Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBORMICH. PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" UBLB C4 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily impress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in at, reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JEFFREY GOODMAN A LAST GLANCE: ' Education: ,The Coming of Awareness The University's Faculty: Remaking the Stereotype By DAVID MARCUS Editorial Director 1963-64 A FACULTY MEMBER I know once said to a class that there are full professors who are fools and then named an example. In itself, the statement is not shocking; anyone with a little common sense and awareness knows that there are fools in the academic world and some- times in very high positions. The novelty of the statement is merely that it is one of those things that people just don't say. It is one of those things that people would rather put in the back of their minds and not think about. * * * I THINK that one of the most important aspects of education is realizing the things that we don't want to realize, to stop deluding ourselves about the obvious. The illusions that society and the Uni- versity perpetuate are the greatest barriers to education. And the really sad part is that so many students passively accept all that is handed to them. The only way to overcome this passivity is through awareness; but that is not a simple goal. For it requires us first to be aware of our own limitations as men: that we are going to die and that we are alone. And these are among the things that people know but don't like to acknowledge. In themselves, these limitations only point out that taking the ini- tiative now is vital. Already, more than a quarter of our lives has very quickly passed. The chances to exert ourselves in determining the course of events are limited. * * * I THINK people run away from these limitations. I have seen people join fraternities, sororities, groups of every description in hope that their loneliness would be al- leviated. Somehow, they seem to think that being a part of a group will destroy the necessity of an- swering to oneself. I also think that many people do not want to admit inwardly- especially when everybody says they are so young-that life is going to end. It seems to me that society ac- tively favors these escapes. There is a mythology of college. It is an interlude of books and beer where at worst students embrace all sorts of radicalism that they will promptly forget the day after commencement. Education is seen as passive, consisting of facts and having nothing to do with reality except in an economic sense. Ac- cording to this very widespread view, education has little to do with the business of living. ** * BECOMING AWARE precludes this viewpoint. It is a basis from which we feel the necessity of relating what is going on around us to ourselves. Without this awareness, educa- tion becomes irrelevant. The Uni- versity as an institution too often becomes merely a place where people are taught, not educated. Education becomes a compart- mentalized number of years rep- resented by the B.A. or the M.A. or the Ph.D. What is taught in the classroom seems to have little relation to any but professional goals. Awareness in education means ADMINISTRATORS are inherently evil. There are two kinds: reactionaries who tyrannically drag the University into the Victorian past; and bureaucrats who will compromise any ideal to keep things running smoothly and blandly. Some ad- ministrators even manage to be both. But consider the faculty--ah, the fac- ulty! Enlightened, dedicated educators, courageously committed to the pursuit of truth despite the fetters imposed upon them by the myopic administration. Clearly, if we can get rid of the admin- istration-or reduce it to a totally servile role-and place the faculty in true con- trol of the University, everything will be fine. Freed from administrative op- pression, the University can then achieve the true ideals of education. Ha ha. THIS (WITH A PINCH of hyperbole thrown in) is a recurrent stereotype of two of the major segments of the University. Given this shining image of the professor, perhaps it would be enlight- ening to peruse some fragmentary but not a typical evidence. A few years back, a survey was taken of faculty opinions on various issues relating to the University. The poll showed a sharp division: on one side, faculty members viewed the University more or less as a business, valuing efficiency, public rela- tions and a chain-of-command adminis- tration. On the other side were those who endorsed liberal education, freedom of student conduct, educational experi- mentation and democratic government within the schools and colleges. CONSIDER THE FACULTY'S level of participation in University affairs. The University Senate considers itself lucky to attract 200 faculty to its meetings-that's about one-tenth of our philosopher-kings. Senate meetings, in fact, recently were moved to a smaller auditorium where the empty seats wouldn't be so abundantly embarrassing. Even the worldly, democratic literary college manages to lure, at the most, about one-third of its faculty to monthly meetings-meetings at which professors have the power to set all educational policy for the college. This faculty, inci- dentally, is one of those which came out on the "liberal" side of that survey. CONSIDER THE ELEVATED debate that takes place at such meetings. On the residential college, for example, there seems to have been little intelligent op- position until almost the end of a year- long debate. During that year most fac- ulty members managed to remain ignor- ant despite the appearance of three writ- ten reports and numerous verbal ones ex- plaining the proposal. And on what as- pect of the proposal did faculty members appear to be the most articulate? Why, on such questions as the salaries and status of faculty members in the new college. And consider the openness which char- acterizes faculty democracy. Virtually every important meeting is closed; "hav- ing meetings open tends to inhibit dis- cussion." Moreover, the faculty jealously guards the prerogatives it uses so letharg- ically. Members demand to see reports and other potential policies before any- one else. Even a regental decision taken almost a month ago was hushed up until Monday's literary college faculty meeting. IF WE MUST OPERATE with stereotypes, perhaps it's time to adopt a new stereo- type of the faculty member: His interests are focused on, yet seldom extend beyond, his own discipline -- more precisely, on his own status within it- and his own salary. He "enjoys" students, meaning he likes to display his knowl- edge before then and isn't exactly blind to their admiration, but would prefer not to do anything to improve their educa- tion that would mean remodeling his own comfortable rut. He is eminently cap- able of filling his own slot but equally incapable of doing anything for the Uni- versity as a whole. In short, he, not the administrator, is the real obstacle to progress at the University. THIS IS PRESENTED as a stereotype. It has flaws, but it contains substan- tial elements of truth. The faculty mem- ber who finds it offensive might well ask himself how much he has done to prove that the stereotype is false. -KENNETH WINTER Acting Managing Editor ' i r q 2 lfl ~r I & s r-.tY >' A f n , rs 600t> FOR HIM-s.1TEN TO HIM e)RR.4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rights Commission's Plans an internalization of class material and much more. But it is im- possible to quantify, just as it is impossible to build an institution that inherently makes people more aware. At best, an institution like the University can provide en- couragement and opportunity. . *~ * * WHAT WORRIES ME is that the University is increasingly not providing that opportunity. I keep hearing claims about .how great the University is, and by any ob- jective criteria I have to admit they are true. The University has many alumni and faculty in "Who's Who,'S pays reasonably good salaries to its faculty mem- bers and has a fair number of students with high college board scores and IQ's. But these are the things that can be quantified. Education can- not be reduced to statistics. I know of no way to measure how much the University encourages people to think. The indications that I see are rather dismal. For the University is like society in not wanting very often to ac- knowledge the sometimes simple truth. * * * IF A STUDENT at the Univer- sity steals an exam, that is dis- honesty and ought to be punished. If an executive officers of the University does not tell the truth, well, that's supposed to be some- thing else. The University is acclaimed as a place where people are encour- aged to push back the barriers of human knowledge and disseminate that knowledge candidly. Yet the University maintains an Office of University Relations to sugarcoat the truth for public consumption. Everybody - faculty members, students, administrators - talk about how education is supposed to be a total experience. Yet the branch of the University entrusted with responsibility for nonclass- room life is an object of wide- spread contempt, usually with justification, for its lack of any concept of the relationship of its function and the classroom. PERHAPS worst of all, the Uni- versity apes the corporation. It organizes, it constructs routines, it builds itself into a giant machine in which individuals only fill slots and in which all that is expected is that the slot be filled. This last aspect of the Univer- sity is the most harmful to edu- cation. The institution attempts to establish an equilibrium, a smooth pattern into which all its functions fit. Much like society, the University does not like this pattern to be upset. Likewise, it encourages students to pattern their lives. It is ex- tremely easy to fall into any one of a number of patterns that provide a ready-made place to study, sleep, eat, have a social life and straightjacket one's mind. * * * I THINK that the greatest bene- fit of having been on The Daily is the opportunity of knowing peo- ple who were willing to rock the boat and upset the carefully-con- trived patterns. Sometimes they have done it by saying what was obviously true but what it is very upsetting to hear. Very few people want to hear that, despite some very fine words the efforts to eliminate racial and religious discrimination on this campus have been until very re- cently lackadasical. Other times, Daily writers have written analytically and delved into complex areas where there is no definitive or obvious answer -research, budget needs, problems of student life. * * * WHATEVER APPROACH they have taken, Daily reporters have in many cases been people whose basic commitment was to educa- tion, to something more than learning. I think this is the great- est value of The Daily. It is in part a function of the personal leeway embodied in the institu- tion. It is in part a function of the personalities attracted to it. But whatever the reasons for it, the. commitment to awareness must be maintained. It is the es- sential quality that can make the paper vital and that gives it a spark so lacking in other campus newspapers that serve as no more than a training ground for future journalists. The Daily experience also means a public commitment, a refusal to wrap oneself in a cocoon for four years. It would be foolish to claim that there are no people at The Daily who are merely seeking an- other kind of routine, a place to hide from the realities of the University and/or themselves. But by and large, the commitment has been genuine. * * .* INDEED, IT IS this element of the genuine that the University needs to encourage. I keep hear- ing arguments about how the Uni- versity should or should not be s disinterested institution. I once believed that it should be, but I was wrong. No institution can be vital unless it is involved in the vital events around it. But what the University can do for the growth of awareness; but nobody who ever really wants it is prevented from doing it. * * * I HAVE EXPERIENCED mo- ments in the classroom when a really great teacher-a Herbert Barrows or a Palmer Throop - electrified his students and made poetry or history come alive. Per- sonally, I derive a great deal of pleasure from my academic work. But these things have little to do with the University as an in- stitution. Education, as I believe in it, is a personal process. I do not know what it means to say that this is a "great University."; I do not know if there is such a thing as a "great university." I have known many people who have bitterly criticized the Univer- sity and have left very unhappy about their experiences here. Many of them have gone to graduate or professional schools elsewhere. At top schools like Harvard and Berkeley. By and large, they are no happier where they are today than they were at the University. There is no academic Elysian Fields.rAn education comes not with 120 credit hours. The initia- tive has to lie with students them- selves, not with faculty or ad- ministrators. AT BEST, the University should offer a format in which students can educate themselves and which maximizes opportunity. It does overall a mediocre job of that. In- creasingly, I think it is doing a poorer and poorer job. The total picture seems discour- aging. The one compensation is that anyone who wants to enter into the process of education can do so. It depends entirely on our willingness to see that there is a relationship between education and life, that life is itself a process of education. It is not easy. It means an awareness of our limitations as human beings: our mortality and our isolation. It means that there are things we must do as individ- uals or never do at all. But it also means grasping the fullness of the moment and doing things that really seem to have meaning to us as individuals. And doing so, I think it is possible to realize the full sense of Marvell's words: Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. 'APARJITO' A Slice Of Life At cinema Guild "APARAJITO" (which is Ben- gali for The Unvanquished) is the second installment of Saty- ajit Ray's Apu Trilogy. Like the first, "Pather Panchali" and the last, "The World of Apu," it is about a boy from northern India, Apu Roy: each film takes a slice of his young life, and "Aparajito"'s share is his later childhood and adolescence. Apu lives with his parents in Benares, the holy watering-place on the Ganges. He is 10 years old, it is 1920, and India is still under the British Raj ("Do you want to be Viceroy when you grow up?" Apu's mother asks him.) His father is a priest, and so must Apu be when he's old enough; in the 'meantime he takes the Holy Thread and practices ceremonial. But one day his father dies un- expectedly, he moves with his mother to a new home, and eventually attends school and graduates to university in Cal- cutta. THIS IS a very slow, simple story, with the minimum of inci- dent. If there were more, one feels, Ray's gentle probe into human experience would be the less in- volving, and the film would have less leisure in which to deploy his tender blend of perception and pride. Its heroic fulcrum is really not Apu, but the devoted mother who, when he leaves for Calcutta, loses sight of her only purpose in life, and relaxes into death. Her son grieves, mops his tears, re- turns to his studies. The tragedy, if there was one, was the mother's and again not Apu's. However, we sympathize with both-in a film as life-affirming as this, there is no room for a discriminating sen- sibility. If Ray owes his style to anyone, it is probably Robert Flaherty. "Aparajito" (like, say, "Nanook of the North") is really a docu- mentary and its motive forces are environmental rather than human. It has little to do with narrative or character development; it works in cameos-life in Benares, life in the village, at school, in Calcutta. Apu, if his behavior is a guide, is a singularly uninterest- ing child. When he has a job to do nothing can distract him, not the strong man on the waterfront nor the children at play. * * * New Rush Plan Means Chaos PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION wants to increase rapport between sorority and independent women. Ostensibly, this was the rationale behind the adoption of the association's new honor code. It was not, however, Panhel's entire reason. Of basic importance to the new honor code is the opportunity for those houses which do not fill their house quotas dur- ing formal rushing periods to bid all but fjrst semester freshman girls at any time thereafter. This was the crux of the issue for the smaller houses, some of them in danger of closing because of lack of mem- bers. The new code would give them the opportunity to invite girls to their houses informally. It would enable rushees to get to know the individual houses better. It might be able to save these houses from going under. PANHEL SHOULD BE commended for trying to further integrate its system on campus. It should realize, however, the repercussions of its actions. The previous honor code forbade wom- en who had not had the opportunity to go through rush at the University from Acting Editorial Staff H. NEIL BERKSON..........................Editor. KENNETH WINTER.................Managing Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN ..............Editorial Director ANN G WIRTZMAN .... ,........Personnel Director MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY............. Assistant Managing Editor rEBORAH BEATTIE.......Associate EditorialrDirector ILOUISE LIND......... Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine Acting Sports Staff BILL BULLARD......................Sports Editor TOM ROWLAND .............. Associate Sports Editor GARY WINER.................Associate Sports Editor CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor Acting Business Staff JONATHON R. WIrrIE............. Business Manager JAY GAMPEL............Associate Business Manager entering a sorority house. It also limited rush discussions between affiliated and unaffiliated women. The new code has no such restrictions. Freshmen women may come and go as they please in sorority houses. And, short of extending a bid, a sorority woman may offer a rushee almost anything. PANHELLENIC HAS OPENED an un- limited rush for sororities and their members. There is no way to limit the number of times a girl may visit a house or the number of times she may be a guest for meals. There is no limit to the number of houses she may visit and re- visit. In short, for one solid semester, a freshman girl may be entertained by five or six different houses, each of which will be trying to impress her with their individual house warmth and generosity. Panhellenic President Ann Wickins sees rush competition developing "along nat- ural lines." However, if only one member of a house suspects that a member of, another house is being too friendly to a freshman girl, there will be no stopping the ensuing struggle. GRANTED, the old honor code did cre- ate a somewhat artificial barrier be- tween sorority and independent women. But as much as it barred, it protected all of the participants from the kind of chaos that Panhel has now openly, though probably unknowingly, condoned. -SHERI BERMAN BOWing Out SOPRANO JOAN SUTHERLAND report- edly told one of her admirers after her concert here Thursday night that she did not sing the encore she had planned to offer "because the audience stopped To the Editor: I WAS DISAPPOINTED to find that your news story about the remarks of Judge Feikens of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission last evening omitted what I con- sidered his most important state- ment. He said, and repeated again when questioned, that it was the view of the commission that it would take action, including going to court, to redress acts of dis- crimination in the housing mar- ket wherever they occurred, even if the unit in question was a single room in a single house. He said the commission was publicizing its view by the remarks Commis- sioner Feikens was making in his talks around the state. Later in the question period he noted that the press was present and hoped it would carry hisre- marks. At another point he noted that the commission was working on the same Ann Arbor apartment discrimination case that now is pending in Municipal Court, since the attorney general's position (and the defendant's) is that our city commission has no jurisdic- tion over the case. Please be kind enough to give these important statements the publicity they deserve. -Robert J. Harris Professor of Law Translation Troubles To the Editor: IS TRANSLATION the "right way" to learn a foreign lan- guage? Absolutely not! But it is evident that the University French department considers it the pri- mary wav. It. is our understanding lating word for word sections from chapters in "France-L'Individu et le Destin" as we did with "Vol de Nuit." The extreme to which this, translation has been carried is pedantic, unnecessary and most importantly, ineffective and dam- aging. What is more, the depart- ment is virtually defeating its own purpose of grounding the student in the basics of a foreign language. -* * * HOW MANY TIMES have we been told that it is necessary to (at least attempt to) think in the language we are trying to learn? Furthermore, how many times have we been told that language is thought and idea communica- tion and that it cannot be broken down word by word; people do not speak in individual words, they speak in idioms and phrases; they speak in their thoughts. We do not read these stories for content-they are merely exercises by which the teacher checks up on his charges. A student has other and more important things to do than look up every word he does not know in a story. We are University students and we deserve to be treated as such-if no where else than in the classroom. We should not be treated as high school students to see if we have done our work. If we haven't, it is we, no one else, who fail. * * * TRUE, many who drop French after 232 are those who must take their four-semester minimum re- quirement. But those who might still have enough desire and en- thusiasm to continue-and the number is pitifully small-have their interest stifled by this sys- tem of teaching. the end of the week we are to make this passive vocabulary ac- tive for the sole purpose of a quiz -the success on which the Frenen department measures the supposed achievement of the student. This emphasis is ridiculous! * * FRENCH LITERATURE, or any literature for that matter, shouldj not be translated-it should be read and understood, and very importantly, appreciated by the student. It is evident that we are reading neit:.:r for context nor appreciation. The department might rebutt our objections by reminding us that the emphasis in 232 is not on literature, but upon teaching the basics of the language, using literature merely as a venicle for this instruction. Are we to "learn" a foreiri language in this manner? Si-y those professors in the 12part - ment have benefitted from the many years of teaching expa. - e t they have had. Have they not found a more interesting, produc- tive and stimulatin manr i, which to teach a foreign language? u: * THE STUDENT is here at the the University to learn to read, speak and understand at least the basics of one foreign language. It is difficult for more than a few. We are of the opinion that even if the course were to be made more difficult the student would be more willing to learn if it were also made interesting and stimu- lating. This letter is meant as con- structive criticism. We are not whining and we do not want, nor expect, sympathy. It is now too SINCE THE film is so episodic, i, 1