in the country,
See LIBRARY,' Page 2

Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department yesterday
cited the journalistic profession
for its job of synthesizing life.
He was addressing the annual
Journalism Convocation in the
man of the McNaught Syndicate.
man of the McNaught Syndicate.
Prof. Maurer reviewed the dis-
tinctions of the profession, listing
four distinguishing marks:
-It has as its base a special
body of knowledge.
-It is a "calling", and those
with special aptitudes and abili-
ties, flairs or intuitive resources
in this field are devoted to the
chosen practice as a service to the
Aides To Detail
Speech Plans
The University is moving ahead
with plans to host President Lyn-
don B. Johnson, although the
White House hasn't determined
the President's schedule yet.
A White House team, including
Secret Service agents, will be here
next week to finalize arrange-
ments for the commencement
ceremony May 22. So far, it is

-It lives up to the community
expectation that its practitioners
be, as far as practicable, self-dis-
-Its final hall-mark is the code
of ethics pronouncing social values
practitioners agree to respect.
Extend Definition
"Prof. Maurer extended his defi-
nition by saying, "When we in
this University propose that jour-
nalism be a profession and enlist
ourselves and our students to this
commitment, we have assumed a
task of vast and important social
This commitment entails sever-
al major implications that jour-
nalists should be aware of. "A
critical review of the information
media is a major duty. For only
with such critical reviewing can
the practice of journalism be
maintained at the level "where
it may carry the mark of a pro-
fession," he asserted.
A second implication-that of
educational responsibility - is
made "immeasurably easier where
standards of quality are enforced
by law and powerful professional
Accept Challenge
The journalist accepts the
challenge to establish thestand-
ards of excellence the community
expects of intelligent practition-
ers," he said.
n"' nhQQr1n ao _ c n h_

Wiram, '64, for excellence in grad-
uate studies, John Barnfather, '64,
for general excellence in journal-
ism, Sally Rothfus, '64, for excel-
lence in editorial writing and Su-
san Wright, '64, for excellence in
news writing.

Kazin Depicts Narrative Role of Autobiography

'The modern autobiographies
have one aim: to be enjoyed as a
narrative," Alfred Kazin, noted
,ritic and writer, said yesterday.
He was the keynote speaker for
the 34th annual Hopwood Awards
presentation, offering the largest
cash awards for creative writing
in the country. Mrs. Courtney
Johnson, Grad and Michael Yates,
Grad, led a group of 23 winners
with their $1,500 prizes.
An autobiography is what the
writer makes of it, Kazin said. As
a statesman uses. his autobiog-
raphy to explain his political ac-
tions, so writers today are writing
their autobiographies to tell a
story, he explained.
Neither Fiction Nor Fact
Autobiographies such as Hem-

" Kazin opined that writers turn
to autobiography out of some -re-
ative longing that fiction has not
satisfied. In it they find some
closeness and creative effect
which they value.
One Person
One strength of autobiography
is that it deals with one person,

which fiction cannot successfully
do, he said. "It is a history of the
self, and it is this concern with
the self as a character, as an or-
ganism, that makes autobiogra-
phy the queerly-moving, vibratory
kind of narrative that it can be."
Out of Egotism
Concern with autobiography
echoes the immense role that the


self now plays in fiction, he com-
mented. First rate dramatic nar-
rative is found only in dramatic
fiction growing out of the writer's
own egotism, Kazin said.
"Art today celebrates the artist,
not his art. His epic is the key to
the creativity of his own mind. A
,-rowing sense of his power may
be found in the writing itself."
Prime Virtue
Creativity has become the prime
virtue in our culture; he observed.


Contemporary critics read litera-
ture not as a guide to belief, but
for the forms which are the key
to creative imagination, he assert-
"When concern with the self be-
comes a passage to some more
sifted self which seeks to be re-
vealed, the writer turns to auto-
biography, Kazin said.
He said that society is no longer
3o engrossing a backdrop to cre-

Hopwood Winners
MAJOR DRAMA: Trim Bissell, '64; Robert F. Larson, Grad;
Mrs. Edgar Taylor, Grad; Michael Yates, Grad.
MAJOR ESSAY: Lillian Hoffman, Spec; Florence G.. Saun-
ders, '64.
MAJOR FICTION: William H. Evenhouse, Grad; Suzanne

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