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See Editorial Page

Fair, warm
and sunny

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 167



Basketball Seats
T os Dollar,
Athletic Board Announces Decision;
Coupon charge T o Remain at $12
Students, faculty and employees of the University will be charged
$1 for each basketball game they attend next season.
The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics announced
the decision to abandon the athletic coupon system for automatic
admission to basketb'all games yesterday.
The fee for athletic coupons remains at $12 for students and
$15 for faculty and employees, and will entitle the purchaser to a

Oakland Chancellor

Fires Observer


reserved seat at each of thes

City Council
To Transfer
Block to U
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night approved turning. over the
block of Washington Street be-
tween Fletcher and Fuller Streets
to the University.
In later action, the council de-
ferred two proposed amendments
to the Fair Housing Ordinance to
its working session three weeks
from now. The amendments had
previously been unanimously rec-
ommended to the council by the
Human Relations Commission.
John G. McKevitt, assistant to
the University vice-president for
business and finance, spoke in
favor of the Washington Street
resolution. He explained that the
Legislature had already provided
the funds for the Dental Bldg. and'
accompanying parking structure
for the site. Approval of the trans-
fer of the block of Washington
Street would thus permit the Uni-
versity to go ahead with the pro-
ject, he concluded.
'U' To Pay
University Director of Plant Ex-
pansion James F. Brinkerhoff fol-
lowed McKevitt by assuring the
council that the University Will
pay the cost of relocating all pub-
lic utilities that would be dis-
placed by the building project.
Despite objections from the
audience, the council passed the
Washington S t r e e t resolution
In action on the housing ordi-
nance amendments, Mrs. Eunice
Burns, Democratic representative
from the First Ward, moved that
the ordinance resolution be given
its first reading last night. This
would have speeded its implemen-
tation by some three weeks.
Voting on the motion split the
council 5-5. Without the ailing
Mayor Cecil Creal's vote to break
the tie, the motion died.
Motion Passes
A following motion to send the
resolution to the council's work-
ing session passed -8-2. Mrs. Burns
said that she was "very sorry that
we are not voting on the first
reading tonight."
Mayor pro tem Bent F. Nielsen,
Fifth Ward Republican, read
Creal's recommendations for ap-
pointments to the Human Rela-
tions Commission.

six foootball games in Michigan
4Stadlum in 1964. The student
coupons will again be sold at
registration' in the fall.
Athletic director H. 0. (Fritz)
Crisler explained that the new
policy was tentatively passed by
the board at its meeting last
month, but was not official until
Crisler mentioned skyrocketing
costs and the need to supplement
athletic revenues in explaining the
policy that eliminates free ad-
mission to basketbal games.
Crisler said the board also felt
much of the confusion caused last
basketball season with the distri-
bution of tickets would be elim-
The precise implementation of
the new plan will not be announc-
ed until next fall, but Crisler in-
dicated that the tickets would
probably be sold in a manner sim-
ilar to the way they were exchang-
ed last season. At that time, on
the day before each home game
tickets were given in exchange
for punches on athletic cards.
The implementation of the new
policy will, according to Crisler,
solve many of the problems caused
last season by long lines and over-
sold demand for admission. Last
year some 19,000 people had claims
to seats at'the basketball games in
Yost Field House, where the ca-
pacity in nonreserved seats is ap-
proximately 6200.
The increased revenue that is
expected from the sale of admis-
sion to basketball games is not
earmarked toward the construc-
tion of the new $3.5 million sports
arena on Stadium Blvd., according
Uo Crisler. Rather, he commented
that the increased revenue will be
applied to the total athletic budget
in an effort to combat rising costs.
Reveal Pulitzer
Prize winners
By The Associated Press
David Halberstam of the New
York Times and Malcolm W.
Browne of the Associated Press
were awarded Pulitzer Prizes yes-
terday for their international re-
porting from Viet Nam.
Merriman Smith, White House
correspondent for United Press
International, was awarded the
prize for national reporting for
his coverage last Nov. 22 of the
assassination of- President John
F. Kennedy.
For the first time since 1917,
the first year of the awards, there
were no prizes bestowed in the
fields of fiction and drama.

Acting Managing Editor
Chancellor D. B. Varner of Oak-
land University yesterday fired the
-ditor of the school's student news-
paper, the Oakland Observer.
Earlier, the chancellor had halt-
ed distribution of its latcst issue,
which carried an article charging
him with censorship. A six-man
faculty committee was established
to "study the organization of the
student paper and get it into
more responsible hands," Varner
The incident also brought to
light charges that this five-year-
old Michigan State University
branch faces othereproblemsias
Sex Survey
The alleged censorship incident
originated when the weekly Ob-
Iserver launched a survey of sex-
ual activities among dormitory
Varner said last night he be-
gan receiving complaints from
"faculty and students" that the
survey was "pretty frank."
And he claimed students were
answering it "with a good deal of
frivolity to try to give the chap
who was running it some hot
Varner also charged that Wolfe
Metzger, the dismissed editor, had
circulated the survey without per-
mission in the dormitories, that its
results - as yet untabulated -
would be "certainly not valid," and
that the article would have a'
"great potential for damage to
the character of the students and
the university."
He then threatened Metzger with
suspension. if the Observer pub-
lished the survey. "I took it as an
order" and agreed not to pub-
lish the survey, Metzger asserted
last night.
Instead, he wrote a story and
an editorial describing the chan-
cellor's threat of suspension. This
story was sent to the Observer's
printe' and slated for publication
last Friday.
At that time, Varner explained,
he "instructed the printed to de-
stroy this edition" and called in
the paper's faculty advisors for
conferences which ran all that
Finally, Metzger received a let-
ter yesterday dismissing him from
the Observer editorship and ban-
ning him from "any student pub-
lication at Oakland."
Oakland's former assistant to
the chancellor and director of uni-
versity relations, Loren B. Pope,
declared last night that "basical-
ly the reason for the action is that
Varner panicked."
Pope, a former New York Times
education writer who took Oak-
land's second administrative post
"because I wanted to help build a
new type of institution," left the
school last September. "We had a
glittering ideal to begin with-no
football, no fraternities and a real
Ivy-League academic rigor. But
having been brought up in the
MSU image, Varner equated suc-
cess with numbers," Pope said.
He also charged that Varner
has claimed that the Legislature
is "strangling" Oakland by giving
it an inadequate appropriation.
Yet Oakland, with only 1500 stu-
dents and enrollment declining,
has room for 3500-5000, Pope said.'
'In a Box'
Faced with the enrollment is-
sue and problems with his fac-
ulty, Varner was "definitely in a1
box" when he found out that the
sex survey was about to appear
Pope said. "Varner is basically a
politician rather than an educa-
tor. He doesn't understand what a
university is. He was afraid the
articles would create bad publi-
city-but now his action is going
to boomerang," he commented. <
The fired editor added that the
chancellor is currently involved int
another controversy: he wants to

bring intercollegiate athletics to
Oakland but the faculty opposes it
In addition, Metzger said, Varner
has recently began to rule with
a stronger hand, claiming "the fac-
ulty had too much freedom."-
Varner discounted the charges of
both his former assistant and the
dismissed editor. He said he had1
dismissed Pope because' "I was3
not satisfied with his perform-1
ance" and "would expect such1
charges from him." He character-
ized Metzger as "an irresponsible'
young man in a responsible posi-





Sparks_ DeL






GM Hiring,
Policies Hit
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Demonstrators
carrying placards saying "GM
tCrow must GO" yesterday pro-
tested hiring practices in the
world's largest manufacturing cor-
Herbert Hill, labor secretary for
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People,
indicated to a large crowd of
demonstrators and bystanders at
a rally held in front of the Gen-
eral Motors headquarters that he
wil send telegrams to the chair-
men of the boards of Chrysler,
General Motors and Ford Motor
"Although General Motors is the
first company picketed it is only
the symbolic beginning of the end
for second class citizenship for
Negroes," Hill told the crowd.
But Hill reiterated his complaint
with General Motors, saying "We
want Negroes in all levels of the
company-engineering, skilled jobs
and personnel, as well as produc-
tion jobs."
Hill said that as in the recently
settled demonstrations in San
Francisco, where, auto dealers
agreed to hire Negroes for the first
time, "these pickets can get re-
The six hour demonstration was
conducted in an orderly manner.
Police estimated that at one point
there were as many as 500 pickets.
Early in the afternoon, police
and NAACP officials disputed over
the placement of a\ sound truck
which originally was in front of
the main GM entrance.
"We won't move it," Arthur
Johnson, executive secretary of
the Detroit branch of the NAACP
said. "If the police want to move
it, they'll have to tow it away."
But police agreed to allow the
truck to be stationed where it was
for the two speaking programs.
Beginning of End
Civil rights leaders who ad-
dressed the pickets emphasized
that this demonstration meant the
beginning of the end of "second
class discrimination for Negroes."
Some of the leaders suggested
that Negroes might boycott Gen-
eral Motors products until they
"are given an equal chance with
whites." One leader said this
would mean a "re-evaluation of
Andrew Ramsey, chairman of
the Indiana State Conference of
NAACP, said that "if America
survives, then we shall overcome."
"And this picket is the first
A Muskegon youth chairman for
the NAACP said that "this is
something real to us. We really
mean it."
"What reason is there for Negro
children to go to school if this is
what they face after they get
their education?" a demonstrator
from Georgia asked.
Hill said that a letter sent out
last weekend by Louis G. Seaton,
GM vice-president for personnel
explaining GM's stand on the
charges to "religious and civic
leaders of Detroit," failed to gain
any support from Negro religious
leaders. One Baptist minister at
the demonstration reported that
religious leaders of his denomina-
tion were in perfect accord with
the demonstration.
Hill said that the demonstration
was part of a "national effort"
against GM.

Russia Removes
Radar from Cuba,
WASHINGTON ()-The Russians have pulled out of Cuba a
highly sophisticated new radar system that probably added to the
effectiveness of Fidel Castro's anti-aircraft missiles, it was learned
last night.
This radar system-which qualified sources said had not been
seen anywhere else but Cuba-was withdrawn about two or three
months ago. It was said to have

*P ose Issues,
To System
Consider Autonomy
More College Contri
Over Departments




Laos. Unity
Effort Fails
VIENTIANE () - Neutralist
Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma
met with Prince Souphanouvong,
h e a d of the pro-Communist
Pathet Lao at Khang Kay yes-
terday in an apparent effort to
persuade Souohanouvong to put
his leftist forces into a new na-
tional army for Laos.
But a statement from a Pathet
Lao official indicated Souvanna
would meet with failure on 'his
attempts at military as well as
political unification.
A statement broadcast by
Phoumi Vongvichit of the Pathet
Lao reiterated opposition to re-
joining the coalition of right-
wing, neutralist and pro-Com-
munist factions under Souvanna
established 23 months ago, with
the blessing of both East and West

in the
of a

hope of achieving peace in
Under Pressure
statement asserted Sou-
was acting under pressure
right-wing military junta
staged a coup in Vientiane

been less susceptible to jamming,
capable of faster target tracking,
and probably was for use against
low-flying planes.
Withdrawal of this system re-
turns the efficiency of the Cuban
radar-vital to the performance
of the anti-aircraft missiles-to
the level of what it. was at the
time of the Cuban missile crisis in
the fall of 1962, it was reported.
Russian anti-aircraft missiles,
called SA-2S,; were believed to
have shot down an American high-
altitude U-2 reconnaissance plane
over Cuba at the height of the
1962 crisis.
The withdrawal of the advanced
radar system by the Russians was
disclosed after the Defense De-
partment denied published reports
that the Soviets had pulled their
top - grade anti - aircraft missiles
out of Cuba.
These reports suggested that
Castro had been left with second-
class missiles possibly unequal to
the task of downing United States
high - altitude reconnaissance
The Defense Department state-
ment said the department has "no
information indicating any change
in the characteristics of the
ground-to-air missiles installed in
Cuba, despite published reports."
Meanwhile, Soviet Ambassador
Anatoly F. Dobrynin evaded news-
men's questions' about Russian
rockets in Cuba.
Dobrynin, who conferred with
Llewellyn E. Thompson, State De-
partment expert on Russia, was
asked whether the Soviets had
pulled their high flying rockets
out of Cuba, leaving Castro with
second-rate missiles.
Harlan Cleveland, assistant
secretary of state for interna-
tional organizations, will re-
place former presidential press.
secretary Pierre Salinger as'
speaker at the annual Honors
Convocation Friday.
Salinger, now campaigning
for a Senate seat in California,
notified University officials
Sunday that he would not be
able to attend.
In addition to addressing the
convocation, Cleveland will ded-
icate a plaque in front of the
Michigan Union commemorat-
ing the site where President
John F. Kennedy first proposed
the Peace Corps.


See related picture, Page 3
April 17, and any act by Sou-
vanna would be considered null
and void by the Pathet Lao.
A statement by Souvanna issued
in Vientiane said he had notified
Britain and the Soviet Union that
the right-wing faction had been
dissolved and merger with the
neutralists under his leadership.
Britain and the Soviet Union were
co-chairmen of the 1962 Geneva
conference which approved the
Role Understood
Souvanna expressed hope that
the decision of the right-wing to
end its role as an opposition party
would be understood and accepted
by the Pathet Lao.c
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko and British Foreign Sec-
retary R. A. Butler addressed a
message to the third leaders of
the coalition condemning the coup
by a rightist military junta, re-
iterating support of the coalition
and expressing hope that the lead-
ers would do their utmost to seek
an early agreement.'
The right-wing military junta
headed by Gen. Kouprasith Abhay
and Gen. Siho Lanphoutakoul has
demanded a government shakeup.

For Collegfe
A site fc~r the residential college)
and meml.,ership of its Faculty
Planning Committee were an-
aounced yesterday at the month-
y literary college faculty meet-
According to As-ociate Dean
Burton D. Thuma, newly-appoint-
ed director of the residential col-
lege, the Regents last .month as-
signed 60 acres of University land
between Fuller Road and the
Huron River at the entrance to
North Campus for the college de-
Dean Thuma also announced the
membership of the faculty body
which has ,been assigned to work
closely with him and the admin-
istration in planning and imple-
menting the residential college
proposal. The members include:
Professors Michael Benamou of
the French department, Carl Coh-
en of the philosophy department,
Alan Gaylord of the English de-
partment, Wayne Hazen of the
physics department, Stephen Kap-
lan of the psychology department,
James Meisel of the political sci-
ence department, Theodore New-
comb of the sociology department,
Bradford Perkins of the history de-
partment, Allen Sheilds of the
mathematics department, Law-
rence Slobodkin of the zoology
department, and Herbert Sigman.
administrative assistant to the Pi-
lot Project coordinator.
Consulting Members
Consulting members from other
schools and colleges of the Uni-
versity will be Professors Stanford
Erickse~a of the Center for Re-
search on Learning and Teaching.
Algo Henderson of the education
school, Irving Kaufman of the ar-
chitecture and design college..
Richard Wellman of the' Law
School and Frederick Wagman, di-
rector of the University Library.
The residential college schedule
providesthat housing facilities on
the land set aside will be avail-
able for about 1200 students by the
fall of 1967, with construction to
begin in the summer of 1965.

The literary . college facult
yesterday opened what will mo
likely be a long and, animated dia
logue on the effectiveness of vat
ious distribution requirement con
The faculty's discussion wa
sparked by release of a report b
the college's curriculum; commit
tee evaluating the present distr
bution system and posing possib
According to Dean Williai
Haber, the committee's report wi
intended simply as the first;
many such reports to be hear
over a period of years. No vote c
the alternatives it presented or c
other possibilities raised at tli
meeting was intended.
Favor Liberalization
But Prof. Aleg Grabar of th
art history department and chain
man ,of the curriculum committi
noted that if the matter had bee
brought to a straw vote, the fa(
ulty would probably have tende
toward some general liberalizi
tion of the requirements.
Dean Haber commented that t,
discussion "was fithThg especia
ly novel; it's been going on fi
Excerpts of report on Page 8
at least 40 years and will prol
ably continue for another 40. It
just that there is no certa:
agreement among the faculty o
how to achieve a broad, liber
education for the student."
' The curriculum committee ri
port brought to the surface son
of the basic questions on the dig
tribution system as it relates t
liberal education which have bee
raised by the- faculty.
These include:
1) Difficulties encountered I
many science concentrators :
meeting both distribution require
ments and concentration prer(
quisites during their first tv
2) The existence of a separa
distribution, system for those .Ii
erary college students who su
cessfully petition for allowance
unspecified courses.
3) An inconsistency between tI
aim of creating liberally educate
students and the practice of leas
ing distribution courses in tl
hands of professionally-oriente
Waste of Time
4) The lack of preparation o
the part of students who seek
broad education and the feelir
on the part of those who are mo:
interested in concentrating the
distribution courses are a was
of their time.
In the light of this analysis, til
See FACULTY, Page 8

Levy Reflects on u'
OnEve of Depadrture
"Make sure an individual is and remains an individual,"
said Stanley Levy, administrative assistant to Associate Deari
James H. Robertson of the literary college.
Levy, who will be leaving the University to take a combined
administrative and teaching position at Cornell University, re-
cently summed up his impressions of the University.
He believes that it is impor-
tant to treat each student as a f
unique individual. With intel-
ligent and potentially able stu-
dents one generally achieves
far better results by being frank,
and open, Levy says.'
Levy has been at the Univer-:
sity since he was an under-
graduate in 1951. He feels that
a change of environment would
be good for his career and that
his acceptance of the position$
at Cornell will give him the op-
portunity to continue in stu-
dent affairs as well as teach
in their school of education.
Levy says that his greatest-

Varner's account of the Observ-
er incident agrees in outline with Disorders Hit
Metzger's but the two disagree on
particulars. Most basically, the Santo D om ingo
chancellor describes the article

which led to the editor's dismis-
sal as "a dramatic story abiding,


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