See Editorial Wage
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Not much change from
yesterday expected
Riots Erupt in Czechoslovakia
Will Research Spoil Our Universities
VIENNA () - A gathering of
3000 students in Prague for tra-
ditional May Day poetry reading
exploded into wild anti-govern-
ment rioting.
Diplomatic sources said last
night the outburst bordered on
open revolt.
Shouts of "long live freedom"
and "down with the gestapo" came
from the students, and at least
15 were arrested as club-swinging
police aided by dogs quelled the
outburst, said informants who
quoted western reports relayed
from the Czech capital.
Study Shows Bias, in Texts
iFavoring Catholic Groups
NEW YORK (M)-A three-year study by Catholic educators re-
leased yesterday found that Catholic religion textbooks normally
point up virtues of racial and ethnic groups, but often contain
negative and distorted statements in reference. to specific non-
Catholic religious groups.
The self-analysis conducted at St. Louis University, a Jesuit
school, also found that the texts were overwhelmingly positive in
Arnett Balks
On Vote Age
LANSING (P)-This is not the
year for lowering Michigan's vot-
ing age to 18.
"I just can't get any action on.
it in the House committee," Sen.
John Bowman (D-Roseville), who
won Senate approval for the
change, said yesterday.
"But you just don't give up at
a thing like this. It only means it
will take a little longer.".
Bowman introduced a resolu-
tion yesterday for an interim study
by a special Senate committee on
the merits of lowering the voting
age from 21.
Rep.'Homer Arnett (R-Kala-
miazoo),. head of the House Com-
mittee on Revision and Amend-
ment of the Constitution, said he
will sponsor a resolution for a
House committee similar to that
proposed by Bowman. The com-
mittees would report to the 1965
"It is my considered opinion
that the 18-year-old vote resolu-
tion will not come out of the com-
mittee," Arnett said.
"Except for letters from young-
sters, there doesn't seem to be a
greatddeal of public interest in
the idea."
4their approach to general inter-
group teachings dealing with "all
"But negative. and' distorted
statements are found to be more
prevalent in reference to Protes-
tants, Jews and other specific non-
Catholic religious groups."
The committee encouraged the
study, as it has other such self-
analyses, "to further inter-reli-
gious understanding through ob-
jective self-study of religious edu-
cational material.
"The percentage of positive
sympathetic references in gen-
eral, racial and ethnic intergroup
categories was invariably high,"
the study found.
"It fell sharply, however, in the
category where the greatest bulk
of intergroup content, is to be
found-references to other reli-
Yale Survey
A similar Protestant self-study
project, conducted recently at Yale
University divinity school, showed
that racial and ethnic groups were
more positively portrayed in Pro-
testanttextbooks thanother re-
ligious groups.
"Apparently, the problems of
identifying in a positive manner
with other religions are more dif-
ficult and complex than those of
identifying with other racial and
ethnic groups," Father Reinert
"Although racial prejudice may
be America's most pressing social
problem, inter-religious relation-'
ships pose more complex problems
in the preparation of religious
teaching texts."
Douglas Sees
New Roadblock
By The Associated Press
Douglas (D-Ill) said yesterday that
before voting for any amend-1
ments to the proposed civil rights,
bill the Senate should consider
whether the House could concur in
the change.
He views Rep. Howard W. Smith
(D-Va), chairman of the Housej
Committee on Rules, as a stum-
bling block if the bill should have I
to return to the House for con-c
currence in Senate amendments. I
CTK, the official Czech news
agency, said there was a disturb-
ance but denied that students were
involved. There was no political
demonstration but only "an act of
a small group of h'oodlums."
It was the third student out-
burst in the past three years on
the traditional Communist holiday
in the Czech capital, and on the
basis of available reports, it was
the most violent.
The target of the demonstrators
was the Communist regime headed
by President Antonin Novotny.
There has been a gradual liberal-
ization in the country the past
four years of the post-Stalin era,
but economic pressures have been
increasing recently.
Another clash erupted at down-
town Wenceslas Square, where
students, including some who had
participated in the meeting up-
town, marched on the square and
chanted anti-government slogans.
The students derided the gov-
ernment for political indictrina-
tion at the universities. They also
protested high costs of living and
housing conditions.
New Budget
Cuts Listed
By Johnson
WASHINGTON (') - President
Lyndon B. Johnson told his cab-
inet yesterday that, in carrying
out the administration's economy-
and-efficiency drive, "we ought
to be as unsatisfied as a little
boy's appetite."
Johnson opened an hour long
session of the cabinet and heads
of independent agencies by read-
ing a statement reviewing the fed-
eral government's frugality efforts.
Some of the highlights:
More than $1 million will be
saved by eliminating 141 publica-
tions which are now deemed un-
necessary. Included on the list
being axed were the "Rural Line
Bulletin," "The Caribbean For-
ester," and the "Patent Office
Some $5 million is being saved
because the General Services Ad-
ministration has figured out a
way to cut back federal office
space by three and one half square
feet per employe.
Unnecessary questionnaires and
reports are being scrapped. As a
result of the initial elimination of
98 forms to be filled out by busi-
nessmen and others, Johnson said,
Americans this year will have to
file 850,000 fewer reports than in
Johnson called on the depart-
ment and agency heads to step up
all facets of the economy program,
to junk more publications andI
questionnaires, to hold down pay-
rolls, to curb spending and to
"buy only what you must buy and
get the best price you can."
The chief executive noted that
the House cut the first six approp-
riations bills of the year by 1.7
per cent compared with four per
cent cuts in the same measures
last year'
NEW YORK - The sweeping
inquiry into federally - sponsored
research programs is bound to
have major repercussions on
American colleges and universities,
according to Benjamin Fine, Pul-
itizer Prize winning education
In an article in the Los Angeles
Times recently, Fine reports that
Rep. Howard W. Smith (D-Va)
and his House Committee on Rules
are now seeking to learn if the
$14 billion allocated for research
purposes is wisely spent.
Much of this research is of the
highest quality, but there are a
vast number of duplicating units,;
Fine reports, each vying to get'
the best brains and to snare the
Out for Biggest
"At the same time, colleges
compete with each other to get
the largest grants," he notes.
"As a result, research may spoil
__ -
American higher education. Here's
the rub: Although the research
projects in themselves are valu-
able, the impact upon the colleges
can lead to a dangerous imbalance
between the physical sciences and
the liberal arts. *
"The overwhelming proportion
of grants go to scientists, while
the humanities and the social
sciences are ignored."
However, in Fine's opinion, even
more serious results are the over-
emphasis upon research on the
campuses, and the subsequent in-
attention to actual teaching. If a
professor of physics, for example,
can get a $250,000, three-year
grant to make a study in his field,
he is not likely to continue his
classroom teaching.4
Research RocketI
A well-known college professor
asks cynically, "Why shouldn't I
get into the research racket? I
now get $12,000 a year. The re-
search grant will add another
$6000 to my salary. That means,
for the first time, I can get a
good salary and not worry abou$
daily lesson plans."
It must be said, Fine theorizes,
that the government's money
should not add to the total salary.
The professor notes, in his appli-
cation to the government, that he
will give half his time to the re-
search project. But in practice,
according to Fine, the full salary
remains, and the professor, or the
college, justifies this by noting
that the teacher "works on his
own time."
The Smith committee will seek
to discover whether the money
that goes for research projects
has been spent for a worthwhile
cause. But, Fine hopes, "the com-
mittee will go beyond this step.
It is just as important to know
Bi-Partisan House Unit
Agrees on Compromise
Redistricting Scheme
I Eter Party
WCBN'S STUDIOS in East Quadrangle, as well as those in the
other two quads, are entering their last days. The station will
move into the SAB in the fall. Shown here are William Seipp
(facing), chief announcer, and Alexander Dolega, advertising
New Quarters Give WCBN
Opportunity for Expansion
Efficiency and coordination are the new passwords of WCBN
in their "Project Jumbo."
Due to new industrial support, WCBN, formerly operated among
the three men's quadrangles, wil consolidate into one unit, located
in the basement of the Student Activities Bldg. The Ford Motor
_______________________Company has become one of the
iRussians Still Keeping
Troops on Cuban Soil
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON-Fairly large numbers of Soviet troops are still
in Cuba, although by earlier United States estimates they should be
approaching the vanishing point by now.
Still, American authorities are sticking to their predictions and
dismissing any suggestion that the Russians are dragging their feet
because of Fidel Castro.
Just two weeks ago officials here were maintaining that the
Russians would withdraw the 3000 officers and men they were
estimated to have on the island$
within two or three weeks.{
Steady Stream:
Today United States sources
said a large proportion of this
number-how many was not
guessed-apparently still are
Cuba. But they said the Soviet_}S
outflow will continue in a steady,
although thin, stream in coming };r,::..
The Soviet withdrawal will leave
to Castro operation of 24 anti-
airci-aft missile bases.'
Consequently, this week Wash-
ington reminded Cuba that United
States reconnaissance flights over
the island will continue. Castro, in
turn, said the Cuban people no
longer would tolerate the spy mis-
sions, and Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev rallied to his ally,
charging that the flights threaten-
ed "the abyss of another war."
Another Showdown BARRY GOLDWATER
Still, the Russian leader stopped
short of endorsing Cubansattacks Awards
on the planes. Any such action
would set off another crisis.,V te
The exact number of Russians Runawa Vote
in Cuba is difficult for United
States intelligence to estimate. o Goldwater
Communist ships secretly come
and go at Cuban ports.
and o atCubn pots.By The Associated Press
Washington is still saying thatByTeAscadPes
when the troop withdrawal is DALLAS--Sen. Barry Goldwater
finished, perhaps 800 Russians will (R-Ariz) scored a runaway victory
remain as military advisers over last night in the Texas Republi-
an indefinite period. can presidential preferential poll.
whether the research grants have
hurt the college through emphasis
on research and the scuttling of
good classroom teaching."
Teachers Should Teach
The major purpose of the na-
tion's system of higher education
is to teach, he continues. Research,
at least in the past, has been a
significant but secondary objec-
tive of the traditional college.
With the vast amount spent on
research, the reverse has taken
place: "First comes the research
programs and then teaching.
"What is the solution? In my
opinion, the colleges should de-
clare themselves as being' devoted
to sound teaching. The research
projects, valuable as they are, can
only supplement the college's ma-
jor function.
"Research is extremely valuable
in our space age. But it is patently
unfair to find that billions are
spent for practical problems, while
little goes to the liberal arts and
the humanities. But even here, a
word of caution must be added:
The emphasis should be on better
teaching, not on bigger research
Large Percentage
Many colleges get from 50 to
70 per cent of their operating
funds from research grants. This
is particularly true in medical and
engineering schools.
One college president admits,
"Without the money from govern-
ment research we'd have to close
our doors. Half our staff would
be put on short rations."
But according to Fine, this situ-
-ation "has been allowed to de-
velop. Research has its place in
the campus, but not at the ex-
pense of the student, who, after
all, is attending college for a good
Two Factions
Unite in Laos
VIENTIANE (P)~-Coalition Pre-
mier neutralist Prince Souvanna
Phouma said yesterday the neu-
tralist and rightwing factions of
the coalition had merged.
Souvanna said he now has be-
come leader of the two parties,
and he expressed hope that the
third Laotian faction -- the pro-
Communist Pathet Lao-will also
supporters of this project, set for
launching on July 1.
Complete Layout
The project, which is scheduled
for completion in October, will be
complete with production control
roam, a master control unit, 'a
combo room, repair and record
room, business and reception of-
fices, and a seventeen-man news-
room, which is "the core of
WCBN," according to program
director John Evans, '66.
This reorganization is the first
step in a series of plans the s~-
tion has for the future. Expand-
ing programming from 18 to 22
hours, a mobile sound truck, and
an A.M. license are other ideas
being considered.
"Our ultimate goal," Evans says,
"is to provide to the University
and the state, the best in college
broadcasting and service, and ul-
timately to become the finest in
college radio."
Could Take
Slim Majorit
Roberts Gives Hint
Of No Assistance'
If Bill Reaches Senat(
LANSING (P)- A bi-partisar
House negotiating committee re-
ported yesterday it ha4 agreed 0
a compromise plan for legislativ(
Leaders of ihe committee sai(
the plan, designed to give Repub-
licans and Democrats an ever
chance of winning control of th(
House, would be submitted t(
each party's caucus for approya
"The differences between u:
have been resolved," Rep. Georg(
Montgomery (D-Detroit) said. "I:
a majority of each party approves
then we've, got a plan."
More Work ,
He said the committee woul(
continue to work on "technical'
matters yet to be settled.
Rep. Henry Hogan (R-Birming
ham),. and Rep. Dominic Jacobett
(D-Negaunee) said it was agree(
there would be no, effort to pusl
the plan to a show down befor
See related story, Page 3
Originally, lawmakers had beer
slated to end their session, bu
redistricting and other issue
forced them to extend activity int(
next week.
The 14-member negotiating com
mittee reported it was close to
final agreement on a plan settini
up the 110-member House with 5'
"sure" districts for each party an(
six "swing" districts which coul(
go either way.
"Swing" districts would be 10.
cated in Muskegon, Bay, Genesee
Macomb and Wayne counties, thi
last having two of them, accord.
ing to Montgomery.
At the same time, however, i
appeared a new obstacle migh
arise if House Democrats insiste(
on changing one portion of thi
'Senate approved plan for nev
Senate districts.
Plan 500
The so-called "Plan 500" whicl
the Senate adopted and sent ti
the House last week would giv
Oakland County two Republican
and one Democratic district, al
But Rep. Arthur Law (D-Pon
tiac) asked that the House amen(
the plan to install a compromise
scheme which would make one o
the Republican districts lesa
No Ad
Sen. Farrell Roberts (R-Pon;
tiac) said he could offer "no help'
to the House if it sought to forE
the change upon the Senate. 1H
heads the Senate Judiciary Corn
4--.. . - --..t.... -- - - -.4
Diamoudmen Win Two: 14-2,11-3
High Cost
By TOM WEINBERG The expansion project was ini-
tiated in 1959 when WCBN saw'
The Michigan Wolverines bombarded defending Big Ten champion that most of its high costs were
Illinois yesterday 14-1 and 11-3 to extend their undefeated string in stemming from maintainence of
Big Ten play to six, and retain undisputed possession of first place the three units, rather than from
in the conference. new investments in equipment.
Route jobs by junior righthanders Bill Wahl and Marlin Pem- Various sites were considered for
berton marked the sixth straight complete game in the conference basemet wJu . Finaely,dthe
for the surprisingly potent Mitchigan pitching staff. Student Government Council last
Over .500 Now veek, with the stipulations that
The display of timely long-ball hitting, sharp fielding, and strong proper financing be obtained and
pitching edged the Wolverines over the .500 mark for the season, as approved by the University, that
their record now stands at 12-11, compared to 8-12 for the Illini. the project be approved by the
Residence Hall Board of Gover-
Particularly Pleased nors and that compensation be
Michigan coach Moby Benedict praised his team after the game given to all organizations displac-
for "working hard all the time ,and hustling," but was particularly ed by the project.
pleased with the pitching and offensive performances. "The hitting
really came to life," he said, referring to the 25 runs, and 21 hits Oh, Me!
including four doubles and three home runs. The "
Hairline Injury_
House Rejects
A reals Court
Goldwater's triumph was never
in doubt. He moved swiftly to the
Lront in early returns and steadily
outdistanced his rivals hour by
Second-runner in the poll was
Amendments1 Henry Cabot Lodge, who showed
unexpected strength in amassing
A N PAtwrite-in votes.
LANSING (YA)-A plan for set-: Gov. John Connally, bidding for
ting up the new state Court of a second term, had captured the
Appeals with nine single-judge bulk of the vote in the Democrat
districts, and providing for the primary my midnight to win over
Michigan Supreme , Court to be'3-erodHutnlwe o
Sccefrom disticts, was rejecte 38-year-old Houston lawyer Don
elected fo ititwsrjce Yarborough (D-Tex),.
yesterday by the House. Sen. Ralph Yarborough, no re-
On votes of 41-42 and 34-46, ain tolDo Yarborough, found
respectively, the amendments add- ation to Don a battle with
dtoa bil by the Housen -Dallas radio executive Gordon Mc-
tee on Ways and Means wereILednith DmortSae
turned down. endon the Democrat Senate
The bill was then moved into primary.
position for final debate in the
same form as it was approved Humphrey Gives
earlier by the Senate-providing
for the court of appeals to be Warning on Rights
elected from three three-judge
The only disappointment that beset the Wolverines yesterday j
was the discovery of a hairline fracture on the forearm of sophomore
catcher Ted Sizemore. Sizemore, currently hitting .275, was struck
on the arm with a foul .tip late in Friday's 4-3 win over Purdue, and
'' .will be out of action for at least four weeks.
. ....'-.. ... The Wolverines took command right from the start. exploding for
The University goofed! It
had published in The Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin that there would
be a one o'clock per last night.
The per should have been 1:30.
Girls unwittingly took ad-
vantage of this error. At Alpha