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May 05, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-05

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Seteniy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints.

A Call for a Leap into the Unknown, the Fearsome


Calendaring Complexities
Call for a New Evaluation

FORTUNATELY, this year's annual has-
sle over activities' calendaring has
been settled. Most of the demands of those
groups which were decrying the "unfair-
ness" of "arbitrary" calendaring proced-
ures have been met to a reasonable de-
gree of satisfaction.
The Association of Producing Artists'
request for the use of Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre has been granted; the three stu-
dent production groups which contested
the APA's right to "monopolize" Mendels-
sohn for most of the fall semester have
agreed to alternative dates and locations;
the Gilbert and Sullivan Society has ac-
cepted a Nov. 18-21 scheduling at Men-
delssohn; MUSKET has decided to move
its regular fall production to the spring,
and Soph Show has settled on an Ann
Arbor High location for its Nov. 12-14 pro-
That this year's calendaring crisis has
been met, however, does not alter the fact
that it never should have occurred in the
first place-or second place, or third place,
or fourth. .
(Calendaring mix-ups have become al-
most an institution over the years. Rarely
has a calendaring group completed its
work without some hapless student orga-
nization going off to lick its wounds after
receiving an unfavorable scheduling.)
NoW THAT THE RECENT "outrage" is
doing its best to melt into oblivion,
Student Government Council, charged
with the calendaring power, should take
time to examine this year's mishap. It
should both inquire into the criticism
raised by student groups and analyze the
calendaring structure as it now stands.
Meditation now may preclude mediation
next semester, when the calendaring proc-
ess begins all over again.
Students' main criticism of this year's
calendaring was that the APA should not
have been given top priority over student
groups for the right to Mendelssohn for
the fall. Calling the association the "Na-.
tional Basketball Association of the
stage," three angry students wrote in a
letter to The Daily: "Last year ... it was
decided that the APA was capable of per-
forming at Trueblood (Aud.) . . . Why
can't it perform there again this year
What these.three students fail to un-
derstand is that the APA rightfully de-
serves Mendelssohn. Last year it acquiesc-
ed to student demands and accepted the
Trueblood location for the season. It is
only fair that students return the favor.
BUT BEYOND the calculations of cour-
tesy, the APA deserves the Mendels-
sohn location on the criteria of need and
merit. As the yongest-and possibly the
most exciting-experiment in University
theatre, the APA needs every corisidera-
tion, including the best theatre facilities
the University can offer. Contracted to
the University just three years ago under
the Professional Theatre Program, the
APA is attempting a bold venture in pro-

fessional repertory theatre in a univer-
sity community. It is part of a program
duplicated in no other part of the coun-
It is a meritorious experiment that de-
serves to succeed. Many of the APA's pro-
ductions-"The Ghosts" and "The Low-
er Depths," to name only two-were of
superlative calibre. Its theatrical success
has spelled the success of theatre in gen-
eral at the University. Theatre attend-
ance at non-APA productions has swelled,
not dwindled, since its premier in Ann Ar-
yE+ THE STUDENT productions do
have legitimate cause for complaint.
They too provide the University com-
munity with fine theatre. They too must
be given a place in which to perform.
The obvious solution would be to build
another treatre. The two theatres which
presently house all campus productions
are hardly adequate to meet their needs.
The building of a new theatrical facility
is a long-range project which the Uni-
versity might do well to consider ser-
In the meantime, SGC should examine
the present allocation of theatres-via.
the calendaring process-to make the best
use of those facilities presently available.
The calendaring process has consistent-
ly been complex and poorly managed.
Just this year SGC recognized its own
inadequacy to handle these complexities
in addition to the normal burden of
Council activities. It moved to set up a
special committee-the University Calen-
daring Committee-to which it delegated
the calendaring function.
THE UNIVERSITY Calendaring Com-
mittee has had difficulties of its own.
Designed to consist of two administrators,
two students and two members of the fac-
ulty, the committee was not even formed
before the pressure to finalize the calen-
dar was upon it. Since the Senate Advis-
ory Committee on University Affairs had
refused to appoint the two faculty mem-
bers, the committee was forced to find
them itself. Obviously, this committee is
not yet the ultimate answer to the cal-
endaring tangle.
With its membership complete and
space to breathe in, the committee can
hopefully devote itself to the simplifica-
tion and refinement of what is now a
complex problem. SGC should give the
group all the guidance and assistance that
its own past experience with the problem
will allow. It should help revamp the
present system of priorities in activities'
calendaring. Due consideration should be
given to both professional and amateur
theatre groups on the basis of their spe-
cific needs.
The utopia in activities calendaring is
not yet in sight, but its improvement
could be right around the corner.
Acting Assistant Editorial Director
in-charge-of the Magazine

Magazine Editor
agrees to write a farewell edi-
torial is, true to Daily tradition,
putting a "point final" on his
Daily career. Besides participat-
ing in a tradition, the retiring
senior editor joins in a pact, the
understood but unwritten law:
when he agrees to write, he is
also agreeing to write about his
experience of education as he feels
it most deeply and most strongly.
But The Daily, a paradoxical in-
stitution, though tradition bound
is not dogmatic: there is flex-
ibility within the form and room
for adifference of interpretation
of the farewell editorial, as any
reader of the last four install-
ments and the three to come
will readily note. Melodrama would
have us say that writing a fare-
well editorial is a little like sell-
ing one's soul for fifty inches of
print. It would be more accurate
to say that one feels that he is,
foolhardily,tentering the domain
Df the writer and the creative
artist when he is after all, only
an inexperienced journalist.
Too, one is caught at a strange
moment. I am no longer working
on the newspaper. For the first
time in four years, I am not think-
ing about The Michigan Daily. I
haven't set a foot in the building,
except momentarily, since the ap-
pointment of the new senior edi-
tors. The disassociation has given
ame 40 extra hours a week, and
I write with one more week at
the University. The people I do
not know now I shall never know.
It is as though some force had
shrieked "Stop!":- I am ordered
to gather up the friends I have
made and to enclose them within
the bounds of a fence, to shut the
door, tight, and to erect a sign-
"No Entrance." This farewell is
the only way to escape the fin-
ality of it all, the' enclosed feel-
ing, and to leave the door slight-
ly open.
"I HAVE a feeling this is a
great University. I know there is
something here. But I just don't
know how to find it." I would only
assure the freshman who spoke
these words that this is a great
My reassurance cane only after
a long-held conviction that the
University was experiencing a
steady decline. I used to worry

a great deal about this institu-
tion. As a Michigan resident, T.
always felt particularly responsi-
ble for its quality. I tended to be
on the defensive when my out-of-
state friends criticized the school
or the state. I worried about the
University's financial future, for
But one day the University's
executive vice - president, who
spends a good deal of time in
Lansing, came to lunch at our
apartment. The eight senior edi-
tors talked to him for two hours.
After he left, I felt tremendous-
ly relieved, for I could stop wor-
rying about effective liaison with
the Legislature. The job was in
good hands.
The experience was repeated
several times as the seniors held
luncheon interviews with all top
University administrators. With
few exceptions, I was amazed at
their knowledge and their under-
standing, and was left with a
great deal of confidence in the
administration of the University.
THE GREATNESS of a univer-
sity depends primarily on the
quality of its faculty and stu-
dents. Michigan's faculty is excel-
lent if sometimes unappreciated.
Many in-state students should
probably not be at the Univer-
sity; many of the good students
do not take the initiative to make
contact with their professors. The
bad professors, particularly in
higher level courses, are outweigh-
ed by the good and inspiring
professors who have a passion
for knowledge and teaching.
The freshman was looking for
the "something" in "greatness":
the Ideal Education.
JOHN MILTON'S was the per-
fect education. A biographer writes
that Milton was "the \ master of
Latin and Greek, and adept in
most modern European tongues, as
well as Hebrew." The man who
was to write the greatest poem in
the English language, took a BA
art an MA and-then:
"Retired to his father's coun-
try home, and for five more
years, under his own direction,
read day and night. It seems
likely that Milton, in his time,
read just about everything that
was ever written in English,
Latin, Greek and Italian. Of
course, he had the Bible by
heart . .. Finally ... his most
indulgent father sent this most
voracious of students abroad, to
put the finishing touches on an

already splendid education.
Milton was both a scholar and
a man of experience; his educa-
tion was both formal and highly
personal. Milton had a rare edu-
cational-experience, even for his
own time: modern man is in awe
ot such an experience.
THE FRESHMAN in quest of
the Ideal Education shares my
quest. Neither religion nor politics
unite us.
With others, we share a youth-
ful exuberance, a passion for life
and a desire to know that be-
comes an ache. It is the quest, the
aspiration, the striving of a Rob-
ert Browning; it is, more exactly,
the waterless desert and the sil-
ence of Camus, man's "longing
for happiness and for reason,".. .
"the absurd . . . born of this con-
frontation between the human
need and the unreasonable silence
of the world."
It is, moreover, the passion of
Lawrence's Paul Morel who must
answer a mother who says "Battle
-battle-and suffer. It's about all
you do, as far as I can see." His
answer: "Damn your happiness.
So long as life's full, it doesn't
matter whether it's happy or not.
I'm afraid your happiness would
bore me."
comes to the University with an
ache in his heart and a battle
building up in his soul is quickly
satisfied. Mary Markley Hall, the
Undergraduate Library and mas-
sive lectures are the answers to
his craving for intimacy.
The senior who is leaving can
only counsel patience and promise
that the big will eventually be-
come small, that the life will
eventually have focus. The sen-
ior can only advise: visit your
professors during office hours;
talk to the guy sitting next to
you in class instead of just look-
ing at him all semester (he wants
to communicate as badly as you
do); be impractical, be idealistic
in your choice of courses; study
hard and care about studying.
The intimacy has been a long
time in coming in a large insti-
tution which encourages a "well-
roundedness." The aspirant to the
Ideal Education, the student who
recognizes the impossibility of ap-
proaching the experience of a
Milton but dreams of it anyway,
abhors well-roundedness.
HE SEEKS the person who
cares, deeply and fervently. His

education is essential to life. He
seeks the student who swears,
passionately, by the poetry of
Rilke or the poetry of the Bible
or mathematics or law. His intel-
lectual experiences are as vital as
his personal relationships.
By the same token, the be-
liever in the Ideal Education has
more respect for the professor
who, true to his own value sys-
tem, travels or teaches instead of
publishing, or who chooses parti-
cipation in a civil rights demon-
stration over the approval, and
thus respect, of his own colleagues.
Like the professor, the student
manifests his desire for education
in various ways. The University's
greatness lies in the options which
it offers.
FOR ME. the experience of ed-
ucation during the past four years
meant a major in English lan-
guage and literature; three years
on The Daily; a year in Paris at
the Sorbonne; residence at Mar-
tha Cook and a year in an apart-
I think I would have found few
English departments in the coun-
try to surpass our own; no other
college newspaper in the country
surpasses The Daily, and I will
probably never again have a
magazine all to myself.
The counselors of few other uni-
versities would, at the end of
my freshman year, have told me to
"get on a boat and go to France"
(nor few parents open-minded
and understanding enough to per-
mit it) and then give me thirty
hours credit for academic work
done abroad; and finally, I can
imagine no residence hall finer
than Cook, nor be dissatisfied
with the progress in the liberali-
zation of women's rules, which
made apartment living possible.
* * * '
THE UNIQUE, the meaningful
educational experience is possible
at the University. It demands only
a desire to get off that goddam
beaten path, to make niistakes if
you have to, but to do anything
to get out of that mold, that un-

feeling, unthinking, meaningless
rut that makes for The Ordered
Life. Mine is, perhaps, a call for
Chaos and a leap into the un-
known, the fearsome. Living dan-
gerously does not mean living
foolishly or stupidly or impulsively
but seriously, deliberately and
Rilke put it beautifully:
... To young people I would
always say just this one thing
(it is almost the only thing I
know for certain up to now)--
that we must always hold to
the difficult; that is our part.
We must go so deep into life
that it lies upon us and is bur-
den; not pleasure should be
about is, but life.
Think; isn't childhood difficult
in all its unexplained connec-
tion? Aren't girlhood years dif-
ficult-do they not like long
heavy hair pull your head into
the depths of great sadness?
And it must not become other-
wise; if for many life suddenly
becomes easier, lighthearted and
gayer, that is only because they
have ceased to take it serious-
ly, redly to carry it and feel it
and fill it with their own entity.
That is no progress in the mean-
ing of life. That is a renuncia-
tion of all its breadths and
possibilities. What is required of
us is that we love the difficult
and learn to deal with it.
* * *,
versity, my freshman friend among
them, who have a penchant for
the Uncommon Life. They seem
marked for lineliness. Theirs is a
rarely-shared intimacy, a deep
longing and a wanting and an
ache which pierces to the core.
These are the lone wolves of the
university world, the scared rab-
bits of the darting, nervous,
searching eyes.
There is a place for this fervent,
inquiring and passionate spirit at
the University and in our nation.
I can live only with the hope that
they will continue to choose the
uncompromising, the difficult life.



Rachmaninoff's Music
Executed 'Competently'

Shattering Idealistic Illusions

Examining the Examination

Daily Guest Writer
THOSE PEOPLE who believe
that there is a trend in this
country in the direction of "con-
stitutional democracy" and the
enforcement of the Bill of Rights
are discovering that the Bloom-
ington Indiana Subversion Case
has shattered their idealistic il-
On March 25, 1963, three Indi-
ana University students who are
members of the Young Socialist
Alliance attended a meeting with
125 other individuals at I.U., spon-
sored by the campus-recognized
YSA. The speaker was Leroy Mc-
Rae, the national organizational
secretary of the YSO. McRae, who
discussed the civil rights move-
ment was then on a national tour,
and talked on this topic at many
ther universities, including Wayne
State and the University.
Local County Prosecutor Thom-
as Hoadley indicted these three
students May 1, on the charge of
assembling at the March 25 meet-
ing for the purpose of "violent
overthrow" of the state of Indiana
and the United States government.
ment was ruled out by the judge
for faulty wording, Prosecutor
Hoadley secured a new indictment
on July 18. He brought in an ad-
ditional charge that a meeting
of defendants and their friends
May 2 to discuss their legal de-
fense against the first indictment
was an act of assembling to ad-
vocate "violent overthrow" of In-
diana and the. United States gov-
It is interesting to examine the
law under which they were in-
dicted. Section 2 of the 1951 In-
diana Burns Statutes, Chapter
226,H. 72, declares that it is the
public policy of the state of In-
diana and the act to "exterminate
Communism and Communists, and
all teachings of the same." The
Communist Party is defined in
Section 3 of the act as "an organ-
ization which engages in or ad-
vocates, abets, advises or teaches
or has a purpose which is to en-
gage in or advocate, abet advise
or teach activities intended to
overthrow, destroy, or alter or
to assist in the overthrow, de-
struction or alteration of the con-
stitutional form of the govern-
ment of the United States or of
the state of Indiana, or of any
political subdivision thereof, by
repvolution, force or violence."

have far-reaching consequenves
which are in no way related to the
aim of the organization itself.
** *
McRAE, in his Bloomington
speech, supported the Constitu-
tional right of Negroes to bear
arms in their own defense. Three
YSA students in the audience, who
were merely listening-not speak-
ing-were indicted under the anti-
Communism Act. McRae wasn't
indicted; just those three students
who were local campus officers of
the YSA. Hoadley explained why
he indicted these students when
he said, "My basic interest is not
particularly to put these students
in jail, but to remove it (the YSA)
from the campus facilities. It
would have been cleared up
months ago if the university had
simply decided to remove it."
Shortly before the March 20
hearing, Hoadley submitted a legal
document to the court, in reply
to the defense's motion for a hill
of particulars. This bill exposes
Hoadley's legal methods, but un-
fortunately, it also exposes the
fact that such legal methods are
tolerated in a United States cou t
of law. Hoadley failed to mentioni
the March 25 meeting, on which
he had originally based his indict-
ment. Yet, the indictment stil
Second, although tihe other in-
dictment referred to a spe :ific
date, May 2, Hoadley stated that
his case was "not based exclusively
upon any one 'meeting' or
'speech'," but on a "totality of
events constituting a conspiracy."
With no respect for due process
of law, Hoadlew wished to drag in
activities of the defendants over
a period of several years, activities
for which no criminal charges have
been preferred.
, , '
MUCH OF the evidence Hoadley
was intending to introduce was by
his own admission stolen material.
It was acquired by a landlord
searching a private apartment.
The landlord admitted his theft in
testimony under oath before the
House Un-American Activities
Finally, Hoadley said he would
confine his arguments to the ques-
tion of violent overthrow of the
state of Indiana. The indictments,

however, refer to alleged assembly
to advocate the violent overhtrow
of the federal government as well
as the state government. Hoadley
apparently felt he was on shaky
grounds in handling the question
of sedition against the federal
government. Yet, that part of the
indictment still stands.
On March 20, at pro-trial hear-
ings, Judge Nat U. Hill ruled the
Indiana Communism act un-
Constitutional, and upheld a de-
fense motion to quash the indict-
ments. This ruling in effect stated
that all state sedition laws. re-
gardless of whether they deal withi
sedition against the federal gov-I
ernment or the state government,
are unconstitutional. This had the
potential of being an important
blow against witch hunts in gen-
eral, since similar state laws are
used in the South, for example,
against civil rights advocates.
HOWEVER, immediately after
the victory, the Indianapolis Times
took a stand in support of Hoad-
ley's appealing the decision. If he
appealed, of course, the three stu-
dents could easily be re-indicted.
The Times brushed aside the fact
that a continuation of the case
may once again threaten these
three students with imprisonment
for their views. The Times com-
mented in its editorial that "it is
the way the law works."
Hoadley, taking the advice of the
Indianapolis Times announced on
March 25 that he had received
the permission and cooperation
of "my good friend Eddie Steers,"
the Indiana state attorney gen-
'eral in appealing Judge Hill's de-
cision to the Indiana state su-
preme court. The same disregard
for the Constitution that has been
manifested in the South so often
in the last few years has reached
the Middle West.
It is obvious that the Blooming-
ton case has implications which
run far beyond the YSA and three
university students. It shows that
even when men perform deeds not
in the slightest degree uncon-
stitutional, when they are prose-
cuted by inept legal procedures In-
cluding the use of stolen ma-
terial, when the prosecuter admits
that his prime interest is the su-
pression of a university-recognized
organization, and even when his
indictment is thrown out of court,
and the law on which it is based
declared unconstitutional, a case
can still be appealed with backing
from the press and the support
of a state attorney general.

T HE 1964 MAY Festival came
to a close Sunday evening with
an all-Rachmaninoff program by
the Philadelphia Orchestra under
conductor Eugene Ormandy. The
concert featured pianist Van Cli-
burn in a performance of the
Piano Concerto No. 3, the work
which he played in Moscow when
he won the Tchaikovsky Competi-
tion some six years ago.
The concert began with the se-
rene Vocalise, Opus 34, No. 14.
This seemed a wise selection, for
it contrasted in mood with the
t,%L larger, more dramatic works
which were to follow and because
its soaring melodies were well suit-
ed to the kind of sound which the
Philadelphia string section pro-
This attribute turned to a debit,
however, in the two remaining
works. In both the piano cencerto
and the Second Symphony, the
lush, powerful string section often
drowned out other soloists when,
in fact, they were playing obligato
or accompaniment figures.
this happens when we realize that
Ormandy loves his string section
more than anything in the world.
and there could be nothing more
to his liking than programing an
all - Rachmaninoff concert, for
Rachmaninoff was classical when
it came to orchestration. That is.

for him, the strings were the main-
stay of the orchestra, and the
winds and percussion performed
a subsidiary function.
It seems doubly tragic to have
somewhat overbearing s t r i n g s
when the Philadelphia Orchestra
has such a fine wind section. One
cannot get over the feeling that
hornist MasonkJonesand his co-
horts are lackeys who serve the
whim of the string section.
S *
exciting, but one could have wish-
ed for more accuracy on Cliburn's
part. Slips made in the passion
of the moment are excusable,
but not when they are made be-
cause the soloist is not paying at-
tention to his performance. Cli-
burn tends to be more concerned
with the show of things than the
sound he makes. The result was
that, during the feigned state of
excitement which he generated
with his immense self-esteem, he
got sloppy. His non-solo passages
were sometimes too heavy, and his
recovery from fortissimo chords
was always different and non-
On the whole, the program was
exciting because the works per-
formed were exciting.. They were
executed competently, but no bet-
-David Andrew

INSIDIOUSLY, the three hour exam has
returned. As if it is not bad enough
that students have only one free day be-
fore classes end and exams start, teachers
have discovered a method of adding an
extra hour to a two-hour exam and clev-
erly scheduling it in the last week of
The two-hour exam, now one year old,
was considered a necessity for the tri-
mester one-week exam period. Let's see
now . . . if we make all the exams two
hours long, we can have at least four a
day! Everyone with nine o'clock classes
can have eight o'clock exams; and if you
have four exams in two days maybe you
can get one changed.
FACULTY REACTIONS to the two-hour
exam were interesting. Certainly,
many teachers revamped their theories
and shortened their finals to two hours.
Others ultimately came out against fin-
als altogether and made theirs merely a
Acting Editorial Staff


third or fourth hourly. But there are
those stalwart souls who will resist
They are the professors who stoically
continue giving the same exam they give
every year; you just learn to write faster.
They are the teachers who insist on hold-
ing a class that last Friday before the first
Saturday. And (shudder) they are the de-
fenders of the two-part, three-hour final
Under the two-part final, you do not
even get to take advantage of that one
free reading day. Instead, you have to
finish all the required work for the course
before the last week of classes so that you
can take the first hourof your exam that
week. It is extremely unfortunate if more
than one of your professors is a three-
hour man; it can be disastrous if you are
behind in the reading for the course.
OF COURSE, you can question the very
idea of the final examination, that
grand summary of a whole semester's
work. And when you get through ques-
tioning that, you can debate the value, if
any, of the two-hour final-a whole se-

Excellent Concert Fare
Flawed by Conducting
1 HE MOST EMINENT of living composers and one of America's best
orchestras is a concert combination difficult to surpass. Igor
Stravinsky conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra provided the core
for such a concert Sunday afternoon in Hill Auditorium. -
Stravinsky's Symphony in C is in four movements, diatonic in
harmonic idiom and classical in style. In this work Stravinsky as a
craftsman is shown to excellent advantage.
In spite of the gyrations of Conductor Robert Craft, the orchestra
managed to get through this sparkling work in commendable form.
Sectional precision was noticeably lacking, but individual solos were
Onetof the earliest and most important of Schoenberg's atonal
works is the Five Pieces for Orchestra. Schoenberg's concepts of per-
petual variation and pointilistic melody are well served in this work.
The full orchestration is treated in a chamber music fashion, thus
creating the clarity necessary to its intricate counterpuntal style.
More obviously virtuosic than the Stravinsky symphony, these
richly-orchestrated pieces seemed more suitable to the Philadelphia
sonority. Again fighting an uphill conductorial battle, the orchestra
was able only to approximate the beauties of this score. Exceptional
rapport between sections is necessary in order to make the broken
lines sound as continums.
STRAVINSKY'S homophonically-oriented "Persephone" provided
marked contrast to Schoenberg's linear work. Although scored for
narrator, tenor solo, mixed choir and full orchestra, the complete
resources are used only at two points. Stravinsky instead chooses dif-
ferent instrumental combinations for each dramatic situation, thus

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