SATURDAY NIGHT STUDY PROBLEMS See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 47Iat SHOWERS High-61 Low-47 Continuedrmild with scattered showers LXXIV, No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT P S STATE LEGISLATURE: SGC SekFull 'U'Budget By DAVID BLOCK Student Government Council:t }f. last night passed a motion urg- ing the state House of Represen- tatives to approve the original ap- ,,.r'': f ": propriations bill for higher edu- cation and reject the Ways and Means Committee recommendation to cut this allotment by five per cent. Council also passed a motion, introduced by Douglas Brook, '65, k to grant 2100 square feet of office' space in the basement of the Stu-" dent Activities Building to WCBN for the purpose of setting up a 4'F consolidated broadcasting facility. :.,4{' ..v The appropriations motion man- . dated the president of SOC tok send a message expressing Univer- sity student opinion to every mem- ber of the House, as well as to, Gov. George W. Romney. Reasons1 The message lists the follow- ing as reasons for not cutting the ' appropriations hill: -The desperate financial need of higher education institutions; -The substantiation of .these claims by the governor's "blue ribbon" Committee on Higher Ed- ucation, and -The fact that the state treas- ury will show a budget surplus for the fiscal year 1963-64. No Basis Trhe message states that unless these facts can be refuted there is no basis for cutting the ap- propriations bill and that the orig- inal bill requested by the gover- nor and approved by the state Senate should also be passed in- tact by the House. Brook's motion was based on a report prepared Ly WCYN which detailed the history of the broad- casting station and its plans for expansion. At present the station's studios are located in the three quadrangles, and adequate coordi- nation between them is hindered by their geographical disunity. WCBN's plans for expansion include the creation of one large centralized broadcasting facility in the basement of the SAB. This would allow them in the near fu- ture to spread their broadcasting area to 'include' fraternities aid sororities and with consolidation also make the station eligible for approval by the Federal Commu- nications Commission as a full- fledged AM station serving the en- tire Ann Arbor area. In Its final meeting of the year, Council also approved its budget for the fiscal year 1964-65, as well as passing a motion by Interna- - tional Student Association presi- dent Isaac Adalemo, '64, recom mending to the University the necessity for a new International Center. The new center is necessary be- cause the present facilities for international students and visitors on this campus are inadequate. Chances Good For Lundgren Ma pping Plan lANSING 0P)-The Senate half of "Plan 500" looked like the fav- orite in the legislative redistrict- ing scramble yesterday after Sen- ate Republicans spent Wednesday in closed-door meetingss. Quick final passage of the plan was written by Sen. Kent Lund- gren (R-Menominee) could knock the props from under the 20-vote bipartisan bloc which passed it through the- Senate against Gov. George W. Romney's wishes. The air would then be cleared . for passage of a Republican plan for congressional districting, fav- ored by the Republican governor. TSenate majority leader Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said he . has yet to nail down a winning majority of GOP Senate votes, for leaving "Plan i00" as is but said it is likely that the plan will come out'unamended. Asked if this would tend to break up the anti-Romney Senate coalition, Thayer said, "I suppose so. "There is a lot of vehement feeling in the caucus toward not considering congressional districts until legislative districting is set- tied," he said. In the House, meanwhile, the Apportionment Committee headed by Rep. Henry Hogan (R-Birm- ingham) met again late yesterday to try to report out a plan with support from both parties. If this could not be accom.- plished, Hogan said, the commit- SGC HELD its weekly meeting last night at the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house as part of its program to increase com- munication with students. From left to right are Barry Blue- stone, '66; Lawrence Lossing, '65, president of Interfraternity Council; Ann Wickens, '65, president of Panhellenic Association, and Maxine Loomis, '65N, president of Assembly Association. WHEAT DEAL: Chamber Asks Trade With Red Countries WASHINGTON (A)-The United States Chamber of Commerce voted overwhelmingly yesterday in favor of increased trade in non- strategic goods with Russia and her European satellites. The resolution, approved by about 90 per cent of the businessmen at the chamber's annual meeting, represented an endorsement of the recent wheat sales to Russia. It also put the organization on record in --favor of selling many other con- Ap ollo Project To Boost U.S. 'Defense Role . BOSTON OP) - Apollo Project Director George E. Mueller de- clared yesterday that the project not only will land astronauts--on the moon in this decade but also will give the United States the capability of dominant military, space power. Mueller, the Space Agency's as- sociate administrator for manned space flight, told a space confer- ence here that one of the great dividends of Apollo will be de- velopment of the hardware and know-how to fill any needs of the Department of Defense. Mueller noted that even before astronauts have flown NASA's two-man Gemini spacecraft, the Air Force has selected the craft and the program experience as basis for its manned orbiting lab- oratory. The laboratory, scheduled for initial manned launching in late 1967, will house two pilots in orbit for periods up to 30 days to determine man's military capa- bliity in space. He said the giant Saturn rockets being developed for Apollo "will make the United States second to none in this vital area. "The Apollo spacecraft," he said, "will be able to navigate and maneuver, make rendezvous with other- spacecraft and remain in orbit for extended periods of time. "We are learning what must be done on the ground and in flight, in vehicle assembly and automatic checkout, in launching space ve- hicles on time, in tracking and telemetering and transmitting vast quantities of information, in cal- culating flight paths and mid- course maneuvers, in landing on another astronomical body and taking off, without the assistance of a ground crew, in returning to the atmosphere at seven miles a second, in controlling the flight path through the atmosphere. sumer goods to European Com- munist countries. Speakers favoring the new policy said if U.S. businessmen were prevented from selling to Russia and her satellites, the busi- ness would go to other, Western nations which have fewer restric- tions. Not at Issue A few delegates wanted to ex- tend thenew policy toCommunist. China, Cuba, North Viet Nam and North Korea, but there was no vote on this point. Edwin P. Nei- lan, chamber president, said policy regarding these countries was not at issue. The resolution called on the United States to re-examine its export control system "with the objective of strengthening some, controls and eliminating others . . . which result in discrimina- tion harmful to its competitive position." The resolution also called for a coordinated free world trade policy to "effectively inhibit and prevent the buildup of Communist war- making potential." Payment in Gold By a lopsided margin, the dele- gates voted down a proposed amendment which would have re- quired that all sales to Russia be paid for only in gold. The resolution says there should be long-term-credit for the Com- munist countries. Norman T. Ness, vice-president of the organization, author of the resolution, indicated- that "long-term" meant anything of more than a few months dura- tion. He said that since other NATO countries have less stringent re- strictions on trade with Russia, U.S. businessmen have been put at a disadvantage. 'Divert Business' "The effect has been not to prevent Communist countries from getting goods but to divert busi- ness from the United States to other free world nations," he said. Ness said West Germany had $700 million in trade with Eastern European countries in 1963 com- pared to $119 million in U.S. com- merce with Iron Curtain nations. Churchmen Hit Prayers A mend ment WASHINGTON W)-A group of church leaders expressed fear and alarm yesterday at proposals to amend the Constitution to permit prayers and Bible reading in pub- lic schools. In testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, the church- men called classroom recitation of prayers and scriptures meaning- less spiritually and dangerous as a step toward state-controlled re- ligion. Their testimony was the first from the public taken by the com- mittee, which has heard more than 30 members of Congress call for an amendment that would nullify the Supreme Court's rul- ings against official school prayers and required Bible reading. 'Civilization Will Fall' Three more members made a similar plea just before the churchmen testified, and the com- mittee also heard Florida's attor- ney general say that without such an amendment "this nation and civilization will fall." However, Edwin H. Tuller, gen- eral secretary of the American Baptist Convention, said the First Amendment to the Constitution has "served the nation well" and should be left alone. "It would be tragic," he said; "if in a moment of emotional tur- moil the nation weakened the amendment and woke too late." State Plus Faith A similar position was taken by Eugene Carson Blake, head of the United Presbyterian Church. In a prepared statement he counseled Congress against "attempting to enlist the power of government to strengthen the forces of faith." Tuller also testified on behalf of the National Council of Church- es, composed of 31 commurlions with 40 million members. Both he and Blake said they were protest- ing long-considered official policy statements of their organizations, not the views of all individual members. Tuller said the National Coun- cil's General Assembly adopted by a vote .of65 to ,1 a declaration opposing religious exercises in the schools and changes in the First Amendment. State Compulsion "Neither the church nor the state should use the public school to compel acceptance of any creed or conformity to any specific re- ligious practice," the declaration said. Blake said the General Assem- bly of the United Presbyterian Church, adopted a report by a vote of 528 to 298 that declared "religious observance should never be held in a public school or in- troduced into the public school system as part of its program." Tuller said through routine recital of prayers in school "what begins as a spontaneous and sin- cere outpouring of devotion can become a public display of hy- procrisy." The Presbyterians' report de- clared that "Bible reading and prayers as devotional acts tend toward indictrination or meaning- less ritual and should be omitted for both reasons." Elect Grondin YD Chairman The Young Democrats last night elected the following officers for next year: re-elected chairman, Michael Grondin, '66; executive vice - chairman, Albert Klyberg, Grad; administrative vice-chair- man, Steven Adamini, '67; secre- tary, Jean Klue, '67; treasurer, Michael Schaum, '66, and two rep- resentatives to the state control committee, Brend Sherman, '66 and Carole Crumley, '66. .Restoration of ---- YTo Con *1_ Southerners .Dr e OUR 'Dae' ove For Cloture WASHINGTON (AP) - Southern foes of the civil rights bill yester- day virtually dared Senate back- ers of the measure to force a showdown on the jury trial. amendment with their threatened debate-stopping cloture attempt. The Southerners met in caucus and agreed to permit no votes on the amendment this week and to give no commitment on a later time for voting. Quickly, S e n a t e Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illi- nois and Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana set out to canvass backers of their cloture move on the best time to launch it. No Deadline Dirksen said Tuesday such a move would be made this coming Monday if the Southerners did not agree to a vote before then. But in yesterday's maneuvering he gave no time deadline other than to indicate it would be early next week. Sen. Richard B. Russell, (D-Ga), leader of the Southernes, did not rule out the possibility of a vote next week but kept repeating "we are not going to. make any com- mitments now." It takes the signatures of 16 senators to file a cloture petition. Once it is filed, the Senate must vote on whether to cut off debate on the second day after filing. Two-Thirds Majority To invoke cloture, the leader- ship would have to win two-thirds of the senators voting. This would GEORGE ROM'"Y Romney, Bursley GILBERT E. BURSLEY HOMO HABILIS: Queston Classification Of Fossil Discoveaes By CHRISTINE LINDER Homo habilis, the fossil specimens recently reported as a new species and the oldest direct ancestor of modern man, may not be correctly classified, according to two members of the anthropology department. The fossils were found by Dr. Louis S.B. Leakey in Olduvai Gorge, Tanganyika, where he has been searching for the remains of human ancestors for over 30 years. But$ Prof essorsFrank B. Livingstone and Ernst Goldschmidt do notOfficials Probe feel that the evidence that has been presented establishes Homo habilis as a new species, as Leakey tinjanthropus In Greek Unit Prof. Livingstone points out that the specimens were found in By LAUREN BAHRI the same areas as Zinijanthropus,sU a more primitive 1species and also Officials at the University of believed to be an ancestor of man. Colorado are continuing investi- He suggests that all the, findinigs gations into charges of discrim- could have been members of the ination at the Boulder chapter of, s a in ainterbreeding population Alpha Delta Pi sorority, and a which lived in the area over a resolution regarding the contro- period of two million years. versy should be passed today or Since any animal population tomorrow. F 4- f Expec Fund ' MIKE MANSFIELD mean support. from 67 if all 100 senators voted. If successful, each senator would be limited to one hour's speaking time on the amendment. The amendment, now before the Senate in the 43rd day of the civil rights debate, would assure a jury trial to persons charged withI criminal contempt of court under injunction provisions of the bill if the penalty involved more than 30 days in jail or a fine of more than $300. As the two sides began pressure moves in the Senate, President Lyndon B. Johnson expressed' anew his confidence that the bill will be passed, "because justice and morality demand it." has a range of normal variation among its members, Prof. Living- stone says that proof must be of- fered that Zinjanthropus and the new findings are not just variant individuals of the same popula- tion. Professors L i v i n g s t o n e and Goldschmidt feel that it is not a valid procedure to take a single individual from a group of fos- sils,- point out that it differs in certain ways from other members of the population in which it was found and call it a new species., Dead End Leakey's assertion that Zinjan- thropus was an evolutionary dead- end that existed side-by-side with more advanced forms is not in accord with the accepted evolu- tionary principle that two species cannot occupy the same ecological niche, Prof. Livingstone says. The potassium - argon d a t in g method that was used to establish that Homo habilis preceded Zin- janthropus does not necessarily reflect the age of the fossil,,:'Prof. Goldschmidt said. The date is for the rock with which the fossil was found, which may not be the same age as the fossil itself. Prof. Livingstone believes that fossil findings should not be evaluated individually but must be placed in a theoretical frame- work. Leakey did not do this, he said. Although both Professors Liv- ingstone and Goldschimdt respect Leakey for his extensive work in the field, Prof. Goldschmidt said that, Leakey is not necessarily qualified to assess the significance of his findings." Leakey has announced -he dis- covery at a news conference at National Geographic Society head- quarters. Court Rejects Virginia Rule ALEXANDRIA, Va. () - A three-judge federal court yester- day threw out sections of the Virginia constitution and laws re- quiring racial designations on The al11le ge d discrimination stems from an incident in 1963 when a national officer, Mrs. Phil- lip Knox, was sent to settle a dis- pute among sorority members and alumni members over one mem- ber's Negro boyfriend. Three of the sorority members charged that Mrs. Knox came at the request of a local alumnae who was concerned about the sor- ority's apparent acceptance of the' girl's Negro boyfriend. Certain Standards Mrs. Knox emphasized that the girls had to observe certain stand- ards in the sorority and not ex- press objection to them if they wished to remain in the chapter. She justified the rules on the basis of an unwritten policy of the national chapter which she c a 11 e d "mutual acceptability," meaning that every member must be acceptable to every other stu- dent and alumni member in the country. Betty Brown, '65, president of the Michigan chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, said that she has never; before heard the policy of "mutual acceptability" enunciated by a na- tional officer. 'No National Policy Since, as Mrs. Knox said, "mu- tual acceptability" is an "unwrit- ten policy" of the national, Miss Brown seems to doubt that it could be an actual policy imposed on all chapters. "If it was, we would have been told about it," she said. "Panhellenic passed a resolution supporting the University's' non- discrimination policies, and I have not been told that by so doing we violated any of our national's poli- cies," Miss Brown continued. Mrs. Knox told a meeting of the Boulder chapter that she had been authorized to remove the chanter's charter, but would not do so if the members who dis- agreed with her rolicies nut them- selves on voluntary probation. The terms of the probation pro- hibit the girls from living in the house or making use of any chn- ter property and from attending any special functions of the sor- ority. Those on probation can re- quest a 'revision of their status" after the end of the year. The three girls took advantage Bills Today In House Governor Doubts T Reductions Repres GOP Majority Vied By BRIAN BEACH "There 'is strong sentimenri return Gov. George Romr higher education operating b bill to its original form," Rep bert E. Bursley (R-Ann A said yesterday. At the same time, Romney that he does not expect the' in his proposed 'budget to be proved by the full House. "I doubt whether these r.e tions represent the viewpoint majority of Republicans in House. It is my belief that totals will be restored to appi mately what was recommen he said. Across-the-Board The House Ways and 1 Committee Tuesday night ha the operating budgets of the state colleges and universitle five per cent across-the-b from the level recommende the governor and approved b Senate. The Uniersity operating bt recommendation was cut from Romney level, of $44 millie $41.8 million. House action will probably place on the higher education today, Bursley noted. 'Restore Appropriations' "I thinlg the approach we take is to'restore the higher cation operating budget ap1 riations across the-by l'g I ley explained, referring to a he and other House members to make on the bill today. In January, the Universit quested $47.6 million for Its ating fund. The governor's o recommended $44 million an Senate passed that levy wil change. The appropriation fo current fiscal year is $38.2 #i When'the Senate supporte governor's recommendation weeks ago, University c f claimed that the proposed would allow priority budget to go into effect net year. Priority Items The priority items; in orde dude: -Merit increases and pr tions in faculty and staff. -Provisions for highere ment and augmented prograi -Books, services and resea --Third-term operation. 1 The House committee's could conceivably jeopordize low priority trifmester pro The Regents, however, appro three-full-term calendar at February meeting. Furthern University planning commitzh reduce the feasibility of a c: back to a two term calends this late date, a University of noted. Room remains for specul on the effects a $44.8 million t ating budget will have on Ui sity programs. Senate Considertion After the House acts on the the Senate will consider all I amendments to the appropria bills. The total downward revisio education - centered uses co out of tthe House session was a $7 million. In working over bills a approved by the Senate, the mittee also cut from $500,01 $400,000 an allocation for a state scholarship program slashed from $500;000 dow $300,000 a request for student guarantee funds. Asks Politica Aide on Cypr By The Associated Press United -Nations Secretary eral U Thant yesterday calle a number of steps aimed a storing the peace on Cyprus cluding the naming of a top- r ,n1ifieia tffip. w nra l ADDRESSES HONOR SOCIETY:' Haber Favors Liberal Arts Effort By ADALINE ADAMS Urging that the role of the liberal arts college must be main- tained despite all the difficulties it now faces, Dean of the liter- ary college William Haber fur- thered current debate on liberal education. Addressing the initiates of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society on "Ad- justing to Change," he emphasized that education at all levels- will probably play the most important role in facilitating adjustment to 'years of training. Yet the varying' than ever before," Dean Haber rates of change in different areas said. make it almost impossible to ab- In his view, it is the university sorb victims of obsolescence, he which can provide enrichment and said. adaptability to change. More than Even the highly educated feel ever before, however, it must pro- the effects of the trend, as shown vide an educational opportunity by the fact that a man with a which enriches the student in mat- PhD in mathematics has enougi, ters of the spirit, in appreciation intellectual capital to last - about of beauty and in basic values. six years. Someone with the sain "These are vital, quite apart degree in physics will last about from the intellectual tools one ac- seven years. and the same degree quires for making a living. -e s o"Such a liberal education canj in engineering is good for about t. ±of 3:um me =